#include "Matrix4x4.h" #include "Vector3.h" // standard headers #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include using namespace std; namespace CHCDemoEngine { Matrix4x4::Matrix4x4() {} Matrix4x4::Matrix4x4(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c) { // first index is column [x], the second is row [y] x[0][0] = a.x; x[1][0] = b.x; x[2][0] = c.x; x[3][0] = 0.0f; x[0][1] = a.y; x[1][1] = b.y; x[2][1] = c.y; x[3][1] = 0.0f; x[0][2] = a.z; x[1][2] = b.z; x[2][2] = c.z; x[3][2] = 0.0f; x[0][3] = 0.0f; x[1][3] = 0.0f; x[2][3] = 0.0f; x[3][3] = 1.0f; } void Matrix4x4::SetColumns(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c) { // first index is column [x], the second is row [y] x[0][0] = a.x; x[1][0] = a.y; x[2][0] = a.z; x[3][0] = 0.0f; x[0][1] = b.x; x[1][1] = b.y; x[2][1] = b.z; x[3][1] = 0.0f; x[0][2] = c.x; x[1][2] = c.y; x[2][2] = c.z; x[3][2] = 0.0f; x[0][3] = 0.0f; x[1][3] = 0.0f; x[2][3] = 0.0f; x[3][3] = 1.0f; } // full constructor Matrix4x4::Matrix4x4(float x11, float x12, float x13, float x14, float x21, float x22, float x23, float x24, float x31, float x32, float x33, float x34, float x41, float x42, float x43, float x44) { // first index is column [x], the second is row [y] x[0][0] = x11; x[1][0] = x12; x[2][0] = x13; x[3][0] = x14; x[0][1] = x21; x[1][1] = x22; x[2][1] = x23; x[3][1] = x24; x[0][2] = x31; x[1][2] = x32; x[2][2] = x33; x[3][2] = x34; x[0][3] = x41; x[1][3] = x42; x[2][3] = x43; x[3][3] = x44; } float Matrix4x4::Det3x3() const { return (x[0][0]*x[1][1]*x[2][2] + \ x[1][0]*x[2][1]*x[0][2] + \ x[2][0]*x[0][1]*x[1][2] - \ x[2][0]*x[1][1]*x[0][2] - \ x[0][0]*x[2][1]*x[1][2] - \ x[1][0]*x[0][1]*x[2][2]); } // inverse matrix computation gauss_jacobiho method .. from N.R. in C // if matrix is regular = computatation successfull = returns 0 // in case of singular matrix returns 1 int Matrix4x4::Invert() { int indxc[4],indxr[4],ipiv[4]; int i,icol,irow,j,k,l,ll,n; float big,dum,pivinv,temp; // satisfy the compiler icol = irow = 0; // the size of the matrix n = 4; for ( j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) /* zero pivots */ ipiv[j] = 0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++) { big = 0.0; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) if (ipiv[j] != 1) for ( k = 0 ; k= big) { big = fabs(x[k][j]); irow = j; icol = k; } } else if (ipiv[k] > 1) return 1; /* singular matrix */ } ++(ipiv[icol]); if (irow != icol) { for ( l = 0 ; l Limits::Small) { // vector exist, compute angle float angle = acos(DotProd(vecStart, vecTo)); // normalize for sure vec.Normalize(); return RotationAxisMatrix(vec, angle); } // opposite or colinear vectors Matrix4x4 ret = IdentityMatrix(); if (DotProd(vecStart, vecTo) < 0.0f) ret *= -1.0f; // opposite vectors return ret; } // Construct a scale matrix given the X, Y, and Z parameters // to scale by. To scale uniformly, let X==Y==Z. Matrix4x4 ScaleMatrix(float X, float Y, float Z) { Matrix4x4 M = IdentityMatrix(); M.x[0][0] = X; M.x[1][1] = Y; M.x[2][2] = Z; return M; } // Construct a rotation matrix that makes the x, y, z axes // correspond to the vectors given. Matrix4x4 GenRotation(const Vector3 &x, const Vector3 &y, const Vector3 &z) { Matrix4x4 M = IdentityMatrix(); // x y M.x[0][0] = x.x; M.x[1][0] = x.y; M.x[2][0] = x.z; M.x[0][1] = y.x; M.x[1][1] = y.y; M.x[2][1] = y.z; M.x[0][2] = z.x; M.x[1][2] = z.y; M.x[2][2] = z.z; return M; } // Construct a quadric matrix. After Foley et al. pp. 528-529. Matrix4x4 QuadricMatrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float j, float k) { Matrix4x4 M; M.x[0][0] = a; M.x[0][1] = d; M.x[0][2] = f; M.x[0][3] = g; M.x[1][0] = d; M.x[1][1] = b; M.x[1][2] = e; M.x[1][3] = h; M.x[2][0] = f; M.x[2][1] = e; M.x[2][2] = c; M.x[2][3] = j; M.x[3][0] = g; M.x[3][1] = h; M.x[3][2] = j; M.x[3][3] = k; return M; } // Construct various "mirror" matrices, which flip coordinate // signs in the various axes specified. Matrix4x4 MirrorX() { Matrix4x4 M = IdentityMatrix(); M.x[0][0] = -1; return M; } Matrix4x4 MirrorY() { Matrix4x4 M = IdentityMatrix(); M.x[1][1] = -1; return M; } Matrix4x4 MirrorZ() { Matrix4x4 M = IdentityMatrix(); M.x[2][2] = -1; return M; } Matrix4x4 RotationOnly(const Matrix4x4& x) { Matrix4x4 M = x; M.x[3][0] = M.x[3][1] = M.x[3][2] = 0; return M; } // Add corresponding elements of the two matrices. Matrix4x4& Matrix4x4::operator+= (const Matrix4x4& A) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) x[i][j] += A.x[i][j]; return *this; } // Subtract corresponding elements of the matrices. Matrix4x4& Matrix4x4::operator-= (const Matrix4x4& A) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) x[i][j] -= A.x[i][j]; return *this; } // Scale each element of the matrix by A. Matrix4x4& Matrix4x4::operator*= (float A) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) x[i][j] *= A; return *this; } // Multiply two matrices. Matrix4x4& Matrix4x4::operator*= (const Matrix4x4& A) { Matrix4x4 ret = *this; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { float subt = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) subt += ret.x[i][k] * A.x[k][j]; x[i][j] = subt; } return *this; } // Add corresponding elements of the matrices. Matrix4x4 operator+ (const Matrix4x4& A, const Matrix4x4& B) { Matrix4x4 ret; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ret.x[i][j] = A.x[i][j] + B.x[i][j]; return ret; } // Subtract corresponding elements of the matrices. Matrix4x4 operator- (const Matrix4x4& A, const Matrix4x4& B) { Matrix4x4 ret; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ret.x[i][j] = A.x[i][j] - B.x[i][j]; return ret; } // Multiply matrices. Matrix4x4 operator* (const Matrix4x4& A, const Matrix4x4& B) { Matrix4x4 ret; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { float subt = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) subt += A.x[i][k] * B.x[k][j]; ret.x[i][j] = subt; } return ret; } // Transform a vector by a matrix. Vector3 operator* (const Matrix4x4& M, const Vector3& v) { Vector3 ret; float denom; ret.x = v.x * M.x[0][0] + v.y * M.x[1][0] + v.z * M.x[2][0] + M.x[3][0]; ret.y = v.x * M.x[0][1] + v.y * M.x[1][1] + v.z * M.x[2][1] + M.x[3][1]; ret.z = v.x * M.x[0][2] + v.y * M.x[1][2] + v.z * M.x[2][2] + M.x[3][2]; denom = M.x[0][3] + M.x[1][3] + M.x[2][3] + M.x[3][3]; if (denom != 1.0) ret /= denom; return ret; } // Apply the rotation portion of a matrix to a vector. Vector3 RotateOnly(const Matrix4x4& M, const Vector3& v) { Vector3 ret; float denom; ret.x = v.x * M.x[0][0] + v.y * M.x[1][0] + v.z * M.x[2][0]; ret.y = v.x * M.x[0][1] + v.y * M.x[1][1] + v.z * M.x[2][1]; ret.z = v.x * M.x[0][2] + v.y * M.x[1][2] + v.z * M.x[2][2]; denom = M.x[0][3] + M.x[1][3] + M.x[2][3] + M.x[3][3]; if (denom != 1.0) ret /= denom; return ret; } // Scale each element of the matrix by B. Matrix4x4 operator* (const Matrix4x4& A, float B) { Matrix4x4 ret; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ret.x[i][j] = A.x[i][j] * B; return ret; } // Overloaded << for C++-style output. ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const Matrix4x4& M) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // y for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // x // x y s << setprecision(4) << setw(10) << M.x[j][i]; } s << '\n'; } return s; } Vector3 PlaneRotate(const Matrix4x4& tform, const Vector3& p) { // I sure hope that matrix is invertible... Matrix4x4 use = Transpose(Invert(tform)); return RotateOnly(use, p); } // Transform a normal Vector3 TransformNormal(const Matrix4x4& tform, const Vector3& n) { Matrix4x4 use = NormalTransformMatrix(tform); return RotateOnly(use, n); } Matrix4x4 NormalTransformMatrix(const Matrix4x4 &tform) { Matrix4x4 m = tform; // for normal translation vector must be zero! m.x[3][0] = m.x[3][1] = m.x[3][2] = 0.0; // I sure hope that matrix is invertible... return Transpose(Invert(m)); } Vector3 GetTranslation(const Matrix4x4 &M) { return Vector3(M.x[3][0], M.x[3][1], M.x[3][2]); } Matrix4x4 GetFittingProjectionMatrix(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box) { Matrix4x4 m; m.x[0][0] = 2.0f / (box.Max()[0] - box.Min()[0]); m.x[0][1] = .0f; m.x[0][2] = .0f; m.x[0][3] = .0f; m.x[1][0] = .0f; m.x[1][1] = 2.0f / (box.Max()[1] - box.Min()[1]); m.x[1][2] = .0f; m.x[1][3] = .0f; m.x[2][0] = .0f; m.x[2][1] = .0f; m.x[2][2] = 2.0f / (box.Max()[2] - box.Min()[2]); m.x[2][3] = .0f; m.x[3][0] = -(box.Max()[0] + box.Min()[0]) / (box.Max()[0] - box.Min()[0]); m.x[3][1] = -(box.Max()[1] + box.Min()[1]) / (box.Max()[1] - box.Min()[1]); m.x[3][2] = -(box.Max()[2] + box.Min()[2]) / (box.Max()[2] - box.Min()[2]); m.x[3][3] = 1.0f; return m; } //output is initialized with the same result as glFrustum Matrix4x4 GetFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far) { Matrix4x4 m; const float xDif = 1.0f / (right - left); const float yDif = 1.0f / (top - bottom); const float zDif = 1.0f / (near - far); m.x[0][0] = 2.0f * near * xDif; m.x[0][1] = .0f; m.x[0][2] = .0f; m.x[0][3] = .0f; m.x[1][0] = .0f; m.x[1][1] = 2.0f * near * yDif; m.x[1][2] = .0f; m.x[1][3] = .0f; m.x[2][0] = (right + left) * xDif; m.x[2][1] = (top + bottom)* yDif; m.x[2][2] = (far + near) * zDif; m.x[2][3] = -1.0f; m.x[3][0] = .0f; m.x[3][1] = .0f; m.x[3][2] = 2.0f * near * far * zDif; m.x[3][3] = .0f; return m; } Matrix4x4 LookAt(const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &dir, const Vector3& up) { const Vector3 nDir = Normalize(dir); Vector3 nUp = Normalize(up); Vector3 nRight = Normalize(CrossProd(nDir, nUp)); nUp = Normalize(CrossProd(nRight, nDir)); Matrix4x4 m(nRight, nUp, -nDir); m.x[3][0] = -DotProd(nRight, pos); m.x[3][1] = -DotProd(nUp, pos); m.x[3][2] = DotProd(nDir, pos); return m; } Matrix4x4 MyLookAt(const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &dir, const Vector3& up) { const Vector3 nDir = Normalize(dir); Vector3 nUp = Normalize(up); Vector3 nRight = Normalize(CrossProd(nDir, nUp)); nUp = Normalize(CrossProd(nRight, nDir)); Matrix4x4 m(nRight, nUp, -nDir); /*m.x[3][0] = -DotProd(nRight, position); m.x[3][1] = -DotProd(nUp, position); m.x[3][2] = -DotProd(nDir, position);*/ Vector3 position = m * -pos; // note: left handet system => we go into positive z m.x[3][0] = position.x; m.x[3][1] = position.y; m.x[3][2] = position.z; return m; } }