1 | float4x4 viewProjMatrix;
2 | float time;
3 | float3 eyePosition;
4 | float3 eyePositionPushedBack;
5 | float3 lightPosition;
6 |
7 | float4x4 shipViewProjMatrix;
8 | float4x4 shipWorldMatrix;
9 |
10 | float3 worldCornerCar0;
11 | float3 worldCornerCar1;
12 | float3 worldCornerCar2;
13 | float3 worldCornerCar3;
14 |
15 | float4 diffuseColor;
16 |
17 | textureCUBE environmentCubeTexture;
18 | texture2D waterTexture;
19 |
20 | samplerCUBE environmentCubeSampler = sampler_state
21 | {
22 | texture = <environmentCubeTexture>;
23 | MipFilter = Linear;
24 | MagFilter = Linear;
25 | MinFilter = Linear;
26 |
27 | };
28 |
29 | sampler2D waterSampler = sampler_state
30 | {
31 | texture = <waterTexture>;
32 | MipFilter = Linear;
33 | MagFilter = Linear;
34 | MinFilter = Linear;
35 | AddressU = WRAP;
36 | AddressV = WRAP;
37 | };
38 |
39 | //illumination calculation:
40 | //float4 Illumination(float3 light, float3 normal, float3 view, float2 texcoord, float3 lightIntensity)
41 | float4 Illumination(float3 light, float3 normal, float3 view, float4 diffuse, float3 lightIntensity)
42 | {
43 | float3 hv = normalize(view + light);
44 | float costheta = dot(normal, light);
45 |
46 | if(costheta < 0)
47 | costheta = 0;
48 |
49 | float cosdelta = dot(hv, normal);
50 | if(cosdelta < 0 || costheta < 0)
51 | cosdelta = 0;
52 |
53 | //compute the diffuse color here using the textures... missing ATM
54 | float3 ks = float3(1,1,1);
55 | float shininess = 200;
56 |
57 | float3 color = (diffuse * costheta + ks * pow(cosdelta, shininess)) * lightIntensity;
58 | return float4(color,1);
59 |
60 | };
61 |
62 | float4x4 shipLocations[2];
63 |
64 | #define WAVE_FX
65 | #include "waves.h"
66 | #undef WAVE_FX
67 |
68 | struct vsOceanInput
69 | {
70 | float4 pos : POSITION;
71 | };
72 |
73 |
74 | struct vsOceanOutput
75 | {
76 | float4 pos : POSITION;
77 | float3 normal : NORMAL;
78 | float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
79 | float3 tangent : TEXCOORD1;
80 | float3 binormal : TEXCOORD2;
81 |
82 | float2 bumpCoord0 : TEXCOORD3;
83 | float2 bumpCoord1 : TEXCOORD4;
84 | float2 bumpCoord2 : TEXCOORD5;
85 |
86 | float foam : TEXCOORD6;
87 | };
88 |
89 | vsOceanOutput vsOcean(vsOceanInput input)
90 | {
91 | vsOceanOutput output = (vsOceanOutput)0;
92 | float3 inventedVariable = lerp(lerp(worldCornerCar0, worldCornerCar1, input.pos.x), lerp(worldCornerCar2, worldCornerCar3, input.pos.x), input.pos.z);
93 | if(inventedVariable.y * eyePositionPushedBack.y > 0) //looking above the horizon
94 | {
95 | input.pos.xyz = eyePositionPushedBack + inventedVariable * 1000000;
96 | input.pos.y = +1;
97 | }
98 | else
99 | input.pos.xyz = eyePositionPushedBack - (eyePositionPushedBack.y/inventedVariable.y) * inventedVariable;
100 |
101 |
102 | float t = fmod(time, 100.0);
103 | output.bumpCoord0.xy = input.pos.xz*0.006 + t*(0.02);
104 | output.bumpCoord1.xy = input.pos.xz*0.012 + t*(0.03);
105 | output.bumpCoord2.xy = input.pos.xz*0.024 + t*(0.04);
106 |
107 | float3 du = float3(1, 0, 0);
108 | float3 dv = float3(0, 0, 1);
109 |
110 | for (int i=0;i<NWAVES;i++)
111 | {
112 | float phase = (input.pos.x * wave[i].direction.x + input.pos.z * wave[i].direction.y) / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28 + time * sqrt(1.5915 * wave[i].wavelength);
113 | input.pos.xyz += evaluateWave(wave[i],phase);
114 | float3 da = evaluateWaveDerivative(wave[i], phase);
115 | du += da * wave[i].direction.x / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28;
116 | dv += da * wave[i].direction.y / wave[i].wavelength / 6.28;
117 | output.foam += da;
118 | }
119 |
120 | output.pos = mul(float4(input.pos.xyz, 1), viewProjMatrix);
121 | output.worldPos = input.pos.xyz;
122 |
123 | output.binormal = normalize(du) * 0.3;
124 | output.tangent = normalize(dv) * 0.3;
125 | output.normal = normalize(cross(dv,du));
126 |
127 | return output;
128 | }
129 |
130 | float4 psOcean(vsOceanOutput input) : COLOR0
131 | {
132 | // return float4(input.eyeVector,1);
133 |
134 | half4 t0 = tex2D(waterSampler, input.bumpCoord0) * 2.0 -1.0;
135 | half4 t1 = tex2D(waterSampler, input.bumpCoord1) * 2.0 -1.0;
136 | half4 t2 = tex2D(waterSampler, input.bumpCoord2) * 2.0 -1.0;
