The OGRE integrated demos of different illumination module techniques can be found in this folder. Run ----- The executables(Debug and Release) can be found in the \bin directory. The media files like textures, models, shaders etc. used by the demos can be found in the \Media directory. You don't need to compile the demos if you would only like to test the programs, prebuilt executables are located in the bin/Release or Debug directory. Three demos are ready to run: - GameToolsRaytraceDemo.exe : This demo demonstrates raytrace like effects such as reflections and refractions (using depth impostors) and caustics. It also uses glow. - GameToolsParticleDemo.exe : This demo demonstrates spherical billboards, a particle rendering technique that treates particles as spheres (while still rendering them as billboards) and uses scene depth information to avoid billboard clipping artifacts. - HPSDemo.exe : This Demo demonstrates hierarchical particle systems, which is a particle system made of particle system. It first simulates a little particle system, stores its image to a texture and this image will be used as texture of one particle in the bigger particle system. This way more particles can be simulated, and the "cheating" is usually not visible (as most of the natural phenomena shows self similarity). The method also eliminates billboard clipping artifacts with a calculation similar to spherical billboards. The demo also shows that this animated particle system can be shaded according to dynamic lighting conditions. (You can also find two more executables in this directory, but these demos are under development.) Usage ----- The control is the same for all demos: W - move camera forward S - move camera back A - slide camera left D - slide camera right mouse - rotate camera F - show/hide FPS data R - toggle wireframe on/off Build ----- These demos use OGRE 1.2 with changes can be found in the svn ( These OGRE changes should be copied to your OGRE 1.2 directory and OGRE should be rebuilt. It's important to set the prepocessor definition : GAMETOOLS_ILLUMINATION_MODULE for the projects. Also add SpriteSet.h SpriteSet.cpp SpriteParticleRenderer.h SpriteParticleRenderer.cpp to the OgreMain project. The demos also use a library called IllumModule and it's OGRE version OgreIllumModule. These libraries can be found in the svn : There is also a prepared solution file that containes these library projects and all the demo projects in folder: The source code of the demos are located in: So the following directory structure should be downloaded to successfully compile the demos and libraries: -| |--App | | | |--Demos | | | |--Illum | | | |--Ogre | | | |--bin... | |--Media... | |--src... | | |--Lib | |--Illum | |--IllumModule... |--shared... An environment variable named OGRE_PATH should also be set to your OGRE root directory. If you made the steps above the build of the libraries and demos should succeed without errors. The demo executables will be copied to App/Demos/Illum/Ogre/bin/Debug or Release automatically. ( Don't forget you should also copy the dll's from your Ogre directory (OGRE_PATH/Samples/Common/bin/Debug or Release) to these directory after building OGRE.)