1 | #include "dxstdafx.h"
2 | #include ".\mesh.h"
3 | #include "SubMesh.h"
4 | #include "PathMapEffect.h"
5 | #include "TriangleMesh.h"
6 | #include "MeshExploder.h"
7 | #include "L.h"
8 | #include "FlexVertex.h"
9 | #include "xmlParser.h"
10 | #include <vector>
11 | #include <fstream>
12 |
13 | Mesh::Mesh(PathMapEffect* pathMapEffect,
14 | DWORD fileFormat,
15 | LPCWSTR xFileName,
16 | LPCWSTR ogreFileName,
17 | int prmAtlasSize,
18 | const char* name,
19 | unsigned int nDesiredPartitions,
20 | bool generateUV,
21 | bool generateTBN,
22 | unsigned int originalAtlasTexCoordIndex)
23 | {
24 | this->pathMapEffect = pathMapEffect;
25 | LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = pathMapEffect->device;
26 |
27 | this->prmAtlasSize = prmAtlasSize;
28 | strcpy(this->name, name);
29 |
30 | if(ogreFileName)
31 | wcscpy(this->ogreFileName, ogreFileName);
32 | else
33 | this->ogreFileName[0] = 0;
34 |
35 | LPD3DXBUFFER materialBuffer, shaderBuffer;
36 | DWORD nSubsets;
37 |
38 | HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
39 |
40 | wchar_t** materialNames;
41 |
42 |
43 | if(fileFormat == OgreXMLMesh)
44 | {
45 | hr = loadMeshFromOgreXML( xFileName,
46 | 0,
47 | device,
48 | &materialBuffer, //material
49 | &shaderBuffer, //shadrr
50 | &nSubsets,
51 | pathMapEffect->xMaterials,
52 | materialNames,
53 | &mesh);
54 | }
55 | else
56 | {
57 | hr = D3DXLoadMeshFromX( xFileName,
59 | device,
60 | NULL, //adjacency
61 | &materialBuffer, //material
62 | &shaderBuffer, //shader
63 | &nSubsets,
64 | &mesh);
65 | }
66 | if(hr != S_OK)
67 | {
68 | MessageBox(NULL, xFileName, L"Could not load mesh file!", MB_OK);
69 | return;
70 | }
71 |
72 | DWORD fvf = mesh->GetFVF();
73 | fvf |= D3DFVF_NORMAL;
74 | DWORD nTexCoords = fvf & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK;
75 | nTexCoords += D3DFVF_TEX1;
76 | fvf &= ~D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK;
77 | fvf |= nTexCoords;
78 | fvf |= D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE2(nTexCoords / D3DFVF_TEX1);
79 | //add a texcoord set for prm
80 | if(generateUV)
81 | setVertexFormat(fvf);
82 |
83 | if(generateTBN)
84 | computeTangentFrame();
85 | mesh->OptimizeInplace(D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
86 |
87 | D3DXMATERIAL* materialArray = (D3DXMATERIAL*)materialBuffer->GetBufferPointer();
88 | D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE* shaderArray = (D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE*)shaderBuffer->GetBufferPointer();
89 |
90 | if(nDesiredPartitions != 1 || generateUV)
91 | {
92 | //check is this already exists, load if it does
93 | char sname[256];
94 | sprintf(sname, "%s/%s.x", LC::c-pathMapEffect->meshDirectory, name);
95 |
96 | LPD3DXMESH processedMesh;
97 | LPD3DXBUFFER processedMaterialBuffer;
98 | LPD3DXBUFFER processedShaderBuffer;
99 | HRESULT processedMeshExists S_FALSE;
100 | if(!pathMapEffect->SEGMENTMESHES)
101 | {
102 | processedMeshExists = D3DXLoadMeshFromX(
103 | L::l+sname,
105 | device,
106 | NULL, //adjacency
107 | &processedMaterialBuffer, //material
108 | &processedShaderBuffer, //shader
109 | &nSubsets,
110 | &processedMesh);
111 | }
112 |
113 | if(processedMeshExists == S_OK)
114 | {
115 | mesh->Release();
116 | materialBuffer->Release();
117 | shaderBuffer->Release();
118 | mesh = processedMesh;
119 | materialBuffer = processedMaterialBuffer;
120 | shaderBuffer = processedShaderBuffer;
121 | materialArray = (D3DXMATERIAL*)materialBuffer->GetBufferPointer();
