/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ## ###### // ###### ### // ## ############### Shark 3D Engine (www.shark3d.com) // ########## # # # // ######## Copyright (c) 1996-2007 Spinor GmbH. // ######### # # # All rights reserved. // ## ########## // ## // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// modules { name "drv_stdres" path "shark3d_drv_stdres.dll" } { name "gui_stdilk" path "shark3d_gui_stdilk.dll" } { name "gui_stdnode" path "shark3d_gui_stdnode.dll" } { name "gui_stdedit" path "shark3d_gui_stdedit.dll" } { name "gui_stdprop" path "shark3d_gui_stdprop.dll" } { name "gui_actor" path "shark3d_gui_actor.dll" } update_period 0.01 msg_eval { msg_output_target_note "editor_log" msg_output_target_error "editor_error" } resmgr { ident "drv_stdres.resmgr_dispatch" param { env "env" log_enabled 0 entry_array { prefix "" ident "drv_stdres.resmgr_file" param { env "env" // Prefix added to the resource name for infos and errors: name_prefix "" // Location to load the files from: ref_dir "[homedir]" // Convertor for the ref_dir, for replacing placeholders. ref_dir_conv "path_conv" // Don't allow resource names to start with ".." or "/": allow_any_path 0 // Case sensitive file name on Win32 platform. // Should be enabled to avoid problems // with non-Win32 platforms, packfiles or DRU. non_strict_path 1 resinfo_uses_path 1 // Cache size not too large to avoid stuttering: file_cache_size 4096 // Log all file accesses: log_enabled 1 } } { prefix "images:" ident "drv_stdres.resmgr_file" param { env "env" // Prefix added to the resource name for infos and errors: name_prefix "" // Location to load the files from: ref_dir "[appdir]../../../external/" // Convertor for the ref_dir, for replacing placeholders. ref_dir_conv "path_conv" // Don't allow resource names to start with ".." or "/": allow_any_path 0 // Case sensitive file name on Win32 platform. // Should be enabled to avoid problems // with non-Win32 platforms, packfiles or DRU. non_strict_path 1 resinfo_uses_path 1 // Cache size not too large to avoid stuttering: file_cache_size 4096 // Log all file accesses: log_enabled 1 } } { prefix "help:" ident "drv_stdres.resmgr_file" param { env "env" // Prefix added to the resource name for infos and errors: name_prefix "" // Location to load the files from: ref_dir "[appdir]../../../doc/" // Convertor for the ref_dir, for replacing placeholders. ref_dir_conv "path_conv" // Don't allow resource names to start with ".." or "/": allow_any_path 0 // Case sensitive file name on Win32 platform. // Should be enabled to avoid problems // with non-Win32 platforms, packfiles or DRU. non_strict_path 1 resinfo_uses_path 1 // Cache size not too large to avoid stuttering: file_cache_size 4096 // Log all file accesses: log_enabled 1 } } { prefix "cfg:" ident "drv_stdres.resmgr_file" param { env "env" // Prefix added to the resource name for infos and errors: name_prefix "" // Location to load the files from: ref_dir "[appdir]../../../src/gui/cfg" // Convertor for the ref_dir, for replacing placeholders. ref_dir_conv "path_conv" // Don't allow resource names to start with ".." or "/": allow_any_path 1 // Case sensitive file name on Win32 platform. // Should be enabled to avoid problems // with non-Win32 platforms, packfiles or DRU. non_strict_path 1 resinfo_uses_path 1 // Cache size not too large to avoid stuttering: file_cache_size 4096 // Log all file accesses: log_enabled 1 } } } } res { str_table_name "cfg:strtable.cfg" param_table_name "cfg:paramtable.cfg" help_icon "images:icons/16x16/helpbutton.png" help_start "help:index.html" cfg_show_templ_ident "launch_templ_text" } output { name_array "editor_log" "editor_error" "tool" "engine_log" "engine_error" label_array "Editor log ([linecnt] lines)" "Editor errors ([linecnt] lines)" "Tools ([linecnt] lines)" "Engine log ([linecnt] lines)" "Current engine errors ([linecnt] lines)" } update { pending_delay 0.1 res_head "comres." com_buf_size 1000000 // Only needed if not using a local server connect_addrport "" res_targets_cfg "res_targets.cfg" } tool { // If a line matches this pattern, it is considered as error. error_pattern "*shark3d_error*" run_window_name "Shark 3D" output_target_run_normal "tool" output_target_run_error "tool" output_target_res_make_normal "tool" output_target_res_make_error "tool" output_target_res_clear_normal "tool" output_target_res_clear_error "tool" app_run "win32_run.bat" app_make "win32_res_make.bat" app_maketarget "win32_res_maketarget.bat [target]" app_clear "win32_res_clear.bat" } comserv { // As larger as faster updates of large resources: com_buf_size 1000000 timeout 60.0 listen_addrport ":33302" } msglog { output_target_note "engine_log" output_target_error "engine_error" com_buf_size 0 connect_addrport "" sic_pat "Sic:*" } proj { icon_default "images:icons/16x16/help.png" root "cfg:proj_root.cfg" foreign_jump_templ_ident "launch_templ_text" } filewatch { src_dir "src/res/" bin_dir "bin/res/" pat "!(*.$$$|*.svn|*.svn/*|*.scons|*.sconsign)" }