1 | // This file has been written by Jiri Bittner, October 2006
2 |
3 | #ifndef __BVH_H
4 | #define __BVH_H
5 |
6 | #include "common.h"
7 | #include "Vector3.h"
8 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
9 | //#include "SceneEntity.h"
10 |
11 |
12 | namespace CHCDemo
13 | {
14 |
15 | ////////
16 | //-- Forward declarations
17 |
18 | class SceneEntity;
19 | class Camera;
20 | class RenderState;
21 |
22 |
23 | /** A node in the bv hierarchy.
24 | */
25 | class BvhNode
26 | {
27 | friend class Bvh;
28 | friend class BvhLoader;
29 | friend class mygreaterdistance;
30 |
31 | public:
32 |
33 | /** visibility related options
34 | */
35 | struct VisibilityInfo
36 | {
37 | VisibilityInfo() { Reset(); }
38 | /** Reset the visibility info.
39 | */
40 | void Reset();
41 |
42 | /// if the node is visible
43 | bool mIsVisible;
44 | /// #frames this node is assumed to stay visible
45 | int mAssumedVisibleFrames;
46 | /// the frame when this node was last touched during traversal
47 | int mLastVisitedFrame;
48 | /// #times this node was invisible (only valid if the node actually is invisible)
49 | int mTimesInvisible;
50 | /// if the node is view frustum culled
51 | bool mIsFrustumCulled;
52 | /// if the node is newly processed with no prior history available
53 | bool mIsNew;
54 | };
55 |
56 | /** Constructor taking the parent node.
57 | */
58 | BvhNode(BvhNode *parent);
59 | /** Returns true if this node is a leaf.
60 | */
61 | //virtual bool IsPseudoLeaf() = 0;
62 | /** Virtual destructor doing nothing.
63 | */
64 | virtual ~BvhNode();
65 | /** Returns unique id for this node.
66 | */
67 | //inline int GetId() {return mId;}
68 | /** Depth of this node in the tree.
69 | */
70 | inline int GetDepth() const {return mDepth;}
71 | /** Returns parent of this bvh node, NULL if it is root.
72 | */
73 | inline BvhNode *GetParent() {return mParent;}
74 | /** Number of leaves in the subtree induced by this node.
75 | */
76 | inline int GetNumLeaves() const {return mNumLeaves;}
77 | /** Reset the status of this node.
78 | */
79 | virtual void ResetVisibility();
80 |
81 | virtual bool IsLeaf() const = 0;
82 |
83 | bool IsVirtualLeaf() const { return mIsVirtualLeaf; }
84 |
85 |
86 | ////////////////
87 | //-- visibility culling related functions
88 |
89 | inline int GetLastVisitedFrame() const;
90 |
91 | inline void SetLastVisitedFrame(int lastVisited);
92 | /** If this node is considered visible.
93 | */
94 | inline bool IsVisible() const;
95 | /** Set visibility flag of the node.
96 | */
97 | inline void SetVisible(bool visible);
98 | /** The assumed visible time span of this node.
99 | */
100 | inline void SetAssumedVisibleFrames(int t);
101 | /** See set.
102 | */
103 | inline int GetAssumedVisibleFrames() const;
104 | /** The time span this node remains visible.
105 | */
106 | inline void SetRemainingVisibleFrames(const int t);
107 | /** Decrease the time this node is considered visible.
108 | */
109 | inline void DecAssumedVisibleFrames();
110 | /** Increases the #times this node was
111 | successfully tested invisible.
112 | */
113 | inline void IncTimesInvisible();
114 |
115 | inline int GetTimesInvisible() const;
116 | inline void SetTimesInvisible(int t);
117 |
118 | inline int GetTurnedVisibleFrame() const;
119 | inline void SetTurnedVisibleFrame(int turnedVisibleFrame);
120 |
121 | inline int GetLastTestedFrame();
122 | inline void SetLastTestedFrame(int lastTested);
123 |
124 | inline bool IsViewFrustumCulled() const;
125 | inline void SetViewFrustumCulled(bool frustumCulled);
126 |
127 | inline bool IsNew() const;
128 | inline void SetIsNew(bool isNew);
129 |
130 |
131 | /** Returns the bounding box of this node.
