1 | // ===== Create Ogre menu
2 | namespace -add "GTPSceneExporter";
3 | namespace -set "GTPSceneExporter";
4 |
5 | setParent "MayaWindow";
6 | menu -label "GTP" -tearOff false;
7 | menuItem -label "Export Scene" -command "GTPSceneExporter";
8 | menuItem -label "Path Map" -subMenu true;
9 | menuItem -label "Add Path Map attributes" -command "GTPAddPathMapAttr";
10 |
11 | //GTPSceneExporter();
12 |
13 | global proc runGTPSceneExport()
14 | {
15 | string $outputDir = (`textField -query -text OutputDirectory`);
16 | if (!endsWith($outputDir,"\\") && !endsWith($outputDir,"/") && (size($outputDir)>0))
17 | $outputDir += "/";
18 | string $sceneFile = (`textField -query -text SceneFileName`);
19 |
20 | $sceneFileName = $outputDir + $sceneFile;
21 | $fileId = `fopen $sceneFileName "w"`;
22 |
23 | string $options;
24 | string $shapes[];
25 | $shapes=`ls -geometry`;
26 |
27 | string $commandFile = $outputDir + "GTP_SceneExport.bat";
28 | int $comandFileID;
29 | string $commands = "";
30 | if (`checkBox -query -value CreateBinary`)
31 | {
32 | $comandFileID = `fopen $commandFile "w"`;
33 | string $OgreDir = (`textField -query -text OgrePath`);
34 | $OgreDir = toNativePath($OgreDir);
35 | $commands += "path=" + $OgreDir + "\n";
36 | }
37 |
38 | //geometry
39 | for($index=0;$index<size($shapes);$index++)
40 | {
41 | string $shapename = $shapes[$index];
42 | string $shapeNameTokens[];
43 | tokenize $shapename "|" $shapeNameTokens;
44 | $shapename = $shapeNameTokens[size($shapeNameTokens) - 1];
45 | $meshFileName = encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$shapename + ".mesh.xml"));
46 |
47 | fprint $fileId("mesh "+$shapename+"\n{\n");
48 | fprint $fileId("\togreXMLfile "+$shapename + ".mesh.xml"+"\n");
49 | fprint $fileId("\togrefile "+$shapename + ".mesh"+"\n");
50 | int $exportPM = `checkBox -q -v ExportPMAttr`;
51 | if($exportPM)
52 | {
53 | select $shapes[$index];
54 | $PRMRes = 64;
55 | if(attributeExists("PhotonMapResolution", $shapes[$index]))
56 | $PRMRes = `getAttr .prmRes`;
57 | fprint $fileId("\tpathmapresolution " + $PRMRes + "\n");
58 | $PRMDiv = 1;
59 | if(attributeExists("PhotonMapSubdivision", $shapes[$index]))
60 | $PRMDiv = `getAttr .prmDiv`;
61 | fprint $fileId("\tdivide " + $PRMDiv + "\n");
62 | }
63 | fprint $fileId "}\n\n";
64 |
65 | //mesh export
66 | int $exportMeshes = `checkBox -query -value ExportMeshes`;
67 | if($exportMeshes)
68 | {
69 | select $shapename;
70 | $options += " -sel";
71 | $options += " -obj";
72 | $options = "";
73 | $options += " -mesh";
74 | $options += " \"" + $meshFileName + "\"";
75 | $options += " -shared -n -t";
76 | eval ("ogreExport" + $options);
77 | }
78 |
79 | //binary creation
80 | if (`checkBox -query -value CreateBinary`)
81 | {
82 | int $size = size($meshFileName);
83 | $size -= 4;
84 | string $binMeshFileName = startString($meshFileName, $size);
85 | $commands += "OgreXMLConverter";
86 | if (!`checkBox -query -value BuildEdgeList`)
87 | $commands += " -e ";
88 | if (`checkBox -query -value BuildTangents`)
89 | $commands += " -t ";
90 | $commands += " \"" + $meshFileName + "\"" + " \"" + $binMeshFileName + "\"" + "\n";
91 | //$commands += "pause \n";
92 | }
93 |
94 | //entities with transforms
95 | string $transforms[] = `listRelatives -ap $shapes[$index]`;
96 | for($i = 0; $i<size($transforms);$i++)
97 | {
98 | $entityName = $transforms[$i];
99 |
100 | select $entityName;
101 | float $transformation[] = `getAttr .worldMatrix`;
102 | string $transformationString = "";
103 |
104 | for($start = 0; $start < 4 ; $start++)
105 | for($t = 0; $t < 4 ; $t++)
106 | $transformationString += ($transformation[$start + $t * 4] + " ");
107 |
108 | fprint $fileId("entity "+ $entityName + "\n{\n" );
109 | fprint $fileId("\tmesh "+ $shapename + "\n");
110 | fprint $fileId("\ttransformation "+ $transformationString + "\n");
111 | if($exportPM)
112 | {
113 | $PRMClus = 32;
114 | if(attributeExists("PathMapClusters", $shapes[$index]))
115 | $PRMClus = `getAttr .prmClus`;
116 | fprint $fileId("\tpathmapclusters " + $PRMClus + "\n");
117 | string $PMTexturePath = (`textField -query -text PMPath`);
118 | if (!endsWith($PMTexturePath,"\\") && !endsWith($PMTexturePath,"/") && (size($PMTexturePath)>0))
119 | $PMTexturePath += "/";
