1 | The OGRE integrated demos of different illumination module techniques can be found in this folder.
2 |
3 | Run
4 | -----
5 | The executables(Debug and Release) can be found in the \bin directory. The media files like textures, models, shaders etc.
6 | used by the demos can be found in the \Media directory.
7 | You don't need to compile the demos if you would only like to test the programs,
8 | prebuilt executables are located in the bin/Release or Debug directory.
9 |
10 | Three demos are ready to run:
11 | - GameToolsRaytraceDemo.exe : This demo demonstrates raytrace like effects such as reflections and refractions (using depth impostors)
12 | and caustics. It also uses glow.
13 | - GameToolsParticleDemo.exe : This demo demonstrates spherical billboards, a particle rendering technique that treates particles as spheres
14 | (while still rendering them as billboards) and uses scene depth information to avoid billboard clipping artifacts.
15 | - HPSDemo.exe : This Demo demonstrates hierarchical particle systems, which is a particle system made of particle system.
16 | It first simulates a little particle system, stores its image to a texture and this image will be used as texture of one particle in the bigger particle system.
17 | This way more particles can be simulated, and the "cheating" is usually not visible (as most of the natural phenomena shows self similarity).
18 | The method also eliminates billboard clipping artifacts with a calculation similar to spherical billboards.
19 | The demo also shows that this animated particle system can be shaded according to dynamic lighting conditions.
20 |
21 | (You can also find two more executables in this directory, but these demos are under development.)
22 |
23 | Usage
24 | -----
25 |
26 | The control is the same for all demos:
27 |
28 | W - move camera forward
29 | S - move camera back
30 | A - slide camera left
31 | D - slide camera right
32 | mouse - rotate camera
33 | F - show/hide FPS data
34 | R - toggle wireframe on/off
35 |
36 |
37 | Build
38 | -----
39 |
40 | These demos use OGRE 1.2 with changes can be found in the svn (www.gametools.org/repos/gametools/OGRE/trunk/ogre_changes/Ogre1.2).
41 | These OGRE changes should be copied to your OGRE 1.2 directory and OGRE should be rebuilt. It's important to set
42 | the prepocessor definition : GAMETOOLS_ILLUMINATION_MODULE for these two projects: OgreMain, Direct3D9RenderSystem
43 |
44 | The demos also use a library called IllumModule and it's OGRE version OgreIllumModule.
45 | These libraries can be found in the svn : www.gametools.org/repos/gametools/GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule
46 | There is also a prepared solution file that containes these library projects and all the demo projects in folder:
47 | www.gametools.org/repos/gametools/GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/shared/scripts
48 | The source code of the demos are located in:
49 | www.gametools.org/repos/gametools/GTP/trunk/App/Demos/Illum/Ogre/src
50 | So the following directory structure should be downloaded to successfully compile the demos and libraries:
51 |
52 | -|
53 | |--App
54 | | |
55 | | |--Demos
56 | | |
57 | | |--Illum
58 | | |
59 | | |--Ogre
60 | | |
61 | | |--bin...
62 | | |--Media...
63 | | |--src...
64 | |
65 | |
66 | |--Lib
67 | |
68 | |--Illum
69 | |
70 | |--IllumModule...
71 | |--shared...
72 |
73 | An environment variable named OGRE_PATH should also be set to your OGRE root directory.
74 | If you made the steps above the build of the libraries and demos should succeed without errors.
75 | The demo executables will be copied to App/Demos/Illum/Ogre/bin/Debug or Release automatically.
76 | ( Don't forget you should also copy the dll's from your Ogre directory (OGRE_PATH/Samples/Common/bin/Debug or Release) to these directory after building OGRE.) |