#include "Polyhedron.h" #include "common.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Plane3.h" using namespace std; namespace CHCDemoEngine { static const float epsilon = 1e-6f; /************************************************************/ /* class Polyhedron Implementation */ /************************************************************/ Polyhedron::Polyhedron() { mBox.Initialize(); } Polyhedron::Polyhedron(const PolygonContainer &polys) { mPolygons = polys; mBox.Initialize(); mBox.Include(mPolygons); } Polyhedron::Polyhedron(const Polyhedron &rhs) { mPolygons.reserve(rhs.mPolygons.size()); mBox = rhs.mBox; PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rhs.mPolygons.end(); for (it = rhs.mPolygons.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) Add(new Polygon3(*(*it))); } Polyhedron *Polyhedron::CreatePolyhedron(const vector &planes, const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox) { // add the bounding box PolygonContainer polygons; sceneBox.ExtractPolygons(polygons); Polyhedron *oldPolyhedron = new Polyhedron(polygons); if (!oldPolyhedron->Valid()) cerr << "******************* not valid!! ************* " << endl; vector::const_iterator it, it_end = planes.end(); Polyhedron *newPolyhedron = NULL; // intersect bounding box with planes for (it = planes.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Plane3 plane = *it; newPolyhedron = oldPolyhedron->CalcIntersection(plane); if (!newPolyhedron) { cerr << "polyhedron not valid or NULL!" << endl; return NULL; } DEL_PTR(oldPolyhedron); oldPolyhedron = newPolyhedron; } return newPolyhedron; } Polyhedron::~Polyhedron() { CLEAR_CONTAINER(mPolygons); } int Polyhedron::NumPolygons() const { return (int)mPolygons.size(); } void Polyhedron::Add(Polygon3 *p) { mPolygons.push_back(p); mBox.Include(*p); } const PolygonContainer &Polyhedron::GetPolygons() const { return mPolygons; } float Polyhedron::GetArea() const { float area = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mPolygons.size(); ++ i) { area += mPolygons[i]->GetArea(); } return area; } float Polyhedron::GetVolume() const { // computes volume by tetrahedralization of the geometry // We just compute the sum of the tetrahedron volumes float volume = 0; const float f = 1.0f / 6.0f; PolygonContainer::const_iterator pit, pit_end = mPolygons.end(); // note: can take arbitrary point, e.g., the origin. However, // we rather take the center of mass to prevents precision errors const Vector3 center = CenterOfMass(); for (pit = mPolygons.begin(); pit != pit_end; ++ pit) { Polygon3 *poly = *pit; const Vector3 v0 = poly->mVertices[0] - center; for (int i = 1; i < (int)poly->mVertices.size() - 1; ++ i) { const Vector3 v1 = poly->mVertices[i] - center; const Vector3 v2 = poly->mVertices[i + 1] - center; // more robust version using abs and the center of mass volume += fabs (f * (DotProd(v0, CrossProd(v1, v2)))); } } return volume; } AxisAlignedBox3 Polyhedron::GetBoundingBox() const { return mBox; } int Polyhedron::Side(const Plane3 &plane) const { int boxSide = mBox.Side(plane); // plane does not intersect bounding box if (boxSide != 0) return boxSide; PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mPolygons.end(); int s = 0; for (it = mPolygons.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { const int side = (*it)->Side(plane, epsilon); if (side == 0) // intersects polygon => intersects return 0; else if (side != 0) { if (side == -s) return 0; // sign changed => intersects s = side; } } return s; } Vector3 Polyhedron::CenterOfMass() const { int n = 0; Vector3 center(0,0,0); PolygonContainer::const_iterator pit, pit_end = mPolygons.end(); for (pit = mPolygons.begin(); pit != pit_end; ++ pit) { Polygon3 *poly = *pit; VertexArray::const_iterator vit, vit_end = poly->mVertices.end(); for(vit = poly->mVertices.