1 | #include "dxstdafx.h"
2 | #include "OceanEffect.h"
3 |
4 | #include "waves.h"
5 |
6 | OceanEffect::OceanEffect(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device)
7 | {
8 | this->device = device;
9 | D3DXCreateSprite( device, &g_pTextSprite );
10 | DXUTGetGlobalResourceCache().CreateFont( device, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 0, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
12 | L"Arial", &g_pFont );
13 |
14 | nShips = 2;
15 |
16 | D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(device, L"waves2.dds", &waterTexture);
17 | D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(device, L"moonbase3.bmp", &elevationTexture);
18 | D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFile(device, L"CloudyHillsCubemap2.dds", &environmentCube);
19 |
20 | camera = new CFirstPersonCamera();
21 | camera->SetViewParams( &D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f), &D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
22 | camera->SetProjParams(D3DX_PI/4, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
23 |
24 | device->CreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(short) * 3 * 2 * 127 * 127, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFMT_INDEX16, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &oceanIndexBuffer, NULL);
25 | device->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(float) * 3 * 128 * 128, D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFVF_XYZ, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &oceanVertexBuffer, NULL);
26 |
27 | short* indexData;
28 | oceanIndexBuffer->Lock(0, sizeof(short) * 3 * 2 * 127 * 127, (void**)&indexData, 0);
29 |
30 | for(int i=0; i<127; i++)
31 | for(int j=0; j<127; j++)
32 | {
33 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6] = i * 128 + j;
34 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6 + 2] = i * 128 + j + 1;
35 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6 + 1] = (i + 1) * 128 + j;
36 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6 + 4] = i * 128 + j + 1;
37 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6 + 5] = (i + 1) * 128 + j;
38 | indexData[ (i * 127 + j) * 6 + 3] = (i + 1) * 128 + j + 1;
39 | }
40 |
41 | oceanIndexBuffer->Unlock();
42 |
43 | float* vertexData;
44 | oceanVertexBuffer->Lock(0, sizeof(float) * 3 * 128 * 128, (void**)&vertexData, 0);
45 |
46 | for(int i=0; i<128; i++)
47 | for(int j=0; j<128; j++)
48 | {
49 | vertexData[ (i * 128 + j) * 3] = (float)j / 127;
50 | vertexData[ (i * 128 + j) * 3 + 1] = (float)0;
51 | vertexData[ (i * 128 + j) * 3 + 2] = (float)i/127;
52 | }
53 |
54 | oceanVertexBuffer->Unlock();
55 |
56 | //creating the effect:
57 | LPD3DXBUFFER pBufferErrors = NULL;
58 |
59 | HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateEffectFromFile(device, L"ocean.fx", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &effect, &pBufferErrors);
60 |
61 | if( FAILED(hr))
62 | {
63 | LPVOID pCompilErrors = pBufferErrors->GetBufferPointer();
64 | MessageBoxA(NULL, (const char*)pCompilErrors, "Fx Compile Error",
66 | exit(-1);
67 | return;
68 | }
69 |
70 | //loading the x file:
71 | hr = D3DXLoadMeshFromX(
72 | L"ship_model\\ketch.x",
73 | // L"ship_model\\unitsphere.x",
75 | device,
76 | &adjBuffer,
77 | &mtrlBuffer,
78 | 0,
79 | &numMtrls,
80 | &ship);
81 | LPD3DXMESH clonedShip;
82 | ship->CloneMeshFVF(ship->GetOptions(), D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_NORMAL, device, &clonedShip);
83 | ship->Release();
84 | ship = clonedShip;
85 |
86 | if( mtrlBuffer != 0 && numMtrls != 0 )
87 | {
88 | D3DXMATERIAL* mtrls = (D3DXMATERIAL*)mtrlBuffer->GetBufferPointer();
89 |
90 | for(int i = 0; i < numMtrls; i++)
91 | {
92 | mtrls[i].MatD3D.Ambient = mtrls[i].MatD3D.Diffuse;
93 |
94 | Mtrls.push_back( mtrls[i].MatD3D );
95 |
96 | if( mtrls[i].pTextureFilename != 0 )
97 | {
98 | IDirect3DTexture9* tex = 0;