120 | fprint $fileId("\tpathmapfile " + toNativePath($PMTexturePath) + $entityName + "\n");
121 | }
122 | fprint $fileId "}\n\n";
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | if (`checkBox -query -value CreateBinary`)
127 | {
128 | fprint $comandFileID $commands;
129 | fclose $comandFileID;
130 | system("\"" + `toNativePath $commandFile` + "\"");
131 | }
132 |
133 | //material export
134 | int $exportMaterials = `checkBox -query -value ExportMaterials`;
135 | if($exportMaterials)
136 | {
137 | string $materialFile = (`textField -query -text MaterialFilename`);
138 | string $materialFileName = encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir + $materialFile));
139 | $options = "-all";
140 | $options += " -mat \"" + $materialFileName + "\"";
141 | string $matPrefix = `textField -query -text MaterialPrefix`;
142 | if ($matPrefix != "")
143 | {
144 | $options += " -matPrefix \"" + $matPrefix + "\"";
145 | }
146 | eval ("ogreExport" + $options);
147 | }
148 |
149 | fclose $fileId;
150 | }
151 |
152 | // ===== Launch exporter UI
153 | global proc GTPSceneExporter()
154 | {
155 | defineGTPExportUIView();
156 | }
157 |
158 | global proc formatGTPExportUI()
159 | {
160 | int $exportMaterials = `checkBox -q -v ExportMaterials`;
161 | text -edit -enable $exportMaterials MaterialFilenameLabel;
162 | textField -edit -enable $exportMaterials MaterialFilename;
163 | text -edit -enable $exportMaterials MaterialPrefixLabel;
164 | textField -edit -enable $exportMaterials MaterialPrefix;
165 |
166 | int $exportMeshes = `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshes`;
167 | checkBox -edit -enable $exportMeshes CreateBinary;
168 | checkBox -edit -enable $exportMeshes BuildEdgeList;
169 | checkBox -edit -enable $exportMeshes BuildTangents;
170 | if (!$exportMeshes)
171 | checkBox -edit -value false CreateBinary;
172 |
173 | int $createBinary = `checkBox -q -v CreateBinary`;
174 | checkBox -edit -enable $createBinary BuildEdgeList;
175 | checkBox -edit -enable $createBinary BuildTangents;
176 | text -edit -enable $createBinary OgrePathLabel;
177 | textField -edit -enable $createBinary OgrePath;
178 |
179 | int $exportPM = `checkBox -q -v ExportPMAttr`;
180 | text -edit -enable $exportPM PMPathLabel;
181 | textField -edit -enable $exportPM PMPath;
182 | }
183 |
184 | global proc defineGTPExportUIView()
185 | {
186 | string $sceneFile = `file -query -sceneName`;
187 | string $mayaFile = basename($sceneFile, "." + fileExtension($sceneFile));
188 | if($mayaFile == "")
189 | $mayaFile = "untitled";
190 |
191 | // --- Main window for Ogre exporter
192 | if (`window -exists GTPSceneExportWindow`)
193 | {
194 | deleteUI GTPSceneExportWindow;
195 | }
196 | window
197 | -title "GTP Scene Exporter"
198 | -widthHeight 305 300
199 | GTPSceneExportWindow;
200 |
201 | scrollLayout
202 | GTPSceneExportScrollLayout;
203 | columnLayout
204 | GTPSceneExportMainLayout;
205 | frameLayout
206 | -parent GTPSceneExportMainLayout
207 | -label "General"
208 | -collapsable true
209 | GeneralControls;
210 | columnLayout
211 | GTPGeneralControlsLayout;
212 | text
213 | -parent GTPGeneralControlsLayout
214 | -label "Output Directory"
215 | OutputDirectoryLabel;
216 | textField
217 | -parent GTPGeneralControlsLayout
218 | -width 305
219 | OutputDirectory;
220 | text
221 | -parent GTPGeneralControlsLayout
222 | -label "Scene File Name"
223 | SceneFileNameLabel;
224 | textField
225 | -parent GTPGeneralControlsLayout
226 | -width 305
227 | -text ($mayaFile + ".level")
228 | SceneFileName;
229 |
230 | frameLayout
231 | -parent GTPSceneExportMainLayout
232 | -label "Materials"
233 | -collapsable true
234 | MaterialControls;
235 | columnLayout
236 | MaterialControlsLayout;
237 | checkBox
238 | -parent MaterialControlsLayout
239 | -value false
240 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
241 | -label "Export Materials"
242 | ExportMaterials;
243 | text
244 | -parent MaterialControlsLayout
245 | -label "Material File Name"
246 | -enable false
247 | MaterialFilenameLabel;
248 | textField
249 | -parent MaterialControlsLayout
250 | -width 305
251 | -enable false
252 | -text ($mayaFile + ".material")
253 | MaterialFilename;
254 | text
255 | -parent MaterialControlsLayout
