1 | #include "OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun.h"
2 | #include "OgreIlluminationManager.h"
3 |
4 |
5 | OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun(OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns,
6 | String name,
7 | Light* light,
8 | unsigned int resolutionX,
9 | unsigned int resolutionY,
10 | String materialName
11 | )
12 | :DepthShadowMapRenderingRun(resolutionX, resolutionY)
13 | , OgreRenderingRun(1, 1)
14 | , RenderingRun(1, 1)
15 | {
16 | this->light = light;
17 | this->sharedRuns = sharedRuns;
18 | this->name = name;
19 | this->blurredname = name + "blurred";
20 |
21 | this->materialName = materialName;
22 | lightFarPlane = 0;
23 | createDepthMap();
24 | }
25 |
26 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::createDepthMap()
27 | {
28 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
29 | {
30 | depthMapTexture = createCubeRenderTexture(name, light->getPosition(), resolutionX,PF_FLOAT16_RGBA,0,ColourValue::White);
31 | for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
32 | depthMapTexture->getBuffer(i, 0).getPointer()->getRenderTarget()->getViewport(0)->setSkiesEnabled(false);
33 |
34 | if(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getBlurShadowMap(light->getType()))
35 | blurredDepthMapTexture = createCubeRenderTexture(blurredname, light->getPosition(), resolutionX,PF_FLOAT16_RGBA,0,ColourValue::White);
36 | }
37 | else
38 | {
39 |
40 | TexturePtr texPtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(name,
41 | "default",
42 | TEX_TYPE_2D,
43 | resolutionX,
44 | resolutionY,
45 | 0,
46 | 0,
49 | depthMapTexture = texPtr.getPointer();
50 | depthMapCamera = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()->createCamera(name + "_CAMERA");
51 | //add viewport to rendertarget
52 | HardwarePixelBuffer* hpb = (depthMapTexture->getBuffer()).getPointer();
53 | RenderTarget* rt = hpb->getRenderTarget();
54 | Viewport* v = rt->addViewport(depthMapCamera);
55 | v->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue::White);
56 | v->setOverlaysEnabled(false);
57 | v->setSkiesEnabled(false);
58 | rt->setAutoUpdated(false);
59 |
60 | if(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getBlurShadowMap(light->getType()))
61 | {
62 | texPtr = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(blurredname,
63 | "default",
64 | TEX_TYPE_2D,
65 | resolutionX,
66 | resolutionY,
67 | 0,
68 | 0,
71 | blurredDepthMapTexture = texPtr.getPointer();
72 | hpb = (blurredDepthMapTexture->getBuffer()).getPointer();
73 | rt = hpb->getRenderTarget();
74 | v = rt->addViewport(depthMapCamera);
75 | v->setOverlaysEnabled(false);
76 | rt->setAutoUpdated(false);
77 | }
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | bool OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::renderableQueued (Renderable *rend, uint8 groupID, ushort priority, Technique **ppTech)
82 | {
83 | if((*ppTech)->isTransparent())
84 | return false;
85 |
86 | if(!rend->getCastsShadows())
87 | return false;
88 |
89 | String materialToSet = materialName;
90 | OgreTechniqueGroup* TG = (OgreTechniqueGroup*) rend->getRenderTechniqueGroup();
91 | if(TG)
92 | {
93 | String triggeredMaterial = TG->getMaterialNameForTrigger(triggerName);
94 | if(triggeredMaterial != "")//a trigger is associated
95 | materialToSet = triggeredMaterial;
96 |
97 | }
98 |
99 | Technique* techn = ((Material*)MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName( materialToSet ).getPointer())->getTechnique(0);
100 | *ppTech = techn;
101 | return true;
102 | }
103 |
104 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum)
105 | {
106 | refreshLight(frameNum);
107 |
108 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
109 | {
110 |
111 | for(int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++)
112 | updateDepthCubeFace(i);
113 |
114 | //restoreMaterials();
115 | }
116 | else
117 | {
118 | updateDepthMap();
119 | }
120 |
121 |
122 | }
123 |
124 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateDepthCubeFace(int facenum)
125 | {
126 | Vector3 lightpos = light->getDerivedPosition();
127 |
128 | RenderTarget* rt = depthMapTexture->getBuffer(facenum, 0).getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
129 | Camera* cam = rt->getViewport(0)->getCamera();
130 | cam->setFarClipDistance(lightFarPlane);
131 | cam->setPosition(lightpos);
132 |
133 |
134 | //setMaterialForVisibles(materialName, cam, true, false, triggerName);
135 | RenderQueue* rq = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()->getRenderQueue();
