1 | #pragma once
2 |
3 | //disable inheritance warning caused by multiple inheritance
4 | #if _WIN32
5 | #if _MSC_VER
6 | #pragma warning(disable: 4250)
7 | #endif
8 | #endif
9 |
10 | #include "OgreRenderTechnique.h"
11 | #include "CausticReceiverRenderTechnique.h"
12 | #include "Ogre.h"
13 |
14 | using namespace Ogre;
15 |
16 | /**
17 | @brief CausticReceiverRenderTechnique used in an OGRE environment.
18 |
19 | This technique defines that the object will recieve caustic lighting from caustic caster objects.
20 | The caustic light spots will be calculated by the caustic caster's RenderingRuns.
21 | These runs will only be updated if caustic redievers are visible, so it is the receiver technique's
22 | responsibility to update them.
23 |
24 | Each caustic caster's light contribution will be added in separate passes. Each pass
25 | will add some light to the shaded image, so these passes should be the last passes.
26 | In the constructor the given Pass* parameter will be the pass after which the caustic lighting
27 | passes will be added by the technique.
28 | */
29 | class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechnique : public OgreRenderTechnique,
30 | public CausticReceiverRenderTechnique
31 | {
32 | public:
33 | /**
34 | @brief Constructor.
35 |
36 | @param maxcasters the maximum number of caustic casters from which this receiver can recieve caustic light
37 | @param causticVertexProgram the vertex program to be used in the caustic gathering passes
38 | @param causticFragmentProgram the fragment program to be used in the caustic gathering passes.
39 | It should have one pass and the caustic cubemap of a caster will be bound to the first sampler unit.
40 | @param passBlendingSRC source blend factor of the new passes
41 | @param passBlendingDEST destination blend factor of the new passes
42 | @param pass the pass after which caustic gathering passes should be added
43 | @param parentRenderable the object to operate on
44 | @param parentTechniqueGroup the TechniqueGroup this RenderedTechnique is attached to
45 | */
46 | OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechnique(
47 | int maxcasters,
48 | String causticVertexProgram,
49 | String causticFragmentProgram,
50 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC,
51 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST,
52 | bool createNewPasses,
53 | int startTextureUnitID,
54 | String casterCenterVariableName,
55 | String attenuationVariableName,
56 | bool bindDistanceMap,
57 | Pass* pass,
58 | OgreRenderable* parentRenderable,
59 | OgreTechniqueGroup* parentTechniqueGroup
60 | );
61 | /**
62 | @brief Destructor.
63 | */
64 | virtual ~OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechnique();
65 |
66 | //inherited
67 | virtual void update(unsigned long frameNum);
68 |
69 | protected:
70 | /**
71 | @brief the maximum number of caustic casters from which this receiver can recieve caustic light
72 | */
73 | int maxcasters;
74 | /**
75 | @brief the vertex program to be used in the caustic gathering passes
76 | */
77 | String causticVertexProgram;
78 | /**
79 | @brief the fragment program to be used in the caustic gathering passes
80 |
81 | It should have one pass and the caustic cubemap of a caster will be bound to the first sampler unit.
82 | */
83 | String causticFragmentProgram;
84 | /**
85 | @breif new passes created by this technique
86 | */
87 | std::vector<Pass*> passes;
88 | /**
89 | @brief the nearest caustic casters found during update
90 | */
91 | std::vector<OgreSharedRuns*> causticCasters;
92 | /**
93 | @brief source blend factor of the new passes
94 | */
95 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC;
96 | /**
97 | @brief destination blend factor of the new passes
98 | */
99 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST;
100 | bool createNewPasses;
101 | int startTextureUnitID;
102 | String casterCenterVariableName;
103 | String attenuationVariableName;
104 | bool bindDistanceMap;
105 | bool bindAttenuation;
106 | };
107 |
108 | /**
109 | @brief RenderTechniqueFactory to create OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechnique instances.
110 | */
111 | class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory : public RenderTechniqueFactory
112 | {
113 | public:
114 |
115 | OgreCausticReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory();
116 |
117 | OgreRenderTechnique* createInstance(IllumTechniqueParams* params,
118 | Pass* pass,
119 | OgreRenderable* parentRenderable,
120 | OgreTechniqueGroup* parentTechniqueGroup);
121 |
122 | virtual bool needMaterialCopy(IllumTechniqueParams* params){return true;}
123 |
124 | int maxcasters;
125 | String causticVertexProgram;
126 | String causticFragmentProgram;
127 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC;
128 | SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST;
129 | bool createNewPasses;
130 | int startTextureUnitID;
131 | String casterCenterVariableName;
132 | String attenuationVariableName;
133 | bool bindDistanceMap;
134 | };
135 |