#include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "Plane3.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Polyhedron.h" #include "Triangle3.h" #include #include #ifdef _CRT_SET #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include // redefine new operator #define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif using namespace std; namespace CHCDemoEngine { // Overload << operator for C++-style output ostream& operator<< (ostream &s, const AxisAlignedBox3 &A) { return s << '[' << A.mMin.x << ", " << A.mMin.y << ", " << A.mMin.z << "][" << A.mMax.x << ", " << A.mMax.y << ", " << A.mMax.z << ']'; } // Overload >> operator for C++-style input istream& operator>> (istream &s, AxisAlignedBox3 &A) { char a; // read "[min.x, min.y, min.z][mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z]" return s >> a >> A.mMin.x >> a >> A.mMin.y >> a >> A.mMin.z >> a >> a >> A.mMax.x >> a >> A.mMax.y >> a >> A.mMax.z >> a; } AxisAlignedBox3::AxisAlignedBox3() { } AxisAlignedBox3::AxisAlignedBox3(const Vector3 &nMin, const Vector3 &nMax) : mMin(nMin), mMax(nMax) {} bool AxisAlignedBox3::Unbounded() const { return (mMin == Vector3(-MAXFLOAT)) || (mMax == Vector3(-MAXFLOAT)); } void AxisAlignedBox3::Include(const Vector3 &newpt) { Minimize(mMin, newpt); Maximize(mMax, newpt); } void AxisAlignedBox3::Include(const Polygon3 &newpoly) { VertexArray::const_iterator it, it_end = newpoly.mVertices.end(); for (it = newpoly.mVertices.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) Include(*it); } void AxisAlignedBox3::Include(const PolygonContainer &polys) { PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = polys.end(); for (it = polys.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) Include(*(*it)); } void AxisAlignedBox3::Include(const AxisAlignedBox3 &bbox) { Minimize(mMin, bbox.mMin); Maximize(mMax, bbox.mMax); } bool AxisAlignedBox3::IsCorrect() { if ( (mMin.x > mMax.x) || (mMin.y > mMax.y) || (mMin.z > mMax.z) ) return false; // box is not formed return true; } void AxisAlignedBox3::GetEdge(const int edge, Vector3 *a, Vector3 *b) const { switch(edge) { case 0: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; case 1: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 2: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); break; case 3: a->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 4: a->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; case 5: a->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); b->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); break; case 6: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); b->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); break; case 7: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; case 8: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); break; case 9: a->SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 10: a->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 11: a->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); b->SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; } } // returns the vertex indices in the range <0..7>, v = 4.x + 2.y + z, where // x,y,z are either 0 or 1; (0 .. min coordinate, 1 .. max coordinate) void AxisAlignedBox3::GetEdge(const int edge, int &aIdx, int &bIdx) const { switch(edge) { case 0: aIdx = 0; bIdx = 1; break; case 1: aIdx = 0; bIdx = 2; break; case 2: aIdx = 0; bIdx = 4; break; case 3: aIdx = 7; bIdx = 6; break; case 4: aIdx = 7; bIdx = 5; break; case 5: aIdx = 7; bIdx = 3; break; case 6: aIdx = 1; bIdx = 3; break; case 7: aIdx = 1; bIdx = 5; break; case 8: aIdx = 2; bIdx = 3; break; case 9: aIdx = 2; bIdx = 6; break; case 10: aIdx = 4; bIdx = 6; break; case 11: aIdx = 4; bIdx = 5; break; } } void AxisAlignedBox3::Include(const int &axis, const float &newBound) { switch (axis) { case 0: { // x-axis if (mMin.x > newBound) mMin.x = newBound; if (mMax.x < newBound) mMax.x = newBound; break; } case 1: { // y-axis if (mMin.y > newBound) mMin.y = newBound; if (mMax.y < newBound) mMax.y = newBound; break; } case 2: { // z-axis if (mMin.z > newBound) mMin.z = newBound; if (mMax.z < newBound) mMax.z = newBound; break; } } } void AxisAlignedBox3::Describe(ostream &app, int ind) const { indent(app, ind); app << "AxisAlignedBox3: min at(" << mMin << "), max at(" << mMax << ")\n"; } int AxisAlignedBox3::IsInside(const Vector3 &v) const { return ! ((v.x < mMin.x) || (v.x > mMax.x) || (v.y < mMin.y) || (v.y > mMax.y) || (v.z < mMin.z) || (v.z > mMax.z)); } bool AxisAlignedBox3::Includes(const AxisAlignedBox3 &b) const { return (b.mMin.x >= mMin.x && b.mMin.y >= mMin.y && b.mMin.z >= mMin.z && b.mMax.x <= mMax.x && b.mMax.y <= mMax.y && b.mMax.z <= mMax.z); } // compute the coordinates of one vertex of the box Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::GetVertex(int xAxis, int yAxis, int zAxis) const { Vector3 p; if (xAxis) p.x = mMax.x; else p.x = mMin.x; if (yAxis) p.y = mMax.y; else p.y = mMin.y; if (zAxis) p.z = mMax.z; else p.z = mMin.z; return p; } // compute the vertex for number N = <0..7>, N = 4.x + 2.y + z, where // x,y,z are either 0 or 1; (0 .. min coordinate, 1 .. max coordinate) void AxisAlignedBox3::GetVertex(const int N, Vector3 &vertex) const { switch (N) { case 0: vertex = mMin; break; case 1: vertex.SetValue(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; case 2: vertex.SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 3: vertex.SetValue(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); break; case 4: vertex.SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); break; case 5: vertex.SetValue(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); break; case 6: vertex.SetValue(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); break; case 7: vertex = mMax; break; default: { cerr << "ERROR in AxisAlignedBox3::GetVertex N=" << N << "\n"; } } } float AxisAlignedBox3::SurfaceArea() const { Vector3 ext = mMax - mMin; return 2.0f * (ext.x * ext.y + ext.x * ext.z + ext.y * ext.z); } float AxisAlignedBox3::GetVolume() const { return (mMax.x - mMin.x) * (mMax.y - mMin.y) * (mMax.z - mMin.z); } const int AxisAlignedBox3::bvertices[27][9] = { // region number.. position {5,1,3,2,6,4,-1,-1,-1}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 {4,5,1,3,2,0,-1,-1,-1}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 {4,5,7,3,2,0,-1,-1,-1}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 {0,1,3,2,6,4,-1,-1,-1}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 {0,1,3,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 {1,5,7,3,2,0,-1,-1,-1}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 {0,1,3,7,6,4,-1,-1,-1}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 {0,1,3,7,6,2,-1,-1,-1}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 {1,5,7,6,2,0,-1,-1,-1}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 // the regions number <9,17> {5,1,0,2,6,4,-1,-1,-1}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 {5,1,0,4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 {7,3,1,0,4,5,-1,-1,-1}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 {4,0,2,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 {0,2,3,1,5,4,6,7,-1}, // 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 .. inside the box {1,5,7,3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 {4,0,2,3,7,6,-1,-1,-1}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 {6,2,3,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 {1,5,7,6,2,3,-1,-1,-1}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 // the regions number <18,26> {1,0,2,6,7,5,-1,-1,-1}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 {1,0,4,6,7,5,-1,-1,-1}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 {0,4,6,7,3,1,-1,-1,-1}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 {4,0,2,6,7,5,-1,-1,-1}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 {5,4,6,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 {5,4,6,7,3,1,-1,-1,-1}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 {4,0,2,3,7,5,-1,-1,-1}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 {5,4,6,2,3,7,-1,-1,-1}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 {5,4,6,2,3,1,-1,-1,-1}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 }; // the visibility of boundary faces from a given region // one to three triples: (axis, min_vertex, max_vertex), axis==-1(terminator) const int AxisAlignedBox3::bfaces[27][10] = { // region number .. position {0,0,3,1,0,5,2,0,6,-1}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 {0,0,3,1,0,5,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 {0,0,3,1,0,5,2,1,7,-1}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 {0,0,3,2,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 {0,0,3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 {0,0,3,2,1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 {0,0,3,1,2,7,2,0,6,-1}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 {0,0,3,1,2,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 {0,0,3,1,2,7,2,1,7,-1}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 // the regions number <9,17> {1,0,5,2,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 {1,0,5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 {1,0,5,2,1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 {2,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 .. inside the box {2,1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 {1,2,7,2,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 {1,2,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 {1,2,7,2,1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 // the region number <18,26> {0,4,7,1,0,5,2,0,6,-1}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 {0,4,7,1,0,5,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 {0,4,7,1,0,5,2,1,7,-1}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 {0,4,7,2,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 {0,4,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},// 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 {0,4,7,2,1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 {0,4,7,1,2,7,2,0,6,-1}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 {0,4,7,1,2,7,-1,-1,-1,-1}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 {0,4,7,1,2,7,2,1,7,-1}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 }; // the correct corners indexing from entry face to exit face // first index determines entry face, second index exit face, and // the two numbers (indx, inc) determines: ind = the index on the exit // face, when starting from the vertex 0 on entry face, 'inc' is // the increment when we go on entry face in order 0,1,2,3 to create // convex shaft with the rectangle on exit face. That is, inc = -1 or 1. const int AxisAlignedBox3::pairFaceRects[6][6][2] = { { // entry face = 0 {-1,0}, // exit face 0 .. no meaning {0,-1}, // 1 {0,-1}, // 2 {0,1}, // 3 .. opposite face {3,1}, // 4 {1,1} // 5 }, { // entry face = 1 {0,-1}, // exit face 0 {-1,0}, // 1 .. no meaning {0,-1}, // 2 {1,1}, // 3 {0,1}, // 4 .. opposite face {3,1} // 5 }, { // entry face = 2 {0,-1}, // 0 {0,-1}, // 1 {-1,0}, // 2 .. no meaning {3,1}, // 3 {1,1}, // 4 {0,1} // 5 .. opposite face }, { // entry face = 3 {0,1}, // 0 .. opposite face {3,-1}, // 1 {1,1}, // 2 {-1,0}, // 3 .. no meaning {0,-1}, // 4 {0,-1} // 5 }, { // entry face = 4 {1,1}, // 0 {0,1}, // 1 .. opposite face {3,1}, // 2 {0,-1}, // 3 {-1,0}, // 4 .. no meaning {0,-1} // 5 }, { // entry face = 5 {3,-1}, // 0 {1,1}, // 1 {0,1}, // 2 .. opposite face {0,-1}, // 3 {0,-1}, // 4 {-1,0} // 5 .. no meaning } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // The vertices that form CLOSEST points with respect to the region // for all the regions possible, number of regions is 3^3 = 27, // since two parallel sides of bbox forms three disjoint spaces. // The vertices are given in anti-clockwise order, stopped by value 15, // at most 8 points, at least 1 point. // The table includes the closest 1/2/4/8 points, followed possibly // by the set of coordinates that should be used for testing for // the proximity queries. The coordinates to be tested are described by // the pair (a,b), when a=0, we want to test min vector of the box, // when a=1, we want to test max vector of the box // b=0,1,2 corresponds to the axis (0=x,1=y,2=z) // The sequence is ended by 15, number -1 is used as the separator // between the vertices and coordinates. const int AxisAlignedBox3::cvertices[27][9] = { // region number.. position {0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 D one vertex {0,1,-1,0,0,0,1,15,15}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 D two vertices foll. by 2 {1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 D one vertex {0,2,-1,0,0,0,2,15,15}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 D {0,1,3,2,-1,0,0,15,15}, // 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 D {1,3,-1,0,0,1,2,15,15}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 D {2,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 D {2,3,-1,0,0,1,1,15,15}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 D {3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 D // the regions number <9,17> {0,4,-1,0,1,0,2,15,15}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 D {5,1,0,4,-1,0,1,15,15}, // 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 D {1,5,-1,0,1,1,2,15,15}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 D {4,0,2,6,-1,0,2,15,15}, // 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 D {0,2,3,1,5,4,6,7,15}, // 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 .. inside the box {1,5,7,3,-1,1,2,15,15}, // 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 D {6,2,-1,0,2,1,1,15,15}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 D {6,2,3,7,-1,1,1,15,15}, // 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 D {3,7,-1,1,1,1,2,15,15}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 D // the regions number <18,26> {4,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 D {4,5,-1,0,1,1,0,15,15}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 D {5,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 D {4,6,-1,0,2,1,0,15,15}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 D {5,4,6,7,-1,1,0,15,15}, // 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 D {7,5,-1,1,0,1,2,15,15}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 D {6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 D {6,7,-1,1,0,1,1,15,15}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 D {7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 D }; // Table for Sphere-AABB intersection based on the region knowledge // Similar array to previous cvertices, but we omit the surfaces // which are not necessary for testing. First are vertices, // they are finished with -1. Second, there are indexes in // the pair (a,b), when a=0, we want to test min vector of the box, // when a=1, we want to test max vector of the box // b=0,1,2 corresponds to the axis (0=x,1=y,2=z) // // So either we check the vertices or only the distance in specified // dimensions. There are at all four possible cases: // // 1) we check one vertex - then sequence start with non-negative index // and is finished with 15 // 2) we check two coordinates of min/max vector describe by the pair // (a,b) .. a=min/max(0/1) b=x/y/z (0/1/2), sequence starts with 8 // and finishes with 15 // 3) we check only one coordinate of min/max, as for 2), sequence start // with 9 and ends with 15 // 4) Position 13 - sphere is inside the box, intersection always exist // the sequence start with 15 .. no further testing is necessary // in this case const int AxisAlignedBox3::csvertices[27][6] = { // region number.. position {0,15,15,15,15,15}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 D vertex only {8,0,0,0,1,15}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 D two coords. {1,15,15,15,15,15}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 D vertex only {8,0,0,0,2,15}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 D two coords {9,0,0,15,15,15}, // 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 D one coord {8,0,0,1,2,15}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 D two coords. {2,15,15,15,15,15}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 D one vertex {8,0,0,1,1,15}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 D two coords {3,15,15,15,15,15}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 D one vertex // the regions number <9,17> {8,0,1,0,2,15}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 D two coords {9,0,1,15,15,15}, // 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 D one coord {8,0,1,1,2,15}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 D two coords {9,0,2,15,15,15}, // 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 D one coord {15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 inside the box, special case/value {9,1,2,15,15,15}, // 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 D one corrd {8,0,2,1,1,15}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 D two coords {9,1,1,15,15}, // 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 D one coord {8,1,1,1,2,15}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 D two coords // the regions number <18,26> {4,15,15,15,15,15}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 D one vertex {8,0,1,1,0,15}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 D two coords {5,15,15,15,15,15}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 D one vertex {8,0,2,1,0,15}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 D two coords {9,1,0,15,15,15}, // 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 D one coord {8,1,0,1,2,15}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 D two coords {6,15,15,15,15,15}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 D one vertex {8,1,0,1,1,15}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 D two coords {7,15,15,15,15,15}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 D one vertex }; // The vertices that form all FARTHEST points with respect to the region // for all the regions possible, number of regions is 3^3 = 27, // since two parallel sides of bbox forms three disjoint spaces. // The vertices are given in anti-clockwise order, stopped by value 15, // at most 8 points, at least 1 point. // For testing, if the AABB is whole in the sphere, it is enough // to test only vertices, either 1,2,4, or 8. const int AxisAlignedBox3::fvertices[27][9] = { // region number.. position {7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 D {6,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 D {6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 D {5,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 D {4,5,7,6,15,15,15,15,15}, // 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 D {4,6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 D {5,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 D {4,5,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 D {4,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 D // the regions number <9,17> {3,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 D {7,3,2,6,15,15,15,15,15}, // 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 D {2,6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 D {5,1,3,7,15,15,15,15,15}, // 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 D {0,7,1,6,3,4,5,2,15}, // 