source: GTP/trunk/App/Demos/Illum/IBRBillboardCloudTrees/OGRE/IBRTreesOGRE/media/oldgeneral/tree_idtexturing_fp.shd @ 1493

Revision 1493, 5.3 KB checked in by igarcia, 18 years ago (diff)
2//float4 main_fp(float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD0, float2 texCoordNormalized: TEXCOORD1) : COLOR
4//      // DirectX
5//      return float4((tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).w > 0.0) ? tex2D(leaf,((texCoordNormalized - tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy) + float2(0.0,0.0)) * 4.0) : 0.0);
8   /*
9   normal = normalize(normal);
10   // Radial distance
11   float depth = length(lightVec);
12   // Normalizes light vector
13   lightVec /= depth;
15   // Standard lighting
16   float odiffuse = saturate(dot(lightVec, normal));
17   float ospecular = pow(saturate(dot(reflect(-normalize(viewVec), normal), lightVec)), 16);
19   // The depth of the fragment closest to the light
20   float shadowMap = tex2Dproj(shadowMap, shadowCrd);
21   // A spot image of the spotlight
22   float spotLight = tex2Dproj(spotLight, shadowCrd);
23   // If the depth is larger than the stored depth, this fragment
24   // is not the closest to the light, that is we are in shadow.
25   // Otherwise, we're lit. Add a bias to avoid precision issues
26   float shadow;
27   shadow = (depth < shadowMap + shadowBias);
29   // Cut back-projection, that is, make sure we don't lit
30   // anything behind the light. Theoretically, you should just
31   // cut at w = 0, but in practice you'll have to cut at a
32   // fairly high positive number to avoid precision issue when
33   // coordinates approaches zero.
34   shadow *= (shadowCrd.w > backProjectionCut);
35   // Modulate with spotlight image
36   shadow *= spotLight;
38   // Shadow any light contribution except ambient
39   //float4 tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).w > 0.0) ? tex2D(leaf,((texCoordNormalized - tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy) + float2(0.0,0.0)) * 4.0) : 0.0;
40   tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).x >= 0.0) ? tex2D(leaf,((texCoordNormalized - tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy) + tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).zw) * 4.0) : 0.0;
41   // green test
42   // = float3(0.0,0.5,0.2);
43   // Look the different leaves orientations used...
44   //float4 tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).x >= 0.0) ? float4(tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).zw,1.0,1.0) : 0.0;
46   tempcolor = float4(lattenuation * (Ka*( + (Kd*(odiffuse * * ldiffuse)) + (Ks * (ospecular * lspecular)),tempcolor.w * 0.5);         
47   //return float4((tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).w > 0.0) ? tex2D(leaf,((texCoordNormalized - tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy) + float2(0.0,0.0)) * 4.0) : 0.0);
49   //else
50   //{
51   //   tempcolor = float4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);
52   //}
53   */
55float4x4 worldmatrix;
56float tex_atlas_size;
57float scale_factor;
58float3 ldiffuse;
59float3 lspecular;
60float3 lattenuation;
61float4 gambient;
62float Ka;
63float Kd;
64float Ks;
65sampler orderFrontBack: register(s0);
66sampler leaf: register(s1);
67sampler shadowMap: register(s2);
68sampler spotLight: register(s3);
70float shadowBias = 45.57;
71float backProjectionCut = 0.0;
72float4 main_fp(float reg: VFACE, float3 normal: TEXCOORD0, float3 lightVec: TEXCOORD1, float3 viewVec: TEXCOORD2, float4 shadowCrd: TEXCOORD3, float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD4, float4 texCoordNormalized: TEXCOORD5) : COLOR
74   float4 tempcolor;
75   float4 ocolor;
77   normal = normalize(normal);
78   // Front and Back faces lighted
79   normal = (reg > 0.0) ? normal : -normal;
81   // Radial distance
82   float depth = length(lightVec);
83   // Normalizes light vector
84   lightVec /= depth;
86   // Standard lighting
87   float odiffuse = saturate(dot(lightVec, normal));
88   float ospecular = pow(saturate(dot(reflect(-normalize(viewVec), normal), lightVec)), 16);
90   // The depth of the fragment closest to the light
91   float shadowMap = tex2Dproj(shadowMap, shadowCrd);
92   // A spot image of the spotlight
93   float spotLight = tex2Dproj(spotLight, shadowCrd);
94   // If the depth is larger than the stored depth, this fragment
95   // is not the closest to the light, that is we are in shadow.
96   // Otherwise, we're lit. Add a bias to avoid precision issues
97   float shadow;
98   shadow = (depth < shadowMap + shadowBias);
100   // Cut back-projection, that is, make sure we don't lit
101   // anything behind the light. Theoretically, you should just
102   // cut at w = 0, but in practice you'll have to cut at a
103   // fairly high positive number to avoid precision issue when
104   // coordinates approaches zero.
105   shadow *= (shadowCrd.w > backProjectionCut);
106   // Modulate with spotlight image
107   //shadow *= spotLight;
109   // Shadow any light contribution except ambient
110   tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).x >= 0.0) ? tex2D(leaf,((texCoordNormalized - tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy) + tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).zw) * 4.0) : 0.0;
113   // green test
114   // = float3(0.0,0.5,0.2);
116   tempcolor = float4((Ka*( + (Kd*(odiffuse * * ldiffuse)) + (Ks * (ospecular * lspecular)),tempcolor.w);     
118   // Look the different leaves orientations used...
119   //tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).x >= 0.0) ? float4(tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).zw,1.0,1.0) : 0.0;
120   // Check the AATexQuads of the leaves...
121   //tempcolor = (tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).x >= 0.0) ? float4(tex2D(orderFrontBack, texCoord).xy,1.0,1.0) : 0.0;
123   // Shows each side the front and the back side...
124   //tempcolor = (reg > 0.0) ? float4(1.0,0.0,0.0,tempcolor.w) : float4(0.0,1.0,0.0,tempcolor.w);
126   ocolor = tempcolor;
127   return  ocolor;
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