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { center += *vit; ++ n; } } return center / (float)n; } bool Polyhedron::Valid() const { // polyhedron is degenerated if (mPolygons.size() < 3) return false; const Vector3 center = CenterOfMass(); PolygonContainer::const_iterator pit, pit_end = mPolygons.end(); for (pit = mPolygons.begin(); pit != pit_end; ++ pit) { Polygon3 *poly = *pit; Plane3 plane = poly->GetSupportingPlane(); float dist = plane.Distance(center); //cout << "dist: " << dist<< endl; if (dist > 0) return false; } return true; } Polyhedron *Polyhedron::CalcIntersection(const Plane3 &splitPlane) const { // first test plane intersection with geometry const int intersect = Side(splitPlane); if (intersect == 1) { // on the other side of the plane, the intersection is empty return NULL; } else if (intersect == -1) { // does not intersect, just return a copy return new Polyhedron(*this); } // polyhedron is intersected: create new polyhedron Polyhedron *clippedPolyhedron = new Polyhedron(); ////////// //-- create and add new polygon to close polyhedron // get cross section of new polygon Polygon3 *planePoly = mBox.CrossSection(splitPlane); // create new face: split polygon with all other polygons planePoly = SplitPolygon(planePoly); // something is wrong, probably some numerical error if (!planePoly) { cerr << "should not happen" << endl; return new Polyhedron(*this); } // add the new polygon to the polyhedron clippedPolyhedron->Add(planePoly); ///////////// //-- clip polyhedron: plane splits all polygons for (int i = 0; i < (int)mPolygons.size(); ++ i) { Polygon3 *poly = mPolygons[i]; const int cf = mPolygons[i]->ClassifyPlane(splitPlane, epsilon); switch (cf) { // split case: split polygon and add it case Polygon3::SPLIT: { Polygon3 *poly = mPolygons[i]; Polygon3 *frontPoly = new Polygon3(); Polygon3 *backPoly = new Polygon3(); poly->Split(splitPlane, *frontPoly, *backPoly, epsilon); // we are only interested in the polytope behind the plane DEL_PTR(frontPoly); if (backPoly->Valid(epsilon)) clippedPolyhedron->Add(backPoly); else DEL_PTR(backPoly); } break; case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: case Polygon3::COINCIDENT: clippedPolyhedron->Add(new Polygon3(mPolygons[i]->mVertices)); break; default: // polygon is not in intersection break; } } return clippedPolyhedron; } Polygon3 *Polyhedron::SplitPolygon(Polygon3 *polygon) const { if (!polygon->Valid(epsilon)) DEL_PTR(polygon); // polygon is split by all other planes for (size_t i = 0; (i < mPolygons.size()) && polygon; ++ i) { const Plane3 plane = mPolygons[i]->GetSupportingPlane(); int cf = polygon->ClassifyPlane(plane, epsilon); // split new polygon with all previous planes switch (cf) { case Polygon3::SPLIT: { Polygon3 *frontPoly = new Polygon3(); Polygon3 *backPoly = new Polygon3(); polygon->Split(plane, *frontPoly, *backPoly, epsilon); // don't need these anymore DEL_PTR(frontPoly); DEL_PTR(polygon); // back polygon belongs to geometry if (backPoly->Valid(epsilon)) polygon = backPoly; else DEL_PTR(backPoly); } break; case Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE: cerr << "SplitPolygon: should not come here" << endl; DEL_PTR(polygon); break; // polygon is taken as it is case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: case Polygon3::COINCIDENT: default: break; } } return polygon; } void Polyhedron::CollectVertices(VertexArray &vertices) const { PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mPolygons.end(); for (it = mPolygons.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Polygon3 *poly = *it; VertexArray::const_iterator vit, vit_end = poly->mVertices.end(); for (vit = poly->mVertices.begin(); vit != vit_end; ++ vit) { vertices.push_back(*vit); } } } }