136 | rq->setRenderableListener(this);
137 |
138 | rt->update();
139 |
140 | // restoreMaterials();
141 |
142 | //rt->writeContentsToFile("shadowmap_" + StringConverter::toString(facenum) + ".dds");
143 |
144 | rq->setRenderableListener(0);
145 |
146 | if(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getBlurShadowMap(light->getType()))
147 | {
148 | rt = blurredDepthMapTexture->getBuffer(facenum, 0).getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
149 | Material* mat = (Material*) MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("GTP/Basic/FSQuadBlurCubeFace").getPointer();
150 | mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getTextureUnitState(0)->setTextureName(depthMapTexture->getName());
151 | mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getFragmentProgramParameters()->setNamedConstant("face", facenum);
152 | renderFullscreenQuad("GTP/Basic/FSQuadBlurCubeFace", rt);
153 |
154 | //rt->writeContentsToFile("shadowmap_blurred_" + StringConverter::toString(facenum) + ".dds");
155 | }
156 | }
157 |
158 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::updateDepthMap()
159 | {
160 |
161 | RenderTarget* rt = depthMapTexture->getBuffer().getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
162 | Viewport* vp = rt->getViewport(0);
163 |
164 | //setMaterialForVisibles(materialName, depthMapCamera, true, false, triggerName);
165 | RenderQueue* rq = Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()->getRenderQueue();
166 | rq->setRenderableListener(this);
167 |
168 | rt->update();
169 |
170 | //restoreMaterials();
171 | rq->setRenderableListener(0);
172 |
173 | if(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getBlurShadowMap(light->getType()))
174 | {
175 | rt = blurredDepthMapTexture->getBuffer().getPointer()->getRenderTarget();
176 | Material* mat = (Material*) MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("GTP/Basic/Blur4x4").getPointer();
177 | mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getTextureUnitState(0)->setTextureName(depthMapTexture->getName());
178 | renderFullscreenQuad("GTP/Basic/Blur4x4", rt);
179 | }
180 |
181 | //rt->writeContentsToFile("shadowmap1.dds");
182 |
183 | //depthMapTexture->();
184 | }
185 |
186 | const String& OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::getDepthMapTextureName()
187 | {
188 | if(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getBlurShadowMap(light->getType()))
189 | return blurredname;
190 |
191 | return name;
192 | }
193 |
194 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::refreshLight(unsigned long frameNum)
195 | {
196 | if(light!= 0)
197 | {
198 | bool uselispsm = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getUseLISPSM(light->getType());
199 | bool usefocusing = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getFocusingShadowMap(light->getType());
200 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)
201 | {
203 | Camera* viewcam = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getMainCamera();
204 |
205 | OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun* frun = (OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun*)
206 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getGlobalRun(ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP)->asOgreRenderingRun();
207 | frun->setCameraMatrices(viewcam->getViewMatrix(), viewcam->getProjectionMatrix());
208 |
209 | Vector3 lightpos = light->getDerivedPosition();
210 | Vector3 lightdir = light->getDerivedDirection();
211 | lightdir.normalise();
212 |
213 | Vector3 min;
214 | Vector3 max;
215 |
216 |
217 | if(uselispsm)
218 | {
219 | Camera* maincam = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getMainCamera();
220 | Vector3 viewdir = maincam->getDirection();
221 | viewdir.normalise();
222 | Vector3 campos = maincam->getPosition();
223 | float nearclip = maincam->getNearClipDistance();
224 |
225 | float dotprod = viewdir.dotProduct(lightdir);
226 | float sinGamma = sqrt(1.0 - dotprod * dotprod);
227 |
228 | Vector3 left = lightdir.crossProduct(viewdir);
229 | left.normalise();
230 | Vector3 up = left.crossProduct(lightdir);
231 | up.normalise();
232 | //left = lightdir.crossProduct(up);
233 | left.normalise();
234 | Matrix4 viewMatrix( left.x, left.y, left.z, 0,
235 | up.x, up.y, up.z, 0,
236 | lightdir.x, lightdir.y, lightdir.z, 0,
237 | 0, 0, 0, 1);
238 |
239 | frun->setLightMatrix(viewMatrix);
240 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().updateGlobalRun( ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP,
