3 |
4 | #include "common.h"
5 | #include "Matrix4x4.h"
6 | #include "Vector3.h"
7 |
8 | namespace CHCDemoEngine
9 | {
10 |
11 | class FrameBufferObject;
12 | class Vector3;
13 | class PerspectiveCamera;
14 | class Matrix4x4;
15 | class ShadowMap;
16 | class DirectionalLight;
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | /** This class implements a deferred shading algorithm that takes
22 | a frame buffer object as input and outputs an image in the given size
23 | */
24 | class DeferredRenderer
25 | {
26 | public:
27 | /** Constructor for a deferred shader taking the requested output image size,
28 | the current camera;
29 | */
30 | DeferredRenderer(int w, int h, PerspectiveCamera *cam);
31 | /** The algorithm renders the scene given an fbo consists of 1 color buffer,
32 | 1 position buffer, and 1 normal buffer.
33 | We also need the projection view matrix of the last frame for reprojection, and
34 | a smoothing factor for temporal coherence
35 | */
36 |
37 | ~DeferredRenderer();
38 |
39 | void Render(FrameBufferObject *fbo,
40 | float tempCohFactor,
41 | DirectionalLight *light,
42 | bool useToneMapping,
43 | bool useAntiAliasing,
44 | ShadowMap *shadowMap = NULL
45 | );
46 |
47 |
48 | void SetUseTemporalCoherence(bool temporal);
49 |
52 | /** Set the samplig method for the indirect illumination
53 | */
54 | void SetSamplingMethod(SAMPLING_METHOD s);
55 | /** Set the shading method (SSAO, SSAO + color bleeding
56 | */
57 | void SetShadingMethod(SHADING_METHOD s);
58 |
59 | void SetSortSamples(bool sortSamples) { mSortSamples = sortSamples; }
60 |
61 | // hack: store the color buffer idx for the currently used flip flop-MRT here
62 | // TODO matt: make this less hacky
63 | static int colorBufferIdx;
64 |
65 |
66 | protected:
67 |
68 | void ComputeSsao(FrameBufferObject *fbo, float tempCohFactor);
69 |
70 | void ComputeGlobIllum(FrameBufferObject *fbo, float tempCohFactor);
71 |
72 | void FirstPass(FrameBufferObject *fbo, DirectionalLight *light);
73 |
74 | void FirstPassShadow(FrameBufferObject *fbo, DirectionalLight *light, ShadowMap *shadowMap);
75 |
76 | void ComputeToneParameters(FrameBufferObject *fbo,
77 | DirectionalLight *light,
78 | float &imageKey,
79 | float &whiteLum,
80 | float &middleGrey);
81 |
82 | void ToneMap(FrameBufferObject *fbo, float imageKey, float whiteLum, float middleGrey);
83 |
84 |
85 | void CombineSsao(FrameBufferObject *fbo);
86 | void CombineIllum(FrameBufferObject *fbo);
87 |
88 | void AntiAliasing(FrameBufferObject *fbo, DirectionalLight *light);
89 | /** Downsample buffer of fbo to buffer of downSampleFbo. The downSampleFbo must have half the
90 | resolution of fbo.
91 | */
92 | void DownSample(FrameBufferObject *fbo,
93 | int bufferIdx,
94 | FrameBufferObject *downSampleFbo,
95 | int downSampleBufferIdx,
96 | ShaderProgram *program);
97 |
98 | void DrawQuad(ShaderProgram *p);
99 |
100 | void Output(FrameBufferObject *fbo);
101 |
102 | /** Initialises the deferred shader and loads the required shaders:
103 | This function has to be called only once.
104 | */
105 | void InitCg();
106 | /** Is called once per render call and sets the most important parameters.
107 | */
108 | void InitFrame();
109 |
110 | void FlipFbos(FrameBufferObject *fbo);
111 |
112 | void PrepareSsao(FrameBufferObject *fbo);
113 |
114 | void SortSamples();
115 |
116 |
117 | ////////////
118 |
119 | int mWidth;
120 | int mHeight;
121 |
122 | PerspectiveCamera *mCamera;
123 |
124 | bool mUseTemporalCoherence;
125 |
126 | int mSamplingMethod;
127 |
128 | int mShadingMethod;
129 |
130 | bool mRegenerateSamples;
131 |
132 | int mIllumFboIndex;
133 | // the fbo for indirect illumination (ssao + color bleeding)
134 | FrameBufferObject *mIllumFbo;
135 |
136 | FrameBufferObject *mDownSampleFbo;
137 |
138 | FBOContainer mFBOs;
139 |
140 | static ShaderContainer sShaders;
141 |
142 | Matrix4x4 mProjViewMatrix;
143 | Matrix4x4 mOldProjViewMatrix;
144 |
145 | Vector3 mCornersView[4];
146 | Vector3 mOldCornersView[4];
147 |
148 | Vector3 mEyePos;
149 | Vector3 mOldEyePos;
150 |
151 | bool mSortSamples;
152 | };
153 |
154 |
155 | } // namespace
156 |
157 | #endif // _SsaoShader_H__ |