1 | float4x4 World; ///< World matrix for the current object
2 | float4x4 WorldIT; ///< World matrix IT (inverse transposed) to transform surface normals of the current object
3 | float4x4 WorldView;
4 | float4x4 WorldViewIT;
5 | float4x4 WorldViewProj;
6 | float3 referencePos;
7 | float3 eyePos;
8 | float3 F0; // Freshnel factor
9 | float N0; // Refraction coefficient
10 |
14 | int MAX_RAY_DEPTH;
15 |
16 | texture envCube1;
17 | sampler envCubeSampler1 = sampler_state
18 | {
19 | MinFilter = POINT;
20 | MagFilter = POINT;
21 | MipFilter = POINT;
22 | Texture = <envCube1>;
23 | AddressU = WRAP;
24 | AddressV = WRAP;
25 | };
26 |
27 | texture envCube2;
28 | sampler envCubeSampler2 = sampler_state
29 | {
30 | MinFilter = POINT;
31 | MagFilter = POINT;
32 | MipFilter = POINT;
33 | Texture = <envCube2>;
34 | AddressU = WRAP;
35 | AddressV = WRAP;
36 | };
37 |
38 | texture envCube3;
39 | sampler envCubeSampler3 = sampler_state
40 | {
41 | MinFilter = LINEAR;
42 | MagFilter = LINEAR;
43 | MipFilter = POINT;
44 | Texture = <envCube3>;
45 | AddressU = WRAP;
46 | AddressV = WRAP;
47 | };
48 |
49 | void linearSearch( float3 x, float3 R, samplerCUBE mp,
50 | out float3 p,
51 | out float dl,
52 | out float dp,
53 | out float llp,
54 | out float ppp)
55 | {
56 | p = 1;
57 |
58 | float3 Ra = abs(R), xa = abs(x);
59 | float a = max(max(xa.x, xa.y), xa.z) / max(max(Ra.x, Ra.y), Ra.z);
60 | bool undershoot = false, overshoot = false;
61 |
62 | float dt = length(x / max(max(xa.x, xa.y), xa.z) - R / max(max(Ra.x, Ra.y), Ra.z)) * MAX_LIN_ITERATIONCOUNT;
63 | dt = max(dt, MIN_LIN_ITERATIONCOUNT);
64 | dt = 1.0 / dt;
65 |
66 | float t = 0.01;
67 | while( t < 1 && !(overshoot && undershoot) ) { // iteration
68 | float dr = a * t / (1 - t); // ray parameter corresponding to t
69 | float3 r = x + R * dr; // point on the ray
70 | float ra = texCUBElod(mp, float4(r, 0)).a; // |p'|: distance direction of p
71 |
72 |
73 | if (ra > 0) { // valid texel, i.e. anything is visible
74 | float rrp = length(r)/ra; //|r|/|r'|
75 | if (rrp < 1) { // undershooting
76 | dl = dr; // store last undershooting as l
77 | llp = rrp;
78 | undershoot = true;
79 | } else {
80 | dp = dr; // store last overshooting as p
81 | ppp = rrp;
82 | overshoot = true;}
83 | } else { // nothing is visible: restart search
84 | undershoot = false;
85 | overshoot = false;
86 | }
87 | t += dt; // next texel
88 | }
89 |
90 | if(!(overshoot && undershoot))
91 | p = float3(0,0,0);
92 |
93 | }
94 |
95 | void secantSearch(float3 x, float3 R, samplerCUBE mp,
96 | float dl,
97 | float dp,
98 | float llp,
99 | float ppp,
100 | out float3 p)
101 | {
102 | p = x + R * dp; // if no secant iteration
103 | for(int i= 0; i < SECANT_ITERATIONCOUNT; i++)
104 | {
105 | float dnew;
106 | dnew = dl + (dp - dl) * (1 - llp) / (ppp - llp);
107 | p = x + R * dnew;
108 | half pppnew = length(p) / texCUBElod(mp, float4(p, 0)).a;
109 | if(pppnew == 1.0)
111 | else if(pppnew < 1.0f)
112 | {
113 | llp = pppnew;
114 | dl = dnew;
115 | }
116 | else
117 | {
118 | ppp = pppnew;
119 | dp = dnew;
120 | }
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 | float3 Hit(float3 x, float3 R, out float4 Il, out float3 Nl)
125 | {
126 | float dl1 = 0, dp1, llp1, ppp1;
127 | float3 p1;
128 | linearSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler1, p1, dl1, dp1, llp1, ppp1);
129 | float dl2 = 0, dp2, llp2, ppp2;
130 | float3 p2;
131 | linearSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler2, p2, dl2, dp2, llp2, ppp2);
132 |
133 | bool valid1 = dot(p1,p1) != 0;
134 | bool valid2 = dot(p2,p2) != 0;
135 |
136 | float dl, dp, llp, ppp;
137 | float3 p;
138 |
139 | if(!valid1 && ! valid2)
140 | {
141 | linearSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler3, p, dl, dp, llp, ppp);
142 | Il.a = 1;
143 | secantSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler3, dl, dp, llp, ppp, p);
144 | Il.rgb = Nl.rgb = texCUBElod(envCubeSampler3, float4(p, 0)).rgb;
145 | }
146 | else
147 | {
148 | if( !valid2 || (valid1 && dp1 < dp2))
149 | {
