2 |
3 | #include "dxstdafx.h"
4 | #include "resource.h"
5 |
6 | // Define X files path
7 | #define BUNNY L"Media\\Objects\\bunny.x"
8 | #define COLUMN L"Media\\Objects\\column.x"
9 | #define ROOM L"Media\\Objects\\room.x"
10 | #define SKULL L"Media\\Objects\\skull.x"
11 | #define SPHERE L"Media\\Objects\\sphere.x"
12 | #define TEAPOT L"Media\\Objects\\teapot.x"
13 | #define TIGER L"Media\\Objects\\tiger.x"
14 |
15 |
16 | //#define D3D_DEBUG_INFO
17 |
18 | //#define DEBUG_VS // Uncomment this line to debug vertex shaders
19 | //#define DEBUG_PS // Uncomment this line to debug pixel shaders
20 |
21 |
22 | // Define texture sizes
23 | #define CUBEMAP_SIZE 512 // size of CubeMaps
24 | #define ATLASMAP_SIZE 512 // size of Atlases (Room, Columns)
25 | #define SHADOWMAP_SIZE 512 // size of ShadowMap
26 | #define PHOTONMAP_MAX_SIZE 256 // The max size of the PhotonMap
27 | #define SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE 5 // The max size of the snippet
28 |
29 | #define STEP 0.1f // The size of a movement between two step
30 | #define CENTEROBJECTRADIUS 2.0f // radius of the center object
31 | #define LIGHTRADIUS 0.3f // radius of the light object
32 |
33 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 | // UI control IDs
35 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 |
38 | #define IDC_TOGGLEREF 2
39 | #define IDC_CHANGEDEVICE 3
40 | #define WINDOW_SIZE_X 640 // Size of the screen
41 | #define WINDOW_SIZE_Y 640 // Size of the screen
42 |
43 | // HUD IDs
44 | #define IDC_SHADOW_CHECK_BOX 10
45 | #define IDC_CAUSTICS_CHECK_BOX 11
49 |
50 |
51 | #define IDC_CLASSIC_METHOD 20
53 |
61 |
63 |
64 | // These constants will be used as arguments for the RenderScene(..., int, ..) function
65 | // They are used to switch between the different shaders
68 |
69 |
70 | // The next two float array pairs define the Snippet's light intensity and its size.
71 | // These values (light intensity and size) depend on the PhotonMapSize.
72 | // The bigger PhotonMapSize defines bigger texture and that defines more photon.
73 | // The more photons need smaller intensity and size.
74 | // PhotonMapSize = 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
75 | // Tries to fill the same area with constant intensity.
76 | float g_fIntensityOfSnippet[9] = { 0.05f, 0.06f, 0.08f, 0.11f, 0.185f, 0.27f, 0.53f, 1.00f, 1.65f };
77 | float g_fSizeOfSnippet[9] = { 0.05f, 0.10f, 0.14f, 0.17f, 0.25f, 0.32f, 0.64f, 1.28f, 2.56f };
78 |
79 | // Tries to fill the same area with texture's size independent Snippet's size.
80 | float g_fIntensityOfSnippetWithIndependentSnippetSize[9] =
81 | { 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.065f, 0.13f, 0.27f, 0.53f, 1.00f, 1.65f };
82 | float g_fSizeOfSnippetWithIndependentSnippetSize[9] =
83 | { 0.01f, 0.02f, 0.04f, 0.08f, 0.16f, 0.32f, 0.64f, 1.28f, 2.56f };
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 | // Structs
89 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 | // Vertex structure for a photon hit (called snippet)
91 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 g_aSnippetVertex[] =
92 | {
96 | D3DDECL_END()
97 | };
98 |
99 | // Vertex structure for the fullscreene quad
100 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 g_aFullScreneQuadVertex[] =
101 | {
103 | D3DDECL_END()
104 | };
105 |
106 | // Define a snippet
107 | struct SnippetVertexStruct
108 | {
109 | float x, y, z;
110 | float r, g, b, a;
111 | float u, v;
112 | };
113 |
114 | struct FullScreenQuadVertexStruct
115 | {
116 | FLOAT x, y, z, rhw; // The transformed position for the vertex.
117 | };
118 |
120 |
121 | FullScreenQuadVertexStruct fullscreen[] =
122 | {
123 | { -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, }, // x, y, z, rhw
124 | { 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, },
125 | { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, },
126 | { -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, },
127 | { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, },
128 | { -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, },
129 | };
130 |
131 |
132 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 | // Global variables
134 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 | IDirect3DDevice9* g_pd3dDevice = NULL; // RenderDevice
136 |
137 | ID3DXFont* g_pFont = NULL; // Font for drawing text
138 | ID3DXSprite* g_pTextSprite = NULL; // Sprite for batching draw text calls
139 | ID3DXEffect* g_pEffect = NULL; // D3DX effect interface
140 |
141 | CModelViewerCamera g_Camera; // A model viewing camera
142 |
143 | CDXUTDialog g_HUD; // Dialog for sample specific controls
144 |
145 |
146 | // Textures
147 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pPhotonUVTexture = NULL; // Texture where the Photon map is rendered
148 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pPowerOfSnippetTexelTexture = NULL; // Texture to contain the power of the snippet Texels
149 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pRoomModifyTexture = NULL; // Room's Texture, this has viewable black edges
150 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pRoomLastTexture = NULL; // Room's Texture, this contains the original brdf,
151 | // the Caustics Effect and the shadow
152 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pColumnModifyTexture[4]; // Columns Texture
153 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pColumnLastTexture[5]; // Columns Texture, the last one contains the original brdf
154 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pRoomTexture = NULL; // Room's original Texture (brdf)
155 | LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 g_pShadowMapTexture = NULL; // Shadow map's texture. This is used for shadow generation.
156 |
157 | // Surfaces for the textures
158 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pColumnsModifySurface[4]; // Columns Atlas
159 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pColumnsLastSurface[5]; // Columns Atlas
160 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pRoomLastSurface = NULL; // Room's Atlas
161 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pRoomModifySurface = NULL; // Room's Atlas
162 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pRoomSurface = NULL; // Room's Atlas
163 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pPhotonMapDepthStencilSurface = NULL; // Used to render Photon map
164 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pPhotonUVMapSurface = NULL; // Photon map's UV surface
165 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pShadowMapSurface = NULL; // Shadow map's surface
166 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pShadowMapDepthStencilSSurface = NULL; // Shadow DS's Z surface
167 |
168 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld = NULL; // Store the original Screen's surface
169 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld = NULL; // Store the original Screen's DSS
170 |
171 | // Cube map textures
172 | IDirect3DCubeTexture9* g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture = NULL; // CubeMap for store: Color + Distance
173 | IDirect3DCubeTexture9* g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture = NULL; // CubeMap for store: UV + ObjectID
174 |
175 | IDirect3DSurface9* g_pRoomCubeMapDepthStencilSurface = NULL; // Depth-stencil buffer for rendering to cube texture
176 | IDirect3DSurface9* g_pDepthStencilSurface = NULL; // Depth-stencil buffer for Room Texture
177 |
178 | IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* g_pSnippetVertexDeclaration = NULL; // Vertex declaration for the snippet
179 | IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration = NULL; // Vertex declaration for the fullscreen quad
180 |
181 | LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer = NULL; // Contains vertex data for the fullscreen quad
182 | LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 g_bSnippetVertexBuffer = NULL; // Contains vertex data for the snippets
183 |
184 | // Meshes
185 | ID3DXMesh* g_pCenterObjectMesh = NULL; // Mesh for the center object
186 | ID3DXMesh* g_pRoomMesh = NULL; // Mesh representing room (wall, floor, ceiling)
187 | ID3DXMesh* g_pColumnMesh = NULL; // Mesh representing one Column
188 | ID3DXMesh* g_pLightMesh = NULL; // Mesh for the light object
189 |
190 | // Flags
191 | bool g_bShowHelp = false; // If true, it renders the UI control text
192 | bool g_bInitialization = true; // Initialization is in progress
193 | bool g_bRunGenerateCaustics = false; // Rerender Caustics Effect
194 | bool g_bShadowON = true; // Calculate shadow yes/no.
195 | bool g_bCausticsON = true; // Calculate caustics yes/no.
196 | bool g_bShowVariables = true; // Show the values of the algorithm's variables
197 | bool g_bShowVariablesUserSet = true; // The user sets to show the variables.
198 | bool g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON = true; // Render Center Objectum with normal texture or diffuse color.
199 | bool g_bShowHUD = true; // Show HUD
200 | bool g_bSaveTexture = false; // Just for debug.
201 | bool g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant = false; // The fSnippetSize is independent of the size of PhotonMap.
202 | // Its size is constant in world space.
203 | bool g_bShowPhotonMap = true; // Show PhotonMap on screen
204 |
205 | // Matrices
206 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mWorldCenterObject; // World matrix of the Center Object (scaling & offset)
207 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mWorldViewLight; // Light's worldview matrix
208 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mProjLight; // Light's projection matrix
209 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mTexScaleBiasMat; // Special texture matrix for ShadowMapping
210 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mLightViewTexBias; // Light view matrix multiplied by g_mTexScaleBiasMat
211 |
212 |
213 | // Floats
214 | float g_fFresnelFactor = 0.05f; // The Fresnel factor
215 | float g_fRefractionIndex = 0.9f; // The Refraction index
216 | float g_fShadowIntensity = 0.25f; // The intensity of the shadow
217 | float g_fCausticsIntensity = 0.05f; // The intensity of a caustics snippet
218 | float g_fCenterObjectSize = 1.0; // The scale of the CenterObject
219 | float g_fSnippetSize = 3.0f; // The size of a snippet;
220 | float g_dDepthBias = 0.0002f; // Depth bias value
221 | float g_dBiasSlope = 2.0f; // Bias slope
222 |
223 |
224 | // Vectors
225 | D3DXVECTOR3 g_vLightPos; // Define the position of light
226 | D3DXVECTOR3 g_vLightPosLast; // Light position at the last Caustic Effect generation
227 | D3DXVECTOR3 g_vCenterObjectPosInitial; // Define the offset of the center object in the X file
228 | D3DXVECTOR3 g_vCenterObjectPos; // Define the offset of the center object
229 | D3DXVECTOR3 g_vCenterObjectPosLast; // CenterObj position at the last Caustic Effect generation
230 |
231 | int g_iNumberOfIteration = 10; // The number of the iteration of the algorithm.
232 | int g_iObjectID = -1; // The identifier of the object in the scene.
233 | // Every object has its own ID.
234 | int g_iAlgorithmMethod = 1; // Here you can switch between the classical and our distance impstor method.
235 | int g_iPhotonMapSize = 64; // Size of the PhotonMap
236 |
237 |
238 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 | // Forward declarations
240 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | bool CALLBACK IsDeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed );
242 | void CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, const D3DCAPS9* pCaps );
243 |
244 | // This function creates the vertex buffer for the snippets,
245 | // controls the compiler properties,
246 | // loads the effect file and the meshes and
247 | // sets up the matrices.
248 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc );
249 |
250 | // This function contains the texture generation.
251 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc );
252 |
253 | void CALLBACK OnFrameMove( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime );
254 |
255 | // This is the most important function. It is called at every frame. Steps:
256 | // - some initialization
257 | // At the first call we make the initialization. This runs just once, when the program starts.