99 | D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(
100 | device,
101 | //mtrls[i].pTextureFilename,
102 | NULL,
103 | &tex);
104 | textures.push_back( tex );
105 | }
106 | else
107 | {
108 | textures.push_back( 0 );
109 | }
110 | }
111 | }
112 | mtrlBuffer->Release();
113 |
114 | /*
115 | hr = D3DXLoadMeshFromX(L"ship_model\\ketch.x", NULL, device, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ship);
116 | if( FAILED(hr))
117 | {
118 | MessageBoxA(NULL, (const char*)"Can't load the ship container file", "Loading the Mesh has failed",
120 | exit(-1);
121 | return;
122 | }*/
123 |
129 | D3DDECL_END()};
130 |
131 | ships[0].direction = D3DXVECTOR2(1,0);
132 | ships[0].position = D3DXVECTOR2(0,0);
133 |
134 | ships[1].direction = D3DXVECTOR2(.7,0.7);
135 | ships[1].position = D3DXVECTOR2(50,15);
136 |
137 | HRESULT hrr = device->CreateVertexDeclaration(shipElement, &shipDeclaration);
138 | device->CreateVertexBuffer(MAXSHIPS * sizeof(float) * 3 * 3, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC, 0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &instanceVertexBuffer, NULL);
139 |
140 | ship->GetVertexBuffer(&shipVertexBuffer);
141 | ship->GetIndexBuffer(&shipIndexBuffer);
142 |
143 | applyShip();
144 |
145 | //optimizing the mesh:
147 |
148 |
149 | D3DXMATRIX rotationMatrix, translationMatrix;
150 | D3DXMatrixRotationX(&rotationMatrix, 4.7123); //rotating 270 degrees
151 | D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translationMatrix, 0, 1, 0.0); //translating one unit up
152 | D3DXMatrixScaling(&downScale, .01,.01,.01);
153 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &rotationMatrix, &downScale);
154 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &finalWorld, &translationMatrix);
155 |
156 |
157 | //applying the model transformations
158 | /* D3DXMATRIX rotationMatrix, translationMatrix, ssm;
159 |
160 | D3DXMatrixIdentity(&finalWorld);
161 | D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translationMatrix, 0, 0.6, 0.0); //translating one unit up
162 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &finalWorld, &translationMatrix);
163 | double fp = 0.1, bp = 2.1;
164 | D3DXMATRIX sphereToShip(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
165 | 0.0f, (bp + fp)/(bp-fp), 0.0f, 1.0f
166 | ,
167 | 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
168 | 0.0f, -2.0 * bp * fp / (bp-fp), 0.0f, 0.0f);
169 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &finalWorld, &sphereToShip);
170 | D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translationMatrix, 0, -1.0, 0.0);
171 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &finalWorld, &translationMatrix);
172 | D3DXMatrixScaling(&ssm, 8.0, 10.0, 1.0);
173 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&finalWorld, &finalWorld, &ssm);*/
174 |
175 | }
176 |
177 | OceanEffect::~OceanEffect(void)
178 | {
179 | if(effect != NULL) effect->Release();
180 | if(shipVertexBuffer != NULL) shipVertexBuffer->Release();
181 | if(shipIndexBuffer != NULL) shipIndexBuffer->Release();
182 | if(oceanIndexBuffer != NULL)oceanIndexBuffer->Release();
183 | if(oceanVertexBuffer != NULL) oceanVertexBuffer->Release();
184 | if(environmentCube != NULL) environmentCube->Release();
185 | if(waterTexture != NULL) waterTexture->Release();
186 | if(elevationTexture != NULL) elevationTexture->Release();
187 | if(ship != NULL) ship->Release();
188 | if(shipDeclaration != NULL) shipDeclaration->Release();
189 | if(instanceVertexBuffer != NULL) instanceVertexBuffer->Release();
190 | if(camera != NULL) delete camera;
191 | if(adjBuffer != NULL) adjBuffer->Release();
192 | g_pTextSprite->Release();
193 | g_pFont->Release();
194 | }
195 |
196 | void OceanEffect::render()
197 | {
198 | device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, NULL);
199 | //device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME);
