[2197] | 1 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2 | // File: PathMap.cpp
| 3 | //
| 4 | // Empty starting point for new Direct3D applications
| 5 | //
| 6 | // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
| 7 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 8 | #include "dxstdafx.h"
| 9 | #include "resource.h"
| 10 | #include "PathMapEffect.h"
| 11 | #include "Parameters.h"
| 12 |
| 13 | PathMapEffect* pathMapEffect = NULL;
| 14 |
| 15 | bool gShowUI = true;
| 16 | CDXUTDialogResourceManager gDialogResourceManager; // manager for shared resources of dialogs
| 17 | CD3DSettingsDlg gSettingsDlg; // Device settings dialog
| 18 | CDXUTDialog gHUD; // Dialog for sample specific controls
| 19 |
| 20 | ID3DXFont* gFont = NULL; // Font for drawing text
| 21 | ID3DXSprite* gTextSprite = NULL; // Sprite for batching draw text calls
| 22 |
| 23 | Parameters gParameters;
| 24 |
| 25 | char prmDirectory[256];
| 26 | char meshDirectory[256];
| 27 | char mediaDirectory[256];
| 28 | char levelFileName[256];
| 29 | char materialFileName[256];
| 30 |
| 31 | bool segmentMeshes = false;
| 32 | bool computePRM = false;
| 33 |
| 34 | unsigned int nEntryPoints = 4096;
| 35 | unsigned int nClusters = 32;
| 36 | unsigned int depthMapResolution = 512;
| 37 |
| 38 | void printUsage()
| 39 | {
| 40 | MessageBoxA( NULL, "pathmap.exe [s|p/v] -D <media input directory> -L <level file> -M <materials file> -O <mesh output dir> -P <prm out put dir> -E <number of entry points> -C <number of clusters> -S <shadow map resolution>", "Missing argument!", MB_OK);
| 41 | }
| 42 |
| 43 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 44 | // Rejects any devices that aren't acceptable by returning false
| 45 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 46 | bool CALLBACK IsDeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat,
| 47 | D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext )
| 48 | {
| 49 | // Typically want to skip backbuffer formats that don't support alpha blending
| 50 | IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3DObject();
| 51 | if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType,
| 53 | D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) )
| 54 | return false;
| 55 |
| 56 | return true;
| 57 | }
| 58 |
| 59 |
| 60 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 61 | // Before a device is created, modify the device settings as needed
| 62 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 63 | bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, const D3DCAPS9* pCaps, void* pUserContext )
| 64 | {
| 65 | pDeviceSettings->pp.Flags &= ~D3DPRESENTFLAG_DISCARD_DEPTHSTENCIL;
| 66 | // VSync off
| 67 | pDeviceSettings->pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
| 68 | return true;
| 69 | }
| 70 |
| 71 |
| 72 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 73 | // Create any D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources here
| 74 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 75 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext )
| 76 | {
| 77 | gDialogResourceManager.OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice );
| 78 | gSettingsDlg.OnCreateDevice( pd3dDevice );
| 79 |
| 80 | // Initialize the font
| 81 | D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
| 83 | L"Arial", &gFont );
| 84 |
| 85 | return S_OK;
| 86 | }
| 87 |
| 88 |
| 89 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 90 | // Create any D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources here
| 91 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 92 | HRESULT CALLBACK OnResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice,
| 93 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext )
| 94 | {
| 95 | gDialogResourceManager.OnResetDevice();
| 96 | gSettingsDlg.OnResetDevice();
| 97 |
| 98 | if( gFont )
| 99 | gFont->OnResetDevice();
| 100 |
| 101 | // Create a sprite to help batch calls when drawing many lines of text
| 102 | D3DXCreateSprite( pd3dDevice, &gTextSprite );
| 103 |
| 104 | // Position the on-screen dialog
| 105 | gHUD.SetLocation( 0, 0 );
| 106 | gHUD.SetSize( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width, pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height );
| 107 |
| 108 | pathMapEffect = new PathMapEffect(pd3dDevice,
| 109 | prmDirectory,
| 110 | meshDirectory,
| 111 | mediaDirectory,
| 112 | levelFileName,
| 113 | materialFileName,
| 114 | segmentMeshes,
| 115 | computePRM,
| 116 | nEntryPoints,
| 117 | nClusters,
| 118 | depthMapResolution);
| 119 | return S_OK;
| 120 | }
| 121 |
| 122 |
| 123 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 124 | // Handle updates to the scene
| 125 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 126 | void CALLBACK OnFrameMove( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext )
| 127 | {
| 128 | if(pathMapEffect)
| 129 | pathMapEffect->move(fElapsedTime);
| 130 | }
| 131 |
| 132 |
| 133 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 134 | // Render the help and statistics text.