258 | // - update caustics if necessary
259 | // Then it decides whether the caustics effect should be rerendered or not.
260 | // Re-rendering the caustic effect is requested if there were some major changes (movements) in the scene.
261 | // - render to screen
262 | // The last task is to render the objects of the scene to the screen.
263 | void CALLBACK OnFrameRender( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime );
264 |
265 | LRESULT CALLBACK MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool* pbNoFurtherProcessing );
266 |
267 | // This function handles keyboard events (user inputs).
268 | void CALLBACK KeyboardProc( UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown );
269 |
270 | // The next two functions clear the variables from the memory.
271 | void CALLBACK OnLostDevice();
272 | void CALLBACK OnDestroyDevice();
273 |
274 | // This function displays the values of the algorithm's variables and the help text.
275 | void RenderText();
276 |
277 | // It loads a mesh from the specified X file and - after determining its size and bounding box -
278 | // centers it on the screen.
279 | HRESULT LoadMesh( WCHAR* strFileName, ID3DXMesh** ppMesh, bool bComputeBoundingBox );
280 |
281 | // This function creates the cube maps.
282 | // The first cube map stores color and distance values, created from the CenterObject's position. (g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture)
283 | // The second one is created from the same position. (g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture)
284 | // It stores at every pixel the viewable object's ID and UV.
285 | void RenderScenePreProcessing();
286 |
287 | // This function generates the caustics effect.
288 | // At first it creates a photon map created from the light's position.
289 | // This map stores the viewable ObjectID and UV at every pixel.
290 | // This information is gathered from the second (g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture) CubeMap.
291 | // The second step is to create the shadow map (g_pShadowMapTexture). This map contains depth values.
292 | // This map is generated from the light's position.
293 | // The last step is to blend caustics snippets and generate shadow into the room's and the columns's atlases at the right places.
294 | void GenerateCaustics();
295 |
296 | // This function contains the GPU calls.
297 | // It calculates and sets up the values of the variables which are needed for the actual technique.
298 | void RenderScene( D3DXMATRIXA16 *mWorld, D3DXMATRIXA16 *mProj, int method );
299 |
300 | // This function binds the texture to the GPU.
301 | void RenderSceneInitialization();
302 |
303 | // Functions to crate different type of textures.
304 | IDirect3DTexture9* CreateTexture( int size, D3DFORMAT Format );
305 | IDirect3DCubeTexture9* CreateCubeTexture( int size, D3DFORMAT Format );
306 | IDirect3DSurface9* CreateDepthStencilSurface( int size );
307 |
308 | // This function creates vertex buffer.
309 | void CreateVertexBuffer();
310 |
311 | void InitializeHUD();
312 | void CALLBACK OnGUIEvent( UINT nEvent, int nControlID, CDXUTControl* pControl );
313 |
314 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 | // Entry point to the program. Initializes everything and goes into a message processing
316 | // loop. Idle time is used to render the scene.
317 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 | {
320 | // Set the callback functions. These functions allow the sample framework to notify
321 | // the application about device changes, user input, and windows messages. The
322 | // callbacks are optional so you need only set callbacks for events you're interested
323 | // in. However, if you don't handle the device reset/lost callbacks then the sample
324 | // framework won't be able to reset your device since the application must first
325 | // release all device resources before resetting. Likewise, if you don't handle the
326 | // device created/destroyed callbacks then the sample framework won't be able to
327 | // recreate your device resources.
328 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceCreated( OnCreateDevice );
329 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceReset( OnResetDevice );
330 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceLost( OnLostDevice );
331 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceDestroyed( OnDestroyDevice );
332 | DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc( MsgProc );
333 | DXUTSetCallbackKeyboard( KeyboardProc );
334 | DXUTSetCallbackFrameRender( OnFrameRender );
335 | DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove( OnFrameMove );
336 |
337 | // Show the cursor and clip it when in full screen
338 | DXUTSetCursorSettings( true, true );
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 | // Initialize the sample framework and create the desired Win32 window and Direct3D
343 | // device for the application. Calling each of these functions is optional, but they
344 | // allow you to set several options which control the behavior of the framework.
345 | DXUTInit( true, true, true ); // Parse the command line, handle the default hotkeys, and show msgboxes
346 | DXUTCreateWindow( L"RayTraceEffects" );
347 | DXUTCreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, true, WINDOW_SIZE_X, WINDOW_SIZE_Y, IsDeviceAcceptable, ModifyDeviceSettings );
348 |
349 | // Pass control to the sample framework for handling the message pump and
350 | // dispatching render calls. The sample framework will call your FrameMove
351 | // and FrameRender callback when there is idle time between handling window messages.
352 | DXUTMainLoop();
353 |
354 | // Perform any application-level cleanup here. Direct3D device resources are released within the
355 | // appropriate callback functions and therefore don't require any cleanup code here.
356 |
357 | return DXUTGetExitCode();
358 | }
359 |
360 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 | // Initialize the app
362 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 | void InitializeHUD()
364 | {
365 | // Initialize dialog
366 | int posX = 350;
367 | int posY = 35;
368 | int sliderWidth = 120;
369 | int sliderHeight = 14;
370 | g_HUD.SetCallback( OnGUIEvent );
371 |
372 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_NUMBER_OF_ITERATION_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
373 | 20, g_iNumberOfIteration );
374 |
375 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_FRESNEL_FACTOR_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
376 | 100, (int)( g_fFresnelFactor * 100.0f ) );
377 |
378 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_REFRACTION_INDEX_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
379 | 100, (int)( g_fRefractionIndex * 100.0f + 1 ) );
380 |
381 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_SHADOW_INTENSITY_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
382 | 100, (int)( g_fShadowIntensity * 100.0f ) );
383 |
384 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, -4000,
385 | 500, (int)( log( g_fCausticsIntensity ) / log ( 1.2f ) * 100.0f ) );
386 |
387 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_PHOTON_MAP_SIZE_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
388 | (int)( log( (float)PHOTONMAP_MAX_SIZE ) / log( 2.0f ) ), (int)( log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log( 2.0f ) ) );
389 |
390 | g_HUD.AddSlider( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_SLIDER, posX, posY += 16, sliderWidth, sliderHeight, 0,
391 | SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE * 100, (int)( g_fSnippetSize * 100.0f ) );
392 |
393 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 |
395 | posX = 0;
396 | posY = 35;
397 |
398 | g_HUD.AddCheckBox( IDC_SHADOW_CHECK_BOX, L"Shadow ON/OFF", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, g_bShadowON, 'S' );
399 | g_HUD.AddCheckBox( IDC_CAUSTICS_CHECK_BOX, L"Caustics ON/OFF", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, g_bCausticsON, 'C' );
400 | g_HUD.AddCheckBox( IDC_CENTEROBJ_CHECK_BOX, L"CenterObj ON/OFF", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON, 'X' );
401 | g_HUD.AddCheckBox( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_IS_CONSTANT_CHECK_BOX, L"Indep. Snippet size?", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant, 'V' );
402 | g_HUD.AddCheckBox( IDC_SHOW_PHOTON_MAP_CHECK_BOX, L"Show Ph.Map ON/OFF", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, g_bShowPhotonMap, 'M' );
403 |
404 |
405 | g_HUD.AddRadioButton( IDC_CLASSIC_METHOD, 1, L"Classic method", posX, posY += 30, 125, 16, false );
406 | g_HUD.AddRadioButton( IDC_DISTANCE_IMPOSTOR_METHOD, 1, L"Dist. imp. method", posX, posY += 20, 125, 16, true );
407 |
408 | g_HUD.AddButton( IDC_RESET_PARAMETERS_BUTTON, L"Reset parameters", posX, posY += 30, 125, 16, 'Y' );
409 | }
410 |
411 |
412 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 | // Called during device initialization, this code checks the device for some
414 | // minimum set of capabilities, and rejects those that don't pass by returning false.
415 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 | bool CALLBACK IsDeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat,
417 | D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed )
418 | {
419 | // Skip backbuffer formats that don't support alpha blending
420 | IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
421 | if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType,
423 | D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) )
424 | return false;
425 |
426 | // Must support cube textures
427 | if( !( pCaps->TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP ) )
428 | return false;
429 |
430 | // Must support pixel shader 3.0
431 | if( pCaps->PixelShaderVersion < D3DPS_VERSION( 3, 0 ) )
432 | return false;
433 |
434 | // need to support D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F render target
435 | if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType,
436 | AdapterFormat, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,
438 | return false;
439 |
440 | return true;
441 | }
442 |
443 |
444 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
445 | // This callback function is called immediately before a device is created to allow the
446 | // application to modify the device settings. The supplied pDeviceSettings parameter
447 | // contains the settings that the framework has selected for the new device, and the
448 | // application can make any desired changes directly to this structure. Note however that
449 | // the sample framework will not correct invalid device settings so care must be taken
450 | // to return valid device settings, otherwise IDirect3D9::CreateDevice() will fail.
451 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 | void CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, const D3DCAPS9* pCaps )
453 | {
454 | // If device doesn't support HW T&L or doesn't support 1.1 vertex shaders in HW then switch to SWVP.
455 | if( (pCaps->DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT) == 0 ||
456 | pCaps->VertexShaderVersion < D3DVS_VERSION(1,1) )
457 | {
458 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
459 | }
460 | else
461 | {
462 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
463 | }
464 |
465 | // This application is designed to work on a pure device by not using
466 | // IDirect3D9::Get*() methods, so create a pure device if supported and using HWVP.
467 | if ((pCaps->DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_PUREDEVICE) != 0 &&
468 | (pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags & D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING) != 0 )
469 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
470 |
471 | // Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex processing
472 | // and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.
473 | #ifdef DEBUG_VS
474 | if( pDeviceSettings->DeviceType != D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
475 | {
476 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
477 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags &= ~D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE;
478 | pDeviceSettings->BehaviorFlags |= D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
479 | }
480 | #endif
481 | #ifdef DEBUG_PS
482 | pDeviceSettings->DeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF;
483 | #endif
484 | }
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 | // Creates VertexBuffer
489 | void CreateVertexBuffer()
490 | {
491 | HRESULT hr;
492 |
493 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_bSnippetVertexBuffer );
494 |
495 | V( g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( (sizeof(float) * 54 * g_iPhotonMapSize * g_iPhotonMapSize ),
497 | D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &g_bSnippetVertexBuffer, NULL ) );
498 |
499 | void* pData;
500 | V ( g_bSnippetVertexBuffer->Lock( 0, 0, &pData, 0 ) );
501 | float* pVertexBuffer = (float*)pData;
502 | for ( int i = 0; i < g_iPhotonMapSize; i++ )
503 | {
504 | for ( int j = 0; j < g_iPhotonMapSize; j++ )
505 | {
506 | // Determines the exponent of the PhotonMap size.
507 | // It is used as an index to look up from g_fSizeOfSnippet array.
508 | int iPhotonMapSizeExponent = (int)(log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log ( 2.0f ) + 0.5f ); // 0..8
509 |
510 | // By default the fSnippetSize is not constant in world space
511 | float fSnippetSize = g_fSizeOfSnippet[ iPhotonMapSizeExponent ] * g_fSnippetSize / g_iPhotonMapSize;
512 | // Decides wether the Snippet size is constant in world space or not.
