/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://ogre.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __AutoParamDataSource_H_ #define __AutoParamDataSource_H_ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreCommon.h" #include "OgreMatrix4.h" #include "OgreVector4.h" #include "OgreLight.h" #include "OgreColourValue.h" namespace Ogre { /** This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters. @remarks This class exercises a lazy-update scheme in order to avoid having to update all the information a GpuProgramParameters class could possibly want all the time. It relies on the SceneManager to update it when the base data has changed, and will calculate concatenated matrices etc only when required, passing back precalculated matrices when they are requested more than once when the underlying information has not altered. */ class _OgreExport AutoParamDataSource { protected: mutable Matrix4 mWorldMatrix[256]; mutable size_t mWorldMatrixCount; mutable Matrix4 mWorldViewMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mViewProjMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mWorldViewProjMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mInverseWorldMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mInverseWorldViewMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mInverseViewMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mInverseTransposeWorldMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix; mutable Vector4 mCameraPositionObjectSpace; mutable Matrix4 mTextureViewProjMatrix; mutable Matrix4 mProjectionMatrix; mutable Real mDirLightExtrusionDistance; mutable Vector4 mCameraPosition; mutable bool mWorldMatrixDirty; mutable bool mWorldViewMatrixDirty; mutable bool mViewProjMatrixDirty; mutable bool mWorldViewProjMatrixDirty; mutable bool mInverseWorldMatrixDirty; mutable bool mInverseWorldViewMatrixDirty; mutable bool mInverseViewMatrixDirty; mutable bool mInverseTransposeWorldMatrixDirty; mutable bool mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrixDirty; mutable bool mCameraPositionObjectSpaceDirty; mutable bool mCameraPositionDirty; mutable bool mTextureViewProjMatrixDirty; mutable ColourValue mAmbientLight; const Renderable* mCurrentRenderable; const Camera* mCurrentCamera; const LightList* mCurrentLightList; const Frustum* mCurrentTextureProjector; const RenderTarget* mCurrentRenderTarget; Light mBlankLight; public: AutoParamDataSource(); ~AutoParamDataSource(); /** Updates the current renderable */ void setCurrentRenderable(const Renderable* rend); /** Updates the current camera */ void setCurrentCamera(const Camera* cam); /** Sets the light list that should be used */ void setCurrentLightList(const LightList* ll); /** Sets the current texture projector */ void setTextureProjector(const Frustum* frust); /** Sets the current render target */ void setCurrentRenderTarget(const RenderTarget* target); /** Sets the shadow extrusion distance to be used for point lights. */ void setShadowDirLightExtrusionDistance(Real dist); const Matrix4& getWorldMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4* getWorldMatrixArray(void) const; size_t getWorldMatrixCount(void) const; const Matrix4& getViewMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getViewProjectionMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getProjectionMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getWorldViewProjMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getWorldViewMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getInverseWorldMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getInverseWorldViewMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getInverseViewMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getInverseTransposeWorldMatrix(void) const; const Matrix4& getInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix(void) const; const Vector4& getCameraPosition(void) const; const Vector4& getCameraPositionObjectSpace(void) const; /** Get the light which is 'index'th closest to the current object */ const Light& getLight(size_t index) const; void setAmbientLightColour(const ColourValue& ambient); const ColourValue& getAmbientLightColour(void) const; const Matrix4& getTextureViewProjMatrix(void) const; const RenderTarget* getCurrentRenderTarget(void) const; const Renderable* getCurrentRenderable(void) const; Real getShadowExtrusionDistance(void) const; Matrix4 getInverseViewProjMatrix(void) const; Matrix4 getInverseTransposeViewProjMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeViewProjMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeViewMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeProjectionMatrix() const; Matrix4 getInverseProjectionMatrix() const; Matrix4 getInverseTransposeProjectionMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix() const; Matrix4 getInverseWorldViewProjMatrix() const; Matrix4 getInverseTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeWorldViewMatrix() const; Matrix4 getTransposeWorldMatrix() const; Real getTime(void) const; Real getTime_0_X(Real x) const; Real getCosTime_0_X(Real x) const; Real getSinTime_0_X(Real x) const; Real getTanTime_0_X(Real x) const; Vector4 getTime_0_X_packed(Real x) const; Real getTime_0_1(Real x) const; Real getCosTime_0_1(Real x) const; Real getSinTime_0_1(Real x) const; Real getTanTime_0_1(Real x) const; Vector4 getTime_0_1_packed(Real x) const; Real getTime_0_2Pi(Real x) const; Real getCosTime_0_2Pi(Real x) const; Real getSinTime_0_2Pi(Real x) const; Real getTanTime_0_2Pi(Real x) const; Vector4 getTime_0_2Pi_packed(Real x) const; Real getFPS() const; Real getViewportWidth() const; Real getViewportHeight() const; Real getInverseViewportWidth() const; Real getInverseViewportHeight() const; Vector3 getViewDirection() const; Vector3 getViewSideVector() const; Vector3 getViewUpVector() const; Real getFOV() const; Real getNearClipDistance() const; Real getFarClipDistance() const; }; } #endif