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 .. inside the box {0,4,6,2,15,15,15,15,15}, // 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 D {5,1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 D {4,0,1,5,15,15,15,15,15}, // 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 D {4,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 D // the regions number <18,26> {3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 D {2,3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 D {2,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 D {1,3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 D {1,0,2,3,15,15,15,15,15}, // 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 D {2,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 D {1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 D {0,1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 D {0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 D }; // Similar table as above, farthest points, but only the ones // necessary for testing the intersection problem. If we do // not consider the case 13, center of the sphere is inside the // box, then we can always test at most 2 box vertices to say whether // the whole box is inside the sphere. // The number of vertices is minimized using some assumptions // about the ortogonality of vertices and sphere properties. const int AxisAlignedBox3::fsvertices[27][9] = { // region number.. position {7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 0 .. x=0 y=0 z=0 D 1 vertex {6,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 1 .. x=0 y=0 z=1 D 2 vertices {6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 2 .. x=0 y=0 z=2 D 1 vertex {5,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 3 .. x=0 y=1 z=0 D 2 vertices {4,7,15,5,6,15,15,15,15}, // 4 .. x=0 y=1 z=1 D 4/2 vertices {4,6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 5 .. x=0 y=1 z=2 D 2 vertices {5,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 6 .. x=0 y=2 z=0 D 1 vertex {4,5,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 7 .. x=0 y=2 z=1 D 2 vertices {4,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 8 .. x=0 y=2 z=2 D 1 vertex // the regions number <9,17> {3,7,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 9 .. x=1 y=0 z=0 D 2 vertices {7,2,15,3,6,15,15,15,15}, // 10 .. x=1 y=0 z=1 D 4/2 vertices {2,6,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 11 .. x=1 y=0 z=2 D 2 vertices {5,3,15,1,7,15,15,15,15}, // 12 .. x=1 y=1 z=0 D 4/2 vertices {0,7,1,6,3,4,5,2,15}, // 13 .. x=1 y=1 z=1 .. inside the box {0,6,15,4,2,15,15,15,15}, // 14 .. x=1 y=1 z=2 D 4/2 vertices {5,1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 15 .. x=1 y=2 z=0 D 2 vertices {4,1,15,0,5,15,15,15,15}, // 16 .. x=1 y=2 z=1 D 4/2 vertices {4,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 17 .. x=1 y=2 z=2 D 2 vertices // the regions number <18,26> {3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 18 .. x=2 y=0 z=0 D 1 vertex {2,3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 19 .. x=2 y=0 z=1 D 2 vertices {2,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 20 .. x=2 y=0 z=2 D 1 vertex {1,3,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 21 .. x=2 y=1 z=0 D 2 vertices {1,2,15,0,3,15,15,15,15}, // 22 .. x=2 y=1 z=1 D 4/2 vertices {2,0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 23 .. x=2 y=1 z=2 D 2 vertices {1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 24 .. x=2 y=2 z=0 D 1 vertex {0,1,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 25 .. x=2 y=2 z=1 D 2 vertices {0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15}, // 26 .. x=2 y=2 z=2 D 1 vertex }; // The fast computation of arctangent .. the maximal error is less // than 4.1 degrees, according to Graphics GEMSII, 1991, pages 389--391 // Ron Capelli: "Fast approximation to the arctangent" float atan22(const float& y) { const float x = 1.0; const float c = (float)(M_PI * 0.25); if (y < 0.0) { if (y < -1.0) return c * (-2.0f + x / y); // for angle in <-PI/2, -PI/4) else return c * (y / x); // for angle in <-PI/4 , 0> } else { if (y > 1.0) return c * (2.0f - x / y); // for angle in else return c * (y / x); // for angle in <0, PI/2> } } // This definition allows to be a point when answering true bool AxisAlignedBox3::IsCorrectAndNotPoint() const { if ( (mMin.x > mMax.x) || (mMin.y > mMax.y) || (mMin.z > mMax.z) ) return false; // box is not formed if ( (mMin.x == mMax.x) && (mMin.y == mMax.y) && (mMin.z == mMax.z) ) return false; // degenerates to a point return true; } // This definition allows to be a point when answering true bool AxisAlignedBox3::IsPoint() const { if ( (mMin.x == mMax.x) && (mMin.y == mMax.y) && (mMin.z == mMax.z) ) return true; // degenerates to a point return false; } // This definition requires shape of non-zero volume bool AxisAlignedBox3::IsSingularOrIncorrect() const { if ( (mMin.x >= mMax.x) || (mMin.y >= mMax.y) || (mMin.z >= mMax.z) ) return true; // box is not formed return false; // has non-zero volume } void AxisAlignedBox3::GetSqrDistances(const Vector3 &point, float &minDistance, float &maxDistance) const { // some overlap is possible, check the distance of vertices float sumMin = 0; float sumMax = 0; // Try to minimize the function of a distance // from the sphere center const float *minp = &(mMin.x); const float *maxp = &(mMax.x); const float *pcenter = &(point.x); // for x-axis for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, minp++, maxp++, pcenter++) { float minsqr = sqr(*minp - *pcenter); float maxsqr = sqr(*maxp - *pcenter); if (*pcenter < *minp) sumMin += minsqr; else if (*pcenter > *maxp) sumMin += maxsqr; sumMax += (minsqr > maxsqr) ? minsqr : maxsqr; } minDistance = sumMin; maxDistance = sumMax; } void AxisAlignedBox3::Scale(const float scale) { Vector3 newSize = Size()*(scale*0.5f); Vector3 center = Center(); mMin = center - newSize; mMax = center + newSize; } void AxisAlignedBox3::Scale(const Vector3 &scale) { Vector3 newSize = Size()*(scale*0.5f); Vector3 center = Center(); mMin = center - newSize; mMax = center + newSize; } void AxisAlignedBox3::Translate(const Vector3 &shift) { mMin += shift; mMax += shift; } void AxisAlignedBox3::Initialize() { mMin = Vector3(MAXFLOAT); mMax = Vector3(-MAXFLOAT); } Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::Center() const { return 0.5 * (mMin + mMax); } Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::Diagonal() const { return (mMax - mMin); } float AxisAlignedBox3::Center(const int axis) const { return 0.5f * (mMin[axis] + mMax[axis]); } float AxisAlignedBox3::Min(const int axis) const { return mMin[axis]; } float AxisAlignedBox3::Max(const int axis) const { return mMax[axis]; } float AxisAlignedBox3::Size(const int axis) const { return Max(axis) - Min(axis); } // Read-only const access tomMin and max vectors using references const Vector3& AxisAlignedBox3::Min() const { return mMin; } const Vector3& AxisAlignedBox3::Max() const { return mMax; } void AxisAlignedBox3::Enlarge (const Vector3 &v) { mMax += v; mMin -= v; } void AxisAlignedBox3::EnlargeToMinSize() { const float epsMin = 1e-7f; const float epsAdd = 1e-6f; const float epsMul = 1.000005f; float dir = mMax.x - mMin.x; assert(dir >= 0.f); if (dir < epsMin) { if (mMax.x > 0) { mMax.x *= epsMul; mMax.x += epsAdd; } else { mMin.x *= epsMul; mMin.x -= epsAdd; } assert(mMin.x < mMax.x); } dir = mMax.y - mMin.y; assert(dir >= 0.f); if (dir < epsMin) { if (mMax.y > 0) { mMax.y *= epsMul; mMax.y += epsAdd; } else { mMin.y *= epsMul; mMin.y -= epsAdd; } assert(mMin.y < mMax.y); } dir = mMax.z - mMin.z; assert(dir >= 0.f); if (dir < epsMin) { if (mMax.z > 0) { mMax.z *= epsMul; mMax.z += epsAdd; } else { mMin.z *= epsMul; mMin.z -= epsAdd; } assert(mMin.z < mMax.z); } } void AxisAlignedBox3::SetMin(const Vector3 &v) { mMin = v; } void AxisAlignedBox3::SetMax(const Vector3 &v) { mMax = v; } void AxisAlignedBox3::SetMin(int axis, const float value) { mMin[axis] = value; } void AxisAlignedBox3::SetMax(int axis, const float value) { mMax[axis] = value; } // Decrease box by given splitting plane void AxisAlignedBox3::Reduce(int axis, int right, float value) { if ((value >=mMin[axis]) && (value <= mMax[axis])) { if (right) mMin[axis] = value; else mMax[axis] = value; } } Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::Size() const { return mMax - mMin; } Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::GetRandomPoint() const { Vector3 size = Size(); return mMin + Vector3(RandomValue(0.0f, 1.0f), RandomValue(0.0f, 1.0f), RandomValue(0.0f, 1.0f)) * Size(); } bool AxisAlignedBox3::Intersects(const Vector3 &lStart, const Vector3 &lEnd) const { float st, et, fst = 0, fet = 1; float const *bmin = &mMin.x; float const *bmax = &mMax.x; float const *si = &lStart.x; float const *ei = &lEnd.x; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { if (*si < *ei) { if (*si > *bmax || *ei < *bmin) return false; const float di = *ei - *si; st = (*si < *bmin)? (*bmin - *si) / di : 0; et = (*ei > *bmax)? (*bmax - *si) / di : 1; } else { if (*ei > *bmax || *si < *bmin) return false; const float di = *ei - *si; st = (*si > *bmax)? (*bmax - *si) / di : 0; et = (*ei < *bmin)? (*bmin - *si) / di : 1; } if (st > fst) fst = st; if (et < fet) fet = et; if (fet < fst) return false; ++ bmin; ++ bmax; ++ si; ++ ei; } //*time = fst; return true; } Vector3 AxisAlignedBox3::GetVertex(const int N) const { Vector3 v; GetVertex(N, v); return v; } float AxisAlignedBox3::GetExtent(int face) const { if (face < 3) return mMin[face]; else return mMax[face - 3]; } int AxisAlignedBox3::GetIndexNearestVertex(const Vector3 &vecPlaneNormal) { int x, y, z; x = (vecPlaneNormal.x > 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; y = (vecPlaneNormal.y > 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; z = (vecPlaneNormal.z > 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; return 4 * x + 2 * y + z; } int AxisAlignedBox3::GetIndexFarthestVertex(const Vector3 &vecPlaneNormal) { int x, y, z; x = (vecPlaneNormal.x <= 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; y = (vecPlaneNormal.y <= 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; z = (vecPlaneNormal.z <= 0.0f) ? 0 : 1; return 4 * x + 2 * y + z; } float AxisAlignedBox3::GetDistance(int index, const Plane3 &plane) const { return plane.Distance(GetVertex(index)); } float AxisAlignedBox3::GetMinDistance(const Plane3 &near) const { return near.mNormal.x * ((near.mNormal.x > 0.0f) ? mMin.x : mMax.x) + near.mNormal.y * ((near.mNormal.y > 0.0f) ? mMin.y : mMax.y) + near.mNormal.z * ((near.mNormal.z > 0.0f) ? mMin.z : mMax.z) + near.mD; } float AxisAlignedBox3::GetMaxDistance(const Plane3 &near) const { return near.mNormal.x * ((near.mNormal.x <= 0.0f) ? mMin.x : mMax.x) + near.mNormal.y * ((near.mNormal.y <= 0.0f) ? mMin.y : mMax.y) + near.mNormal.z * ((near.mNormal.z <= 0.0f) ? mMin.z : mMax.z) + near.mD; } struct VertexData { Vector3 mVertex; float mAngle; VertexData(Vector3 vtx, float angle): mVertex(vtx), mAngle(angle) {} bool operator<(const VertexData &b) const { return mAngle > b.mAngle; } }; // TODO: use a table to avoid normal and distance computations Polygon3 *AxisAlignedBox3::CrossSection(const Plane3 &plane) const { Polygon3 *planePoly = new Polygon3(); int side[8]; bool onFrontSide = false, onBackSide = false; Vector3 vtx; ////////////// //-- compute classification of vertices for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { GetVertex(i, vtx); side[i] = plane.Side(vtx); if (side[i] > 0) onFrontSide = true; else if (side[i] < 0) onBackSide = true; else // vertex coincident => push_back planePoly->mVertices.push_back(vtx); } /////////// //-- find intersections if (onFrontSide && onBackSide) { Vector3 ptA, ptB; for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++ i) { int aIdx, bIdx; GetEdge(i, aIdx, bIdx); ptA = GetVertex(aIdx); ptB = GetVertex(bIdx); int sideA = side[aIdx]; int sideB = side[bIdx]; if (((sideA > 0) && (sideB < 0)) || (sideA < 0) && (sideB > 0)) planePoly->mVertices.push_back(plane.FindIntersection(ptA, ptB)); } } // order intersections if (planePoly->mVertices.size() > 3) { Vector3 centerOfMass(0); int i; // compute center of mass for (i = 0; i < (int)planePoly->mVertices.size(); ++ i) centerOfMass += planePoly->mVertices[i]; centerOfMass /= (float)planePoly->mVertices.size(); vector vertexData; Vector3 refVec = Normalize(centerOfMass - planePoly->mVertices[0]); // compute angle to reference point for (i = 1; i < (int)planePoly->mVertices.size(); ++ i) { float angle = Angle(refVec, centerOfMass - planePoly->mVertices[i], plane.mNormal); vertexData.push_back(VertexData(planePoly->mVertices[i], angle)); } std::stable_sort(vertexData.begin(), vertexData.end()); // update vertices for (i = 1; i < (int)planePoly->mVertices.size(); ++ i) planePoly->mVertices[i] = vertexData[i - 1].mVertex; } else if (planePoly->mVertices.size() == 3) { // fix orientation if needed if (DotProd(planePoly->GetNormal(), plane.mNormal) < 0) { Vector3 v = planePoly->mVertices[1]; planePoly->mVertices[1] = planePoly->mVertices[2]; planePoly->mVertices[2] = v; } } return planePoly; } Plane3 AxisAlignedBox3::GetPlane(int face) const { switch (face) { case 0: return Plane3(Vector3(0, -1, 0), mMin); case 1: return Plane3(Vector3(0, 1, 0), mMax); case 2: return Plane3(Vector3(-1, 0, 0), mMin); case 3: return Plane3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), mMax); case 4: return Plane3(Vector3(0, 0, -1), mMin); case 5: return Plane3(Vector3(0, 0, 1), mMax); } // should not come here return Plane3(); } /*int AxisAlignedBox3::Side(const Plane3 &plane) const { Vector3 v; int i, m=3, M=-3, s; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { GetVertex(i, v); if((s = plane.Side(v)) < m) m=s; if(s > M) M=s; if (m && m==-M) return 0; } return (m == M) ? m : m + M; } */ int AxisAlignedBox3::Side(const Plane3 &plane) const { int s = 0; // if exactly one of the vertices lies on the plane // and the others are on the same side, the plane is tangent // to the box on either side and not intersecting for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++ i) { Vector3 pt; GetVertex(i, pt); int side = plane.Side(pt); if (side != 0) { if (side == -s) return 0; // sign changed => intersects s = side; } } return s; } Polyhedron *AxisAlignedBox3::CalcIntersection(const Polyhedron &polyhedron) const { Polyhedron *oldPolyhedron = new Polyhedron(polyhedron); Polyhedron *newPolyhedron = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) { newPolyhedron = oldPolyhedron->CalcIntersection(GetPlane(i)); if (!newPolyhedron || !newPolyhedron->Valid()) { DEL_PTR(newPolyhedron); //cerr << "polyhedron not valid or NULL!" << endl; return NULL; } DEL_PTR(oldPolyhedron); oldPolyhedron = newPolyhedron; } return newPolyhedron; } bool AxisAlignedBox3::Intersects(const SimpleRay &ray, float &tnear, float &tfar) const { tnear = -1e20f; tfar = 1e20f; const Vector3 origin = ray.mOrigin; const Vector3 dir = ray.mDirection; float t1, t2; // ray is parallel to the planes if (dir.x == 0) { if ((origin.x < mMin.x) || (origin.x > mMax.x)) return false; // origin not between planes } else { // time at which ray intersects minimum X plane t1 = (mMin.x - origin.x) / dir.x; // time at which ray intersects maximum X plane t2 = (mMax.x - origin.x) / dir.x; if (t1 > t2) swap(t1, t2); if (t1 > tnear) tnear = t1; if (t2 < tfar) tfar = t2; if (tnear > tfar) return false; if (tfar < 0) return false; } if (dir.y == 0) // ray is parallel to the planes { if ((origin.y < mMin.y) || (origin.y > mMax.y)) return false; // origin not between planes) } else { t1 = (mMin.y - origin.y) / dir.y; t2 = (mMax.y - origin.y) / dir.y; if (t1 > t2) swap(t1, t2); if (t1 > tnear) tnear = t1; if (t2 < tfar) tfar = t2; if (tnear > tfar) return false; if (tfar < 0) return false; } if (dir.z == 0) // ray is parallel to the planes { if ((origin.z < mMin.z) || (origin.z > mMax.z)) return false; // origin not between planes) } else { t1 = (mMin.z - origin.z) / dir.z; t2 = (mMax.z - origin.z) / dir.z; if (t1 > t2) swap(t1, t2); if (t1 > tnear) tnear = t1; if (t2 < tfar) tfar = t2; if (tnear > tfar) return false; if (tfar < 0) return false; } return true; } void AxisAlignedBox3::ExtractPolygons(PolygonContainer &polys) const { Polygon3 *face1 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face1); face1->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); face1->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); face1->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y ,mMin.z)); face1->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z)); Polygon3 *face2 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face2); face2->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z)); face2->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z)); face2->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); face2->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); Polygon3 *face3 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face3); face3->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y ,mMin.z)); face3->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); face3->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); face3->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z)); Polygon3 *face4 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face4); face4->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z)); face4->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); face4->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); face4->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z)); Polygon3 *face5 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face5); face5->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z)); face5->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z)); face5->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z)); face5->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z)); Polygon3 *face6 = new Polygon3(); polys.push_back(face6); face6->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); face6->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z)); face6->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); face6->mVertices.push_back(Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z)); } void AxisAlignedBox3::Triangulate(std::vector &triangles) const { Triangle3 tri; tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y ,mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y ,mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); ////////////////////////////////////// tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); ////////////////////////////////////// tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y ,mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y ,mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); ////////////////////////////////////// tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); ////////////////////////////////////// tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMin.z); triangles.push_back(tri); ////////////////////////////////////// tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); tri.mVertices[0] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMin.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[1] = Vector3(mMin.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); tri.mVertices[2] = Vector3(mMax.x, mMax.y, mMax.z); triangles.push_back(tri); } }