| 135 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 136 | void RenderText()
| 137 | {
| 138 | const D3DSURFACE_DESC* backBufferDesc = DXUTGetBackBufferSurfaceDesc();
| 139 |
| 140 | CDXUTTextHelper txtHelper( gFont, gTextSprite, 15 );
| 141 | txtHelper.Begin();
| 142 |
| 143 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 5, 5 );
| 144 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
| 145 |
| 146 | if(gShowUI)
| 147 | {
| 148 | txtHelper.DrawFormattedTextLine( L"%.2f fps @ %i x %i",
| 149 | DXUTGetFPS(), backBufferDesc->Width, backBufferDesc->Height );
| 150 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetFrameStats() );
| 151 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine( DXUTGetDeviceStats() );
| 152 |
| 153 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( 5, 180 );
| 154 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
| 155 |
| 156 | if(pathMapEffect)
| 157 | {
| 158 | txtHelper.DrawFormattedTextLine( pathMapEffect->getCurrentMethodName());
| 159 | // txtHelper.DrawFormattedTextLine( pathMapEffect->getWeightsString());
| 160 | }
| 161 |
| 162 | }
| 163 | txtHelper.SetForegroundColor( D3DXCOLOR( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
| 164 |
| 165 | if ( gParameters.Get( bShowHelp ) )
| 166 | {
| 167 | txtHelper.SetInsertionPos( backBufferDesc->Width - 260, backBufferDesc->Height-24*8 );
| 168 |
| 169 | txtHelper.DrawTextLine(
| 170 | L"Controls (F1 to hide):\n\n"
| 171 | L"___________________________________\n"
| 173 | L"Left click drag: Turn camera\n"
| 174 | L"Space: Show/Hide UI Elements\n"
| 175 | L"___________________________________\n"
| 176 | L"___________________________________\n"
| 177 | L" Quit: ESC");
| 178 | }
| 179 | else
| 180 | {
| 181 | // txtHelper.DrawTextLine( L"Press F1 for help" );
| 182 | }
| 183 |
| 184 | txtHelper.End();
| 185 | }
| 186 |
| 187 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 188 | // Render the scene
| 189 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 190 | void CALLBACK OnFrameRender( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext )
| 191 | {
| 192 | HRESULT hr;
| 193 |
| 194 | pathMapEffect->render();
| 195 | pd3dDevice->BeginScene();
| 196 | RenderText();
| 197 | if(gShowUI)
| 198 | gHUD.OnRender( fElapsedTime );
| 199 | pd3dDevice->EndScene();}
| 200 |
| 201 |
| 202 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 203 | // Handle messages to the application
| 204 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 205 | LRESULT CALLBACK MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
| 206 | bool* pbNoFurtherProcessing, void* pUserContext )
| 207 | {
| 208 | *pbNoFurtherProcessing = gDialogResourceManager.MsgProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
| 209 | if( *pbNoFurtherProcessing )
| 210 | return 0;
| 211 |
| 212 | if( gSettingsDlg.IsActive() )
| 213 | {
| 214 | gSettingsDlg.MsgProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
| 215 | return 0;
| 216 | }
| 217 |
| 218 | // Give the dialogs a chance to handle the message first