132 | */
133 | inline const AxisAlignedBox3 &GetBox() { return mBox; }
134 | /** Return index of this node.
135 | */
136 | inline int GetId() const { return mId; }
137 | /** See get
138 | */
139 | inline void SetId(int id) { mId = id; }
140 |
141 |
142 | //////////
143 | //-- rendering
144 |
145 | /** Returns the frame in which this node was last rendered.
146 | */
147 | inline int GetLastRenderedFrame() const;
148 | /** See get.
149 | */
150 | inline void SetLastRenderedFrame(int lastRenderedFrame);
151 | /** Does this node contain renderable geometry?
152 | */
153 | inline bool Empty() const;
154 | /** Counts #geometry stored in the subtree.
155 | */
156 | inline int CountPrimitives() const;
157 |
158 |
159 | protected:
160 |
161 | /////////////
162 |
163 | /// some flags
164 | int mFlags;
165 | /// the depth of this node
166 | unsigned char mDepth;
167 | /// the split axis
168 | char mAxis;
169 | /// the parent node
170 | BvhNode *mParent;
171 | /// stores the visibility related info
172 | VisibilityInfo mVisibility;
173 |
174 | /////////
175 | // used for view frustum culling
176 |
177 | int mPlaneMask;
178 | int mPreferredPlane;
179 |
180 |
181 | ////////////
182 | //-- rendering related options
183 |
184 | /// when the node was last rendered
185 | int mLastRenderedFrame;
186 | /// #leaves under this node
187 | int mNumLeaves;
188 |
189 | // Indices to first and last triangle in the triangle array
190 | // assumes the triangle are placed in continuous chunk of memory
191 | // however this need not be a global array!
192 |
193 | /// the index of the first triangle
194 | int mFirst;
195 | /// the index of the last triangle
196 | int mLast;
197 |
198 | /// these nodes can be tested instead of the current node
199 | int mTestNodesIdx;
200 |
201 | int mNumTestNodes;
202 |
203 | int mIndicesPtr;
204 |
205 | /// Area of this node
206 | float mArea;
207 | /// distance to the camera
208 | float mDistance;
209 | /// the index of this node
210 | unsigned int mId;
211 | /// indices used for draw array rendering
212 | unsigned int *mIndices;
213 | /// the bounding box
214 | AxisAlignedBox3 mBox;
215 | /// if this node is a virtual leaf
216 | bool mIsVirtualLeaf;
217 | /** This marks the maximal depth where a virtual leaf can be defined.
218 | From this point on it makes no sense to traverse down further, as all
219 | nodes below contain the same geometry, so no further refinement of visibility
220 | can be archieved. All nodes below this point can merely used to define the
221 | tighter bounds.
222 | */
223 | bool mIsMaxDepthForVirtualLeaf;
224 | };
225 |
226 |
227 | /////////////////
228 | //-- public inline functions
229 |
230 | int BvhNode::GetLastVisitedFrame() const
231 | {
232 | return mVisibility.mLastVisitedFrame;
233 | }
234 |
235 |
236 | void BvhNode::SetLastVisitedFrame(const int lastVisited)
237 | {
238 | mVisibility.mLastVisitedFrame = lastVisited;
239 | }
240 |
241 |
242 | bool BvhNode::IsVisible() const
243 | {
244 | return mVisibility.mIsVisible;
245 | }
246 |
247 |
248 | void BvhNode::SetVisible(const bool visible)
249 | {
250 | mVisibility.mIsVisible = visible;
251 | }
252 |
253 |
254 | void BvhNode::IncTimesInvisible()
255 | {
256 | ++ mVisibility.mTimesInvisible;
257 | }
258 |
259 |
260 | int BvhNode::GetTimesInvisible() const
