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Indirect Environment Mapping Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_ConvolutionVS_inputInput for vertex shader ConvolutionVS()
_ConvolutionVS_outputInput for pixel shader _ConvolutionPS()
_EnvMapVS_inputInput for vertex shader EnvMapVS()
_EnvMapVS_outputInput for pixel shaders EnvMapDiffuseClassicPS(), _EnvMapDiffuseLocalizedPS(), EnvMapDiffuseLocalized5TexPS()
_IlluminatedSceneVS_inputInput for vertex shader IlluminatedSceneVS()
_IlluminatedSceneVS_outputInput for pixel shader IlluminatedScenePS()
CubeA simple cube mesh
DXUT_ManagerThis struct was created to easily navigate to Main.cpp
EnvMapMost of application-specific logic is here
MeshEncapsulates a mesh of .X format. Adds helper functions for easier scaling, moving, texturing
ParametersManages application parameters. Creates GUI controls (sliders, checkboxes) and hotkeys
VertexData type to define fullscreen quad vertices

Generated on Wed Aug 23 00:00:39 2006 for Indirect Environment Mapping by  doxygen 1.4.2