3 |
4 |
5 | #include "Vector3.h"
6 | #include "Triangle3.h"
7 | #include <string>
8 | #include <vector>
9 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 | typedef std::vector<CHCDemoEngine::Vector3> VertexArray;
14 | typedef std::pair<float, float> TexCoord;
15 |
16 | class ogzstream;
17 | struct BvhInterior;
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | struct Geometry
22 | {
23 | CHCDemoEngine::Vector3 *mVertices;
24 | CHCDemoEngine::Vector3 *mNormals;
25 | TexCoord *mTexCoords;
26 |
27 | int mVertexCount;
28 | int mTexcoordCount;
29 | };
30 |
31 |
32 | struct BvhNode
33 | {
34 | int id;
35 | char axis;
36 | unsigned char depth;
37 | short flags;
38 |
39 | // indices to first and last triangle in the triangle array
40 | // assumes the traingle are placed in continuous chunk of memory
41 | // however this need not be a global array!
42 | int first;
43 | // one after the last triangle!
44 | int last;
45 |
46 | BvhNode(): axis(-1), first(-1), flags(0) {}
47 |
48 | bool IsLeaf() { return axis == -1; }
49 | bool Empty() const { return first == -1; }
50 | int Count() const { return last - first + 1; }
51 |
52 | CHCDemoEngine::AxisAlignedBox3 box;
53 |
54 | BvhInterior *parent;
55 | std::vector<int> mTriangleIds;
56 | };
57 |
58 |
59 | struct BvhInterior: public BvhNode
60 | {
61 | BvhInterior():back(NULL), front(NULL) { }
62 | BvhNode *back;
63 | BvhNode *front;
64 | };
65 |
66 |
67 | struct BvhLeaf: public BvhNode
68 | {
69 | BvhLeaf(): BvhNode() {}
70 | };
71 |
72 |
73 | /** Converts obj format into objects readable by our format
74 | */
75 | class VisibilitySolutionConverter
76 | {
77 | public:
78 |
79 | VisibilitySolutionConverter();
80 |
81 | ~VisibilitySolutionConverter();
82 |
83 | bool Convert(const std::string &sceneInputFilename,
84 | const std::string &sceneOutputFilename,
85 | const std::string &bvhInputFilename,
86 | const std::string &bvhOutputFilename);
87 |
88 |
89 | protected:
90 |
91 |
92 | void LoadShape(const VertexArray &vertices,
93 | const VertexArray &normals,
94 | const std::vector<TexCoord> &texCoords);
95 |
96 | void WriteGeometry(ogzstream &str, Geometry *geom);
97 |
98 | bool ReadScene(const std::string &iFilename);
99 |
100 | bool WriteScene(const std::string &oFilename);
101 |
102 | bool ReadBvh(FILE *fr);
103 |
104 | bool WriteBvh(const std::string &oFilename);
105 |
106 | void ConstructBvhObjects(const VertexArray &vertices,
107 | const VertexArray &normals,
108 | const std::vector<TexCoord> &texCoords);
109 |
110 | bool LoadSolution(const std::string &filename);
111 |
112 | BvhNode *LoadNode(FILE *fr, int depth);
113 |
114 | bool ReadDummyTree(FILE *fr);
115 |
116 | bool ReadObj(const std::string &filename,
117 | VertexArray &vertices,
118 | VertexArray &normals,
119 | std::vector<TexCoord> &texcoords);
120 |
121 | bool ReadBinObj(const std::string &filename,
122 | VertexArray &vertices);
123 |
124 | bool WriteBinObj(const std::string &filename,
125 | const VertexArray &vertices);
126 |
127 | bool ExportBinObj(const std::string &filename,
128 | const VertexArray &vertices);
129 |
130 | void WriteNextNode(ogzstream &stream, BvhNode *parent);
131 |
132 | void UpdateLeafBox(BvhLeaf *leaf);
133 | /** Prepare bvh for exporting.
134 | */
135 | void UpdateBvh(BvhNode *node);
136 |
137 | bool LoadSolutionTest(const std::string &filename);
138 |
139 |
140 | bool ReadObjSimple(const std::string &filename,
141 | std::vector<CHCDemoEngine::Triangle3 *> &triangles);
142 |
143 | void ConstructBvhObjects2(const std::vector<CHCDemoEngine::Triangle3 *> &triangles);
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 | //////////////////////////////////
148 |
149 | std::vector<Geometry *> mGeometry;
150 |
151 | int mNumShapes;
152 |
153 | std::vector<int> mGlobalTriangleIds;
154 |
155 | std::vector<BvhLeaf *> mBvhLeaves;
156 |
157 | BvhNode *mRoot;
158 |
159 | int mNumNodes;
160 | };
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 | #endif