261 | {
262 | return mVisibility.mTimesInvisible;
263 | }
264 |
265 |
266 | void BvhNode::SetTimesInvisible(const int t)
267 | {
268 | mVisibility.mTimesInvisible = t;
269 | }
270 |
271 |
272 | bool BvhNode::IsViewFrustumCulled() const
273 | {
274 | return mVisibility.mIsFrustumCulled;
275 | }
276 |
277 |
278 | void BvhNode::SetViewFrustumCulled(const bool frustumCulled)
279 | {
280 | mVisibility.mIsFrustumCulled = frustumCulled;
281 | }
282 |
283 |
284 | bool BvhNode::IsNew() const
285 | {
286 | return mVisibility.mIsNew;
287 | }
288 |
289 |
290 | void BvhNode::SetIsNew(const bool isNew)
291 | {
292 | mVisibility.mIsNew = isNew;
293 | }
294 |
295 |
296 | int BvhNode::GetLastRenderedFrame() const
297 | {
298 | return mLastRenderedFrame;
299 | }
300 |
301 |
302 | void BvhNode::SetLastRenderedFrame(int lastRenderedFrame)
303 | {
304 | mLastRenderedFrame = lastRenderedFrame;
305 | }
306 |
307 |
308 | bool BvhNode::Empty() const
309 | {
310 | return mFirst == -1;
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | int BvhNode::CountPrimitives() const
315 | {
316 | return mLast - mFirst + 1;
317 | }
318 |
319 |
320 | void BvhNode::SetAssumedVisibleFrames(const int t)
321 | {
322 | mVisibility.mAssumedVisibleFrames = t;
323 | }
324 |
325 |
326 | int BvhNode::GetAssumedVisibleFrames() const
327 | {
328 | return mVisibility.mAssumedVisibleFrames;
329 | }
330 |
331 | void BvhNode::DecAssumedVisibleFrames()
332 | {
333 | -- mVisibility.mAssumedVisibleFrames;
334 | }
335 |
336 |
337 | /** Internal node of the bv hierarchy.
338 | */
339 | class BvhInterior: public BvhNode
340 | {
341 | friend class Bvh;
342 | friend class BvhLoader;
343 |
344 | public:
345 |
346 | BvhInterior(BvhNode *parent): mBack(NULL), mFront(NULL), BvhNode(parent)
347 | {}
348 | virtual bool IsLeaf() const { return false; }
349 | /** Back child.
350 | */
351 | inline BvhNode *GetBack() { return mBack; }
352 | /** Front child.
353 | */
354 | inline BvhNode *GetFront() { return mFront; }
355 | /** recursivly delete tree.
356 | */
357 | virtual ~BvhInterior() { if (mBack) delete mBack; if (mFront) delete mFront;}
358 | /** Returns split axis of this interior node.
359 | */
360 | //inline int GetAxis() { return (int)mAxis; }
361 | /** Returns position of the split axis.
362 | */
363 | //inline float GetPosition() {return (float)mPosition;}
364 |
365 |
366 | protected:
367 |
368 | /// the position of the split plane
369 | //float mPosition;
370 |
371 | BvhNode *mBack;
372 | BvhNode *mFront;
373 | };
374 |
375 |
376 | class BvhLeaf: public BvhNode
377 | {
378 | friend class Bvh;
379 | friend class BvhLoader;
380 |
381 | public:
382 |
383 | BvhLeaf(BvhNode *parent): BvhNode(parent)
384 | {}
385 |
386 | ~BvhLeaf();
387 |
388 | virtual bool IsLeaf() const { return true; }
389 | };
390 |
391 |
392 | /** This class implements the compare operator for the priority queue.
393 | a lower distance has a higher value in the queue
394 | */
395 | class mygreaterdistance
396 | {
397 | public:
398 | bool operator() (BvhNode *v1, BvhNode *v2) const
399 | {
400 | return (v1->mDistance > v2->mDistance);
401 | }
402 | };
403 |
404 | typedef std::priority_queue<BvhNode *, std::vector<BvhNode *>, mygreaterdistance> TraversalQueue;
405 |
406 |
407 | /** Class representing a bounding volume hierarchy.
