1 | #include "BvhConstructor.h"
2 | #include "Triangle3.h"
3 | #include "SceneEntity.h"
4 | #include "Geometry.h"
5 | #include "gzstream.h"
6 |
7 | #include <queue>
8 | #include <stack>
9 | #include <fstream>
10 |
11 | #define MAX_FLOAT 1e20f
12 |
13 |
14 | #ifdef _CRT_SET
15 | #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
16 | #include <stdlib.h>
17 | #include <crtdbg.h>
18 |
19 | // redefine new operator
20 | #define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
21 | #define new DEBUG_NEW
22 | #endif
23 |
24 |
25 | using namespace std;
26 |
27 |
28 | namespace CHCDemoEngine
29 | {
30 |
31 | BvhConstructor::BvhConstructor(SceneEntity **entities,
32 | int first,
33 | int last):
34 | mEntities(entities),
35 | mFirst(first),
36 | mLast(last),
37 | mMaxDepth(20),
38 | mMaxObjects(1),
39 | mMaxTriangles(1),
40 | mNumNodes(0),
41 | //mSplitType(SAH)
42 | mSplitType(SAH_OR_SIZE)
43 | {
44 | }
45 |
46 |
47 | float BvhConstructor::EvaluateSahCost(BvhLeaf *leaf, int axis, float position)
48 | {
49 | // count triangles on the left / right
50 | int left = 0;
51 | int right = 0;
52 | AxisAlignedBox3 leftBox, rightBox;
53 |
54 | leftBox.Initialize();
55 | rightBox.Initialize();
56 |
57 | const int candidates = std::max(50, (int)(leaf->CountPrimitives() / 20));
58 | const float finc = leaf->CountPrimitives() / (float)candidates;
59 |
60 | int i = leaf->mFirst;
61 | float fi = leaf->mFirst + 0.5f;
62 |
63 | AxisAlignedBox3 box;
64 |
65 | for (; i <= leaf->mLast;)
66 | {
67 | box = mEntities[i]->GetWorldBoundingBox();
68 |
69 | if (box.Center(axis) < position)
70 | {
71 | ++ left;
72 | // update the box
73 | leftBox.Include(box);
74 | }
75 | else
76 | {
77 | ++ right;
78 | rightBox.Include(box);
79 | }
80 |
81 | fi += finc;
82 | i = (int)fi;
83 | }
84 |
85 | float bW = 1.0f;
86 | float leftRatio = left / (float)leaf->CountPrimitives();
87 | float rightRatio = right / (float)leaf->CountPrimitives();
88 |
89 | float saLeft = 0.0f;
90 | float saRight = 0.0f;
91 |
92 | // not a valid split
93 | if (!left || !right)
94 | return 1e25f;
95 |
96 | saLeft = leftBox.SurfaceArea();
97 | saRight = rightBox.SurfaceArea();
98 |
99 |
100 | return
101 | saLeft * ((1.0f - bW) + bW * leftRatio) +
102 | saRight * ((1.0f - bW) + bW * rightRatio);
103 | }
104 |
105 |
106 | float BvhConstructor::SelectPlaneSah(BvhLeaf *leaf, int &axis, float &minCost)
107 | {
108 | minCost = MAX_FLOAT;
109 | float bestPos = minCost;
110 | int bestAxis = 0;
111 |
112 | // cout<<"Evaluating axis..."<<endl<<flush;
113 |
114 | const int initialPlanes = 3;
115 |
116 | // initiate the costs
117 | for (axis = 0; axis < 3; ++ axis)
118 | {
119 | const float size = leaf->mBox.Size(axis);
120 |
121 | for (int i = 0; i < initialPlanes; ++ i)
122 | {
123 | const float pos = leaf->mBox.Min(axis) + (i + 1) * size / (initialPlanes + 1);
124 | const float cost = EvaluateSahCost(leaf, axis, pos);
125 |
126 | if (cost < minCost)
127 | {
128 | minCost = cost;
129 | bestPos = pos;
130 | bestAxis = axis;
131 | }
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | axis = bestAxis;