122 | shaderArray = (D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE*)shaderBuffer->GetBufferPointer();
123 | }
124 | else
125 | {
126 | MeshExploder mex(device, mesh, materialArray, materialNames, shaderArray, nDesiredPartitions);
127 | mex.explode();
128 |
129 | //mex.saveFragMeshes();
130 |
131 | mex.generateAtlas(prmAtlasSize);
132 | mex.merge();
133 | mex.saveComposedMesh(name);
134 | mex.saveComposedMeshToOgreXML(name);
135 |
136 | mesh->Release();
137 | materialArray = mex.composedMaterials;
138 | shaderArray = mex.composedShaders;
139 | mesh = mex.composedMesh;
140 |
141 | originalAtlasTexCoordIndex = (mesh->GetFVF() & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK) / D3DFVF_TEX1 - 1;
142 | }
143 | }
144 | trimMesh(originalAtlasTexCoordIndex);
145 |
146 | for(int dili=0; materialNames[dili]; dili++)
147 | delete [] materialNames[dili];
148 | delete [] materialNames;
149 |
150 | nSubsets = nDesiredPartitions;
151 |
152 | //create #subset submeshes
153 | for(int iSubset=0; iSubset<nSubsets; iSubset++)
154 | {
155 | SubMesh* subMesh = new SubMesh(this, iSubset, materialArray[iSubset]);
156 | subMeshes.push_back(subMesh);
157 | //set submesh textures from material and shader properties
158 | D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT* paramArray = shaderArray[iSubset].pDefaults;
159 | int nParams = shaderArray[iSubset].NumDefaults;
160 | for(int iParams=0; iParams < nParams; iParams++)
161 | {
162 | float bumpScale = 1.0;
163 | char bumpFileName[256]; bumpFileName[0] = '\0';
164 | if(strcmp(paramArray[iParams].pParamName, "bumpFileName") == 0)
165 | {
166 | strcpy(bumpFileName, paramArray[iParams].pParamName);
167 | }
168 | if(strcmp(paramArray[iParams].pParamName, "bumpScale") == 0)
169 | {
170 | bumpScale = *(float*)paramArray[iParams].pValue;
171 | }
172 | subMesh->loadBumpMap(bumpFileName, bumpScale);
173 | }
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | mesh->OptimizeInplace(D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
178 | DWORD nAttributes;
179 | mesh->GetAttributeTable(NULL, &nAttributes);
180 | D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE* subsetRanges = new D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE[nAttributes];
181 | mesh->GetAttributeTable(subsetRanges, &nAttributes);
182 |
183 | std::vector<SubMesh*>::iterator iSubMesh = subMeshes.begin();
184 | int i =0;
185 | while(iSubMesh != subMeshes.end())
186 | {
187 | (*iSubMesh)->buildRayTraceMesh(subsetRanges[i].FaceStart*3, subsetRanges[i].FaceCount*3);
188 | iSubMesh++;
189 | i++;
190 | }
191 | delete subsetRanges;
192 |
193 | materialBuffer->Release();
194 | shaderBuffer->Release();
195 |
196 | buildEdgeVertexBuffer();
197 | }
198 |
199 | Mesh::~Mesh(void)
200 | {
201 | std::vector<SubMesh*>::iterator i = subMeshes.begin();
202 | while(i != subMeshes.end())
203 | {
204 | delete *i;
205 | i++;
206 | }
207 | mesh->Release();
208 | if(edgeVertexBuffer)
209 | edgeVertexBuffer->Release();
210 | }
211 |
212 |
213 | HRESULT Mesh::setVertexFormat(DWORD fvf)
214 | {
215 | LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = pathMapEffect->device;
216 | LPD3DXMESH tempMesh;
217 |
218 | //clone the mesh to the appropriate format
219 | HRESULT hr = mesh->CloneMeshFVF( mesh->GetOptions(),
220 | fvf ,
221 | device, &tempMesh );
222 | if(hr == S_OK)
223 | {
224 | //forget he old mesh
225 | mesh->Release();
226 | //use the cloned mesh
227 | mesh = tempMesh;