256 | -label "Material name prefix"
257 | -enable false
258 | MaterialPrefixLabel;
259 | textField
260 | -parent MaterialControlsLayout
261 | -width 305
262 | -enable false
263 | -text $mayaFile
264 | MaterialPrefix;
265 |
266 | frameLayout
267 | -parent GTPSceneExportMainLayout
268 | -label "Meshes"
269 | -collapsable true
270 | -width 309
271 | MeshControls;
272 | columnLayout
273 | MeshControlsLayout;
274 | checkBox
275 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
276 | -value true
277 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
278 | -label "Export Meshes"
279 | ExportMeshes;
280 | checkBox
281 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
282 | -value true
283 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
284 | -label "Create Binary Mesh Files"
285 | CreateBinary;
286 | checkBox
287 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
288 | -value false
289 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
290 | -label "Build Edge List"
291 | BuildEdgeList;
292 | checkBox
293 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
294 | -value false
295 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
296 | -label "Build Tangent Vectors"
297 | BuildTangents;
298 | text
299 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
300 | -label "Ogre Dir(where dlls and OgreXMLConverter.exe are located)"
301 | -enable true
302 | OgrePathLabel;
303 | textField
304 | -parent MeshControlsLayout
305 | -width 305
306 | -enable true
307 | -text "%OGRE_PATH%/Samples/Common/bin/Release"
308 | OgrePath;
309 |
310 | frameLayout
311 | -parent GTPSceneExportMainLayout
312 | -label "Path Map Options"
313 | -collapsable true
314 | -width 309
315 | PathMapControls;
316 | columnLayout
317 | PathMapControlsLayout;
318 | checkBox
319 | -parent PathMapControlsLayout
320 | -value false
321 | -changeCommand "formatGTPExportUI"
322 | -label "Export Path Map Attributes"
323 | ExportPMAttr;
324 | text
325 | -parent PathMapControlsLayout
326 | -label "Path Map Texture Directory"
327 | -enable false
328 | PMPathLabel;
329 | textField
330 | -parent PathMapControlsLayout
331 | -width 305
332 | -enable false
333 | -text "prm"
334 | PMPath;
335 |
336 | button
337 | -parent GTPSceneExportMainLayout
338 | -label "EXPORT"
339 | -command "runGTPSceneExport"
340 | -width 305
341 | ButtonExport;
342 |
343 | showWindow GTPSceneExportWindow;
344 | }
345 |
346 | global proc GTPAddPathMapAttr()
347 | {
348 | string $selected[] = `selectedNodes`;
349 | for($i = 0; $i < size($selected); $i++ )
350 | {
351 | select $selected[$i];
352 | $isGeometry = `objectType -isType mesh $selected[$i]`;
353 | if($isGeometry)
354 | {
355 | if(!attributeExists("PhotonMapResolution", $selected[$i]))
356 | addAttr -at short -ln PhotonMapResolution -sn prmRes -min 16 -max 1024 -dv 64;
357 | if(!attributeExists("PhotonMapSubdivision", $selected[$i]))
358 | addAttr -at short -ln PhotonMapSubdivision -sn prmDiv -min 1 -dv 1;
359 |
360 | string $transforms[] = `listRelatives -ap $selected[$i]`;
361 | for($j = 0; $j<size($transforms);$j++)
362 | {
363 | select $transforms[$j];
364 | if(!attributeExists("PathMapClusters", $transforms[$j]))
365 | addAttr -at short -ln PathMapClusters -sn prmRes -min 1 -max 64 -dv 32;
366 | }
367 | }
368 | else
369 | {
370 | select $selected[$i];
371 | $isTransform = `objectType -isType transform $selected[$i]`;
372 | if($isTransform)
373 | {
374 | string $relatives[] = `listRelatives $selected[$i]`;
375 | int $numRelatives = size($relatives);
376 | for($j=0;$j<$numRelatives;$j++)
377 | {
378 | $isGeometry = `objectType -isType mesh $relatives[$j]`;
379 | if($isGeometry)
380 | {
381 | select $relatives[$j];
382 | if(!attributeExists("PhotonMapResolution", $relatives[$j]))
383 | addAttr -at short -ln PhotonMapResolution -sn prmRes -min 16 -max 1024 -dv 64;
384 | if(!attributeExists("PhotonMapSubdivision", $relatives[$j]))
385 | addAttr -at short -ln PhotonMapSubdivision -sn prmDiv -min 1 -dv 1;
386 |
387 | select $selected[$i];
388 | if(!attributeExists("PathMapClusters", $selected[$i]))
389 | addAttr -at short -ln PathMapClusters -sn prmClus -min 1 -max 64 -dv 32;
390 | }
391 | }
392 | }
393 | }
394 | }
395 | }
396 |
397 | namespace -set ":"; |