Get instant access to the technology developed in the European Union GameTools Project -
apply for membership in the GTP Special Interest Group !

If you are developing software in the EU, then membership in the GTP SIG gives you preliminary access to the GTP libraries / technologies while they are being developed. This allows you to integrate them into your product at the earliest possible stage and even to influence the future course of the GTP.

Join the GTP SIG to get:

  1. Leading edge 3D libraries supporting realtime global illumination effects, efficient plant & tree rendering etc. Go here to learn more.
  2. Engineered C++/D3D 9 code designed to work with external 3D engines, instead of OpenGL/GLUT mini engine hacks.
  3. Direct support from the researchers & developers of the technology. Talk to the people who wrote the papers and implemented the code.
  4. A voice to critizize and give feedback and influence the future direction of the GTP (or GTP 2 ;-) ).
    What problems would you like to see researched/solved ?

Becoming a SIG member is free - if you are accepted, all you need to do is sign the very liberal GTP SIG membership agreement.

Contact the GTP Community Manager, Markus Giegl, to apply now*, or if you would like to get more information !.

*To speed up the process, please include some general information about your company (including a link to the company webpage), together with your position.