228 | }
229 | return hr;
230 | }
231 |
232 | HRESULT Mesh::partitionMesh(unsigned int nDesiredPartitions, LPD3DXBUFFER& partitioningBuffer, unsigned int& nPartitions)
233 | {
234 | LPD3DXMESH tempMesh;
235 |
236 | LPD3DXBUFFER partitionResultAdjacency;
237 | float maxStretchApplied;
238 |
239 | HRESULT hr;
240 | /* hr = D3DXUVAtlasPartition(
241 | mesh, //LPD3DXMESH pMesh,
242 | nDesiredPartitions, //UINT dwMaxChartNumber,
243 | 1.0f, //FLOAT fMaxStretch,
244 | 1, //DWORD dwTextureIndex,
245 | NULL, //CONST DWORD * pdwAdjacency,
246 | NULL, //CONST CHAR * pcFalseEdges,
247 | NULL, //FLOAT * pfIMTArray,
248 | NULL, //LPD3DXUVATLASCB pCallback,
249 | 0.1f, //FLOAT fCallbackFrequency,
250 | NULL, //LPVOID pUserContent,
251 | &tempMesh, //LPD3DXMESH * ppMeshOut,
252 | &partitioningBuffer, //LPD3DXBUFFER ppFacePartitioning,
253 | NULL, //LPD3DXBUFFER * ppVertexRemapArray,
254 | &partitionResultAdjacency, //LPD3DXBUFFER * ppPartitionResultAdjacency,
255 | &maxStretchApplied, //FLOAT * pfMaxStretchOut,
256 | &nPartitions //UINT * pdwNumChartsOut
257 | );*/
258 |
259 | if(hr == S_OK)
260 | {
261 | //forget he old mesh
262 | mesh->Release();
263 | mesh = tempMesh;
264 | }
265 | else
266 | return hr;
267 | partitionResultAdjacency->Release();
268 |
269 | return S_OK;
270 | }
271 |
272 | HRESULT Mesh::computeTangentFrame()
273 | {
274 | LPD3DXMESH tempMesh;
275 | HRESULT hr =
276 | D3DXComputeTangentFrameEx(
277 | mesh, // ID3DXMesh * pMesh,
278 | D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, // DWORD dwTextureInSemantic,
279 | 0, // DWORD dwTextureInIndex,
280 | D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, // DWORD dwUPartialOutSemantic,
281 | 2, // DWORD dwUPartialOutIndex,
282 | D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, // DWORD dwVPartialOutSemantic,
283 | 3, // DWORD dwVPartialOutIndex,
284 | D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL, // DWORD dwNormalOutSemantic,
285 | 0, // DWORD dwNormalOutIndex,
288 | )& !( D3DXTANGENT_CALCULATE_NORMALS ), // DWORD dwOptions,
289 | NULL, // CONST DWORD * pdwAdjacency,
290 | 0.2, // FLOAT fPartialEdgeThreshold,
291 | 0.0, // FLOAT fSingularPointThreshold,
292 | 0.2, // FLOAT fNormalEdgeThreshold,
293 | &tempMesh, // ID3DXMesh ** ppMeshOut,
294 | NULL // ID3DXBuffer ** ppVertexMapping
295 | );
296 |
297 | if(hr == S_OK)
298 | {
299 | //forget he old mesh
300 | mesh->Release();
301 | mesh = tempMesh;
302 | }
303 | else
304 | return hr;
305 |
307 | mesh->GetVertexBuffer(&vertexBuffer);
308 | FlexVertexArray vertexData(mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
309 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 elem[64]; mesh->GetDeclaration(elem); vertexData.setFormat(elem);
310 | vertexBuffer->Lock(0,mesh->GetNumVertices()*mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(),vertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
311 |
312 | for(unsigned int u=0; u < mesh->GetNumVertices(); u++ )
313 | vertexData[u].tex1() = (vertexData[u].tex1() * (prmAtlasSize - 4) + D3DXVECTOR2(2.0,2.0)) / (float)prmAtlasSize;
314 |
315 | vertexBuffer->Unlock();
316 | vertexBuffer->Release();
317 |
318 | return hr;
319 | }
320 |
321 | void Mesh::buildEdgeVertexBuffer()
322 | {
323 | LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = pathMapEffect->device;
324 |
325 | LPD3DXMESH pMesh = this->mesh;
326 | DWORD* pAdj = new DWORD[3 * pMesh->GetNumFaces()];
327 | for(int r=0; r<pMesh->GetNumFaces()*3; r++)
