1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of OGRE
4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
9 |
10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13 | version.
14 |
15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | */
25 | /***************************************************************************
26 | terrainrenderable.h - description
27 | -------------------
28 | begin : Sat Oct 5 2002
29 | copyright : (C) 2002 by Jon Anderson
30 | email : janders@users.sf.net
31 |
32 | Enhancements 2003 - 2004 (C) The OGRE Team
33 |
34 | ***************************************************************************/
35 |
38 |
39 | #include "OgreTerrainPrerequisites.h"
40 | #include <OgreRenderable.h>
41 | #include <OgreMovableObject.h>
42 | #include <OgreAxisAlignedBox.h>
43 | #include <OgreString.h>
44 | #include <OgreHardwareBufferManager.h>
45 |
46 | #include <vector>
47 |
48 | #define MORPH_CUSTOM_PARAM_ID 77
49 |
50 | namespace Ogre
51 | {
52 |
53 | typedef std::map <unsigned int, IndexData* > IndexMap;
54 | typedef std::vector < IndexData* > IndexArray;
55 | typedef std::vector < IndexMap* > LevelArray;
56 |
57 | /**
58 | * A cache of TerrainIndexBuffers. Used to keep track of the buffers, and
59 | * delete them when the program finishes.
60 | */
61 | class TerrainBufferCache
62 | {
63 | public:
64 | void shutdown(void)
65 | {
66 | for( size_t i=0; i<mCache.size(); i++ )
67 | {
68 | delete mCache[i];
69 | }
70 | mCache.clear();
71 | }
72 | ~TerrainBufferCache()
73 | {
74 | shutdown();
75 | }
76 |
77 | IndexArray mCache;
78 | };
79 |
80 | inline Real _max( Real x, Real y )
81 | {
82 | return ( x > y ) ? x : y;
83 | }
84 |
85 | /** A simple class for encapsulating parameters which are commonly needed by
86 | both TerrainSceneManager and TerrainRenderable.
87 | */
88 | class TerrainOptions
89 | {
90 | public:
91 | TerrainOptions()
92 | {
93 | pageSize = 0;
94 | tileSize = 0;
95 | tilesPerPage = 0;
96 | maxGeoMipMapLevel = 0;
97 | scale = Vector3::UNIT_SCALE;
98 | maxPixelError = 4;
99 | detailTile = 1;
100 | lit = false;
101 | coloured = false;
102 | lodMorph = false;
103 | lodMorphStart = 0.5;
104 | useTriStrips = false;
105 | primaryCamera = 0;
106 | terrainMaterial.setNull();
107 | };
108 | /// The size of one edge of a terrain page, in vertices
109 | size_t pageSize;
110 | /// The size of one edge of a terrain tile, in vertices
111 | size_t tileSize;
112 | /// Precalculated number of tiles per page
113 | size_t tilesPerPage;
114 | /// The primary camera, used for error metric calculation and page choice
115 | const Camera* primaryCamera;
116 | /// The maximum terrain geo-mipmap level
117 | size_t maxGeoMipMapLevel;
118 | /// The scale factor to apply to the terrain (each vertex is 1 unscaled unit
119 | /// away from the next, and height is from 0 to 1)
120 | Vector3 scale;
121 | /// The maximum pixel error allowed
122 | size_t maxPixelError;
123 | /// Whether we should use triangle strips
124 | bool useTriStrips;
125 | /// The number of times to repeat a detail texture over a tile
126 | size_t detailTile;
127 | /// Whether LOD morphing is enabled
128 | bool lodMorph;
129 | /// At what point (parametric) should LOD morphing start
130 | Real lodMorphStart;
131 | /// Whether dynamic lighting is enabled
132 | bool lit;
133 | /// Whether vertex colours are enabled
134 | bool coloured;
135 | /// Pointer to the material to use to render the terrain
136 | MaterialPtr terrainMaterial;
137 |
138 | };
139 |
140 | #define STITCH_NORTH_SHIFT 0
141 | #define STITCH_SOUTH_SHIFT 8
142 | #define STITCH_WEST_SHIFT 16
143 | #define STITCH_EAST_SHIFT 24
144 |
147 | #define STITCH_WEST 128 << STITCH_WEST_SHIFT
148 | #define STITCH_EAST 128 << STITCH_EAST_SHIFT
149 |
150 | /**
151 | Represents a terrain tile.
152 | @remarks
153 | A TerrainRenderable represents a tile used to render a block of terrain using the geomipmap approach
154 | for LOD.
