1 | Illumination networks estimate the discretized volumetric rendering equation by a Monte Carlo quadrature with a given set of directions. The process of calculation is described in details in the GameTools technical documentation deliverable (chapter 13). The main idea behind this method is to calculate incoming light radiance for a given set of directions for each particle. For any given direction and particle it is defined which other particle is the closest visible one from the given particle. This way the particles form a network according to this visibility information. This network can be used to calculate incoming radiance for every direction with an iteration process. During rendering we need the amount of radiance heading towards the eye to shade the individual particles.
2 | The tool offers real time rendering of realistically shaded participating media with multiple anisotropic scattering for multiple dynamic (both position and color can change) light sources. Even dynamic light sources inside the medium can be modeled.
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4 | Usage
5 | -----
6 | This sample application displays a cloud shaded with two light sources and skylight. The camera can be rotated around the cloud, one of the light sources can be moved, light colors and the cloud properties (albedo, opacity, scattering symmetry) can be changed.
7 | Controls:
8 | o w, s : moves camera closer and further from cloud
9 | o a, d : rotates camera around cloud
10 | o r, f : moves camera up and down
11 | o left, right : rotates light source around cloud
12 | o up, down : moves light source up and down
13 | o F1, shift + F1: increase, decrease iterate count (recommended to set to 1)
14 | o F2, shift + F2 : increase, decrease cloud albedo
15 | o F3, shift + F3 : increase, decrease cloud opacity
16 | o F4, shift + F4 : increase, decrease red color value of light 1.
17 | o F5, shift + F5 : increase, decrease green color value of light 1.
18 | o F6, shift + F6 : increase, decrease blue color value of light 1.
19 | o F7, shift + F7 : increase, decrease red color value of light 2.
20 | o F8, shift + F8 : increase, decrease green color value of light 2.
21 | o F9, shift + F9 : increase, decrease blue color value of light 2.
22 | o F10, shift + F10 : increase, decrease red color value of skylight
23 | o F11, shift + F11 : increase, decrease green color value of skylight
24 | o F12, shift + F12 : increase, decrease blue color value of skylight
25 | o p : start/stop screenshot saving
26 | o h : change heads up display
27 | o l : change display
28 | Display types:
29 | o Normal: shows the shaded cloud.
30 | The following display types are for debugging and representation:
31 | o Visible particles from light source colored with their ids.
32 | o Light visibility map: binary map contains 1 in column j if the particle is visible from the light source in direction j. It has two rows for the two light sources.
33 | o Illumination map1: last result of the illumination map.
34 | o Illumination map2: refreshed illumination map.
35 | o Eye radiance map: outgoing radiances of the particles towards the eye.
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37 | Run
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39 |
40 | Run src/IllumNetworks.exe
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42 | Build
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44 |
45 | Load and build src/IllumNetworks.sln
46 | Some resource includes and libs are located in RESOURCES