328 | pAdj[r] = 0xffff;
329 | pMesh->ConvertPointRepsToAdjacency(NULL, pAdj);
330 |
332 | pMesh->GetVertexBuffer(&vertexBuffer);
333 | FlexVertexArray vertexData(mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
334 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 elem[64]; mesh->GetDeclaration(elem); vertexData.setFormat(elem);
335 | vertexBuffer->Lock(0,pMesh->GetNumVertices()*pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(),vertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
337 | pMesh->GetIndexBuffer(&indexBuffer);
338 | unsigned short* indexData;
339 | indexBuffer->Lock(0,pMesh->GetNumFaces()*3*sizeof(unsigned short),(void**)&indexData,0);
340 |
341 | DWORD* attributeArray;
342 | mesh->LockAttributeBuffer(0, &attributeArray);
343 |
344 | int countEdges = 0;
345 | for(int u=0; u<pMesh->GetNumFaces(); u++)
346 | for(int t=0; t<3; t++)
347 | if(pAdj[u * 3 + t] >= pMesh->GetNumFaces())
348 | countEdges++;
349 |
350 | if(countEdges == 0)
351 | {
352 | edgeVertexBuffer = NULL;
353 | nEdges = 0;
354 | vertexBuffer->Unlock();
355 | indexBuffer->Unlock();
356 | SAFE_RELEASE(vertexBuffer);
357 | SAFE_RELEASE(indexBuffer);
358 | return;
359 | }
360 |
361 | device->CreateVertexBuffer(2 * countEdges * pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(),
363 | &edgeVertexBuffer, NULL);
364 | FlexVertexArray pevData(mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
365 | edgeVertexBuffer->Lock(0, 0, pevData.getDataPointerReference(), 0);
366 |
367 | int DBLATLASSIZE = prmAtlasSize * 2;
368 | int ATLASSIZE = prmAtlasSize;
369 |
370 | std::vector<SubMesh*>::iterator iSubMesh = subMeshes.begin()-1;
371 | DWORD prevAttribute = 0xffffffff;
372 |
373 | int iEdge = 0;
374 | for(int u=0; u<pMesh->GetNumFaces(); u++)
375 | {
376 | if(attributeArray[u] != prevAttribute)
377 | {
378 | prevAttribute = attributeArray[u];
379 | iSubMesh++;
380 | (*iSubMesh)->edgeStartIndex = iEdge;
381 | (*iSubMesh)->edgeCount = 0;
382 | }
383 | for(int t=0; t<3; t++)
384 | {
385 | if(pAdj[u * 3 + t] >= pMesh->GetNumFaces())
386 | {
387 | unsigned short edge0 = indexData[u * 3 + t];
388 | unsigned short edge1 = indexData[u * 3 + (t+1)%3];
389 | unsigned short inner = indexData[u * 3 + (t+2)%3];
390 |
391 | //push vertex edge0, edge1
392 | //pevData[iEdge * 2] = vertexData[edge0];
393 | //pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1] = vertexData[edge1];
394 | pevData.assign(iEdge * 2, vertexData[edge0]);
395 | pevData.assign(iEdge * 2 + 1, vertexData[edge1]);
396 |
397 | D3DXVECTOR2 ediff = vertexData[edge1].tex1() - vertexData[edge0].tex1();
398 | if(fabsf(ediff.x) > fabsf(ediff.y))
399 | {
400 | if(vertexData[inner].tex1().y <= vertexData[edge0].tex1().y +
401 | (vertexData[inner].tex1().x - vertexData[edge0].tex1().x) *
402 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().y - vertexData[edge0].tex1().y) /
403 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().x - vertexData[edge0].tex1().x))
404 | {
405 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1().y += 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
406 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1().y += 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
407 | }
408 | else
409 | {
410 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1().y -= 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
411 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1().y -= 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