155 | *@author Jon Anderson
156 | */
157 |
158 | class _OgreTerrainExport TerrainRenderable : public Renderable, public MovableObject
159 | {
160 | public:
161 |
162 | TerrainRenderable(const String& name);
163 | ~TerrainRenderable();
164 |
165 | void deleteGeometry();
166 |
167 | enum Neighbor
168 | {
169 | NORTH = 0,
170 | SOUTH = 1,
171 | EAST = 2,
172 | WEST = 3,
173 | HERE = 4
174 | };
175 |
176 | /** Initializes the TerrainRenderable.
177 | @param startx, startz
178 | The starting points of the top-left of this tile, in terms of the
179 | number of vertices.
180 | @param pageHeightData The source height data for the entire parent page
181 | */
182 | void initialise(int startx, int startz, Real* pageHeightData);
183 |
184 | //movable object methods
185 | /** Returns the name of the TerrainRenderable */
186 | virtual const String& getName( void ) const
187 | {
188 | return mName;
189 | };
190 |
191 | /** Returns the type of the movable. */
192 | virtual const String& getMovableType( void ) const
193 | {
194 | return mType;
195 | };
196 |
197 | /** Returns the bounding box of this TerrainRenderable */
198 | const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox( void ) const
199 | {
200 | return mBounds;
201 | };
202 |
203 | /** Updates the level of detail to be used for rendering this TerrainRenderable based on the passed in Camera */
204 | virtual void _notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam );
205 |
206 | virtual void _updateRenderQueue( RenderQueue* queue );
207 |
208 | /**
209 | Constructs a RenderOperation to render the TerrainRenderable.
210 | @remarks
211 | Each TerrainRenderable has a block of vertices that represent the terrain. Index arrays are dynamically
212 | created for mipmap level, and then cached.
213 | */
214 | virtual void getRenderOperation( RenderOperation& rend );
215 |
216 | virtual const MaterialPtr& getMaterial( void ) const
217 | {
218 | return mMaterial;
219 | };
220 |
221 | virtual void getWorldTransforms( Matrix4* xform ) const;
222 |
223 | virtual const Quaternion& getWorldOrientation(void) const;
224 | virtual const Vector3& getWorldPosition(void) const;
225 |
226 | /** Returns the mipmap level that will be rendered for this frame. */
227 | inline int getRenderLevel() const
228 | {
229 | return mRenderLevel;
230 | };
231 |
232 | /** Forces the LOD to the given level from this point on. */
233 | inline void setForcedRenderLevel( int i )
234 | {
235 | mForcedRenderLevel = i;
236 | }
237 |
238 | /** Calculates the normal at the given location */
239 | void _getNormalAt( float x, float y, Vector3 * result );
240 |
241 | /** Returns the terrain height at the given coordinates */
242 | float getHeightAt( float x, float y );
243 |
244 | /** Intersects the segment witht he terrain tile
245 | */
246 | bool intersectSegment( const Vector3 & start, const Vector3 & end, Vector3 * result );
247 |
248 | /** Sets the appropriate neighbor for this TerrainRenderable. Neighbors are necessary
249 | to know when to bridge between LODs.
250 | */
251 | void _setNeighbor( Neighbor n, TerrainRenderable *t )
252 | {
253 | mNeighbors[ n ] = t;
254 | };
255 |
256 | /** Returns the neighbor TerrainRenderable.
