1 | #pragma once
2 | #include "RenderingRun.h"
3 | #include "Ogre.h"
4 | #include "SpriteSet.h"
5 |
6 | using namespace Ogre;
7 |
8 | /**
9 | @brief Base class __declspec( dllexport ) of a RenderingRun in an OGRE environment.
10 | */
11 | class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreRenderingRun : virtual public RenderingRun, public RenderQueue::RenderableListener
12 | {
13 | friend class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreIlluminationManager;
14 | public:
15 | /**
16 | @brief Constructor.
17 |
18 | @param startFrame adds an offset to the current frame number to help evenly distribute updates between frames
19 | @param updateInterval photon map update frequency
20 | */
21 | OgreRenderingRun(unsigned long startFrame,
22 | unsigned long updateInterval)
23 | :RenderingRun(startFrame, updateInterval)
24 | {
25 |
26 | }
27 |
28 | virtual ~OgreRenderingRun(){}
29 | /**
30 | @brief Conversion to OgreRenderRun.
31 |
32 | This function is needed because of virtual inheritance.
33 | */
34 | OgreRenderingRun* asOgreRenderingRun(){return this;}
35 | //inherited
36 | bool renderableQueued (Renderable *rend, uint8 groupID, ushort priority, Technique **ppTech){return true;}
37 |
38 | protected:
39 |
40 | /**
41 | @brief map of Renderables which will be rendered with a given material
42 |
43 | The String stores the original material name that will be restored after rendering.
44 |
45 | @see setMaterialForVisibles
46 | @see setMaterialForRenderables
47 | @see restoreMaterials
48 | */
49 | std::map<Renderable*, String> materialRestoreMap;
50 | std::set<Renderable*> visibleObjects;
51 | /**
52 | @brief fulls screen quad plane used in full screen quad rendering
53 |
54 | @see renderFullscreenQuad
55 | */
56 | static MovablePlane* fullScreenQuad;
57 | /**
58 | @brief fulls screen quad Entity used in full screen quad rendering
59 |
60 | @see renderFullscreenQuad
61 | */
62 | static Entity* fullScreenQuadEntity;
63 | /**
64 | @brief SpriteSet used in pixel sprite rendering
65 |
66 | @see renderPixelSprites
67 | */
68 | static BillboardSet* pixelSprites;
69 | /**
70 | @brief Entity used in fullscreen grid rendering
71 |
72 | @see renderPixelGrid
73 | */
74 | static Entity* fullscreenGrid;
75 | /**
76 | @brief unique name of the SpriteSet used in pixel sprite rendering
77 |
78 | @see renderPixelSprites
79 | */
80 | static String spriteSetName;
81 | /**
82 | @brief Returns a direction for a cubemap face id.
83 |
84 | This is a helper function to retrieve the normal direction of a given
85 | cubemap face.
86 |
87 | @param faceId the number of the face
88 | */
89 | Vector3 getCubeMapFaceDirection(unsigned char faceId);
90 | /**
91 | @brief Creates a cubemap texture.
92 |
93 | This is a helper function to easily create a cubemap texture and automaticly attach
94 | viewports to each face so it can be used as a rendertarget.
95 |
96 | @param name the name of the texture to be created
97 | @param position the initial position of the cubemap
98 | @param resolution the resolution of one cubemapface
99 | @param format the pixel format of the cubemap
100 | @param numMips the number of mipmap levels
101 | @param clearColor initial color
102 | */
103 | Texture* createCubeRenderTexture(String name, const Vector3 position, unsigned int resolution = 512, PixelFormat format = PF_FLOAT16_RGBA, int numMips = 0, ColourValue clearColor = ColourValue::Black);
104 | /**
105 | @brief Sets the given material for each Renderable in a RenderQueue.
106 |
107 | This is a helper function to set a material to each element of a previously filled Renderque.
108 | The orginal material of the Renderables are stored so they can be restored later.
109 | The function also tells the current SceneManager not to search for visible objects, as we are
110 | going to use the given RenderQueue during the next rendering.
111 |
112 | @param materialName the name of the material to set for the Renderables
113 | @param rq pointer to the filled Renderqueue instance to set material for
114 | */
115 | void setMaterialForRenderables(String& materialName, RenderQueue* rq, bool solidsonly = false, String triggerName = "");
116 | /**
117 | @brief Sets the given material for each Renderable visible from a given camera.
118 |
119 | This helper function is similar to setMaterialForRenderables but it is also responsible for filling the RenderQueue.
120 | First the RenderQueue of the current SceneManager fill be filled with the visible objects seen from the given camera.
121 | Then the required material will be set for each element of the RenderQueue.
122 | The orginal material of the Renderables are stored so they can be restored later.
123 | The function also tells the current SceneManager not to search for visible objects, as we are
124 | going to use the filled RenderQueue during the next rendering.
125 |
126 | @param materialName the name of the material to set for the Renderables
127 | @param cam pointer to the camera from which visible objects should be searched
128 | @param shadowcastersonly flag to search for only shadow casters
129 | */
130 | void setMaterialForVisibles(String& materialName, Camera* cam, bool shadowcastersonly = false, bool solidsonly = false, String triggerName = "");
131 |
132 | void setMaterialForRenderables(String& materialName, bool shadowcastersonly = false, String triggerName = "");
133 | /**
134 | @brief Restores previously stored materials.
135 |
136 | This helper function is typically used after a setMaterialForRenderables or setMaterialForVisibles
137 | call and a rendering process to restore the original material settings.
138 | The function also tells the current SceneManager to search for visible objects, as this is the
139 | default behaviour of SceneManager.
140 | */
141 | void restoreMaterials();
142 | /**
143 | @brief Renderes a full screen quad on a given RendderTarget with a given material.
144 |
145 | @param materialName the name of the material bind to the quad
146 | @param target the RenderTarget the quad should be rendered on
147 | */
148 | static void renderFullscreenQuad(String materialName, RenderTarget* target);
149 | /**
150 | @brief Renderes sprites to pixels of the screen on a given RendderTarget with a given material.
151 |
152 | Pixel sprites are pixel sized quads, placed on each pixel of the RenderTarget.
153 | The number of sprites not necessary corresponds to the resolution of the rendertarget.
154 | The pixel quads will evenly fill the rendertarget's area with sizes corresponding to the given resolution.
155 | We can render fewer or more pixel quads than the number of pixels the rendertarget has (eg.: in case of caustic cubemap generation).
156 |
157 | @param materialName the name of the material bind to the pixel sprites
158 | @param rt the RenderTarget the quads should be rendered on
159 | @param width the desired resolution width of the sprites
160 | @param height the desired resolution height of the sprites
161 | */
162 | static void renderPixelSprites(String& materialName, RenderTarget* rt, int width, int height);
163 | /**
164 | @brief Renders a grid onto the screen.
165 |
166 | @param rt the RenderTarget the grid should be rendered on
167 | @param width the desired horizontal resolution of the grid
168 | @param height the desired vertical resolution of the grid
169 | */
170 | static void renderFullscreenGrid(String& materialName, RenderTarget* rt, int width, int height);
171 | };