513 | if ( g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant )
514 | // If constant
515 | fSnippetSize = g_fSizeOfSnippetWithIndependentSnippetSize[ iPhotonMapSizeExponent ] * g_fSnippetSize / g_iPhotonMapSize;
516 |
517 | float number = (float)( i * g_iPhotonMapSize + j );
518 |
519 | float u = (float) i / g_iPhotonMapSize;
520 | float v = (float) j / g_iPhotonMapSize;
521 |
522 | SnippetVertexStruct snippetVertices[] =
523 | {
524 | // x, y, z, r, g,b,a, u, v,
525 | { -fSnippetSize, -fSnippetSize, 0, number, 0,1,0, u, v },
526 | { -fSnippetSize, fSnippetSize, 0, number, 0,0,0, u, v },
527 | { fSnippetSize, fSnippetSize, 0, number, 1,0,0, u, v },
528 | { fSnippetSize, fSnippetSize, 0, number, 1,0,0, u, v },
529 | { fSnippetSize, -fSnippetSize, 0, number, 1,1,0, u, v },
530 | { -fSnippetSize, -fSnippetSize, 0, number, 0,1,0, u, v },
531 | };
532 |
533 | memcpy( pVertexBuffer, snippetVertices, sizeof( snippetVertices ) );
534 | pVertexBuffer += 54;
535 | }
536 | }
537 | V (g_bSnippetVertexBuffer->Unlock() );
538 |
539 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonMapDepthStencilSurface );
540 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonUVTexture );
541 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonUVMapSurface );
542 |
543 | g_pPhotonMapDepthStencilSurface = CreateDepthStencilSurface( g_iPhotonMapSize );
544 | g_pPhotonUVTexture = CreateTexture( g_iPhotonMapSize, D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F );
545 | V( g_pPhotonUVTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pPhotonUVMapSurface ) );
546 |
547 | // Sends the new texture parameters to the GPU.
548 | RenderSceneInitialization();
549 | }
550 |
551 |
552 | D3DXMATRIXA16 ScaleAndOffset(float fScale, D3DXVECTOR3 vOffset)
553 | {
554 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mScale, mOffset;
555 | D3DXMatrixIdentity(&mScale);
556 | D3DXMatrixIdentity(&mOffset);
557 |
558 | D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mOffset, vOffset.x, vOffset.y, vOffset.z );
559 | D3DXMatrixScaling( &mScale, fScale, fScale, fScale );
560 |
561 | return mScale * mOffset;
562 | }
563 |
564 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
565 | // This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been
566 | // created, which will happen during application initialization and windowed/full screen
567 | // toggles. This is the best location to create D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources since these
568 | // resources need to be reloaded whenever the device is destroyed. Resources created
569 | // here should be released in the OnDestroyDevice callback.
570 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
571 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc )
572 | {
573 | HRESULT hr;
574 |
575 | // Make the device available as a global variable.
576 | g_pd3dDevice = pd3dDevice;
577 |
578 | // Initialize the font
579 | V_RETURN( D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
581 | L"Arial", &g_pFont ) );
582 |
583 | // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the
584 | // shader debugger. In this case shaders will be unoptimized and forced into software.
586 | #ifdef DEBUG_VS
588 | #endif
589 | #ifdef DEBUG_PS
591 | #endif
592 |
593 | // Read the D3DX effect file
594 | WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
595 | V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"RayTraceEffects.fx" ) );
596 |
597 | ID3DXBuffer* errBuff = NULL;
598 | if (FAILED(D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, str, NULL, NULL, dwShaderFlags, NULL, &g_pEffect, &errBuff )))
599 | {
600 | const int BufSize = 500;
601 | wchar_t wbuf[BufSize];
602 | mbstowcs( wbuf, (const char*)errBuff->GetBufferPointer(), BufSize );
603 | MessageBox(NULL, wbuf, L".fx compilation error", MB_ICONERROR);
604 | exit(-1);
605 | }
606 |
607 |
608 | // --- Initialize the matrices ---------------------------------------------------------------
609 |
610 | // World transform to identity
611 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mIdent;
612 | D3DXMatrixIdentity( & mIdent );
613 | V_RETURN( pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &mIdent ) );
614 |
615 | // Setup the camera's view parameters
616 | D3DXVECTOR3 vEyePt( -4.0f, 5.0f, -11.0f );
617 | D3DXVECTOR3 vLookatPt( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
618 | g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vEyePt, &vLookatPt );
619 |
620 | // Initialize the position of light
621 | g_vLightPos = D3DXVECTOR3( 0.0f, 4.9f, -4.9f );
622 |
623 | // For shadow mapping
624 | // Set special texture matrix for shadow mapping
625 | float fOffsetX = 0.5f + (0.5f / (float)SHADOWMAP_SIZE);
626 | float fOffsetY = 0.5f + (0.5f / (float)SHADOWMAP_SIZE);
627 | float range = 1; //note different scale in DX9!
628 | //float fBias = -0.001f * range;
629 | float fBias = 0.0f;
630 | g_mTexScaleBiasMat = D3DXMATRIXA16( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
631 | 0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
632 | 0.0f, 0.0f, range, 0.0f,
633 | fOffsetX, fOffsetY, fBias, 1.0f );
634 |
635 |
636 | // The matrices must be initialized before mesh loading!
637 | // --- Load objects -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 |
639 | // load default center object
640 | if( FAILED( LoadMesh( SPHERE, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) ) ) return DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND;
641 |
642 | // load room
643 | if( FAILED( LoadMesh( ROOM, &g_pRoomMesh, false ) ) ) return DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND;
644 |
645 | // load light object
646 | if( FAILED( LoadMesh( SPHERE, &g_pLightMesh, false ) ) ) return DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND;
647 |
648 | // load light object
649 | if( FAILED( LoadMesh( COLUMN, &g_pColumnMesh, false ) ) ) return DXUTERR_MEDIANOTFOUND;
650 |
651 | // --- Load objects ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
652 |
653 |
654 | g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture = CreateCubeTexture( CUBEMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because 32 can not use linear filtering.
655 | g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture = CreateCubeTexture( CUBEMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because 32 can not use linear filtering.
656 |
657 | g_pShadowMapTexture = CreateTexture( SHADOWMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because we use the alpha channel.
658 | g_pRoomTexture = CreateTexture( ATLASMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F );
659 | g_pRoomModifyTexture = CreateTexture( ATLASMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because 32 can not use BLEND function.
660 | g_pRoomLastTexture = CreateTexture( ATLASMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F );
661 |
662 |
663 | V( g_pShadowMapTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pShadowMapSurface ) );
664 | V( g_pRoomTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pRoomSurface ) );
665 | V( g_pRoomModifyTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pRoomModifySurface ) );
666 | V( g_pRoomLastTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pRoomLastSurface ) );
667 |
668 |
669 | V( D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile( g_pRoomSurface, NULL, NULL, L"Media\\Maps\\RoomTextMap.png", NULL, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL ));
670 |
671 | // Creates ColumnsTextureArray and surfaces. Load the original map from file to the last one.
672 | // The last one is used always as a source.
673 | for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
674 | {
675 | g_pColumnModifyTexture[i] = CreateTexture( ATLASMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because 32 can not use BLEND function.
676 | V( g_pColumnModifyTexture[i]->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pColumnsModifySurface[i] ) );
677 | }
678 |
679 | for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
680 | {
681 | g_pColumnLastTexture[i] = CreateTexture( ATLASMAP_SIZE, D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F ); // Because 32 can not use BLEND function.
682 | V( g_pColumnLastTexture[i]->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &g_pColumnsLastSurface[i] ) );
683 | }
684 |
685 | D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile( g_pColumnsLastSurface[4], NULL, NULL, L"Media\\Maps\\ColumnMap.png", NULL, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL );
686 |
687 |
688 | g_pShadowMapDepthStencilSSurface = CreateDepthStencilSurface( SHADOWMAP_SIZE );
689 | g_pDepthStencilSurface = CreateDepthStencilSurface( ATLASMAP_SIZE );
690 | g_pRoomCubeMapDepthStencilSurface = CreateDepthStencilSurface( CUBEMAP_SIZE );
691 |
692 | // Creates Snippet Texture, and loads from file
693 | D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( pd3dDevice, L"Media\\Maps\\PowerOfSnippetTexel.dds", &g_pPowerOfSnippetTexelTexture);
694 |
695 | RenderSceneInitialization();
696 |
697 | return S_OK;
698 | }
699 |
700 |
701 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
702 | // LoadMesh from file
703 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
704 | HRESULT LoadMesh( WCHAR* strFileName, ID3DXMesh** ppMesh, bool bComputeBoundingBox )
705 | {
706 | ID3DXMesh* pMesh = NULL;
707 | WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
708 | D3DXVECTOR3 minPos, maxPos;
709 | HRESULT hr;
710 |
711 | // Load the mesh with D3DX and get back a ID3DXMesh*. For this
712 | // sample we'll ignore the X file's embedded materials since we know
713 | // exactly the model we're loading. See the mesh samples such as
714 | // "OptimizedMesh" for a more generic mesh loading example.
715 | V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, strFileName ) );
716 | V_RETURN( D3DXLoadMeshFromX(str, D3DXMESH_MANAGED, g_pd3dDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pMesh) );
717 |
718 | if ( bComputeBoundingBox )
719 | {
720 | // Lock the vertex buffer, to generate a simple bounding box
721 | IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* pMeshVB = NULL;
722 | void* pVertices;
723 | hr = pMesh->GetVertexBuffer( &pMeshVB );
724 | if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
725 | {
726 | hr = pMeshVB->Lock( 0, 0, &pVertices, D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK );
727 | if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
728 | {
729 | D3DXComputeBoundingBox( ( D3DXVECTOR3*)pVertices, pMesh->GetNumVertices(),
730 | D3DXGetFVFVertexSize( pMesh->GetFVF() ),
731 | &minPos, &maxPos );
732 | pMeshVB->Unlock();
733 | }
734 | pMeshVB->Release();
735 |
736 | // If an Object was previously loaded, it removes its offset from WorldCenterObject matrix.