| 219 | *pbNoFurtherProcessing = gHUD.MsgProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
| 220 | if( *pbNoFurtherProcessing )
| 221 | return 0;
| 222 |
| 223 | if(pathMapEffect)
| 224 | pathMapEffect->handleMessage(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
| 225 |
| 226 |
| 227 | return 0;
| 228 | }
| 229 |
| 230 |
| 231 | void CALLBACK KeyboardProc( UINT nChar, bool bKeyDown, bool bAltDown, void* pUserContext )
| 232 | {
| 233 | if( bKeyDown )
| 234 | {
| 235 | switch(nChar)
| 236 | {
| 237 | case VK_SPACE:
| 238 | gShowUI=!gShowUI;
| 239 | break;
| 240 | case VK_TAB:
| 241 | if(pathMapEffect)
| 242 | pathMapEffect->nextMethod();
| 243 | break;
| 244 | case '0':
| 245 | if(pathMapEffect)
| 246 | pathMapEffect->prevMethod();
| 247 | break;
| 248 | case VK_DOWN:
| 249 | break;
| 250 | case VK_UP:
| 251 | break;
| 252 | case VK_LEFT:
| 253 | break;
| 254 | case VK_RIGHT:
| 255 | break;
| 256 | case VK_DELETE:
| 257 | break;
| 258 | case VK_END:
| 259 | break;
| 260 | default:
| 261 | break;
| 262 | }
| 263 | }
| 264 | }
| 265 |
| 266 | void CALLBACK OnGUIEvent( UINT nEvent, int nControlID, CDXUTControl* pControl, void* pUserContext )
| 267 | {
| 268 | gParameters.UpdateFromHUD( nControlID );
| 269 | if(nControlID == IDC_GEN_BUTTON)
| 270 | {
| 271 | LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 dev = pathMapEffect->getDevice();
| 272 | delete pathMapEffect;
| 273 | pathMapEffect = new PathMapEffect(dev,
| 274 | prmDirectory,
| 275 | meshDirectory,
| 276 | mediaDirectory,
| 277 | levelFileName,
| 278 | materialFileName,
| 279 | segmentMeshes,
| 280 | computePRM,
| 281 | nEntryPoints,
| 282 | nClusters,
| 283 | depthMapResolution);
| 284 | }
| 285 | }
| 286 |
| 287 | void OnLoad()
| 288 | {
| 289 | }
| 290 |
| 291 | void OnSave()
| 292 | {
| 293 | }
| 294 |
| 295 | void OnReset()
| 296 | {
| 297 | }
| 298 |
| 299 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 300 | // Release resources created in the OnResetDevice callback here
| 301 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 302 | void CALLBACK OnLostDevice( void* pUserContext )
| 303 | {
| 304 | gDialogResourceManager.OnLostDevice();
| 305 | gSettingsDlg.OnLostDevice();
| 306 |
| 307 | if( gFont )
| 308 | gFont->OnLostDevice();
| 309 |
| 310 | gTextSprite->Release();
| 311 |
| 312 | delete pathMapEffect;
| 313 | pathMapEffect = NULL;
| 314 | }
| 315 |
| 316 |
| 317 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 318 | // Release resources created in the OnCreateDevice callback here
| 319 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 320 | void CALLBACK OnDestroyDevice( void* pUserContext )
| 321 | {
| 322 | gDialogResourceManager.OnDestroyDevice();
| 323 | gSettingsDlg.OnDestroyDevice();
| 324 |
| 325 | gFont->Release();
| 326 |
| 327 | }
| 328 |
| 329 |
| 330 |
| 331 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 332 | // Initialize everything and go into a render loop
| 333 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 334 | INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR commandLine, int )
| 335 | {
| 336 | // Enable run-time memory check for debug builds.