257 | */
258 | TerrainRenderable * _getNeighbor( Neighbor n )
259 | {
260 | return mNeighbors[ n ];
261 | }
262 |
263 |
264 | void setMaterial(const MaterialPtr& m )
265 | {
266 | mMaterial = m;
267 | };
268 |
269 | /** Calculates static normals for lighting the terrain. */
270 | void _calculateNormals();
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 | /** Generates terrain shadows and lighting using vertex colors
276 | */
277 | void _generateVertexLighting( const Vector3 &sun, ColourValue ambient );
278 |
279 |
280 | /** Overridden, see Renderable */
281 | Real getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const;
282 |
283 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
284 | Real getBoundingRadius(void) const { return 0; /* not needed */ }
285 |
286 | /** @copydoc Renderable::getLights */
287 | const LightList& getLights(void) const;
288 |
289 | /// Overridden from Renderable to allow the morph LOD entry to be set
290 | void _updateCustomGpuParameter(
291 | const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry& constantEntry,
292 | GpuProgramParameters* params) const;
293 | /// Get the static list of indexes cached (internal use only)
294 | static TerrainBufferCache& _getIndexCache(void) {return msIndexCache;}
295 | protected:
296 | /// Static list of index buffers
297 | static TerrainBufferCache msIndexCache;
298 | /// Static link to static shared options
299 | static const TerrainOptions* msOptions;
300 |
301 | /** Returns the index into the height array for the given coords. */
302 | inline size_t _index( int x, int z ) const
303 | {
304 | return ( x + z * msOptions->tileSize );
305 | };
306 |
307 | /** Returns the vertex coord for the given coordinates */
308 | inline float _vertex( int x, int z, int n )
309 | {
310 | return mPositionBuffer[x * 3 + z * msOptions->tileSize * 3 + n];
311 | };
312 |
313 |
314 | inline int _numNeighbors() const
315 | {
316 | int n = 0;
317 |
318 | for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
319 | {
320 | if ( mNeighbors[ i ] != 0 )
321 | n++;
322 | }
323 |
324 | return n;
325 | }
326 |
327 | inline bool _hasNeighborRenderLevel( int i ) const
328 | {
329 | for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
330 | {
331 | if ( mNeighbors[ j ] != 0 && mNeighbors[ j ] ->mRenderLevel == i )
332 | return true;
333 | }
334 |
335 | return false;
336 |
337 | }
338 |
339 | void _adjustRenderLevel( int i );
340 |
341 | void _initLevelIndexes();
342 | void _destroyLevelIndexes();
343 |
344 | bool _checkSize( int n );
345 |
346 | void _calculateMinLevelDist2( Real C );
347 |
348 | Real _calculateCFactor();
349 |
350 | VertexData* mTerrain;
351 |
352 | /// The current LOD level
353 | int mRenderLevel;
354 | /// The previous 'next' LOD level down, for frame coherency
355 | int mLastNextLevel;
356 | /// The morph factor between this and the next LOD level down
357 | Real mLODMorphFactor;
358 | /// List of squared distances at which LODs change
359 | Real *mMinLevelDistSqr;
360 | /// Connection to tiles four neighbours
361 | TerrainRenderable *mNeighbors [ 4 ];
362 | /// Bounding box of this tile
363 | AxisAlignedBox mBounds;
364 | /// The center point of this tile
365 | Vector3 mCenter;
366 | /// Name of this renderable
367 | String mName;
368 | /// The MovableObject type
369 | static String mType;
370 | /// Current material used by this tile
371 | MaterialPtr mMaterial;
372 | /// Whether this tile has been initialised
373 | bool mInit;
374 | /// Shared array of IndexData (reuse indexes across tiles)
375 | static LevelArray mLevelIndex;
376 | /// Whether the level array as been initialised yet
377 | static bool mLevelInit;
378 | /// The buffer with all the renderable geometry in it
379 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr mMainBuffer;
380 | /// Optional set of delta buffers, used to morph from one LOD to the next
381 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr* mDeltaBuffers;
382 | /// System-memory buffer with just positions in it, for CPU operations
383 | float* mPositionBuffer;
384 | /// Forced rendering LOD level, optional
385 | int mForcedRenderLevel;
386 | /// Array of LOD indexes specifying which LOD is the next one down
387 | /// (deals with clustered error metrics which cause LODs to be skipped)
388 | int mNextLevelDown[10];
389 | /// Gets the index data for this tile based on current settings
390 | IndexData* getIndexData(void);
391 | /// Internal method for generating stripified terrain indexes
392 | IndexData* generateTriStripIndexes(unsigned int stitchFlags);
393 | /// Internal method for generating triangle list terrain indexes
394 | IndexData* generateTriListIndexes(unsigned int stitchFlags);
395 | /** Utility method to generate stitching indexes on the edge of a tile
396 | @param neighbor The neighbor direction to stitch
397 | @param hiLOD The LOD of this tile
398 | @param loLOD The LOD of the neighbor
399 | @param omitFirstTri Whether the first tri of the stitch (always clockwise
400 | relative to the centre of this tile) is to be omitted because an
401 | adjoining edge is also being stitched
402 | @param omitLastTri Whether the last tri of the stitch (always clockwise
403 | relative to the centre of this tile) is to be omitted because an
404 | adjoining edge is also being stitched
405 | @param pIdx Pointer to a pointer to the index buffer to push the results
406 | into (this pointer will be updated)
407 | @returns The number of indexes added
408 | */
409 | int stitchEdge(Neighbor neighbor, int hiLOD, int loLOD,
410 | bool omitFirstTri, bool omitLastTri, unsigned short** ppIdx);
411 |
412 | /// Create a blank delta buffer for usein morphing
413 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr createDeltaBuffer(void);
414 |
415 | };
416 |
417 | }
418 |
419 | #endif