200 | device->Clear(0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DXCOLOR(0.0,.3,0.7,0), 1.0f, NULL);
201 | device->BeginScene();
202 |
203 | //displaying the FPS
204 | CDXUTTextHelper txtHelper( g_pFont, g_pTextSprite, 15 );
205 | txtHelper.Begin();
206 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 5, 5 );
207 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 0.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
208 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetFrameStats(true) ); // Show FPS
209 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetDeviceStats() );
210 |
211 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
212 | txtHelper.End();
213 |
214 |
215 | effect->SetTechnique("ocean");
216 | UINT nPasses;
217 | effect->Begin(&nPasses, 0);
218 | effect->BeginPass(0);
219 |
220 | device->SetIndices(oceanIndexBuffer);
221 | device->SetStreamSource(0, oceanVertexBuffer, 0, 3 * sizeof(float));
222 | device->SetFVF(D3DFVF_XYZ);
223 |
224 | effect->SetFloat("time", time);
225 | const D3DXVECTOR3* ep = camera->GetEyePt();
226 | HRESULT hr = effect->SetFloatArray("eyePosition", (float*)ep,3);
227 | effect->SetTexture("environmentCubeTexture", environmentCube);
228 | effect->SetTexture("waterTexture", waterTexture);
229 |
230 | D3DXMATRIX viewProjMatrix;
231 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&viewProjMatrix, camera->GetViewMatrix(), camera->GetProjMatrix());
232 | effect->SetMatrix("viewProjMatrix", &viewProjMatrix);
233 |
234 | D3DXVECTOR3 pushBack = *camera->GetWorldAhead();
235 | float maxDistortion = 0.0;
236 | for(int iWave=0; iWave<NWAVES; iWave++)
237 | maxDistortion += wave[iWave].amplitude * (1.0 + wave[iWave].deformation);
238 | pushBack *= - maxDistortion * 1.44;
239 |
240 | D3DXMATRIX inverseViewProjMatrix;
241 | D3DXMatrixInverse(&inverseViewProjMatrix, NULL, &viewProjMatrix);
242 | D3DXMATRIX pushEyeBackMatrix;
243 | D3DXMatrixTranslation(&pushEyeBackMatrix, pushBack.x, pushBack.y, pushBack.z);
244 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&inverseViewProjMatrix, &inverseViewProjMatrix, &pushEyeBackMatrix);
245 | D3DXVECTOR4 worldCorner0,worldCorner1,worldCorner2,worldCorner3, transVector;
246 |
247 | transVector=D3DXVECTOR4(-1,-1,0,1);
248 | D3DXVec4Transform(&worldCorner0, &transVector ,&inverseViewProjMatrix);
249 |
250 | transVector=D3DXVECTOR4(1,-1,0,1);
251 | D3DXVec4Transform(&worldCorner1, &transVector ,&inverseViewProjMatrix);
252 |
253 | transVector=D3DXVECTOR4(-1,1,0,1);
254 | D3DXVec4Transform(&worldCorner2, &transVector ,&inverseViewProjMatrix);
255 |
256 | transVector=D3DXVECTOR4(1,1,0,1);
257 | D3DXVec4Transform(&worldCorner3, &transVector ,&inverseViewProjMatrix);
258 |
259 | D3DXVECTOR3 worldCornerCar0 = D3DXVECTOR3(worldCorner0.x/worldCorner0.w, worldCorner0.y/worldCorner0.w, worldCorner0.z/worldCorner0.w);
260 | D3DXVECTOR3 worldCornerCar1 = D3DXVECTOR3(worldCorner1.x/worldCorner1.w, worldCorner1.y/worldCorner1.w, worldCorner1.z/worldCorner1.w);
261 | D3DXVECTOR3 worldCornerCar2 = D3DXVECTOR3(worldCorner2.x/worldCorner2.w, worldCorner2.y/worldCorner2.w, worldCorner2.z/worldCorner2.w);
262 | D3DXVECTOR3 worldCornerCar3 = D3DXVECTOR3(worldCorner3.x/worldCorner3.w, worldCorner3.y/worldCorner3.w, worldCorner3.z/worldCorner3.w);
263 |
264 | D3DXVECTOR3 epPushedBack = *ep + pushBack;
265 | effect->SetFloatArray("eyePositionPushedBack", (float*)&epPushedBack,3);
266 | worldCornerCar0 = worldCornerCar0 - epPushedBack;
267 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&worldCornerCar0, &worldCornerCar0);
268 | worldCornerCar1 = worldCornerCar1 - epPushedBack;
269 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&worldCornerCar1, &worldCornerCar1);
270 | worldCornerCar2 = worldCornerCar2 - epPushedBack;
271 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&worldCornerCar2, &worldCornerCar2);
272 | worldCornerCar3 = worldCornerCar3 - epPushedBack;
273 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&worldCornerCar3, &worldCornerCar3);
274 |
275 | if(ep->y > 0)
276 | {
277 | if(worldCornerCar2.y > 0 && worldCornerCar0.y < 0) worldCornerCar2 += (worldCornerCar0 - worldCornerCar2) * (worldCornerCar2.y - worldCornerCar0.y / 40.0) / (-worldCornerCar0.y + worldCornerCar2.y);
278 | if(worldCornerCar3.y > 0 && worldCornerCar1.y < 0) worldCornerCar3 += (worldCornerCar1 - worldCornerCar3) * (worldCornerCar3.y - worldCornerCar1.y / 40.0) / (-worldCornerCar1.y + worldCornerCar3.y);
279 | // if(worldCornerCar2.y > 0 && worldCornerCar0.y < 0) worldCornerCar2.y = worldCornerCar0.y / 40.0;
280 | // if(worldCornerCar3.y > 0 && worldCornerCar1.y < 0) worldCornerCar3.y = worldCornerCar1.y / 40.0;
281 | }
282 | else
283 | {
284 | if(worldCornerCar2.y < 0 && worldCornerCar0.y > 0) worldCornerCar0.y = worldCornerCar2.y / 40.0;
285 | if(worldCornerCar3.y < 0 && worldCornerCar1.y > 0) worldCornerCar1.y = worldCornerCar3.y / 40.0;
286 | }
287 | /* if(worldCornerCar0.y > horizon) worldCornerCar0.y = horizon;
288 | if(worldCornerCar1.y > horizon) worldCornerCar1.y = horizon;
289 | if(worldCornerCar2.y > horizon) worldCornerCar2.y = horizon;
290 | if(worldCornerCar3.y > horizon) worldCornerCar3.y = horizon;*/
291 |
292 | /* worldCornerCar0 = epPushedBack - (epPushedBack.y/worldCornerCar0.y) * worldCornerCar0;
293 | worldCornerCar1 = epPushedBack - (epPushedBack.y/worldCornerCar1.y) * worldCornerCar1;
294 | worldCornerCar2 = epPushedBack - (epPushedBack.y/worldCornerCar2.y) * worldCornerCar2;
295 | worldCornerCar3 = epPushedBack - (epPushedBack.y/worldCornerCar3.y) * worldCornerCar3;*/
296 |
297 | effect->SetFloatArray("worldCornerCar0", (float*)&worldCornerCar0,3);
298 | effect->SetFloatArray("worldCornerCar1", (float*)&worldCornerCar1,3);
299 | effect->SetFloatArray("worldCornerCar2", (float*)&worldCornerCar2,3);
300 | effect->SetFloatArray("worldCornerCar3", (float*)&worldCornerCar3,3);
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 | //setting the scale parameter:
305 | D3DXMatrixMultiply(&shipWorldViewProjMatrix, &finalWorld, &viewProjMatrix);
306 | effect->SetMatrix("shipWorldMatrix", &finalWorld);
307 | effect->SetMatrix("shipViewProjMatrix", &viewProjMatrix);
308 | D3DXVECTOR4 lightPosition = D3DXVECTOR4(10,10,0,0);
309 | effect->SetVector("lightPosition", &lightPosition);
310 |
311 | //set ship positions for reflections
312 |
313 | for(int iShip=0; iShip<nShips; iShip++)
314 | {
315 | D3DXVECTOR3 oceanNormal;
316 | D3DXVec3Cross(&oceanNormal, &shipLocations[iShip].tangent, &shipLocations[iShip].binormal);
317 | D3DXMATRIX tangentToWorld(
318 | shipLocations[iShip].binormal.x, shipLocations[iShip].binormal.y, shipLocations[iShip].binormal.z, 0,
319 | oceanNormal.x, oceanNormal.y, oceanNormal.z, 0,
320 | shipLocations[iShip].tangent.x, shipLocations[iShip].tangent.y, shipLocations[iShip].tangent.z, 0,
321 | shipLocations[iShip].shipPos.x, shipLocations[iShip].shipPos.y, shipLocations[iShip].shipPos.z, 1);
322 | D3DXMatrixTranspose(&tangentToWorld, &tangentToWorld);
323 | D3DXMATRIX worldToTangent;
324 | D3DXMatrixInverse(&worldToTangent, NULL, &tangentToWorld);
325 |
326 | char fxvarname[256];
327 | sprintf(fxvarname, "shipLocations[%d]", iShip);
328 | HRESULT hrx = effect->SetMatrix(fxvarname, &worldToTangent);
329 | }
330 |
331 | effect->CommitChanges();
332 | device->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, 128 * 128, 0, 127 * 127*2);
333 |
334 | effect->EndPass();
335 | effect->End();
336 |
337 | /* effect->SetTechnique("terrain");
338 | effect->Begin(&nPasses, 0);
339 | effect->BeginPass(0);
340 |
341 | device->SetIndices(oceanIndexBuffer);
342 | device->SetStreamSource(0, oceanVertexBuffer, 0, 3 * sizeof(float));
343 | device->SetFVF(D3DFVF_XYZ);
344 |
345 | effect->SetTexture("elevationTexture", elevationTexture);
346 |
347 | effect->SetFloatArray("eyeDirection", (float*)camera->GetWorldAhead(),3);
