1 | #include <queue>
2 | #include <stack>
3 | #include <fstream>
4 | #include <iostream>
5 |
6 | #include "BvhLoader.h"
7 | #include "gzstream.h"
8 |
9 |
10 | namespace CHCDemoEngine
11 | {
12 |
13 | using namespace std;
14 |
15 |
16 | #define TYPE_INTERIOR -2
17 | #define TYPE_LEAF -3
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | BvhNode *BvhLoader::LoadNextNode(igzstream &stream, BvhInterior *parent)
22 | {
23 | int nodeType;
24 | stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&nodeType), sizeof(int));
25 |
26 | BvhNode *node;
27 |
28 | if (nodeType == TYPE_LEAF)
29 | node = new BvhLeaf(parent);
30 | else if (nodeType == TYPE_INTERIOR)
31 | node = new BvhInterior(parent);
32 | else
33 | cerr << "error: wrong node type: " << nodeType << endl;
34 |
35 |
36 | Vector3 bMin, bMax;
37 |
38 | stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(node->mFirst)), sizeof(int));
39 | stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(node->mLast)), sizeof(int));
40 |
41 | stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&bMin), sizeof(Vector3));
42 | stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&bMax), sizeof(Vector3));
43 |
44 | node->mBox = AxisAlignedBox3(bMin, bMax);
45 | node->mArea = node->mBox.SurfaceArea();
46 |
47 | //cout << "box: " << node->mBox << " area: " << node->mArea << endl;
48 |
49 | return node;
50 | }
51 |
52 |
53 | Bvh *BvhLoader::Load(const string &filename,
54 | const SceneEntityContainer &entities)
55 | {
56 | queue<BvhNode *> tQueue;
57 | igzstream stream(filename.c_str());
58 |
59 | if (!stream.is_open()) return NULL;
60 |
61 | cout << "loading bvh" << endl;
62 |
63 | Bvh *bvh = new Bvh(entities);
64 | bvh->mRoot = LoadNextNode(stream, NULL);
65 |
66 | tQueue.push(bvh->mRoot);
67 | bvh->mNumNodes = 1;
68 |
69 | while(!tQueue.empty())
70 | {
71 | BvhNode *node = tQueue.front();
72 | tQueue.pop();
73 |
74 | if (!node->IsLeaf())
75 | {
76 | bvh->mNumNodes += 2;
77 |
78 | BvhInterior *interior = static_cast<BvhInterior *>(node);
79 |
80 | BvhNode *front = LoadNextNode(stream, interior);
81 | BvhNode *back = LoadNextNode(stream, interior);
82 |
83 | interior->mFront = front;
84 | interior->mBack = back;
85 |
86 | front->mDepth = interior->mDepth + 1;
87 | back->mDepth = interior->mDepth + 1;
88 |
89 | tQueue.push(front);
90 | tQueue.push(back);
91 | }
92 | }
93 |
94 | cout << "... finished loading " << bvh->mNumNodes << " nodes, updating boxes" << endl;
95 |
96 | bvh->mBox = bvh->mRoot->GetBox();
97 |
98 | cout << "scene box: " << bvh->mBox << endl;
99 |
100 | ///////////
101 | //-- post process nodes
102 |
103 | bvh->PostProcess();
104 |
105 | // set virtual leaves for specified number of triangles
107 |
108 | bvh->UpdateNumLeaves(bvh->mRoot);
109 | // compute unique ids
110 | bvh->ComputeIds();
111 | // specify bounds for occlusion tests
112 | bvh->RecomputeBounds();
113 | // compute and print stats
114 | bvh->ComputeBvhStats();
115 | bvh->PrintBvhStats();
116 |
117 | return bvh;
118 | }
119 |
120 |
121 | }