408 | */
409 | class Bvh
410 | {
411 | friend class BvhLoader;
412 |
413 | /** Bvh properties
414 | */
415 | struct BvhStats
416 | {
417 | BvhStats():
418 | mInteriorSA(0),
419 | mLeafSA(0),
420 | mInteriorVol(0),
421 | mLeafVol(0),
422 | mTriangles(0),
423 | mTriangleRatio(0),
424 | mGeometryRatio(0),
425 | mMaxGeometry(0),
426 | mMaxTriangles(0)
427 | {}
428 |
429 | float mInteriorSA;
430 | float mLeafSA;
431 | float mInteriorVol;
432 | float mLeafVol;
433 |
434 | int mTriangles;
435 |
436 | float mTriangleRatio;
437 | float mGeometryRatio;
438 |
439 | int mMaxGeometry;
440 | int mMaxTriangles;
441 | };
442 |
443 | public:
444 |
445 | /** Destructor.
446 | */
447 | ~Bvh();
448 | /** Returns number of bvh nodes.
449 | */
450 | inline int GetNumNodes() const { return mNumNodes; }
451 | /** Returns number of bvh leaves.
452 | */
453 | inline int GetNumLeaves() const { return mNumNodes / 2 + 1;}
454 | /** Returns root node of the bvh.
455 | */
456 | BvhNode *GetRoot() { return mRoot; }
457 | /** Counts the triangle in this leaf.
458 | */
459 | int CountTriangles(BvhLeaf *leaf) const;
460 |
461 |
462 | void CollectNodes(BvhNode *node, BvhNodeContainer &nodes, int depth);
463 | void CollectNodes(BvhNode *node, BvhNodeContainer &nodes);
464 | void CollectLeaves(BvhNode *node, BvhLeafContainer &leaves);
465 | /** Collect only the virtual leaves.
466 | */
467 | void CollectVirtualLeaves(BvhNode *node, BvhNodeContainer &leaves);
468 |
469 |
470 | //////////////////////
471 |
472 | /** Returns geometry by reference (faster).
473 | */
474 | SceneEntity **GetGeometry(BvhNode *node, int &size);
475 |
476 |
477 | /////////////
478 | //-- Rendering related options
479 |
480 | /** Renders the bounding box of this node (Or the tigher bounding boxes of some subnodes).
481 | */
482 | void RenderBoundingBox(BvhNode *node);
483 | /** Renders bounding boxes of the collection of nodes.
484 | @returns #rendered boxes
485 | */
486 | int RenderBoundingBoxes(const BvhNodeContainer &nodes);
487 |
488 | /** Returns the bounding box of this bvh.
489 | */
490 | inline const AxisAlignedBox3 &GetBox() { return mBox; }
491 |
492 |
493 | //////////////
494 | //-- Traversal related options
495 |
496 | /** Pulls up visible classification.
497 | */
498 | void MakeParentsVisible(BvhNode *node);
499 | /** Does the view frustum culling for this node with respect to the previous culls
500 | @returns: 0 if completely outside, 1 if completely inside, -1 if intersecting (partly inside),
501 | */
502 | int IsWithinViewFrustum(BvhNode *node);
503 | /** Sets frame dependent values.
504 | */
505 | void InitFrame(Camera *camera, int currentFrameId);
506 | /** This gives the orthogonal distance from the viewpoint to the nearest bounding box vertex
507 | note that negative values can appear because culling is done only afterwards
508 | */
509 | void CalcDistance(BvhNode *node) const;
510 | /** Returns the stored distance.
511 | */
512 | float GetDistance(BvhNode *node) const { return node->mDistance; }
513 | /** Pulls up the last visited classification in the bvh.
514 | */
515 | void PullUpLastVisited(BvhNode *node, int frameId) const;
516 | /** Resets the node classifications in the tree.
517 | */
518 | void ResetNodeClassifications();
519 | /** Helper function that renders the bounding boxes of the leaves as
520 | wireframes for visualization purpose.
521 | */
522 | //void RenderBoundingBoxesForViz(int mode);
523 | /** Count triangles the node contains.
524 | */
525 | int CountTriangles(BvhNode *node) const;
526 | /** Returns area of the the node.
527 | */
528 | float GetArea(BvhNode *node) const;
529 | /** Compute unique ids for the nodes.
530 | */
531 | void ComputeIds();
532 | /** Assign virtual leaves based on specified number of triangles per leaf.