348 | effect->SetFloat("fp", 0.1f);
349 | effect->SetFloat("bp", 1000.0f);
350 |
351 | effect->CommitChanges();
352 | device->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, 128 * 128, 0, 127 * 127*2);
353 |
354 | effect->EndPass();
355 | effect->End();*/
356 |
357 | hr = effect->SetTechnique("ship");
358 | effect->Begin(&nPasses, 0);
359 | effect->BeginPass(0);
360 |
361 | device->SetStreamSourceFreq(0, D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INDEXEDDATA | nShips);
362 | int sss = ship->GetNumBytesPerVertex();
363 | device->SetStreamSource(0, shipVertexBuffer, 0, ship->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
364 | device->SetStreamSourceFreq(1, (unsigned)(D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INSTANCEDATA | 1));
365 | device->SetStreamSource(1, instanceVertexBuffer, 0, sizeof(float) * 3 * 3);
366 | device->SetVertexDeclaration(shipDeclaration);
367 | device->SetIndices(shipIndexBuffer);
368 |
369 | device->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, ship->GetNumVertices(), 0, ship->GetNumFaces());
370 |
371 | effect->EndPass();
372 | effect->End();
373 |
374 |
375 | device->EndScene();
376 |
377 | }
378 |
379 | void OceanEffect::move(double time, double elapsedTime)
380 | {
381 | camera->FrameMove(elapsedTime * 10.0);
382 | for(int i=0; i< nShips; i++)
383 | {
384 | ships[i].Move(elapsedTime);
385 | }
386 | this->time = (float)time;
387 | applyShip();
388 | }
389 |
390 | void OceanEffect::message(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
391 | {
392 | camera->HandleMessages(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
393 | if(uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN)
394 | {
395 | switch(wParam)
396 | {
397 | case 'U':
398 | ships[0].accelerate = true;
399 | ships[0].brake = false;
400 | break;
401 | case 'J':
402 | ships[0].accelerate = false;
403 | ships[0].brake = true;
404 | break;
405 | case 'H':
406 | ships[0].turnLeft = true;
407 | ships[0].turnRight = false;
408 | break;
409 | case 'K':
410 | ships[0].turnLeft = false;
411 | ships[0].turnRight = true;
412 | break;
413 | }
414 | }
415 | if(uMsg == WM_KEYUP)
416 | {
417 | switch(wParam)
418 | {
419 | case 'U' :
420 | ships[0].accelerate = false;
421 | break;
422 | case 'J':
423 | ships[0].brake = false;
424 | break;
425 | case 'H':
426 | ships[0].turnLeft = false;
427 | break;
428 | case 'K':
429 | ships[0].turnRight = false;
430 | break;
431 | }
432 | }
433 |
434 | }
435 |
436 | void OceanEffect::applyShip()
437 | {
438 | OceanEffect::ShipInstanceData* tempShips;
439 | instanceVertexBuffer->Lock(0, MAXSHIPS * sizeof(float) * 3 * 3, (void**) &tempShips, 0);
440 | for(int si=0; si<MAXSHIPS;si++)
441 | {
442 | D3DXVECTOR3 shipPos = D3DXVECTOR3(ships[si].position.x, 0, ships[si].position.y);
443 | D3DXVECTOR3 du = D3DXVECTOR3(1, 0, 0);
444 | D3DXVECTOR3 dv = D3DXVECTOR3(0, 0, 1);
445 |
446 | for (int i=0;i<NWAVES;i++)
447 | {
448 | float phase = (ships[si].position.x * wave[i].direction.x + ships[si].position.y * wave[i].direction.y) / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28 + time * sqrt(1.5915 * wave[i].wavelength);
449 | shipPos += evaluateWave(wave[i],phase);
450 | D3DXVECTOR3 da = evaluateWaveDerivative(wave[i], phase);
451 | du += da * wave[i].direction.x / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28;
452 | dv += da * wave[i].direction.y / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28;
453 | }
454 |
455 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&du, &du);
456 | D3DXVec3Normalize(&dv, &dv);
457 |
458 | shipLocations[si].binormal = tempShips[si].binormal = ships[si].direction.x * du + ships[si].direction.y * dv;
459 | shipLocations[si].tangent = tempShips[si].tangent = ships[si].direction.x * dv - ships[si].direction.y * du;
460 | shipLocations[si].shipPos = tempShips[si].shipPos = shipPos;
461 | }
462 | instanceVertexBuffer->Unlock();
463 | }
464 |