241 | frameNum);
242 | frun->getMinMax(min, max);
243 |
244 | float n;
245 | float f;
246 | float d = abs(max.y - min.y);
247 |
248 | float z_n = nearclip / sinGamma;
249 | float one_min_singamma = (1 - sinGamma);
250 | float fact = d * pow(one_min_singamma, 2);
251 | float z_f = z_n + d * sinGamma * fact;
252 | n = (z_n + sqrt(z_f * z_n)) / sinGamma;
253 | ///n = 100000;
254 | f = n + d;
255 |
256 | Vector3 pos = campos - up * (n - nearclip);
257 | Matrix4 newViewMatrix( left.x, left.y, left.z, -left.dotProduct(pos),
258 | up.x, up.y, up.z, -up.dotProduct(pos),
259 | -lightdir.x, -lightdir.y, -lightdir.z, lightdir.dotProduct(pos),
260 | 0, 0, 0, 1);
261 |
262 | Matrix4 lispMat = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
263 |
264 | lispMat[1][1] = f / (f - n);
265 | lispMat[1][3] = f * n / (f - n);
266 | lispMat[3][1] = 1;
267 | lispMat[3][3] = 0;
268 |
269 | //depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, Matrix4::IDENTITY);
270 | //depthMapCamera->setCustomViewMatrix(true, lispMat * newViewMatrix);
271 |
272 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, lispMat);
273 | depthMapCamera->setCustomViewMatrix(true, newViewMatrix);
274 | }
275 | else
276 | {
277 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, Matrix4::IDENTITY);
278 | depthMapCamera->setCustomViewMatrix(false);
279 | depthMapCamera->setPosition(lightpos);
280 | depthMapCamera->setDirection(lightdir);
281 | }
282 |
283 |
284 | Matrix4 lightMatrix = depthMapCamera->getViewMatrix();
285 | //frun->setLightMatrix(lightMatrix);
286 | frun->setLightMatrix(depthMapCamera->getProjectionMatrix() * lightMatrix);
287 |
288 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().updateGlobalRun( ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP,
289 | frameNum);
290 |
291 | frun->getMinMax(min, max);
292 |
293 |
294 | Vector3 scale = (max - min);
295 | scale *= 1.5; // just for safety
296 | if(uselispsm)
297 | scale.z += 1;
298 | else
299 | scale.z += 1000; //TODO: get scene bounding box to set z scale
300 | Matrix4 projection = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
301 | Matrix4 trans = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
302 | trans.setTrans(Vector3(-(max.x + min.x) / 2.0,
303 | -(max.y + min.y) / 2.0,
304 | -(max.z + min.z) / 2.0));
305 | Matrix4 scaleM = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
306 | scaleM.setScale(Vector3(2.0 / scale.x, 2.0 / scale.y, -2.0 / scale.z));
307 | projection = scaleM * trans;
308 | //depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, projection);
309 | lightFarPlane = scale.z;
310 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, projection * depthMapCamera->getProjectionMatrix());
311 | }
312 | else if(light->getType() == Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT)
313 | {
314 | triggerName = "ILLUM_TRIGGER_SM_SPOT";
315 | Camera* viewcam = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getMainCamera();
316 |
317 | OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun* frun = (OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun*)
318 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getGlobalRun(ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP)->asOgreRenderingRun();
319 | frun->setCameraMatrices(viewcam->getViewMatrix(), viewcam->getProjectionMatrix());
320 |
321 | Vector3 lightpos = light->getDerivedPosition();
322 | Vector3 lightdir = light->getDerivedDirection();
323 | lightdir.normalise();
324 | Radian lightangle = light->getSpotlightOuterAngle();
325 |
326 | Vector3 min;
327 | Vector3 max;
328 |
329 | if(uselispsm)
330 | {
331 | Camera* maincam = OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getMainCamera();
332 | Vector3 viewdir = maincam->getDirection();
333 | viewdir.normalise();
334 | Vector3 campos = maincam->getPosition();
335 | float nearclip = maincam->getNearClipDistance();
336 |
337 | float dotprod = viewdir.dotProduct(lightdir);
338 | float sinGamma = sqrt(1.0 - dotprod * dotprod);
339 |
340 | Vector3 left = lightdir.crossProduct(viewdir);
341 | Vector3 up = left.crossProduct(lightdir);
342 | up.normalise();
343 | //left = lightdir.crossProduct(up);
344 | left.normalise();
345 |
346 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(false);
347 | depthMapCamera->setProjectionType(PT_PERSPECTIVE);
348 | depthMapCamera->setFOVy(lightangle);
349 | depthMapCamera->setAspectRatio(1);
350 | depthMapCamera->setNearClipDistance(0.1);
351 | depthMapCamera->setFarClipDistance(1.0);
352 |
353 | Matrix4 projMatrix = depthMapCamera->getProjectionMatrixWithRSDepth();