136 |
137 | // cout<<axis<<endl<<flush;
138 | const float shrink = 0.5f;
139 |
140 | // now hierarchically refine the initial interval
141 | float size = shrink *
142 | (leaf->mBox.Max(axis) - leaf->mBox.Min(axis)) / (initialPlanes + 1);
143 |
144 | const int steps = 4;
145 | float cost;
146 |
147 | for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++ i)
148 | {
149 | const float left = bestPos - size;
150 | const float right = bestPos + size;
151 |
152 | cost = EvaluateSahCost(leaf, axis, left);
153 |
154 | if (cost < minCost)
155 | {
156 | minCost = cost;
157 | bestPos = left;
158 | }
159 |
160 | cost = EvaluateSahCost(leaf, axis, right);
161 |
162 | if (cost < minCost)
163 | {
164 | minCost = cost;
165 | bestPos = right;
166 | }
167 |
168 | size = shrink * size;
169 | }
170 |
171 | //OUT1("best axis: " << axis << " " << bestPos << " " << minCost);
172 |
173 | return bestPos;
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | int BvhConstructor::SortTriangles(BvhLeaf *leaf,
178 | int axis,
179 | float position
180 | )
181 | {
182 | int i = leaf->mFirst;
183 | int j = leaf->mLast;
184 |
185 | while (1)
186 | {
187 | //while (mEntities[i]->GetWorldCenter()[axis] < position) ++ i;
188 | //while (position < mEntities[j]->GetWorldCenter()[axis]) -- j;
189 |
190 | while ((i < leaf->mLast) && (mEntities[i]->GetWorldCenter()[axis] < position)) ++ i;
191 | while ((j > leaf->mFirst) && (position < mEntities[j]->GetWorldCenter()[axis])) -- j;
192 |
193 | // sorting finished
194 | if (i >= j) break;
195 |
196 | // swap entities
197 | swap(mEntities[i], mEntities[j]);
198 |
199 | ++ i;
200 | -- j;
201 | }
202 |
203 | return j;
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | void BvhConstructor::UpdateBoundingBoxes(BvhNode *node)
208 | {
209 | if (node->IsLeaf())
210 | {
211 | int numEntities = node->CountPrimitives();
212 | SceneEntity **entities = mEntities + node->mFirst;
213 |
214 | node->mBox = SceneEntity::ComputeBoundingBox(entities, numEntities);
215 | //cout << "box: " << node->mBox << endl;
216 | }
217 | else
218 | {
219 | BvhNode *f = static_cast<BvhInterior *>(node)->GetFront();
220 | BvhNode *b = static_cast<BvhInterior *>(node)->GetBack();
221 |
222 | UpdateBoundingBoxes(f);
223 | UpdateBoundingBoxes(b);
224 |
225 | node->mBox = f->mBox;
226 | node->mBox.Include(b->mBox);
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 |
231 | int BvhConstructor::SortTrianglesSpatialMedian(BvhLeaf *leaf,
232 | int axis)
233 | {
234 | // spatial median
235 | float m = leaf->GetBox().Center()[axis];
236 | return SortTriangles(leaf, axis, m);
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | int BvhConstructor::SortTrianglesObjectMedian(BvhLeaf *leaf, int axis, float &pos)
241 | {
242 | // Now distribute the objects into the subnodes
243 | // Use QuickMedian sort
244 | int l = leaf->mFirst;
245 | int r = leaf->mLast;
246 | int k = (l + r) / 2;
247 |
248 | while (l < r)
249 | {
250 | int i = l;
251 | int j = r;
252 |
253 | // get some estimation of the pivot
254 | pos = mEntities[(l + r) / 2]->GetBoundingBox().Center(axis);
255 |
256 | while (1)
257 | {
258 | while ((i <= leaf->mLast) && (mEntities[i]->GetWorldBoundingBox().Center(axis) < pos))
259 | ++ i;
260 |
261 | while((j >= leaf->mFirst) && (pos < mEntities[j]->GetWorldBoundingBox().Center(axis)))
262 | -- j;
263 |
264 | if (i <= j)
265 | {
266 | std::swap(mEntities[i], mEntities[j]);
267 | ++ i;
268 | -- j;
269 | }
270 | else
271 | {
272 | break;
273 | }
274 | }
275 |
276 | // now check the extents
277 | if (i >= k)
278 | r = j;
279 | else
280 | l = i;
281 | }
282 |
283 | return k;
284 | }
285 |
286 |
287 | int BvhConstructor::SortTrianglesSurfaceArea(BvhLeaf *leaf, float sa)
288 | {
289 | int i = leaf->mFirst;
290 | int j = leaf->mLast;
291 |
292 | while(1)
293 | {
294 | while ((i <= j) && (mEntities[i]->GetWorldBoundingBox().SurfaceArea() < sa))
295 | ++ i;
296 |
297 | while ((i <= j) && (sa < mEntities[j]->GetWorldBoundingBox().SurfaceArea()))
298 | -- j;
299 |
300 | if (i < j)
301 | {
302 | swap(mEntities[i], mEntities[j]);
303 | ++ i;
304 | -- j;
305 | }
306 | else
307 | break;
308 | }
309 |
310 | return j;
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 | BvhNode *BvhConstructor::SubdivideLeaf(BvhLeaf *leaf,
316 | int parentAxis
317 | )
318 | {
319 | if (TerminationCriteriaMet(leaf))
320 | {
321 | //if (leaf->CountPrimitives() <= 0)
322 | //cout << "leaf constructed:" << leaf->mBox << " " << leaf->mFirst << " " << leaf->mLast << endl;
323 | return leaf;
324 | }
325 |
326 | //const int axis = (parentAxis + 1) % 3;
327 | int axis = leaf->mBox.MajorAxis();
328 | const int scale = 20;
329 |
330 | // position of the split in the partailly sorted array of triangles
331 | // corresponding to this leaf
332 | int split = -1;
333 | float pos = -1.0f;
334 |
335 | // Spatial median subdivision
336 | switch (mSplitType)
337 | {
338 | case SPATIAL_MEDIAN:
339 | split = SortTrianglesSpatialMedian(leaf, axis);
340 | pos = leaf->mBox.Center()[axis];
341 | break;
342 | case OBJECT_MEDIAN:
343 | // Object median subdivision: approximately the same number
344 | // of objects on the left of the the splitting point.
345 | split = SortTrianglesObjectMedian(leaf, axis, pos);
346 | break;
347 | case SAH:
348 | {
349 | float cost;
350 | pos = SelectPlaneSah(leaf, axis, cost);
351 |
352 | if (pos != MAX_FLOAT)
353 | {
354 | split = SortTriangles(leaf, axis, pos);
355 | }
356 |
357 | if ((pos == MAX_FLOAT) || (split == leaf->mLast))
358 | {
359 | split = -1;
360 | split = SortTrianglesObjectMedian(leaf, axis, pos);
361 | }
362 | }
363 | break;
364 | case SAH_OR_SIZE:
365 | {
366 | // split by size instead
367 | const float saThreshold = 0.2f * leaf->GetBox().SurfaceArea();
368 | split = SortTrianglesSurfaceArea(leaf, saThreshold);
369 |
370 | if ((split == leaf->mLast) || (split == leaf->mFirst - 1))
371 | {
372 | // use SAH
373 | float cost;
374 | pos = SelectPlaneSah(leaf, axis, cost);
375 |
376 | if (pos != MAX_FLOAT)
377 | split = SortTriangles(leaf, axis, pos);
378 | else
379 | split = SortTrianglesObjectMedian(leaf, axis, pos);
380 | }
381 | else
382 | {
383 | // note: no position is computed!!
384 | //OUT1("sorted by size");
385 | }
386 | }
387 | break;
388 | default:
389 | cerr << "should not come here" << endl;
390 | break;
391 | }
392 |
393 | if (split == leaf->mLast)
394 | {
395 | // no split could be achieved => just halve number of objects
396 | split = (leaf->mLast + leaf->mFirst) / 2;
397 | //cerr << "no reduction " << leaf->CountPrimitives() << " " << leaf->mFirst << " " << leaf->mLast << endl;
398 | }
399 |
400 | // create two more nodes
401 | mNumNodes += 2;
402 | BvhInterior *parent = new BvhInterior(leaf->GetParent());
403 | parent->mFirst = leaf->mFirst;
404 | parent->mLast = leaf->mLast;
405 |
406 | parent->mAxis = axis;
407 | parent->mBox = leaf->mBox;
408 | parent->mDepth = leaf->mDepth;
409 |
410 | BvhLeaf *front = new BvhLeaf(parent);
411 |
412 | parent->mBack = leaf;
413 | parent->mFront = front;
414 |
415 | // now assign the triangles to the subnodes
416 | front->mFirst = split + 1;
417 | front->mLast = leaf->mLast;
418 | front->mDepth = leaf->mDepth + 1;
419 |
420 | leaf->mLast = split;
421 | leaf->mDepth = front->mDepth;
422 | leaf->mParent = parent;
423 |
424 | front->mBox = SceneEntity::ComputeBoundingBox(mEntities + front->mFirst, front->CountPrimitives());
425 | leaf->mBox = SceneEntity::ComputeBoundingBox(mEntities + leaf->mFirst, leaf->CountPrimitives());
426 |
427 | // recursively continue subdivision
428 | parent->mBack = SubdivideLeaf(static_cast<BvhLeaf *>(parent->mBack), axis);
429 | parent->mFront = SubdivideLeaf(static_cast<BvhLeaf *>(parent->mFront), axis);
430 |
431 | return parent;
432 | }
433 |
434 |
435 | int BvhConstructor::CountTriangles(BvhNode *node) const
436 | {
437 | int numTriangles = 0;
438 |
439 | for (int i = node->mFirst; i <= node->mLast; ++ i)
440 | {
441 | numTriangles += mEntities[i]->CountNumTriangles(0);
442 | }
443 |
444 | return numTriangles;
445 | }
446 |
447 |
448 | bool BvhConstructor::TerminationCriteriaMet(BvhLeaf *leaf) const
449 | {
450 | const bool criteriaMet =
451 | (leaf->mDepth > mMaxDepth) ||
452 | (leaf->CountPrimitives() <= mMaxObjects) ||
453 | (CountTriangles(leaf) <= mMaxTriangles);
454 |
455 | return criteriaMet;
456 | }
457 |
458 |
459 | BvhNode *BvhConstructor::Construct(int &numNodes)
460 | {
461 | BvhNode *root;
462 | mNumNodes = 1;
463 |
464 | BvhLeaf *l = new BvhLeaf(NULL);
465 |
466 | l->mFirst = mFirst;
467 | l->mLast = mLast;
468 |
469 | cout << "\n================================" << endl;
470 | cout << "constructing bvh for " << l->mLast - l->mFirst + 1 << " entities" << endl;
471 |
472 | l->mBox = SceneEntity::ComputeBoundingBox(mEntities + mFirst, mLast - mFirst + 1);
473 | l->mArea = l->mBox.SurfaceArea();
474 |
475 | root = SubdivideLeaf(l, 0);
476 |
477 | UpdateBoundingBoxes(root);
478 |
479 | numNodes = mNumNodes;
480 |
481 | return root;
482 | }
483 |
484 |
485 | } |