1 | GameTools standalone tool:
2 |
3 | Command line options
4 | #############################
5 | > pathmap.exe [s|p/v] -D <media input directory> -L <level file> -M <materials file> -O <mesh output dir>
6 | -P <prm out put dir> -E <number of entry points> -C <number of clusters> -S <shadow map resolution>
7 |
8 | operations
9 | s - Segment input meshes: creates new versions of input meshes, and outputs them to the <mesh output dir>.
10 | These processed meshes will contain smaller submeshes, to which PRM textures will be assigned.
11 | p - Precompute PRM textures. Outputs textures (hdr format), a new level file (with cluster assigment info),
12 | and an entry point file.
13 | sp- Do both of the above.
14 | v - Do neither of the above, only visualize results.
15 |
16 | switches
17 | D directory for input files (level file, material file, meshes in .x or OGRE xml format, texture images)
18 | L file name of level file (txt file listing meshes and entities)
19 | M file name for material file (txt file listing material name - color texture pairs)
20 | O output directory for segmented meshes and the new level file
21 | (this is also the input directory for the same files if operation 's' is not specified)
22 | P output directory for PRM textures and the entry point file.
23 | (this is also the input directory for the same if operation 'p' is not specified)
24 | E number of entry points. Must be 4096*n.
25 | C number of entry point clusters overall. How many of them influences a single entity is given in the level file.
26 | S depth map resolution used for indirect illumination precomputation.
27 |
28 |
29 | File formats
30 | #############################
31 | Level file [media\*.level]
32 | Lists meshes and entities.
33 | Mesh attributes:
34 | ogrefile Binary OGRE file. (output as input, not used in tool)
35 | ogreXMLfile XML OGRE file. (loaded in tool)
36 | xfile DirectX mesh file. (loaded if no OGRE xml specified)
37 | patmapresolution PRM tile resolution. (also influences UV map generation)
38 | divide Number of desired mesh segments. (a PRM texture is assigned to a segment)
39 | Entity attributes
40 | mesh mesh name
41 | transformation modeling trnasformation as a 4x4 matrix
42 | pathmapclusters number of clusters relevant to subentities of this entity (recommended:32)
43 | pathmapfile output texture file name stub
44 |
45 | Material file [media/*.materials]
46 | XML file that describes materials OGRE for the pathmap tool.
47 | For every material name, a texture name or a solid color is given.
48 |
49 | Entry points file [prm\prmEntryPoints.text]
50 | Lists entry points with position, normal and generation probability,
51 | plus number of entry points per cluster.
52 |
53 |
54 | Real-time global illumination
55 | #############################
56 |
57 |
58 | Provided effect:
59 | #################
60 |
61 | Indirect illumination with Precomputed Radiance Maps (PRM)
62 |
63 | Standalone final rendering (real time GI) application without or with [if
64 | GENERATE_PATH_MAPS is defined in PathMapEffect.cpp] PRM precomputing
65 |
66 |
67 | Algorithm benefits:
68 | ###################
69 | Provides real-time indirect illumination. As opposed to static light maps,
70 | actual lighting conditions influence indirect illumination. The effect is
71 | achieved by combining multiple 'PRM panes' (partial "light maps") according to
72 | current illumination of 'entry point clusters'.
73 |
74 | As opposed to PRT (precomputed radiance transfer), no tessellation (finite
75 | elements) is needed, and near light sources are handled. (We do not assume
76 | infinitely distant
77 | environment lighting.)
78 |
79 | Accuracy of PRMs depends on the number of entry points used, influencing
80 | preocessing time only.
81 |
82 | Final rendering requires a compositing of PRMs, where performance depends on the
83 | number of 'entry point clusters' considered for an object. As many texture
84 | fetches as clusters are needed. A lower number of clusters will result in
85 | indirect illumination which is less responsive to actual lighting, but still
86 | plausible. (A single cluster would reproduce a static light map which is scaled
87 | according to the total direct illumination.)
88 |
89 |
90 | Build:
91 | ######
92 | This is a standalone DirectX 9.0 application, compiles under Visual C++ 2003
93 | with DirectX SDK April 2006 (identical to June 2006).
94 |
95 | Parameters (PRM resolution, shadow map resolution, #entry points, #clusters,
96 | etc.) are hardcoded as #define directives in PathMapEffect.h.
97 |
98 | GENERATE_PATH_MAPS in PathMapEffect.cpp must be defined to perform precomputing,
99 | outputting textures to the PRM subfolder. Otherwise, PRM textures are loaded
100 | from the PRM subfolder.
101 |
102 |
103 | Usage notes:
104 | ############
105 | - as precomputing is used, this tool should be used for static level geometry
106 | - multiple static objects are supported and encouraged: every object will use a
107 | set of most important PRM panes
108 | - models must have unique texture mapping (just like light maps)
109 |
110 | - there is no support for any particular 'level geometry' discription format.
111 | DirectX .x files and referenced textures are loaded from code.
112 | - To include the method in a particular engine, the level geometry should be
113 | used to compose the scene which is used to generate the PRM textures. Final
114 | compositing must be implemented in the shader system of the game engine,
115 | assigning the computed PRMs to the respective objects as textures.