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23 | <P STYLE="list-style-type: none;">The GTP has two major objectives, supporting two economically important areas:</P>
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25 | <LI><B>Game Development / 3D Businesses</B><BR>To create and deliver <I>optimized</I> versions of the 3D-libraries, helping European game developers and companies from related fields to write leading edge computer games and 3D-applications with a hitherto unseen level of realism and detail. This in particular increases the competitiveness of European small & medium sized businesses (SMBs), thus enabling them to grow and thrive in this highly dynamic market. </LI>
26 | <LI><B>Academic Computer Graphic Research</B><BR>To make a <I>non-optimized</I>, proof-of-concept implementation of the libraries available to the academic community, after the industrial partners had time to exploit the GTP results, to further encourage European research in this area. This version is built around the highly acclaimed <A HREF="http://www.ogre3d.org/">Ogre</A> open source 3D engine.</LI>
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28 | <P STYLE="list-style-type: none;">The GTP brings together leading computer graphic experts from universities in Austria, France, Hungary and Spain with European industrial partners from the fields of computer game development and virtual reality. The libraries are created in close cooperation with these partners, who will then incorporate the result into their products.</P>
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