Overview -------- This demo shows the integration of the LodStrips multiresolution algorithm into the Shark3D game engine. The demo features a multiresolution object whose level of deail decreases as well as the object moves further away from the observer. Please, read the following to know how to build/run the demo. Compiling the modules --------------------- In order to run the demo, first the new modules, which implement a mesh file loader and a new renderer, must be compiled. This distribution includes the precompiled modules so that you do not need to build them. However, you can compile them with Visual studio NET 7.1 using the solution file located in: .\build\win32_vc7x1\SharkGeometryModules.sln As the Shark3D SDK is not included in this distribution, you need to have it properly installed in your system. To compile the solution you must configure it so that it can find the Shark3D SDK files. For each project you must: - Configure the includes path (using the properties dialog for each project) - Configure the libraries path (search for CLODD3D9_LIBDIR in the source code) Once compiled, resulting DLLs are located in the bin\ directory. Building the Demo ----------------- Before you can run the demo, it must be built. To build it you simply must execute the program: .\clod_head_demo_win32\win32_editor.bat and push the 'Make' button. This process takes a while. When the process ends, you can run the demo using the 'Run' button. Running the Demo ---------------- Then the demo is finally running (see previous section), you will see a head floating in the air. That head features a multiresolution object whose level of detail changes as well as the camera moves away from it. To be able to move the camera, enter in GOD mode (press key 'g') and use the arrow keys. Use the mouse while pressing the left button to change the viewing direction. When it is far from the viewer, the object decreases its level of detail up to a 1%. You can inspect the mesh to see the 'lodding' entering in wireframe mode (key 'w').