137 |
138 | half3 N = (t0 + t1 + t2).xzy;
139 |
140 | half3x3 m;
141 | m[0] = input.tangent;
142 | m[2] = input.binormal;
143 | m[1] = input.normal;
144 |
145 | half3 normalWorld = mul(m, N);
146 | normalWorld = normalize(normalWorld);
147 |
148 | // normalWorld = input.normal; //test
149 |
150 | // return float4(normalWorld,0);
151 | // return float4(reflect(-normalize(input.eyeVector), normalWorld), 0);
152 |
153 | float3 viewDir = -normalize(eyePosition - input.worldPos);
154 | float3 reflDir = reflect(viewDir, normalWorld);
155 | // ray = worldPos + relfDir * t
156 |
157 |
158 | float4 reflectedColor = texCUBE(environmentCubeSampler, reflDir);
159 | for(int iShip=0; iShip<2; iShip++)
160 | {
161 | float3 rayOrigin = mul(shipLocations[iShip], float4(input.worldPos, 1));
162 | float3 rayDir = mul(shipLocations[iShip], float4(reflDir, 0));
163 | float3 delta = rayDir / float3(8.0, 10.0, 1.0);
164 | float3 alpha = rayOrigin / float3(8.0, 10.0, 1.0);
165 | float a = dot(delta, delta);
166 | float b = 2 * dot(delta, alpha);
167 | float c = dot(alpha, alpha) - 1;
168 |
169 | float discriminant = b*b - 4 * a * c;
170 |
171 | if(discriminant > 0)
172 | {
173 | discriminant = sqrt(discriminant);
174 | float t1 = (-b + discriminant) / 2 / a;
175 | float t2 = (-b - discriminant) / 2 / a;
176 | if(min(t1,t2) > 0)
177 | reflectedColor = float4(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0);
178 | }
179 | }
180 |
181 | float facing = 1.0 - max(dot(-viewDir, normalWorld),0);
182 |
183 | float fresnel = .02 + .98 * pow(facing, 5);
184 |
185 | float4 shallowColor = float4 (0.34, 0.5, 0.33,0);
186 | float4 deepColor = float4(0.07, 0.19, 0.16,0);
187 |
188 | float4 waterColor = lerp (deepColor, shallowColor, facing);
189 |
190 | return reflectedColor * fresnel * 0.5 + waterColor * .75;// * (1 + max(0, -0.5 - input.foam / 6.0));
191 | }
192 |
193 | /***************************************************************************************************************************/
194 | struct vsShipInput
195 | {
196 | float4 pos : POSITION;
197 | float3 normal : NORMAL0;
198 | float3 oceanTangent : TEXCOORD0;
199 | float3 oceanBinormal : TEXCOORD1;
200 | float3 shipPos : TEXCOORD2;
201 | };
202 |
203 | struct vsShipOutput
204 | {
205 | float4 pos : POSITION;
206 | float3 normal : NORMAL;
207 | float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD1;
208 | float3 view : TEXCOORD2;
209 | float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD3; //reserved
210 | };
211 |
212 | vsShipOutput vsShip(vsShipInput input)
213 | {
214 | vsShipOutput output = (vsShipOutput)0;
215 |
216 | output.worldPos = mul(input.pos, shipWorldMatrix);
217 | output.worldPos /= output.worldPos.w; //test the sphere ship
218 |
219 | float3 oceanNormal = normalize(cross(input.oceanTangent, input.oceanBinormal));
220 |
221 | output.worldPos.xyz = input.oceanTangent * output.worldPos.z + input.oceanBinormal * output.worldPos.x + oceanNormal * output.worldPos.y;
222 |
223 | output.worldPos += float4(input.shipPos, 0);
224 | output.view = eyePosition - output.worldPos;
225 | output.normal = mul(input.normal, shipWorldMatrix);
226 | output.pos = mul(output.worldPos, viewProjMatrix);
227 |
228 | return output;
229 | };
230 |
231 | float4 psShip(vsShipOutput input) : COLOR0
232 | {
233 | float3 light = normalize(lightPosition);
234 | float3 normal = normalize(input.normal);
235 | float3 view = normalize(input.view);
236 |
237 | //Illumination: (light, normal, view, diffuse(or texture color), light intensity)
238 | return float4(1.0, 0.6, 0.3, 1.0);
239 | return Illumination(light, normal, view, float4(0.1,0.1,0.6,1), float3(3,3,3));
240 |
241 | };
242 |
243 | technique ocean
244 | {
245 | pass P0
246 | {
247 | VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vsOcean();
248 | PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 psOcean();
249 |
250 | }
251 | };
252 |
253 | technique ship
254 | {
255 | pass P0
256 | {
257 | VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vsShip();
258 | PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 psShip();
259 |
260 | }
261 | };
262 |
263 | #include "terrain.fx" |