412 | }
413 | D3DXVECTOR2 edgeDirUnitExt(1.0f, (vertexData[edge1].tex1().y - vertexData[edge0].tex1().y) /
414 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().x - vertexData[edge0].tex1().x));
415 | edgeDirUnitExt *= 1.0/ATLASSIZE;
416 | if(vertexData[edge1].tex1().x > vertexData[edge0].tex1().x)
417 | {
418 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1() -= edgeDirUnitExt;
419 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1() += edgeDirUnitExt;
420 | }
421 | else
422 | {
423 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1() += edgeDirUnitExt;
424 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1() -= edgeDirUnitExt;
425 | }
426 | }
427 | else
428 | {
429 | if(vertexData[inner].tex1().x <= vertexData[edge0].tex1().x +
430 | (vertexData[inner].tex1().y - vertexData[edge0].tex1().y) *
431 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().x - vertexData[edge0].tex1().x) /
432 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().y - vertexData[edge0].tex1().y))
433 | {
434 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1().x += 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
435 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1().x += 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
436 | }
437 | else
438 | {
439 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1().x -= 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
440 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1().x -= 1.0/DBLATLASSIZE;
441 | }
442 | D3DXVECTOR2 edgeDirUnitExt((vertexData[edge1].tex1().x - vertexData[edge0].tex1().x) /
443 | (vertexData[edge1].tex1().y - vertexData[edge0].tex1().y), 1.0f);
444 | edgeDirUnitExt *= 1.0/ATLASSIZE;
445 | if(vertexData[edge1].tex1().y > vertexData[edge0].tex1().y)
446 | {
447 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1() -= edgeDirUnitExt;
448 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1() += edgeDirUnitExt;
449 | }
450 | else
451 | {
452 | pevData[iEdge * 2].tex1() += edgeDirUnitExt;
453 | pevData[iEdge * 2 + 1].tex1() -= edgeDirUnitExt;
454 | }
455 | }
456 |
457 | iEdge++;
458 | (*iSubMesh)->edgeCount++;
459 | }
460 | }
461 | }
462 | nEdges = iEdge;
463 |
464 | edgeVertexBuffer->Unlock();
465 | vertexBuffer->Unlock();
466 | indexBuffer->Unlock();
467 | SAFE_RELEASE(vertexBuffer);
468 | SAFE_RELEASE(indexBuffer);
469 | mesh->UnlockAttributeBuffer();
470 |
471 | delete pAdj;
472 | }
473 |
474 | void Mesh::saveMesh()
475 | {
476 | D3DXMATERIAL * materials = new D3DXMATERIAL[subMeshes.size()];
477 | D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE * shaders = new D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE[subMeshes.size()];
478 |
479 | std::vector<SubMesh*>::iterator iSubMesh = subMeshes.begin();
480 | int i =0;
481 | while(iSubMesh != subMeshes.end())
482 | {
483 | materials[i] = (*iSubMesh)->material;
484 | addShaderString(shaders[i], "bumpFileName", (*iSubMesh)->bumpFileName);
485 | iSubMesh++;
486 | i++;
487 | }
488 |
489 | char sname[256];
490 | printf(sname, "%s_partitioned.x", name);
491 | D3DXSaveMeshToX(L::l+sname, //LPCTSTR pFilename,
492 | mesh, //LPD3DXMESH pMesh,
493 | NULL, //CONST DWORD * pAdjacency,
494 | materials, //CONST D3DXMATERIAL * pMaterials,
495 | shaders, //CONST D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE * pEffectInstances,
496 | subMeshes.size(), //DWORD NumMaterials,
498 | );
499 |
500 | delete materials;
501 | delete shaders;
502 | }
503 |
504 | void Mesh::addShaderString(D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE& e, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR value)
505 | {
506 | for(int i=0; i<e.NumDefaults; i++)
507 | {
508 | if(strcmp(e.pDefaults[i].pParamName, name) == 0)
509 | {
510 | delete e.pDefaults[i].pValue;
511 | e.pDefaults[i].Type = D3DXEDT_STRING;
512 | e.pDefaults[i].NumBytes = strlen(name) + 1;
513 | e.pDefaults[i].pValue = new char[e.pDefaults[i].NumBytes];
514 | strcpy((LPSTR)e.pDefaults[i].pValue, value);
515 | return;
516 | }
517 | }
518 | D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT* oldDefaults = e.pDefaults;
519 | D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT* newDefaults = new D3DXEFFECTDEFAULT[e.NumDefaults+1];
520 |
521 | for(int u=0; u<e.NumDefaults; u++)
522 | {
523 | newDefaults[u] = oldDefaults[u];
524 | }
525 | delete oldDefaults;
526 |
527 | newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].Type = D3DXEDT_STRING;
528 | newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].NumBytes = strlen(name) + 1;
529 | newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].pValue = new char[e.pDefaults[i].NumBytes];
530 | strcpy((LPSTR)newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].pValue, value);
531 | newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].pParamName = new char[strlen(name)+1];
532 | strcpy((LPSTR)newDefaults[e.NumDefaults].pParamName, name);
533 | e.NumDefaults++;
534 | }
535 |
536 | const char* Mesh::getName()
537 | {
538 | return name;
539 | }
540 |
541 | HRESULT Mesh::loadMeshFromOgreXML(
542 | LPCWSTR filename,
543 | DWORD options,
544 | LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device,
545 | LPD3DXBUFFER *materialBuffer,
546 | LPD3DXBUFFER *shaderBuffer,
547 | DWORD *nMaterials,
548 | XMLNode& xMaterials,
549 | wchar_t**& materialNames,
550 | LPD3DXMESH *ppMesh)
551 | {
552 |
553 | XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper(filename, L"mesh");
554 |
555 | DWORD nVertices = _wtoi( xMainNode/L"sharedGeometry"|L"vertexCount" );
556 |
557 | XMLNode xSubmeshesNode = xMainNode/L"submeshes";
558 |
559 | DWORD nSubMeshes = xSubmeshesNode.nChildNode(L"submesh");
560 |
561 | DWORD nFaces = 0;
562 | for(int u=0; u < nSubMeshes; u++)
563 | {
564 | nFaces += _wtoi(xSubmeshesNode.getChildNode(L"submesh", u)/L"faces"|L"count");
565 | }
566 |
567 | DWORD fvf = 0;
568 |
569 | XMLNode xVertexBufferNode = xMainNode/L"sharedGeometry"/L"vertexbuffer";
570 |
571 | if( wcscmp( xVertexBufferNode|L"positions", L"true" ) == 0)
572 | fvf |= D3DFVF_XYZ;
573 | if( wcscmp( xVertexBufferNode|L"normals", L"true" ) == 0)
574 | fvf |= D3DFVF_NORMAL;
575 | if( wcscmp( xVertexBufferNode|L"colours_diffuse", L"true" ) == 0)
576 | fvf |= D3DFVF_DIFFUSE;
577 | if( wcscmp( xVertexBufferNode|L"colours_specular", L"true" ) == 0)
578 | fvf |= D3DFVF_SPECULAR;
579 |
580 | DWORD nTexCoords = _wtoi( xVertexBufferNode|L"texture_coords" );
581 | fvf |= D3DFVF_TEX1 * nTexCoords;
582 |
583 | HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateMeshFVF(
584 | nFaces, //DWORD NumFaces,
585 | nVertices, //DWORD NumVertices,
586 | options, //DWORD Options,
587 | fvf, //DWORD FVF,
588 | device,
589 | ppMesh); //LPD3DXMESH* ppMesh);
590 |
591 | LPD3DXMESH pMesh = *ppMesh;
592 |
594 | pMesh->GetVertexBuffer(&vertexBuffer);
595 | FlexVertexArray vertexData(pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
596 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 elem[64]; pMesh->GetDeclaration(elem); vertexData.setFormat(elem);
597 | vertexBuffer->Lock(0,pMesh->GetNumVertices()*pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(),vertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
599 | pMesh->GetIndexBuffer(&indexBuffer);
600 | unsigned short* indexData;
601 | indexBuffer->Lock(0,pMesh->GetNumFaces()*3*sizeof(unsigned short),(void**)&indexData,0);
602 | DWORD* attributeArray;
603 | pMesh->LockAttributeBuffer(0, &attributeArray);
604 |
605 | for(int ivi=0; ivi < nVertices; ivi++)
606 | {
607 | XMLNode xVertexNode = xVertexBufferNode.getChildNode(L"vertex", ivi);
608 | XMLNode xVertexPositionNode = xVertexNode/L"position";
609 | D3DXVECTOR3 dvipos(
610 | _wtof( xVertexPositionNode|L"x" ),
611 | _wtof( xVertexPositionNode|L"y" ),
612 | _wtof( xVertexPositionNode|L"z" )
613 | );
614 | vertexData[ivi].pos() = dvipos;
615 |
616 | XMLNode xVertexNormalNode = xVertexNode/L"normal";
617 | D3DXVECTOR3 dvinormal(
618 | _wtof( xVertexNormalNode|L"x" ),
619 | _wtof( xVertexNormalNode|L"y" ),
620 | _wtof( xVertexNormalNode|L"z" )
621 | );
622 | vertexData[ivi].normal() = dvinormal;
623 |
624 | for(int tuxi=0; tuxi < nTexCoords; tuxi++)
625 | {
626 | XMLNode xVertexTexNode = xVertexNode.getChildNode(L"texcoord", tuxi);
627 | D3DXVECTOR2 dvitex(
628 | _wtof( xVertexTexNode|L"u" ),
629 | _wtof( xVertexTexNode|L"v" )
630 | );
631 | vertexData[ivi].tex(tuxi) = dvitex;
632 | }
633 | }
634 |
635 | D3DXCreateBuffer(sizeof(D3DXMATERIAL) * nSubMeshes, materialBuffer);
636 | D3DXCreateBuffer(sizeof(D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE) * nSubMeshes, shaderBuffer);
637 |
638 | D3DXMATERIAL* materialArray = (D3DXMATERIAL*)(*materialBuffer)->GetBufferPointer();
639 | D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE* shaderArray = (D3DXEFFECTINSTANCE*)(*shaderBuffer)->GetBufferPointer();
640 |
641 | *nMaterials = nSubMeshes;
642 |
643 | materialNames = new wchar_t*[nSubMeshes+1];
644 | materialNames[nSubMeshes] = NULL;
645 |
646 | unsigned int indexBufferFiller = 0;
647 | for(int fifi=0; fifi < nSubMeshes; fifi++)
648 | {
649 | attributeArray[indexBufferFiller/3] = fifi;
650 |
651 | XMLNode xSubMeshNode = xSubmeshesNode.getChildNode(L"submesh", fifi);
652 |
653 | D3DXMATERIAL mat;
654 | mat.pTextureFilename = LC::c.clone(
655 | (
656 | xMaterials.getChildNodeWithAttribute(L"material", L"name",
657 | xSubMeshNode|L"material")|L"texture"
658 | ));
659 |
660 | materialNames[fifi] = L::cloneW( xSubMeshNode|L"material" );
661 | materialArray[fifi] = mat;
662 |
664 | efi.NumDefaults = 0;
665 | efi.pDefaults = NULL;
666 | efi.pEffectFilename = NULL;
667 | shaderArray[fifi] = efi;
668 |
669 | XMLNode xSubMeshFacesNode = xSubMeshNode/L"faces";
670 | unsigned int nSubMeshFaces = _wtoi( xSubMeshFacesNode|L"count" );
671 | for(int fido=0; fido<nSubMeshFaces; fido++)
672 | {
673 | XMLNode xFaceNode = xSubMeshFacesNode.getChildNode(L"face", fido);
674 | indexData[indexBufferFiller++] = _wtoi( xFaceNode|L"v1" );
675 | indexData[indexBufferFiller++] = _wtoi( xFaceNode|L"v2" );
676 | indexData[indexBufferFiller++] = _wtoi( xFaceNode|L"v3" );
677 | }
678 | }
679 |
680 | vertexBuffer->Unlock();
681 | indexBuffer->Unlock();
682 | vertexBuffer->Release();
683 | indexBuffer->Release();
684 | pMesh->UnlockAttributeBuffer();
685 |
686 | return S_OK;
687 | }
688 |
689 | const DWORD Mesh::DirectXMesh(0);
690 | const DWORD Mesh::OgreXMLMesh(1);
691 |
692 | void Mesh::saveSceneInfo(std::ofstream& psf)
693 | {
694 | psf << "mesh " << name << '\n';
695 | psf << "{\n";
696 | psf << "\togrefile " << LC::c-ogreFileName << '\n';
697 | psf << "\tpathmapresolution " << prmAtlasSize << '\n';
698 | psf << "\tdivide 1\n";
699 | psf << "}\n";
700 | }
701 |
702 | void Mesh::trimMesh(unsigned int originalAtlasTexCoordIndex)
703 | {
704 | // DWORD fvf = mesh->GetFVF();
705 | // DWORD nTexCoords = (fvf & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK) / D3DFVF_TEX1;
706 |
707 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 elem[64]; mesh->GetDeclaration(elem);
708 |
709 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* pElem = &elem[0];
710 | DWORD maxTexOffs = 0;
711 | DWORD maxTexId = 0;
712 | while(pElem->Type != D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED)
713 | {
714 | if(pElem->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD)
715 | if(pElem->UsageIndex > maxTexId)
716 | {
717 | maxTexId = pElem->UsageIndex;
718 | maxTexOffs = pElem->Offset;
719 | }
720 | pElem++;
721 | }
722 |
723 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 pathMapMeshDecl[5] =
727 | {0, 32 /*maxTexOffs*/,
729 | D3DDECL_END() };
730 |
731 | //mesh->UpdateSemantics(pathMapMeshDecl);
732 |
733 | LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 svertexBuffer;
734 | mesh->GetVertexBuffer(&svertexBuffer);
735 | FlexVertexArray svertexData(mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
736 | svertexData.setFormat(elem);
737 | svertexBuffer->Lock(0, mesh->GetNumVertices() * mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(), svertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
738 |
739 | for(int gh=0; gh < mesh->GetNumVertices(); gh++)
740 | svertexData[gh].tex(1) = svertexData[gh].tex(originalAtlasTexCoordIndex);
741 |
742 | svertexBuffer->Unlock();
743 | svertexBuffer->Release();
744 |
745 | /* LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device = pathMapEffect->device;
746 | LPD3DXMESH tempMesh;
747 |
748 | //clone the mesh to the appropriate format
749 | HRESULT hr = mesh->CloneMesh(mesh->GetOptions(), pathMapMeshDecl,
750 | device, &tempMesh );
751 | if(hr == S_OK)
752 | {
753 | LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 svertexBuffer;
754 | mesh->GetVertexBuffer(&svertexBuffer);
755 | FlexVertexArray svertexData(mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
756 | D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 elem[64]; mesh->GetDeclaration(elem); svertexData.setFormat(elem);
757 | svertexBuffer->Lock(0, mesh->GetNumVertices() * mesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(), svertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
758 |
760 | tempMesh->GetVertexBuffer(&vertexBuffer);
761 | FlexVertexArray vertexData(tempMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex());
762 | vertexData.setFormat(pathMapMeshDecl);
763 | vertexBuffer->Lock(0,tempMesh->GetNumVertices()*tempMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex(),vertexData.getDataPointerReference(),0);
764 |
765 | for(int qu=0; qu<mesh->GetNumVertices(); qu++)
766 | {
767 | vertexData[qu].tex(1) = svertexData[qu].tex(originalAtlasTexCoordIndex);
768 | }
769 |
770 | svertexBuffer->Unlock();
771 | vertexBuffer->Unlock();
772 | svertexBuffer->Release();
773 | vertexBuffer->Release();
774 |
775 | //forget he old mesh
776 | mesh->Release();
777 | //use the cloned mesh
778 | mesh = tempMesh;
779 |
780 | }*/
781 | } |