| 337 | #if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)
| 339 | #endif
| 340 |
| 341 | // Set the callback functions
| 342 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceCreated( OnCreateDevice );
| 343 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceReset( OnResetDevice );
| 344 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceLost( OnLostDevice );
| 345 | DXUTSetCallbackDeviceDestroyed( OnDestroyDevice );
| 346 | DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc( MsgProc );
| 347 | DXUTSetCallbackFrameRender( OnFrameRender );
| 348 | DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove( OnFrameMove );
| 349 | DXUTSetCallbackKeyboard( KeyboardProc );
| 350 |
| 351 | // TODO: Perform any application-level initialization here
| 352 |
| 353 | gSettingsDlg.Init( &gDialogResourceManager );
| 354 | gHUD.Init( &gDialogResourceManager );
| 355 | gHUD.SetCallback( OnGUIEvent ); // Event handling
| 356 |
| 357 | gParameters.Setup( &gHUD, OnReset, OnSave, OnLoad); // you can add callbacks to these actions
| 358 |
| 359 | gParameters.Add( bShowHelp, "Show Help", VK_F1 );
| 360 |
| 361 | PathMapEffect::addUiParameters(&gParameters);
| 362 |
| 363 | gParameters.UpdateFromHUD( IDC_RESET_BUTTON ); // do a reset
| 364 |
| 365 | PathMapEffect::setUiParameterDefaults(&gParameters);
| 366 |
| 367 | std::cerr << commandLine;
| 368 |
| 369 | if(commandLine[0] == 's' || commandLine[1] == 's')
| 370 | segmentMeshes = true;
| 371 | else
| 372 | segmentMeshes = false;
| 373 |
| 374 | if(commandLine[0] == 'p' || commandLine[1] == 'p')
| 375 | computePRM = true;
| 376 | else
| 377 | computePRM = false;
| 378 |
| 379 | strcpy(mediaDirectory, "media");
| 380 | strcpy(prmDirectory, "prm");
| 381 | strcpy(meshDirectory, "processedMeshes");
[2212] | 382 | strcpy(levelFileName, "space.level");
| 383 | strcpy(materialFileName, "space.materials");
| 384 | nClusters = 64;
| 385 | nEntryPoints = 4096;
| 386 | depthMapResolution = 512;
[2197] | 387 |
| 388 | char* toki;
| 389 | toki = strtok(commandLine, " ");
| 390 | while(toki)
| 391 | {
| 392 | if(toki[0] == '-')
| 393 | {
| 394 | switch(toki[1])
| 395 | {
| 396 | case 'D' :
| 397 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 398 | if(toki == NULL)
| 399 | printUsage();
| 400 | strcpy(mediaDirectory, toki);
| 401 | break;
| 402 | case 'P' :
| 403 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 404 | if(toki == NULL)
| 405 | printUsage();
| 406 | strcpy(prmDirectory, toki);
| 407 | break;
| 408 | case 'O' :
| 409 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 410 | if(toki == NULL)
| 411 | printUsage();
| 412 | strcpy(meshDirectory, toki);
| 413 | break;
| 414 | case 'L' :
| 415 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 416 | if(toki == NULL)
| 417 | printUsage();
| 418 | strcpy(levelFileName, toki);
| 419 | break;
| 420 | case 'M' :
| 421 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 422 | if(toki == NULL)
| 423 | printUsage();
| 424 | strcpy(materialFileName, toki);
| 425 | break;
| 426 | case 'E' :
| 427 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 428 | if(toki == NULL)
| 429 | printUsage();
| 430 | nEntryPoints = atoi(toki);
| 431 | break;
| 432 | case 'C' :
| 433 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 434 | if(toki == NULL)
| 435 | printUsage();
| 436 | nClusters = atoi(toki);
| 437 | break;
| 438 | case 'S' :
| 439 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 440 | if(toki == NULL)
| 441 | printUsage();
| 442 | depthMapResolution = atoi(toki);
| 443 | break;
| 444 | default:
| 445 | printUsage();
| 446 | }
| 447 | }
| 448 | toki = strtok(NULL, " ");
| 449 | }
| 450 |
| 451 | // Initialize DXUT and create the desired Win32 window and Direct3D device for the application
| 452 | DXUTInit( true, true, true ); // Parse the command line, handle the default hotkeys, and show msgboxes
| 453 | DXUTSetCursorSettings( true, true ); // Show the cursor and clip it when in full screen
| 454 | DXUTCreateWindow( L"PathMap" );
| 455 | DXUTCreateDevice( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, true, 640, 480, IsDeviceAcceptable, ModifyDeviceSettings );
| 456 |
| 457 | // Start the render loop
| 458 | DXUTMainLoop();
| 459 |
| 460 | // TODO: Perform any application-level cleanup here
| 461 |
| 462 | return DXUTGetExitCode();
| 463 | }
| 464 |
| 465 |