533 | */
534 | void SetVirtualLeaves(int numTriangles);
535 |
536 | ////////
537 | //-- functions influencing tighter bounds
538 |
539 |
540 | /** Sets maximal depth for taking the bounding boxes to test the
541 | visibility of a node.
542 | Deeper => the bounds adapt more to the geometry.
543 | */
544 | void SetMaxDepthForTestingChildren(int maxDepth);
545 |
546 | void SetAreaRatioThresholdForTestingChildren(float ratio);
547 |
548 | /** Returns stats.
549 | */
550 | const BvhStats &GetBvhStats() const {return mBvhStats;}
551 | /** Renders the geometry contained in this node.
552 | */
553 | int Render(BvhNode *node, RenderState *state);
554 | /** Returns number of 'virtual' nodes in the hierarchy, i.e.
555 | the number of nodes actually used for traversal.
556 | */
557 | int GetNumVirtualNodes() const { return mNumVirtualNodes; }
558 |
559 |
560 | protected:
561 |
562 | ////////////////////
563 |
564 | /** protected constructor: do nothing.
565 | */
566 | Bvh();
567 |
568 | /** Protected constructor taking scene geometry into account
569 | */
570 | const Bvh(const SceneEntityContainer &entities);
571 |
572 |
573 | /////////////
574 |
575 | void ComputeBvhStats();
576 | void PrintBvhStats() const;
577 |
578 |
579 | //////////
580 | //-- Helper methods for bounding box rendering in immediate and vbo mode.
581 |
582 | void PrepareVertices();
583 |
584 | int PrepareBoundingBoxesWithDrawArrays(const BvhNodeContainer &nodes);
585 | void RenderBoundingBoxesWithDrawArrays(int numNodes);
586 |
587 | /** Create the indices that each node needs to use vbo rendering.
588 | */
589 | void CreateIndices();
590 | /** Create the list of nodes whose bounding boxes are tested instead of the
591 | bounding box of the node itself.
592 | */
593 | bool CreateNodeRenderList(BvhNode *node);
594 | /** Recursivly updates indices so we can
595 | render also interior nodes without traversing hierarchy
596 | */
597 | void UpdateInteriors(BvhNode *node);
598 | /** Recomputes the boundaries of the nodes.
599 | This function is always called if some boundary options are changed.
600 | */
601 | void RecomputeBounds();
602 | /** Does some postprocessing on the nodes.
603 | */
604 | void PostProcess();
605 | /** Helper method that updates the number of leaves in the subtree under
606 | this node.
607 | */
608 | void UpdateNumLeaves(BvhNode *node) const;
609 | /** Frustum tests the ith plane.
610 | */
611 | inline bool TestPlane(BvhNode *node, int i, bool &bIntersect);
612 |
613 | void RenderBoundingBoxImmediate(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box);
614 |
615 |
616 |
617 | ////////////////////////
618 |
619 | /// the root of the hierarchy
620 | BvhNode *mRoot;
621 | /// pointers to the geometry associated with this node
622 | SceneEntity **mGeometry;
623 | /// #of entities
624 | size_t mGeometrySize;
625 |
626 |
627 | ////////////////
628 |
629 | /// the current camera
630 | Camera *mCamera;
631 | // current frame id
632 | int mFrameId;
633 | /// a vertex array used if working with indexed arrays (without vbo)
634 | Vector3 *mVertices;
635 | /// indices used for draw array rendering
636 | unsigned int *mIndices;
637 |
638 | /** maximal depth from which children are fetched for
639 | testing instead of the current node
640 | */
641 | int mMaxDepthForTestingChildren;
642 |
643 | float mAreaRatioThreshold;
644 |
645 |
646 | BvhStats mBvhStats;
647 |
648 | BvhNodeContainer mTestNodes;
649 |
650 | unsigned int *mTestIndices;
651 | /// a pointer to the end of the indices array
652 | int mCurrentIndicesPtr;
653 |
654 | int mNumNodes;
655 |
656 | /// the bounding box
657 | AxisAlignedBox3 mBox;
658 |
659 | int mNumVirtualNodes;
660 |
661 | //////////////
662 |
663 | static unsigned int sCurrentVboId;
664 | };
665 |
666 | }
667 |
668 | #endif // __BVH_H |