354 |
355 | Matrix4 viewMatrix( left.x, left.y, left.z, 0,
356 | up.x, up.y, up.z, 0,
357 | -lightdir.x, -lightdir.y, -lightdir.z, 0,
358 | 0, 0, 0, 1);
359 |
360 | frun->setLightMatrix(projMatrix * viewMatrix);
361 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().updateGlobalRun( ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP,
362 | frameNum);
363 | frun->getMinMax(min, max);
364 |
365 | float n;
366 | float f;
367 | float d = abs(max.y - min.y);
368 |
369 | float z_n = nearclip / sinGamma;
370 | float one_min_singamma = (1 - sinGamma);
371 | float fact = d * pow(one_min_singamma, 2);
372 | float z_f = z_n + d * sinGamma * fact;
373 | n = (z_n + sqrt(z_f * z_n)) / sinGamma;
374 | ///n = 100000;
375 | f = n + d;
376 |
377 | Vector3 pos = campos - up * (n - nearclip);
378 | Matrix4 newViewMatrix( left.x, left.y, left.z, -left.dotProduct(pos),
379 | up.x, up.y, up.z, -up.dotProduct(pos),
380 | -lightdir.x, -lightdir.y, -lightdir.z, lightdir.dotProduct(pos),
381 | 0, 0, 0, 1);
382 |
383 | Matrix4 lispMat = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
384 |
385 | lispMat[1][1] = f / (f - n);
386 | lispMat[1][3] = f * n / (f - n);
387 | lispMat[3][1] = 1;
388 | lispMat[3][3] = 0;
389 |
390 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, Matrix4::IDENTITY);
391 | depthMapCamera->setCustomViewMatrix(true, lispMat * projMatrix * newViewMatrix);
392 | }
393 | else
394 | {
395 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(false);
396 | depthMapCamera->setCustomViewMatrix(false);
397 | depthMapCamera->setPosition(lightpos);
398 | depthMapCamera->setDirection(lightdir);
399 | depthMapCamera->setProjectionType(PT_PERSPECTIVE);
400 | depthMapCamera->setFOVy(lightangle);
401 | depthMapCamera->setAspectRatio(1);
402 | depthMapCamera->setNearClipDistance(OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().getAreaLightRadius());
403 | depthMapCamera->setFarClipDistance(1.0);
404 | }
405 |
406 | if(!usefocusing)
407 | {
408 | lightFarPlane = light->getAttenuationRange();
409 | depthMapCamera->setFarClipDistance(lightFarPlane);
410 |
411 | }
412 | else
413 | {
414 | Matrix4 lightMatrix = depthMapCamera->getViewMatrix();
415 | frun->setLightMatrix(lightMatrix);
416 |
417 | OgreIlluminationManager::getSingleton().updateGlobalRun( ILLUMRUN_FOCUSING_MAP,
418 | frameNum);
419 |
420 | frun->getMinMax(min, max);
421 |
422 | if(min.z < 0)
423 | {
424 | float farP= -1.5 * min.z;
425 | if(farP < 0.2) farP = 0.2;
426 | depthMapCamera->setFarClipDistance(farP);
427 | lightFarPlane = farP;
428 |
429 | Vector3 scale = (max - min);
430 | scale *= 1.5; // just for safety
431 |
432 | Matrix4 projection = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
433 | Matrix4 trans = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
434 | trans.setTrans(Vector3(-(max.x + min.x) / 2.0,
435 | -(max.y + min.y) / 2.0,
436 | 0));
437 | Matrix4 scaleM = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
438 | scaleM.setScale(Vector3(2.0 / scale.x, 2.0 / scale.y, 1));
439 | projection = scaleM * trans;
440 | depthMapCamera->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, projection * depthMapCamera->getProjectionMatrix());
441 | }
442 | }
443 | }
444 | else//point light
445 | {
446 | lightFarPlane = light->getAttenuationRange();
447 | triggerName = "ILLUM_TRIGGER_SM_POINT";
448 | //no other adjustment needed
449 | }
450 | }
451 | }
452 |
453 | Matrix4 OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::getLightViewMatrix()
454 | {
455 | Camera* cam = depthMapCamera;
456 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
457 | cam = depthMapTexture->getBuffer(4, 0).getPointer()->getRenderTarget()->getViewport(0)->getCamera();
458 |
459 | return cam->getViewMatrix();
460 | }
461 |
462 | Matrix4 OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::getLightViewProjMatrix()
463 | {
464 | Camera* cam = depthMapCamera;
465 | if(light->getType() == Light::LT_POINT)
466 | cam = depthMapTexture->getBuffer(4, 0).getPointer()->getRenderTarget()->getViewport(0)->getCamera();
467 |
468 | return cam->getProjectionMatrixWithRSDepth() * cam->getViewMatrix();
469 | }
470 |
471 | void OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun::freeAllResources()
472 | {
473 | this->blurredDepthMapTexture = 0;
474 | this->depthMapTexture = 0;
475 | TextureManager::getSingleton().remove(name);
476 | TextureManager::getSingleton().remove(blurredname);
477 | Root::getSingleton()._getCurrentSceneManager()->destroyCamera(name + "_CAMERA");
478 | }