150 | secantSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler1, dl1, dp1, llp1, ppp1, p1);
151 | Il.rgb = Nl.rgb = texCUBElod(envCubeSampler1, float4(p1, 0)).rgb;
152 | p = p1;
153 | }
154 | else
155 | {
156 | secantSearch(x, R, envCubeSampler2, dl2, dp2, llp2, ppp2, p2);
157 | Il.rgb = Nl.rgb = texCUBElod(envCubeSampler2, float4(p2, 0)).rgb;
158 | p = p2;
159 | }
160 | Il.a = 0;
161 | }
162 |
163 | return p;
164 | }
165 |
166 |
167 | struct SpecularReflection_VS_OUT
168 | {
169 | float4 hPos : POSITION; // clipping space
170 | float3 x : TEXCOORD1; // cube map space
171 | float3 N : TEXCOORD2; // normal
172 | float3 V : TEXCOORD3; // view
173 | };
174 |
175 | SpecularReflection_VS_OUT SpecularReflectionVS(
176 | float4 Pos : POSITION,
177 | float4 Norm : NORMAL)
178 | {
179 | SpecularReflection_VS_OUT OUT;
180 | OUT.hPos = mul(Pos, WorldViewProj);
181 | OUT.x = mul(Pos, World).xyz;
182 | OUT.N = mul(Norm, WorldIT).xyz;
183 | OUT.V = OUT.x - eyePos;
184 | OUT.x -= referencePos;
185 | return OUT;
186 | }
187 |
188 | float4 SingleReflectionPS( SpecularReflection_VS_OUT IN) : COLOR
189 | {
190 | float3 V = normalize(IN.V); float3 N = normalize(IN.N);
191 | float3 R; // reflection dir.
192 | float3 Nl; // normal vector at the hit point
193 | float4 Il; // radiance at the hit point
194 | float3 I = 1;
195 |
196 | float3 F = F0 + pow(1-dot(N, -V), 5) * (1 - F0);
197 | if (N0 <= 0) // reflective material
198 | {
199 | R = reflect(V, N);
200 | I *= F; // Fresnel reflection
201 | }
202 | else //refractive material
203 | {
204 | R = refract(V, N, N0);
205 | if (dot(R, R) == 0) // no refraction direction exits
206 | R = reflect(V, N); // total reflection
207 | else
208 | I *= (1 - F); // Fresnel refraction
209 | }
210 | // ray hit l, radiance Il, normal Nl
211 | float3 l = Hit(IN.x, R, Il, Nl);
212 | if(Il.a == 0)//not a valid hit
213 | Il = texCUBE(envCubeSampler3, R); //read the distance environment map from the last direction
214 |
215 | return Il * float4(I,1);
216 | }
217 |
218 |
219 | technique SingleReflection
220 | {
221 | pass p0
222 | {
223 | VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 SpecularReflectionVS();
224 | PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 SingleReflectionPS();
225 | }
226 | }
227 |
228 | float4 MultipleReflectionPS( SpecularReflection_VS_OUT IN ) : COLOR
229 | {
230 | float3 V = normalize(IN.V); float3 N = normalize(IN.N);
231 | float3 x = IN.x;
232 |
233 | float4 I = float4(1,1,1,0);// radiance of the path
234 | float3 Fp = F0; // Fresnel at 90 degrees at first hit
235 | float n = N0; // index of refraction of the first hit
236 | int depth = 0; // length of the path
237 | while (depth < MAX_RAY_DEPTH) {
238 | float3 R; // reflection or refraction dir
239 | float3 F = Fp + pow(1-abs(dot(N, -V)), 5) * (1-Fp); // Fresnel
240 | if (n <= 0) {
241 | R = reflect(V, N); // reflection
242 | I.rgb *= F; // Fresnel reflection
243 | }
244 | else{ // refraction
245 | if (dot(V,N) > 0) { // coming from inside
246 | n = 1.0 / n;
247 | N = -N;
248 | }
249 | R = refract(V, N, n);
250 | if (dot(R, R) == 0) // no refraction direction exits
251 | R = reflect(V, N); // total reflection
252 | else
253 | I.rgb *= (1-F); // Fresnel refraction
254 | }
255 |
256 | float4 Il; // radiance at the hit point
257 | float3 Nl; // normal vector at the hit point
258 | // Trace ray x+R*d and obtain hit l, radiance Il, normal Nl
259 | float3 l = Hit(x, R, Il, Nl);
260 | if (Il.a == 0)// hit point is on specular surface
261 | {
262 | depth += 1;
263 | }
264 | else
265 | { // hit point is on diffuse surface
266 | I.rgb *= Il.rgb; // multiply with the radiance
267 | I.a = 1;
268 | depth = MAX_RAY_DEPTH; // terminate
269 | }
270 | N = Nl; V = R; x = l; // hit point is the next shaded point
271 | }
272 | return I * I.a;
273 | }
274 |
275 | technique MultipleReflection
276 | {
277 | pass p0
278 | {
279 | VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 SpecularReflectionVS();
280 | PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 MultipleReflectionPS();
281 | }
282 | }