737 | g_vCenterObjectPos += g_vCenterObjectPosInitial * g_fCenterObjectSize;
738 |
739 | // mesh: center-size .. center+size
740 | g_vCenterObjectPosInitial = ( minPos + maxPos ) / 2.0f;
741 |
742 | // The size of the Center Object
743 | D3DXVECTOR3 vCenterObjectSize = ( maxPos - minPos ) / 2.0f;
744 |
745 | // The diameter of the center object
746 | float fCenterObjectDiameter = sqrt( vCenterObjectSize.x * vCenterObjectSize.x +
747 | vCenterObjectSize.y * vCenterObjectSize.y +
748 | vCenterObjectSize.z * vCenterObjectSize.z ) / 1.732f;
749 |
750 | // Center Object size
751 | g_fCenterObjectSize = (float)CENTEROBJECTRADIUS / fCenterObjectDiameter;
752 |
753 | // Eliminate the offset defined by the X file
754 | //g_vCenterObjectPos = D3DXVECTOR3(0,0,0);
755 | g_vCenterObjectPos -= g_vCenterObjectPosInitial * g_fCenterObjectSize;
756 |
757 | // Center Object scale
758 | g_mWorldCenterObject = ScaleAndOffset(g_fCenterObjectSize, g_vCenterObjectPos);
759 | }
760 | }
761 |
762 | DWORD *rgdwAdjacency = NULL;
763 |
764 | // Make sure there are normals which are required for lighting
765 | if( !(pMesh->GetFVF() & D3DFVF_NORMAL) )
766 | {
767 | ID3DXMesh* pTempMesh;
768 | V( pMesh->CloneMeshFVF( pMesh->GetOptions(),
769 | pMesh->GetFVF() | D3DFVF_NORMAL,
770 | g_pd3dDevice, &pTempMesh ) );
771 | V( D3DXComputeNormals( pTempMesh, NULL ) );
772 |
773 | SAFE_RELEASE( pMesh );
774 | pMesh = pTempMesh;
775 | }
776 |
777 | // Optimize the mesh for this graphics card's vertex cache
778 | // so when rendering the mesh's triangle list the vertices will
779 | // cache hit more often so it won't have to re-execute the vertex shader
780 | // on those vertices so it will improve perf.
781 | rgdwAdjacency = new DWORD[pMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3];
782 | if( rgdwAdjacency == NULL )
783 | return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
784 | V( pMesh->ConvertPointRepsToAdjacency(NULL, rgdwAdjacency) );
785 | V( pMesh->OptimizeInplace(D3DXMESHOPT_VERTEXCACHE, rgdwAdjacency, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
786 | delete []rgdwAdjacency;
787 |
788 | *ppMesh = pMesh;
789 |
790 | return S_OK;
791 | }
792 |
793 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
794 | // Util function.
795 | // Creates an empty texture. These textures will be used as render targets, therefore
796 | // the Usage flag is set to D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET and consequently, the assigned
797 | // memory pool is D3DPOOL_DEFAULT.
798 | // Params: size and format (eg. D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F) of the new texture.
799 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
800 | IDirect3DTexture9* CreateTexture( int size, D3DFORMAT Format )
801 | {
802 | HRESULT hr;
803 | IDirect3DTexture9* pTexture;
804 | V( g_pd3dDevice->CreateTexture( size, size, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,
805 | Format, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pTexture, NULL ) );
806 | return pTexture;
807 | }
808 |
809 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
810 | // Util function.
811 | // Creates an empty cubemap texture of the given resolution and format.
812 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
813 |
814 | IDirect3DCubeTexture9* CreateCubeTexture( int size, D3DFORMAT Format )
815 | {
816 | HRESULT hr;
817 | IDirect3DCubeTexture9* pCubeTexture;
818 | V( g_pd3dDevice->CreateCubeTexture( size, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,
819 | Format, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pCubeTexture, NULL ) );
820 | return pCubeTexture;
821 | }
822 |
823 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
824 | // Util function.
825 | // Creates a Depth stencil surface (DSS) of the given size.
826 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
827 | IDirect3DSurface9* CreateDepthStencilSurface( int size )
828 | {
829 | HRESULT hr;
830 | IDirect3DSurface9* pDSSurface;
831 | V( g_pd3dDevice->CreateDepthStencilSurface( size, size,
832 | DXUTGetDeviceSettings().pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat,
833 | D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE, 0, TRUE, &pDSSurface, NULL ) );
834 | return pDSSurface;
835 | }
836 |
837 |
838 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
839 | // This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been
840 | // reset, which will happen after a lost device scenario. This is the best location to
841 | // create D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources since these resources need to be reloaded whenever
842 | // the device is lost. Resources created here should be released in the OnLostDevice
843 | // callback.
844 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
845 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice,
846 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc )
847 | {
848 | HRESULT hr;
849 | g_pd3dDevice = pd3dDevice;
850 |
851 | if( g_pFont )
852 | V_RETURN( g_pFont->OnResetDevice() );
853 | if( g_pEffect )
854 | V_RETURN( g_pEffect->OnResetDevice() );
855 |
856 | // Create a sprite to help batch calls when drawing many lines of text
857 | V_RETURN( D3DXCreateSprite( pd3dDevice, &g_pTextSprite ) );
858 |
859 |
860 | // --- Vertex declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------
861 |
862 | // Create vertex declaration for the snippets
863 | V_RETURN( pd3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration( g_aSnippetVertex, &g_pSnippetVertexDeclaration ) );
864 | CreateVertexBuffer();
865 |
866 | // Create vertex declaration for the fullscreen quad
867 | V( pd3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration( g_aFullScreneQuadVertex, &g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration ) );
868 | V_RETURN( pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( 6 * sizeof( FullScreenQuadVertexStruct ),
870 |
871 | void* pVertices;
872 | V( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer->Lock( 0, sizeof( fullscreen ), (void**)&pVertices, 0 ) );
873 | memcpy( pVertices, fullscreen, sizeof( fullscreen ) );
874 | g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer->Unlock();
875 | // --- Vertex declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------
876 |
877 | // Setup the camera's projection parameters
878 | float fAspectRatio = pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width / (FLOAT)pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height;
879 | g_Camera.SetProjParams( D3DX_PI/4, fAspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000.0f );
880 | g_Camera.SetWindow( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width, pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height );
881 | g_Camera.SetButtonMasks( 0, MOUSE_WHEEL, MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON );
882 |
883 | g_HUD.SetLocation( 50, 0 );
884 | g_HUD.SetSize( 250, 250 );
885 |
886 | //DXUTDeviceSettings d3dSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();
887 | InitializeHUD();
888 | RenderSceneInitialization();
889 |
890 | return S_OK;
891 | }
892 |
893 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 | // This callback function will be called once at the beginning of every frame. This is the
895 | // best location for your application to handle updates to the scene, but is not
896 | // intended to contain actual rendering calls, which should instead be placed in the
897 | // OnFrameRender callback.
898 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
899 | void CALLBACK OnFrameMove( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime )
900 | {
901 | // Update the camera's position based on user input
902 | g_Camera.FrameMove( fElapsedTime );
903 | }
904 |
905 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
906 | // This callback function will be called at the end of every frame to perform all the
907 | // rendering calls for the scene, and it will also be called if the window needs to be
908 | // repainted. After this function has returned, the sample framework will call
909 | // IDirect3DDevice9::Present to display the contents of the next buffer in the swap chain
910 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
911 | void CALLBACK OnFrameRender( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime )
912 | {
913 | HRESULT hr;
914 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mScaleLightObjSize, mWorldViewLight, mWorldViewCausticGenerator;
915 | g_pd3dDevice = pd3dDevice;
916 |
917 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
918 | // This is an initialization. This part of the code runs just once.
919 | // CubeMaps are created and basic setup is done here.
920 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
921 | if ( g_bInitialization )
922 | {
923 | RenderSceneInitialization();
924 | RenderScenePreProcessing();
925 | g_bInitialization = false;
926 | }
927 |
928 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
929 | // This part of the code calculates whether the Caustics should be recalculated or not.
930 | // Calculate the size of movement between the last Caustics generation and the current position
931 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
932 | float fSumDist = ( abs( g_vLightPos.x - g_vLightPosLast.x ) +
933 | abs( g_vLightPos.y - g_vLightPosLast.y ) +
934 | abs( g_vLightPos.z - g_vLightPosLast.z ) +
935 | abs( g_vCenterObjectPos.x - g_vCenterObjectPosLast.x ) +
936 | abs( g_vCenterObjectPos.y - g_vCenterObjectPosLast.y ) +
937 | abs( g_vCenterObjectPos.z - g_vCenterObjectPosLast.z ) );
938 |
939 | float fEpsilon = 0.01f; // Tolerance of the max move size between two Caustics generation step
940 | if ( fSumDist > fEpsilon || g_bRunGenerateCaustics )
941 | {
942 | // If the movement is too big, or at least one property is changed
943 | // the Caustic effect is recalculated
944 | // Generate Caustics effect
945 | GenerateCaustics();
946 |
947 | // Refreshes Position data
948 | g_vLightPosLast = g_vLightPos;
949 | g_vCenterObjectPosLast = g_vCenterObjectPos;
950 |
951 | // Turns off the Caustics Generation
952 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = false;
953 | }
954 |
955 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
956 | // This part of the code renders the visible objects in the scene.
957 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------
958 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldCamera = *g_Camera.GetWorldMatrix();
959 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mViewCamera = *g_Camera.GetViewMatrix();
960 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mProjCamera = *g_Camera.GetProjMatrix();
961 |
962 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldLight = ScaleAndOffset(1, g_vLightPos);
963 |
964 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldViewCamera;
965 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewCamera, &mWorldCamera, &mViewCamera );
966 | D3DXMatrixScaling( &mScaleLightObjSize, LIGHTRADIUS, LIGHTRADIUS, LIGHTRADIUS );
967 | mWorldViewLight = mScaleLightObjSize * mWorldLight * mWorldViewCamera;
968 | mWorldViewCausticGenerator = g_mWorldCenterObject * mWorldViewCamera;
969 |
970 | V( pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x000000ff, 1.0f, 0L ) );
971 |
972 | if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
973 | {
974 | // Renders Room and Columns objects
975 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_ROOM_AND_COLUMNS_SCREEN );
976 |
977 | // Renders light source
978 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewLight, &mProjCamera, RENDER_LIGHT_SCREEN );
979 |
980 | // Renders CenterObject (Caustic generator)
981 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCausticGenerator, &mProjCamera, RENDER_REFRACT_OBJECT_SCREEN );
982 |
983 | if( g_bShowPhotonMap )
984 | {
985 | // Renders the PhotonMap into the screen
986 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCausticGenerator, &mProjCamera, RENDER_PHOTON_MAP_SCREEN );
987 | }
988 |
989 | // Renders stats and help text
990 | RenderText();
991 |
992 | // Show HUD
993 | if( g_bShowHUD ) g_HUD.OnRender( fElapsedTime );
994 |
995 | pd3dDevice->EndScene();
996 | }
997 | }
998 |
999 | // The next part will run just once ( the initialization )
1000 | void RenderScenePreProcessing()
1001 | {
1002 | HRESULT hr;
1003 |
1004 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mProj_90_Degrees; // projection matrix
1005 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldView; // worldview matrix
1006 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mViewCubeMap;
1007 | LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pCubeMapDistSurf, pCubeMapUVSurf;
1008 |
1009 | D3DXMATRIXA16 g_mWorldCenterObjectMinus = ScaleAndOffset(1, -g_vCenterObjectPos);
1010 |
1011 | // The projection matrix has a FOV of 90 degrees and asp ratio of 1
1012 | D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &mProj_90_Degrees, D3DX_PI * 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.001f, 1000.0f );
1013 |
1014 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1015 | // Saves original settings
1016 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1017 | V( g_pd3dDevice->GetRenderTarget( 0, &g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld ) );
1018 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->GetDepthStencilSurface( &g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld ) ) )
1019 | {
1020 | // If the device has a depth-stencil buffer, use the depth stencil buffer created for the cube textures.
