Material Class Reference

Material class for ray tracing. A material that can be assigned to Intersectables. Implements [lambert + phong + ideal reflection + refraction + emission] model. Descendants may override this by texturing (TexturedMaterial) or procedural texturing. More...

Inherited by TexturedMaterial, and WoodMaterial.

List of all members.

Protected Attributes

Vector kd
 diffuse coefficient
Vector ks
 specular energy reflected for perpendicular light
float ns
Vector ki
Vector kr
float rf
 refraction ratio
float ad
 diffuse albedo
float as
 specular albedo
float ai
 ideal albedo
float ar
 refraction albedo
Vector ed
 diffuse emission
Vector es
 directional (near surface normal) emission
float ens
 directional (near surface normal) emission exponent
float aed
 diffuse emission albedo
float aes
 directional emission albedo

Detailed Description

Material class for ray tracing. A material that can be assigned to Intersectables. Implements [lambert + phong + ideal reflection + refraction + emission] model. Descendants may override this by texturing (TexturedMaterial) or procedural texturing.

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Generated on Thu Apr 27 17:17:42 2006 for Path Map Module by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO