source: GTP/branches/IllumWPdeliver2008dec/IlluminationWP/precompiled/include/OgreIllumModule/RenderTechniques/OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique.h @ 3255

Revision 3255, 6.5 KB checked in by szirmay, 16 years ago (diff)
[3255]1#pragma once
3//disable inheritance warning caused by multiple inheritance
4#if _WIN32
5#if _MSC_VER
6#pragma warning(disable: 4250)
10#include "OgreRenderTechnique.h"
11#include "DepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique.h"
12#include "Ogre.h"
14using namespace Ogre;
17        @brief DepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique used in an OGRE environment.
19        This technique defines that the object will recieve shadows with the help of depth shadow maps.
20        Each lightsource can have a depth map assigned to it. These are going to be refreshed only
21        if shadow receivers are visible. It is the shadow receiver technique's resposibility
22        to refresh them.
24        The shadows from each light are calculated in separate passes. Each pass will
25        modulate the shaded image, so thes should be the last passes (but before caustic passes).
26        The given Pass* parameter n the constructor defines the pass after which new
27        shadow recieving passes will be added by the technique.
30class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique : public OgreRenderTechnique,
31                                                                                public DepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique
34        /**
35                @brief Constructor.
37                @param maxlights                                the maximum number of light sources to recieve shadow from
38                @param shadowVertexProgram              the vertex program to be used in the shadowing passes
39                @param shadowFragmentProgram    the fragment program to be used in the shadowing passes
40                                                                                It should have one pass and the depth map of a light will be bound to the first sampler unit.
41                @param WorldViewProjParamName   the name of the gpu program parameter the world-view-projection matrix should be bound to
42                @param WorldParamName                   the name of the gpu program parameter the world matrix should be bound to
43                @param setLightViewMatrix               bound light space view matrix to a gpu program parameter
44                @param setLightViewProjMatrix   bound light space view-projection matrix to a gpu program parameter
45                @param setLightProjFarPlane             bound light space projection far plane to a gpu program parameter
46                @param lightViewProjParamName   the name of the gpu program parameter the light space view-projection matrix should be bound to
47                @param lightViewParamName       the name of the gpu program parameter the light space view matrix should be bound to
48                @param lightFarPlaneParamName   the name of the gpu program parameter the light space projection far plane should be bound to
49                @param passBlendingSRC                          source blend factor of the new passes
50                @param passBlendingDEST                         destination blend factor of the new passes
51                @param pass                                             the pass after which shadowing passes should be added
52                @param parentRenderable                 the object to operate on
53                @param parentTechniqueGroup             the TechniqueGroup this RenderedTechnique is attached to
54        */
55        OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique(
56                                                        int maxlights,
57                                                        String shadowVertexProgram,
58                                                        String shadowFragmentProgram,
59                                                        String WorldViewProjParamName,
60                                                        String WorldParamName,
61                                                        bool setLightViewMatrix,
62                                                        bool setLightViewProjMatrix,
63                                                        bool setLightProjFarPlane,
64                                                        String lightViewProjParamName,
65                                                        String lightViewParamName,
66                                                        String lightFarPlaneParamName,
67                                                        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC,
68                                                        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST,
69                                                        bool createNewPasses,
70                                                        int startTextureUnitID,
71                                                        bool nearestLightsFromCamera,
72                                                        bool bindToVertexShader,
73                                                        Pass* pass,
74                                                        OgreRenderable* parentRenderable,
75                                                        OgreTechniqueGroup* parentTechniqueGroup
76                                                        );
77        /**
78                @brief Destructor.
79        */
80        virtual ~OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique();
82        //inherited
83        virtual void update(unsigned long frameNum);
86        /**
87                @brief  the maximum number of light sources to recieve shadow from
89                During update the nearest light sources will be found and used.
90        */
91        int maxlights;
92        /**
93                @brief the vertex program to be used in the shadowing passes
94        */
95        String shadowVertexProgram;
96        /**
97                @brief the fragment program to be used in the shadowing passes
99                It should have one pass and the depth map of a light will be bound to the first sampler unit.
100        */
101        String shadowFragmentProgram;
102        /**
103                @breif new passes created by this technique
104        */
105        std::vector<Pass*> passes;
106        /**
107                @brief bound light space view matrix to a gpu program parameter
108        */
109        bool setLightViewMatrix;
110        /**
111                @brief bound light space view-projection matrix to a gpu program parameter
112        */
113        bool setLightViewProjMatrix;
114        /**
115                @brief bound light space projection far plane to a gpu program parameter
116        */
117        bool setLightProjFarPlane;
118        /**
119                @brief the name of the gpu program parameter the light space view-projection matrix should be bound to
120        */
121        String lightViewProjParamName;
122        /**
123                @brief the name of the gpu program parameter the light space view matrix should be bound to
124        */
125        String lightViewParamName;
126        /**
127                @brief the name of the gpu program parameter the light space projection far plane should be bound to
128        */
129        String lightFarPlaneParamName;
130        /**
131                @brief the name of the gpu program parameter the world-view-projection matrix should be bound to
132        */     
133        String WorldViewProjParamName;
134        /**
135                @brief the name of the gpu program parameter the world matrix should be bound to
136        */
137        String WorldParamName;
138        /**
139                @brief source blend factor of the new passes
140        */
141        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC;
142        /**
143                @brief destination blend factor of the new passes
144        */
145        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST;     
146        bool createNewPasses;
147        int startTextureUnitID;
148        bool nearestLightsFromCamera;
149        bool bindToVertexShader;
153        @brief RenderTechniqueFactory to create OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechnique instances.
155class __declspec( dllexport ) OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory : public RenderTechniqueFactory
159        OgreDepthShadowReceiverRenderTechniqueFactory();
161        OgreRenderTechnique* createInstance(IllumTechniqueParams* params,
162                                                                                Pass* pass,
163                                                                                OgreRenderable* parentRenderable,
164                                                                                OgreTechniqueGroup* parentTechniqueGroup);
166        virtual bool needMaterialCopy(IllumTechniqueParams* params);
168        int maxlights;
169        String shadowVertexProgram;
170        String shadowFragmentProgram;
171        bool setLightViewMatrix;
172        bool setLightViewProjMatrix;
173        bool setLightProjFarPlane;
174        String lightViewProjParamName;
175        String lightViewParamName;
176        String lightFarPlaneParamName;
177        String WorldViewProjParamName;
178        String WorldParamName;
179        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingSRC;
180        SceneBlendFactor passBlendingDEST;
181        bool createNewPasses;
182        int startTextureUnitID;
183        bool nearestLightsFromCamera;
184        bool bindToVertexShader;
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