1021 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pRoomCubeMapDepthStencilSurface ) );
1022 | }
1023 |
1024 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1025 | // creates: CubeMap from the position of the CenterObject (RoomCubeMapColorDistanceTexture)
1026 | // stores: COLOR(x,y,z) + DISTANCE(w)
1027 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1028 | for( int nFace = 0; nFace < 6; ++nFace )
1029 | {
1030 | V( g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture->GetCubeMapSurface( (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)nFace, 0, &pCubeMapDistSurf ) );
1031 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, pCubeMapDistSurf ) );
1032 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1033 |
1034 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1035 | {
1036 | mViewCubeMap = DXUTGetCubeMapViewMatrix( nFace );
1037 | mWorldView = g_mWorldCenterObjectMinus * mViewCubeMap;
1038 | RenderScene( &mWorldView, &mProj_90_Degrees, RENDER_ROOM_COLOR_DISTANCE );
1039 |
1040 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1041 | }
1042 | SAFE_RELEASE( pCubeMapDistSurf );
1043 | }
1044 |
1045 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1046 | // creates: CubeMap from the position of the CenterObject (RoomCubeMapUVTexture)
1047 | // stores: UV(x,y) + ObjectID(z) + 1
1048 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1049 | for( int nFace = 0; nFace < 6; ++nFace )
1050 | {
1051 | V( g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture->GetCubeMapSurface( (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)nFace, 0, &pCubeMapUVSurf ) );
1052 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, pCubeMapUVSurf ) );
1053 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1054 |
1055 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1056 | {
1057 | mViewCubeMap = DXUTGetCubeMapViewMatrix( nFace );
1058 | mWorldView = g_mWorldCenterObjectMinus * mViewCubeMap;
1059 | RenderScene( &mWorldView, &mProj_90_Degrees, RENDER_ROOM_UV );
1060 |
1061 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1062 | }
1063 | SAFE_RELEASE( pCubeMapUVSurf );
1064 | }
1065 |
1066 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067 | // Restores depth-stencil buffer and render target
1068 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1069 | if( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld )
1070 | {
1071 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld ) );
1072 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld );
1073 | }
1074 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld ) );
1075 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld );
1076 | }
1077 |
1078 |
1079 | void GenerateCaustics()
1080 | {
1081 | HRESULT hr;
1082 |
1083 |
1084 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1085 | // save original settings
1086 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1087 | V( g_pd3dDevice->GetRenderTarget( 0, &g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld ) );
1088 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->GetDepthStencilSurface( &g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld ) ) )
1089 | {
1090 | // If the device has a depth-stencil buffer, use the depth stencil buffer created for the cube textures.
1091 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pRoomCubeMapDepthStencilSurface ) );
1092 | }
1093 |
1094 |
1095 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1096 | // creates: PhotonMap from light position
1097 | // stores: UV(x,y) + ObjectID(z) + "1"
1098 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1099 |
1100 | // Calculate the light's worldview transformation and take picture from there
1101 | D3DXVECTOR3 vUpPt( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
1102 | D3DXMatrixLookAtLH( &g_mWorldViewLight, &g_vLightPos, &g_vCenterObjectPos, &vUpPt );
1103 |
1104 | // Calculate FOV of the light
1105 | float radiusCenter = CENTEROBJECTRADIUS * 1.03f; // The radius of the CenterObject
1106 |
1107 | D3DXVECTOR3 vDiff = g_vLightPos - g_vCenterObjectPos;
1108 | float dist = sqrt ( vDiff.x * vDiff.x + // The distance between
1109 | vDiff.y * vDiff.y + // light source and CenterObject
1110 | vDiff.z * vDiff.z );
1111 |
1112 | float fovLight = atan ( radiusCenter / dist ) * 2; // fov[rad]
1113 |
1114 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mLightProj; // projection matrix for the light
1115 | D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &mLightProj, fovLight, 1.0f, 0.001f, 1000.0f );
1116 |
1117 | // Skip this part of code if Caustic effect is not used
1118 | if ( g_bCausticsON )
1119 | {
1120 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pPhotonMapDepthStencilSurface ) );
1121 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pPhotonUVMapSurface ) );
1122 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1123 |
1124 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1125 | {
1126 | RenderScene( &g_mWorldViewLight, &mLightProj, RENDER_PHOTON_UV_MAP );
1127 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1128 | }
1129 | }
1130 |
1131 | // -- DEBUG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1132 | if( g_bSaveTexture )
1133 | {
1134 | D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"PhotonMap.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pPhotonUVMapSurface, NULL,NULL);
1135 |
1136 | g_bSaveTexture = false;
1137 | }
1138 | // -- DEBUG END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1139 |
1140 |
1141 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1142 | // creates: ShadowMap from light position
1143 | // stores: Distance(x)
1144 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1145 | // Skip this part of code if Shadow is not used
1146 | if ( g_bShadowON )
1147 | {
1148 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pShadowMapDepthStencilSSurface ) );
1149 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pShadowMapSurface ) );
1150 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1151 |
1152 | // Sets depth bias to a predefined value
1153 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS, (DWORD)g_dDepthBias);
1154 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS, (DWORD)g_dBiasSlope);
1155 | // The projection of the ShadowMap is 80 degree.
1156 | D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &g_mProjLight, D3DXToRadian( 80.0f ), 1.0f, 1.0f, 20.0f );
1157 |
1158 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1159 | {
1160 | RenderScene( &g_mWorldViewLight, &g_mProjLight, RENDER_SHADOW );
1161 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1162 | }
1163 |
1164 | // Sets back the depth bias to "0"
1165 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS, (DWORD)0.0f );
1166 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS, (DWORD)0.0f );
1167 | }
1168 |
1169 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1170 | // creates: RoomLastTexture, and ColumnTexture[0,1,2,3]
1171 | // They will be used as source textures when the Room and Columns are rendered in the visible scene
1172 | // stores: Color(r,g,b,a)
1173 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1174 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldViewCamera = *g_Camera.GetViewMatrix();
1175 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mProjCamera = *g_Camera.GetProjMatrix();
1176 |
1177 | // Render Room with Shadow and Caustics
1178 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pRoomModifySurface ) );
1179 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pDepthStencilSurface ) );
1180 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1181 |
1182 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1183 | {
1184 | // Renders Room with Shadow and Caustics
1185 | g_iObjectID = -1; // The ID of the Room Object = -1
1186 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_UMBRA );
1187 | if ( g_bCausticsON )
1188 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_PHOTON_HIT );
1189 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1190 | }
1191 |
1192 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pRoomLastSurface ) );
1193 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1194 |
1195 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1196 | {
1197 | // Removes the black edges. Enlarges the usefull content of the atlas with one texel
1198 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_FULLSCREENQUAD );
1199 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1200 | }
1201 |
1202 | // Renders Columns with Shadow and Caustics
1203 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1204 | {
1205 | // Renders one Column with Shadow and Caustics
1206 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pColumnsModifySurface[i] ) );
1207 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1208 |
1209 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1210 | {
1211 | g_iObjectID = i; // The ID of a Column
1212 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_UMBRA );
1213 | if ( g_bCausticsON )
1214 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_PHOTON_HIT );
1215 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1216 | }
1217 |
1218 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pColumnsLastSurface[i] ) );
1219 | V( g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ) );
1220 |
1221 | if( SUCCEEDED( g_pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) )
1222 | {
1223 | // Removes the black edges. Enlarges the usefull content of the atlas with one texel
1224 | RenderScene( &mWorldViewCamera, &mProjCamera, RENDER_FULLSCREENQUAD );
1225 | g_pd3dDevice->EndScene();
1226 | }
1227 | }
1228 |
1229 | /*
1230 |
1231 | // -- DEBUG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1232 | if( g_bSaveTexture )
1233 | {
1234 | D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"RoomMod.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pRoomModifySurface, NULL,NULL);
1235 | D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"RoomLast.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pRoomLastSurface, NULL,NULL);
1236 |
1237 | D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnMod0.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsModifySurface[0], NULL,NULL);
1238 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnMod1.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsModifySurface[1], NULL,NULL);
1239 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnMod2.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsModifySurface[2], NULL,NULL);
1240 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnMod3.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsModifySurface[3], NULL,NULL);
1241 |
1242 | D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnLast0.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsLastSurface[0], NULL,NULL);
1243 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnLast1.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsLastSurface[1], NULL,NULL);
1244 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnLast2.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsLastSurface[2], NULL,NULL);
1245 | //D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile( L"ColumnLast3.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, g_pColumnsLastSurface[3], NULL,NULL);
1246 |
1247 | g_bSaveTexture = false;
1248 | }
1249 | // -- DEBUG END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1250 | */
1251 |
1252 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1253 | // Restores depth-stencil buffer and render target
1254 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------
1255 | if( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld )
1256 | {
1257 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld ) );
1258 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pDepthStencilSurfaceOld );
1259 | }
1260 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld ) );
1261 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRenderTargetSurfaceOld );
1262 | }
1263 |
1264 |
1265 | // Sends texture parameters to the GPU.
1266 | void RenderSceneInitialization()
1267 | {
1268 | HRESULT hr;
1269 |
1270 | // Bind textures
1271 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txRoomMap", g_pRoomTexture ) );
1272 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txRoomCubeMapColorDistanceMap", g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture ) );
1273 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txRoomCubeMapUVMap", g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture ) );
1274 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txRoomModifyMap", g_pRoomModifyTexture ) );
1275 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txRoomLastMap", g_pRoomLastTexture ) );
1276 |
1277 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txPhotonUVMap", g_pPhotonUVTexture ) );
1278 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txPowerOfSnippetMap", g_pPowerOfSnippetTexelTexture ) );
1279 |
1280 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnModifyTexture0", g_pColumnModifyTexture[0] ) );
1281 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnModifyTexture1", g_pColumnModifyTexture[1] ) );
1282 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnModifyTexture2", g_pColumnModifyTexture[2] ) );
1283 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnModifyTexture3", g_pColumnModifyTexture[3] ) );
1284 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnLastTexture0", g_pColumnLastTexture[0] ) );
1285 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnLastTexture1", g_pColumnLastTexture[1] ) );
1286 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnLastTexture2", g_pColumnLastTexture[2] ) );
1287 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnLastTexture3", g_pColumnLastTexture[3] ) );
1288 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txColumnOriginalTexture", g_pColumnLastTexture[4] ) );
1289 |
1290 | V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( "g_txShadowMap", g_pShadowMapTexture ) );
1291 | }
1292 |
1293 |
1294 | // This function renders the Room mesh.
1295 | void RenderRoom(D3DXMATRIXA16 *mWorldView, D3DXMATRIXA16 *mProj)
1296 | {
1297 | HRESULT hr;
1298 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldViewProjection;
1299 |
1300 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW ) );
1301 |
1302 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, mWorldView, mProj );
1303 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldView", mWorldView ) );
1304 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldViewProjection", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1305 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mLightViewTexBias", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1306 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", -1 ) );
1307 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1308 |
1309 | V( g_pRoomMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1310 |
1311 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ) );
1312 | }
1313 |
1314 |
1315 | // This function renders the Columns mesh.
1316 | void RenderColumns(D3DXMATRIXA16 *mWorldView, D3DXMATRIXA16 *mProj)
1317 | {
1318 | HRESULT hr;
1319 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldOffset, mWorldViewProjection;
1320 |
1321 | for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1322 | {
1323 | if (i==0) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, 3.75f ,0 , 3.75f );
1324 | if (i==1) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, -3.75f ,0 , 3.75f );
1325 | if (i==2) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, 3.75f ,0 ,-3.75f );
1326 | if (i==3) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, -3.75f ,0 ,-3.75f );
1327 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldOffset, &mWorldOffset, mWorldView);
1328 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, &mWorldOffset, mProj);
1329 |
1330 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldView", &mWorldOffset ) );
1331 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldViewProjection", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1332 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mLightViewTexBias", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1333 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", i ) );
1334 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1335 |
1336 | V( g_pColumnMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1337 | }
1338 | }
1339 |
1340 | // Sets the techniques.
1341 | // Calculates and sends parameters to the GPU.
1342 | void RenderScene(D3DXMATRIXA16 *mWorldView, D3DXMATRIXA16 *mProj, int method )
1343 | {
1344 | HRESULT hr;
1345 | UINT cPass;
1346 | D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldViewProjection, mWorldOffset;
1347 |
1348 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, mWorldView, mProj );
1349 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldViewProjection", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1350 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldView", mWorldView ) );
1351 |
1352 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CW ) );
1353 |
1354 |
1355 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1356 | // It renders Room and Columns from the CenterObject position
1357 | // and stores them in a CubeMap: g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture.
1358 | // Contains: COLOR(x,y,z) + Distance(w)
1359 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360 | if ( method == RENDER_ROOM_COLOR_DISTANCE )
1361 | {
1362 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderRoomColorDistance" ) );
1363 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1364 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1365 |
1366 | // Render Room
1367 | RenderRoom( mWorldView, mProj );
1368 |
1369 | // Render Columns
1370 | RenderColumns( mWorldView, mProj );
1371 |
1372 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1373 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 |
1377 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1378 | // It renders Room and Columns from the center object position
1379 | // and stores them in a CubeMap: g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture.
1380 | // Contains: UV(x,y) + ObjectID(z) + "1"
1381 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1382 | if ( method == RENDER_ROOM_UV )
1383 | {
1384 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderRoomUV" ) );
1385 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1386 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1387 |
1388 | // Render Room
1389 | RenderRoom( mWorldView, mProj );
1390 |
1391 | // Render Columns
1392 | RenderColumns( mWorldView, mProj );
1393 |
1394 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1395 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1396 | }
1397 |
1398 |
1399 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1400 | // It renders Room and Columns from the center object position
1401 | // and stores them in their Atlases.
1402 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a )
1403 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1404 | if ( method == RENDER_UMBRA )
1405 | {
1406 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ) );
1407 |
1408 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderUmbra" ) );
1409 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1410 |
1411 | g_mLightViewTexBias = g_mWorldViewLight * g_mProjLight * g_mTexScaleBiasMat;
1412 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mLightViewTexBias", &g_mLightViewTexBias ) );
1413 | V( g_pEffect->SetBool( "g_bShadowON", g_bShadowON ) );
1414 | V( g_pEffect->SetBool( "g_bShowHelp", g_bShowHelp ) );
1415 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloatArray( "g_vLightPos3f", g_vLightPos, 3 ) );
1416 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fShadowIntensity", 1-g_fShadowIntensity ));
1417 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fCausticsIntensity", g_fCausticsIntensity ));
1418 |
1419 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1420 | if (g_iObjectID == -1)
1421 | {
1422 | // Render Room
1423 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", -1 ) );
1424 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1425 | V( g_pRoomMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1426 | } else
1427 | {
1428 | // Render Columns
1429 | if (g_iObjectID==0) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, 3.75f ,0 , 3.75f );
1430 | if (g_iObjectID==1) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, -3.75f ,0 , 3.75f );
1431 | if (g_iObjectID==2) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, 3.75f ,0 ,-3.75f );
1432 | if (g_iObjectID==3) D3DXMatrixTranslation( &mWorldOffset, -3.75f ,0 ,-3.75f );
1433 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldView", &mWorldOffset ) );
1434 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", g_iObjectID ) );
1435 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1436 | V( g_pColumnMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1437 | }
1438 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1439 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1440 | }
1441 |
1442 |
1443 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1444 | // It renders Room and Columns from the camera position
1445 | // and shows them on the screen.
1446 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a)
1447 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1448 | if ( method == RENDER_ROOM_AND_COLUMNS_SCREEN )
1449 | {
1450 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderRoomAndColumnsScreen" ) );
1451 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1452 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1453 |
1454 | // Render Room
1455 | RenderRoom( mWorldView, mProj );
1456 |
1457 | // Render Columns
1458 | RenderColumns( mWorldView, mProj );
1459 |
1460 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1461 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1462 | }
1463 |
1464 |
1465 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1466 | // It renders CenterObject from the light position
1467 | // and stores it in g_pPhotonUVTexture.
1468 | // Contains: UV(x,y) + ObjectID(1) + "1" or "-1"
1469 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1470 | if ( method == RENDER_PHOTON_UV_MAP )
1471 | {
1472 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ) );
1473 |
1474 | if( g_iAlgorithmMethod == 0 )
1475 | // Uses classic method
1476 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderPhotonUVMapClassic" ) );
1477 | if( g_iAlgorithmMethod == 1 )
1478 | // Uses distance impostor
1479 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderPhotonUVMap" ) );
1480 |
1481 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, mWorldView, mProj );
1482 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, &g_mWorldCenterObject, &mWorldViewProjection );
1483 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldViewProjection", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1484 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldCenterObject", &g_mWorldCenterObject ) );
1485 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloatArray( "g_vLightPos3f", g_vLightPos, 3 ) );
1486 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iNumberOfIteration", g_iNumberOfIteration) );
1487 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iPhotonMapSize", g_iPhotonMapSize) );
1488 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fRefractionIndex", g_fRefractionIndex ) );
1489 |
1490 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1491 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1492 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1493 |
1494 | V( g_pCenterObjectMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1495 |
1496 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1497 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1498 | }
1499 |
1500 |
1501 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1502 | // It renders CenterObject from the camera position
1503 | // and shows it on the screen.
1504 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a)
1505 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1506 | if ( method == RENDER_REFRACT_OBJECT_SCREEN )
1507 | {
1508 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ) );
1509 |
1510 | if( g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON )
1511 | {
1512 | if( g_iAlgorithmMethod == 0 )
1513 | // Uses classic method
1514 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderRefractObjectScreenClassic" ) );
1515 | if( g_iAlgorithmMethod == 1 )
1516 | // Uses distance impostor
1517 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderRefractObjectScreen" ) );
1518 | }
1519 | else
1520 | // Uses diffuse color
1521 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderLightScreen" ) );
1522 |
1523 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1524 |
1525 | D3DXVECTOR3 vWorldCameraEye = *g_Camera.GetEyePt();
1526 |
1527 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldCenterObject", &g_mWorldCenterObject ) );
1528 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloatArray( "g_vCameraPos3f", vWorldCameraEye, 3 ) );
1529 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iNumberOfIteration", g_iNumberOfIteration));
1530 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fFresnelFactor", g_fFresnelFactor));
1531 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fRefractionIndex", g_fRefractionIndex ));
1532 |
1533 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1534 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1535 | V( g_pCenterObjectMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1536 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1537 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1538 | }
1539 |
1540 |
1541 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1542 | // It renders and blends impostors into the Atlases of Room and Columns
1543 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a)
1544 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1545 | if ( method == RENDER_PHOTON_HIT )
1546 | {
1547 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_CCW ) );
1548 |
1549 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE);
1550 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND,D3DBLEND_ONE);
1551 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, true);
1552 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, false);
1553 |
1554 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderPhotonHit" ) );
1555 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1556 |
1557 | float x = g_vLightPos.x - g_vCenterObjectPos.x;
1558 | float y = g_vLightPos.y - g_vCenterObjectPos.y;
1559 | float z = g_vLightPos.z - g_vCenterObjectPos.z;
1560 | float gll2 = x * x + y * y + z * z;
1561 |
1562 |
1564 | //float POWER = 45 * CENTEROBJECTRADIUS * CENTEROBJECTRADIUS * 4 / (g_iPhotonMapSize * g_iPhotonMapSize);
1565 | //float POWER = 45 * CENTEROBJECTRADIUS * CENTEROBJECTRADIUS * 4 / g_iPhotonMapSize;
1566 |
1567 | // Determines the exponent of the PhotonMap size.
1568 | // It is used as an index to look up from g_fIntensityOfSnippet array.
1569 | int iPhotonMapSizeExponent = (int)( log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log ( 2.0f ) + 0.5 ); // 0..8
1570 |
1571 | // By default the fSnippetSize is not constant in world space
1572 | float fSnippetIntensity = g_fIntensityOfSnippet[ iPhotonMapSizeExponent ];
1573 | if( g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant ) // if it is constant
1574 | fSnippetIntensity = g_fIntensityOfSnippetWithIndependentSnippetSize[ iPhotonMapSizeExponent ];
1575 |
1576 | // The intensity value of one snippet
1578 | ( g_fSnippetSize * g_fSnippetSize *
1579 | fSnippetIntensity * fSnippetIntensity );
1580 |
1581 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1582 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", g_iObjectID ) );
1583 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fPower", POWER / gll2 ) );
1584 | V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( "g_fCausticsIntensity", g_fCausticsIntensity ) );
1585 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1586 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( g_pSnippetVertexDeclaration ) );
1587 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, g_bSnippetVertexBuffer, 0, (sizeof(float)* 9 ) ) );
1588 | V( g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, ( g_iPhotonMapSize * g_iPhotonMapSize * 2 ) ) );
1589 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1590 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1591 |
1592 | g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, false);
1593 | }
1594 |
1595 |
1596 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1597 | // It renders Light Object from the camera position
1598 | // and shows it on the screen.
1599 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a)
1600 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1601 | if ( method == RENDER_LIGHT_SCREEN )
1602 | {
1603 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ) );
1604 |
1605 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderLightScreen" ) );
1606 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1607 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1608 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1609 |
1610 | V( g_pLightMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1611 |
1612 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1613 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 |
1617 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1618 | // It renders CenterObject, Columns and Room from light position
1619 | // and stores them in g_pShadowMapTexture.
1620 | // Contains: Depth(x)
1621 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1622 | if ( method == RENDER_SHADOW )
1623 | {
1624 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ) );
1625 |
1626 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "RenderShadow" ) );
1627 |
1628 | D3DXMatrixMultiply( &mWorldViewProjection, &g_mWorldCenterObject, &mWorldViewProjection );
1629 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mWorldViewProjection", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1630 | V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( "g_mLightViewTexBias", &mWorldViewProjection ) );
1631 |
1632 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1633 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1634 |
1635 | // Render CenterObject
1636 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1637 | V( g_pCenterObjectMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ) );
1638 |
1639 | // Render Columns
1640 | RenderColumns( mWorldView, mProj );
1641 |
1642 | // Render Room
1643 | RenderRoom( mWorldView, mProj );
1644 |
1645 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1646 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1647 | }
1648 |
1649 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1650 | // It renders a fullscreen quad
1651 | // and modifies the Room and Columns atlases.
1652 | // Contains: Color(r,g,b,a)
1653 | //----------------------------------------------------------------------
1654 | if ( method == RENDER_FULLSCREENQUAD )
1655 | {
1656 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ) );
1657 |
1658 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "FullScreenQuad" ) );
1659 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1660 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1661 |
1662 | V( g_pEffect->SetInt( "g_iObjectID", g_iObjectID ) );
1663 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1664 |
1665 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration ) );
1666 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer, 0, sizeof(FullScreenQuadVertexStruct) ) );
1667 | V( g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 ) );
1668 |
1669 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1670 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1671 | }
1672 |
1673 | if ( method == RENDER_PHOTON_MAP_SCREEN )
1674 | {
1675 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ) );
1676 |
1677 | V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( "PhotonMapScreen" ) );
1678 | V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPass, 0 ) );
1679 | V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( 0 ) );
1680 | V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );
1681 |
1682 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration ) );
1683 | V( g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer, 0, sizeof(FullScreenQuadVertexStruct) ) );
1684 | V( g_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 ) );
1685 |
1686 | V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
1687 | V( g_pEffect->End() );
1688 | }
1689 | }
1690 |
1691 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1692 | // Render the help and statistics text. This function uses the ID3DXFont interface for
1693 | // efficient text rendering.
1694 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1695 | void RenderText()
1696 | {
1697 | // The helper object simply helps keep track of text position, and color
1698 | // and then it calls pFont->DrawText( m_pSprite, strMsg, -1, &rc, DT_NOCLIP, m_clr );
1699 | // If NULL is passed in as the sprite object, then it will work however the
1700 | // pFont->DrawText() will not be batched together. Batching calls will improves performance.
1701 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pd3dsdBackBuffer = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
1702 | CDXUTTextHelper txtHelper( g_pFont, g_pTextSprite, 16 );
1703 |
1704 | // Output statistics
1705 | txtHelper.Begin();
1706 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 10, 5 );
1707 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
1708 |
1709 | /*TCHAR sz[50];
1710 | sz[49] = 0;
1711 | _sntprintf( sz, 50, L"%.2f fps", DXUTGetFPS() );
1712 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz );*/
1713 |
1714 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetFrameStats() );
1715 | //txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetDeviceStats() );
1716 |
1717 | if (!g_bShowHelp)
1718 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Press F1 for help" );
1719 |
1720 | // Show algorithm's parameters
1721 | if ( g_bShowVariables )
1722 | {
1723 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 200, 50 );
1724 |
1725 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Number of iteration" );
1726 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Fresnel factor" );
1727 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Refraction index" );
1728 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Shadow intensity" );
1729 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Caustics intensity" );
1730 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"PhotonMap size" );
1731 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Snippet size" );
1732 |
1733 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 330, 50 );
1734 |
1735 | TCHAR sz0[50], sz1[50], sz2[50], sz3[50], sz4[50], sz5[50], sz6[50];
1736 | sz0[49] = sz1[49] = sz2[49] = sz3[49] = sz4[49] = sz5[49] = sz6[49] = 0;
1737 |
1738 | _sntprintf( sz0, 50, L"%i", g_iNumberOfIteration );
1739 | _sntprintf( sz1, 50, L"%.2f", g_fFresnelFactor );
1740 | _sntprintf( sz2, 50, L"%.2f", g_fRefractionIndex );
1741 | _sntprintf( sz3, 50, L"%.2f", g_fShadowIntensity );
1742 | _sntprintf( sz4, 50, L"%.2f", g_fCausticsIntensity );
1743 | _sntprintf( sz5, 50, L"%i", g_iPhotonMapSize );
1744 | _sntprintf( sz6, 50, L"%.2f", g_fSnippetSize );
1745 |
1746 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz0 );
1747 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz1 );
1748 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz2 );
1749 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz3 );
1750 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz4 );
1751 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz5 );
1752 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( sz6 );
1753 | }
1754 |
1755 | // Draw help
1756 | if ( g_bShowHelp )
1757 | {
1758 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* backBufferDesc = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
1759 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( backBufferDesc->Width - 220, backBufferDesc->Height-24 * 16 );
1760 |
1761 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine(
1762 | L"Controls (F1 to hide):\n\n"
1763 | L"____________________________\n"
1765 | L"Left click drag: Rotate mesh\n"
1766 | L"Mouse wheel: Zoom\n"
1767 | L"Arrow keys: Move center object\n"
1768 | L"Alt+Arrow keys: Move light object\n"
1769 | L"F2: Settings\n"
1770 | L"F3: Switch to REF device\n"
1771 | L"F4: Show parameters ON/OFF\n"
1772 | L"F5: Show HUD ON/OFF\n"
1773 | L"F8: Switch to Wireframe mode\n"
1774 | L"____________________________\n"
1775 | L" ALGORITHM\n"
1776 | L"1-5: Choose mesh\n"
1777 | L"C: Caustics Effect ON/OFF\n"
1778 | L"S: Shadow ON/OFF\n"
1779 | L"X: Center Objectum render ON/OFF\n"
1780 | L"D: Switch classic / dist. imp. meth.\n"
1781 | L"Y: Reset parameters\n"
1782 | L"V: Indep. Snippet size?\n"
1783 | L"M: Show PhotonMap ON/OFF\n"
1784 | L"____________________________\n"
1785 | L" Quit: ESC");
1786 |
1787 | if( g_bShowHUD )
1788 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 540, 50 );
1789 | else
1790 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 370, 50 );
1791 |
1792 | if ( g_bShowVariables )
1793 | {
1794 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: +, -" );
1795 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: Q, W" );
1796 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: E, R" );
1797 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: T, Z" );
1798 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: U, I" );
1799 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: O, P" );
1800 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Key: K, L" );
1801 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"+ 'Alt' key:");
1802 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L" quick change" );
1803 | }
1804 | }
1805 |
1806 | // Draws the title of the PhotonMap
1807 | if ( g_bShowPhotonMap )
1808 | {
1809 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* backBufferDesc = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
1810 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 65, backBufferDesc->Height - 180 );
1811 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"PhotonMap" );
1812 | }
1813 |
1814 | txtHelper.End();
1815 | }
1816 |
1817 |
1818 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1819 | // Before handling window messages, the sample framework passes incoming windows
1820 | // messages to the application through this callback function. If the application sets
1821 | // *pbNoFurtherProcessing to TRUE, then the sample framework will not process this message.
1822 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1823 | LRESULT CALLBACK MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool* pbNoFurtherProcessing )
1824 | {
1825 | // Give the dialogs a chance to handle the message first
1826 | *pbNoFurtherProcessing = g_HUD.MsgProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
1827 | if( *pbNoFurtherProcessing )
1828 | return 0;
1829 |
1830 | // Pass all remaining windows messages to camera so it can respond to user input
1831 | g_Camera.HandleMessages( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
1832 |
1833 | return 0;
1834 | }
1835 |
1836 |
1837 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1838 | // As a convenience, the sample framework inspects the incoming windows messages for
1839 | // keystroke messages and decodes the message parameters to pass relevant keyboard
1840 | // messages to the application. The framework does not remove the underlying keystroke
1841 | // messages, which are still passed to the application's MsgProc callback.
1842 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1843 | void CALLBACK KeyboardProc( UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown )
1844 | {
1845 | HRESULT hr;
1846 | D3DXVECTOR3 movement(0,0,0);
1847 |
1848 | if( bKeyDown )
1849 | {
1850 | switch( nChar )
1851 | {
1852 | // Save Objects Last Texture Atlas
1853 | case 'A':
1854 | g_bSaveTexture = true;
1855 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1856 | break;
1857 |
1858 | // Show Help
1859 | case VK_F1:
1860 | g_bShowHelp = !g_bShowHelp;
1861 | if (!g_bShowVariablesUserSet) g_bShowVariables = g_bShowHelp || g_bShowHUD;
1862 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1863 | break;
1864 |
1865 | // Show the values of the algorithm's variables
1866 | case VK_F4:
1867 | g_bShowVariables = !g_bShowVariables;
1868 | g_bShowVariablesUserSet = !g_bShowVariablesUserSet;
1869 | break;
1870 |
1871 | // Show HUD
1872 | case VK_F5:
1873 | g_bShowHUD = !g_bShowHUD;
1874 | if (!g_bShowVariablesUserSet) g_bShowVariables = g_bShowHelp || g_bShowHUD;
1875 | break;
1876 |
1877 | // Change the Mesh of CenterObject
1878 | case '1':
1879 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
1880 | V( LoadMesh( SPHERE, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) );
1881 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1882 | break;
1883 |
1884 | case '2':
1885 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
1886 | V( LoadMesh( SKULL, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) );
1887 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1888 | break;
1889 |
1890 | case '3':
1891 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
1892 | V( LoadMesh( BUNNY, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) );
1893 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1894 | break;
1895 |
1896 | case '4':
1897 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
1898 | V( LoadMesh( TEAPOT, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) );
1899 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1900 | break;
1901 |
1902 | case '5':
1903 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
1904 | V( LoadMesh( TIGER, &g_pCenterObjectMesh, true ) );
1905 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1906 | break;
1907 |
1908 | // Switch between the classical and our new distance impostor method
1909 | case 'D':
1910 | g_iAlgorithmMethod = 1 - g_iAlgorithmMethod;
1911 |
1912 | if ( g_iAlgorithmMethod == 0 )
1913 | g_HUD.GetRadioButton( IDC_CLASSIC_METHOD )->SetChecked( true );
1914 | else g_HUD.GetRadioButton( IDC_DISTANCE_IMPOSTOR_METHOD )->SetChecked( true );
1915 |
1916 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1917 | break;
1918 |
1919 | // Change the number of iteration.
1920 | case VK_ADD:
1921 | if( g_iNumberOfIteration < 20 ) g_iNumberOfIteration++;
1922 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_NUMBER_OF_ITERATION_SLIDER )->SetValue( g_iNumberOfIteration );
1923 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1924 | break;
1925 |
1926 | case VK_SUBTRACT:
1927 | if ( g_iNumberOfIteration > 0 ) g_iNumberOfIteration--;
1928 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_NUMBER_OF_ITERATION_SLIDER )->SetValue( g_iNumberOfIteration );
1929 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1930 | break;
1931 |
1932 |
1933 | // Change the intensity of the shadow
1934 | case 'Z':
1935 | g_fShadowIntensity += bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1936 | if ( g_fShadowIntensity > 1 ) g_fShadowIntensity = 1;
1937 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SHADOW_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fShadowIntensity * 100 );
1938 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1939 | break;
1940 |
1941 | case 'T':
1942 | g_fShadowIntensity -= bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1943 | if ( g_fShadowIntensity < 0 ) g_fShadowIntensity = 0;
1944 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SHADOW_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fShadowIntensity * 100 );
1945 |
1946 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1947 | break;
1948 |
1949 |
1950 | // Change the intensity of the caustics snippet
1951 | case 'U':
1952 | g_fCausticsIntensity -= bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1953 | if ( g_fCausticsIntensity < 0 ) g_fCausticsIntensity = 0;
1954 |
1955 | //g_fCausticsIntensity = pow ( 2.0f, g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f );
1956 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( log( g_fCausticsIntensity ) / log ( 1.2f ) ) * 100 );
1957 |
1958 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1959 | break;
1960 |
1961 | case 'I':
1962 | g_fCausticsIntensity += bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1963 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)(log( g_fCausticsIntensity ) / log ( 1.2f ) ) * 100 );
1964 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1965 | break;
1966 |
1967 |
1968 | // Change the refraction index
1969 | case 'E':
1970 | g_fRefractionIndex -= bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1971 | if (g_fRefractionIndex < 0) g_fRefractionIndex = 0;
1972 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_REFRACTION_INDEX_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fRefractionIndex * 100 );
1973 |
1974 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1975 | break;
1976 |
1977 | case 'R':
1978 | g_fRefractionIndex += bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1979 | if (g_fRefractionIndex > 1) g_fRefractionIndex = 1;
1980 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_REFRACTION_INDEX_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fRefractionIndex * 100 );
1981 |
1982 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1983 | break;
1984 |
1985 |
1986 | // Change Fresnel factor
1987 | case 'Q':
1988 | g_fFresnelFactor -= bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1989 | if (g_fFresnelFactor < 0) g_fFresnelFactor = 0;
1990 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_FRESNEL_FACTOR_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fFresnelFactor * 100 );
1991 |
1992 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
1993 | break;
1994 | case 'W':
1995 | g_fFresnelFactor += bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
1996 | if (g_fFresnelFactor > 1) g_fFresnelFactor = 1;
1997 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_FRESNEL_FACTOR_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fFresnelFactor * 100 );
1998 |
1999 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2000 | break;
2001 |
2002 |
2003 | // Change PhotonMap size
2004 | case 'O':
2005 | if( g_iPhotonMapSize > 1 )
2006 | {
2007 | g_iPhotonMapSize /= 2;
2008 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_PHOTON_MAP_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int) ( log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log( 2.0f ) ) );
2009 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2010 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2011 | }
2012 | break;
2013 |
2014 | case 'P':
2015 | if( g_iPhotonMapSize < PHOTONMAP_MAX_SIZE )
2016 | {
2017 | g_iPhotonMapSize *= 2;
2018 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_PHOTON_MAP_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int) ( log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log( 2.0f ) ) );
2019 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2020 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2021 | }
2022 | break;
2023 |
2024 | // Change the size of the snippet
2025 | case 'K':
2026 | g_fSnippetSize -= bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
2027 | if( g_fSnippetSize < 0 ) g_fSnippetSize = 0;
2028 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fSnippetSize * 100 );
2029 |
2030 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2031 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2032 | break;
2033 | case 'L':
2034 | g_fSnippetSize += bAltDown ? 0.1f : 0.01f;
2035 | if( (int)g_fSnippetSize > SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE ) g_fSnippetSize = SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE;
2036 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fSnippetSize * 100 );
2037 |
2038 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2039 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2040 | break;
2041 |
2042 |
2043 | // Move CenterObject / Light Source
2044 | case VK_RIGHT: movement.x += STEP; break;
2045 | case VK_LEFT: movement.x -= STEP; break;
2046 | case VK_UP: movement.z += STEP; break;
2047 | case VK_DOWN: movement.z -= STEP; break;
2048 | case VK_PRIOR: movement.y += STEP; break;
2049 | case VK_NEXT: movement.y -= STEP; break;
2050 | }
2051 |
2052 | // Move Light Source
2053 | if (bAltDown)
2054 | {
2055 | g_vLightPos += movement;
2056 | }
2057 | // Move CenterObject
2058 | else
2059 | {
2060 | g_vCenterObjectPos += movement;
2061 |
2062 | // Refresh scaled World matrix of Center Mesh
2063 | g_mWorldCenterObject = ScaleAndOffset(g_fCenterObjectSize, g_vCenterObjectPos);
2064 | }
2065 | }
2066 | }
2067 |
2068 |
2069 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2070 | // Handles the GUI events
2071 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2072 | void CALLBACK OnGUIEvent( UINT nEvent, int nControlID, CDXUTControl* pControl )
2073 | {
2074 | switch( nControlID )
2075 | {
2076 | case IDC_TOGGLEFULLSCREEN: DXUTToggleFullScreen(); break;
2077 | case IDC_TOGGLEREF: DXUTToggleREF(); break;
2078 | case IDC_CHANGEDEVICE: DXUTSetShowSettingsDialog( !DXUTGetShowSettingsDialog() ); break;
2079 |
2081 | g_iNumberOfIteration = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_NUMBER_OF_ITERATION_SLIDER )->GetValue();
2082 | break;
2083 |
2085 | g_fFresnelFactor = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_FRESNEL_FACTOR_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f;
2086 | break;
2087 |
2089 | g_fRefractionIndex = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_REFRACTION_INDEX_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f;
2090 | break;
2091 |
2093 | g_fShadowIntensity = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SHADOW_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f;
2094 | break;
2095 |
2097 | //g_fCausticsIntensity = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f;
2098 | g_fCausticsIntensity = pow ( 1.2f, g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f );
2099 | break;
2100 |
2102 | g_bShadowON = ( g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SHADOW_CHECK_BOX )->GetChecked() );
2103 | break;
2104 |
2106 | g_bCausticsON = (g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_CAUSTICS_CHECK_BOX )->GetChecked() );
2107 | break;
2108 |
2110 | g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON = ( g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_CENTEROBJ_CHECK_BOX )->GetChecked() );
2111 | break;
2112 |
2114 | g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant = ( g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_IS_CONSTANT_CHECK_BOX )->GetChecked() );
2115 |
2116 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2117 | break;
2118 |
2120 | g_bShowPhotonMap = ( g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SHOW_PHOTON_MAP_CHECK_BOX )->GetChecked() );
2121 |
2122 | break;
2123 |
2126 |
2127 | if ( g_HUD.GetRadioButton( IDC_DISTANCE_IMPOSTOR_METHOD )->GetChecked() )
2128 | g_iAlgorithmMethod = 1;
2129 | else
2130 | g_iAlgorithmMethod = 0;
2131 | break;
2132 |
2134 | g_iPhotonMapSize = (int)pow( 2.0f, g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_PHOTON_MAP_SIZE_SLIDER )->GetValue() );
2135 |
2136 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2137 | break;
2138 |
2140 | g_fSnippetSize = g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_SLIDER )->GetValue() / 100.0f;
2141 |
2142 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2143 | break;
2144 |
2146 | // Reset the parameters of the algorithm
2147 | g_bShadowON = true;
2148 | g_bCausticsON = true;
2149 | g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON = true;
2150 | g_bShowPhotonMap = true;
2151 |
2152 | g_fFresnelFactor = 0.05f;
2153 | g_fRefractionIndex = 0.9f;
2154 | g_fShadowIntensity = 0.25f;
2155 | g_fCausticsIntensity = 0.05f;
2156 | g_fSnippetSize = 3.0f;
2157 |
2158 | g_iNumberOfIteration = 10;
2159 | g_iAlgorithmMethod = 1;
2160 | g_iPhotonMapSize = 64;
2161 |
2162 | // Reset the HUD
2163 | g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SHADOW_CHECK_BOX )->SetChecked( g_bShadowON );
2164 | g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_CAUSTICS_CHECK_BOX )->SetChecked( g_bCausticsON );
2165 | g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_CENTEROBJ_CHECK_BOX )->SetChecked( g_bRenderCenterObjectWithBrdfON );
2166 | g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_IS_CONSTANT_CHECK_BOX )->SetChecked( g_bSnippetSizeIsConstant );
2167 | g_HUD.GetCheckBox( IDC_SHOW_PHOTON_MAP_CHECK_BOX )->SetChecked( g_bShowPhotonMap );
2168 |
2169 | g_HUD.GetRadioButton( IDC_DISTANCE_IMPOSTOR_METHOD )->SetChecked( true );
2170 |
2171 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_NUMBER_OF_ITERATION_SLIDER )->SetValue( g_iNumberOfIteration );
2172 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_FRESNEL_FACTOR_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( g_fFresnelFactor * 100 ) );
2173 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_REFRACTION_INDEX_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( g_fRefractionIndex * 100 + 1 ) );
2174 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SHADOW_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( g_fShadowIntensity * 100 ) );
2175 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_CAUSTICS_INTENSITY_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( ( log( g_fCausticsIntensity ) / log ( 1.2f ) ) * 100.0f ) );
2176 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_SNIPPET_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)g_fSnippetSize * 100 );
2177 | g_HUD.GetSlider( IDC_PHOTON_MAP_SIZE_SLIDER )->SetValue( (int)( log( (float)g_iPhotonMapSize ) / log( 2.0f ) ) );
2178 |
2179 |
2180 | CreateVertexBuffer();
2181 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2182 | break;
2183 | }
2184 |
2185 | // Regenerate caustics to show changes
2186 | g_bRunGenerateCaustics = true;
2187 | }
2188 |
2189 |
2190 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2191 | // This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has
2192 | // entered a lost state and before IDirect3DDevice9::Reset is called. Resources created
2193 | // in the OnResetDevice callback should be released here, which generally includes all
2194 | // D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources. See the "Lost Devices" section of the documentation for
2195 | // information about lost devices.
2196 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2197 | void CALLBACK OnLostDevice()
2198 | {
2199 | if( g_pFont )
2200 | g_pFont->OnLostDevice();
2201 | if( g_pEffect )
2202 | g_pEffect->OnLostDevice();
2203 |
2204 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pTextSprite );
2205 |
2206 |
2207 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomCubeMapColorDistTexture );
2208 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPowerOfSnippetTexelTexture );
2209 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomCubeMapUVTexture );
2210 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pShadowMapTexture );
2211 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomLastTexture );
2212 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomModifyTexture );
2213 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonUVTexture );
2214 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomTexture );
2215 |
2216 | for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2217 | {
2218 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pColumnModifyTexture[i] );
2219 | }
2220 | for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
2221 | {
2222 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pColumnLastTexture[i] );
2223 | }
2224 |
2225 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pDepthStencilSurface );
2226 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomCubeMapDepthStencilSurface );
2227 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pShadowMapDepthStencilSSurface );
2228 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonUVMapSurface );
2229 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pShadowMapSurface );
2230 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pPhotonMapDepthStencilSurface );
2231 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomLastSurface );
2232 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomModifySurface );
2233 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomSurface );
2234 |
2235 | for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2236 | {
2237 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pColumnsModifySurface[i] );
2238 | }
2239 | for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
2240 | {
2241 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pColumnsLastSurface[i] );
2242 | }
2243 |
2244 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration );
2245 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer );
2246 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pSnippetVertexDeclaration );
2247 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_bSnippetVertexBuffer );
2248 | }
2249 |
2250 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2251 | // This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has
2252 | // been destroyed, which generally happens as a result of application termination or
2253 | // windowed/full screen toggles. Resources created in the OnCreateDevice callback
2254 | // should be released here, which generally includes all D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources.
2255 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2256 | void CALLBACK OnDestroyDevice()
2257 | {
2258 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexDeclaration );
2259 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pFullScreenQuadVertexBuffer );
2260 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pSnippetVertexDeclaration );
2261 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_bSnippetVertexBuffer );
2262 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pCenterObjectMesh );
2263 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pColumnMesh );
2264 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pLightMesh );
2265 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pRoomMesh );
2266 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pEffect );
2267 | SAFE_RELEASE( g_pFont );
2268 | } |