3 |
4 |
5 | #include "Bvh.h"
6 | #include "OcclusionQuery.h"
7 | //#include "Timer/PerfTimer.h"
8 | #include <queue>
9 |
10 |
11 | namespace CHCDemoEngine
12 | {
13 |
14 |
15 | class Camera;
16 | class RenderQueue;
17 |
18 |
19 | struct TraversalStatistics
20 | {
21 | public:
22 |
23 | void Reset();
24 |
25 | //////////
26 | //-- several statistics for a rendering pass
27 |
28 | int mNumTraversedNodes;
29 | int mNumQueryCulledNodes;
30 | int mNumFrustumCulledNodes;
31 |
32 | int mNumRenderedGeometry;
33 | int mNumRenderedTriangles;
34 | int mNumRenderedNodes;
35 |
36 | int mNumIssuedQueries;
37 | int mNumStateChanges;
38 | int mNumBatches;
39 |
40 | double mWaitTime;
41 | double mQueryTime;
42 | double mRestTime;
43 | };
44 |
45 |
46 | /** Abstract class implementing a scene traversal for rendering.
47 | */
48 | class RenderTraverser
49 | {
50 | public:
51 |
52 | /// types of traversers
53 | enum {CULL_FRUSTUM,
58 |
59 | /** Default constructor.
60 | */
61 | RenderTraverser();
62 | /** Virtual constructor, has to be redefined in subclasses.
63 | */
64 | virtual ~RenderTraverser();
65 | /** Maim method that traverses and renders the scene.
66 | */
67 | void RenderScene();
68 |
69 | /** Returns the type of the traversal.
70 | The type is one of
71 | CULL_FRUSTUM: view frustum culling only
72 | STOP_AND_WAIT: hierarchical stop and wait algorithm
73 | CHC: coherent hierarchical algorithm
74 | CHCPLUSPLUS: coherent hierarchical algorithm revisited
75 | */
76 | virtual int GetType() const = 0;
77 | /** Sets the scene hierarchy.
78 | */
79 | void SetHierarchy(Bvh *bvh);
80 | /** Sets the camera.
81 | */
82 | void SetCamera(Camera *cam);
83 | /** Sets the render queue.
84 | */
85 | void SetRenderQueue(RenderQueue *rq);
86 | /** Sets the current render state.
87 | */
88 | void SetRenderState(RenderState *state);
89 | /** The traversal statistics
90 | */
91 | const TraversalStatistics &GetStats() const;
92 | /** The current frame id
93 | */
94 | inline int GetCurrentFrameId() const;
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 | //////////////////
99 | //-- methods that concern one or more of the implemented rendering algorithms
100 |
101 | /** If a render queue should be used to batch up and sort scene entities before
102 | rendering.
103 | */
104 | void SetUseRenderQueue(bool useRenderQueue);
105 | /** If depth pass should be used.
106 | If true, the entities found visible in the current pass are stored
107 | */
108 | void SetUseDepthPass(bool storeVisibleObjects);
109 | /** Sets visible pixels threshold for visibility classification
110 | */
111 | void SetVisibilityThreshold(int threshold);
112 |
113 |
114 | ///////////////////
115 | //-- CHC / CHC ++ related options
116 | //-- note: could be implemented more cleanly in a CoherentOcclusionCullingTraverser parent class!
117 |
118 | /** CHC optimization to query the geometry itself instead of the bounding box.
119 | */
120 | void SetUseOptimization(bool useOptimization);
121 | /** The number of frames a previously visible node is assumed to stay visible.
122 | */
123 | void SetAssumedVisibleFrames(int assumedVisibleFrames);
124 | /** The maximum batch size for the i-queue
125 | */
126 | void SetMaxBatchSize(int batchSize);
127 | /** If multiqueries should be used.
128 | */
129 | void SetUseMultiQueries(bool useMultiQueries);
130 | /** If thight bounds should be used or the bounding boxes should be tested.
131 | */
132 | void SetUseTightBounds(bool useTightBounds);
133 | /** If bounds should be shown
134 | */
135 | void SetShowBounds(bool showBounds);
136 | /** Returns the entities found visible in current frame
137 | (only if StoreVisibleObjects is set)
138 | */
139 | const SceneEntityContainer &GetVisibleObjects() const;
140 | /** Returns the current camera.
141 | */
142 | Camera *GetCamera() const;
143 | /** Returns the maximal visible distance encountered in the scene.
144 | Useful for e.g., shadow map focussing
145 | */
146 | float GetMaxVisibleDistance() const;
147 | /** Render objects declared as dynamic (non-static)
148 | */
149 | void SetRenderDynamicObjects(bool dynamic);
150 |
151 |
152 | protected:
153 |
154 | /** This is the actual rendering algorithm. It must be implemented by all
155 | the subclasses.
156 | */
157 | virtual void Traverse() = 0;
158 | /** Hierarchy traversal
159 | */
160 | void TraverseNode(BvhNode *node);
161 | /** Issues occlusion query for a single node
162 | */
163 | OcclusionQuery *IssueOcclusionQuery(BvhNode *node);
164 | /** Issue multiquery.
165 | */
166 | void IssueOcclusionQuery(const OcclusionQuery &query);
167 | /** Enqueues a bvh node for distance traversal
168 | */
169 | void EnqueueNode(BvhNode *node);
170 | /** Renders the bvh node.
171 | */
172 | void RenderNode(BvhNode *node);
173 | /** Renders and clears the contents of the render queue.
174 | */
175 | void ApplyRenderQueue();
176 | /** Returns true if at least one of the objects in this node are
177 | marked as visible. maxSize describes the maximum sized node
178 | (in # of objects) that is tested. if maxSize is -1, all nodes are tested.
179 | */
180 | bool IsNodeGeometryVisible(BvhNode *node, int maxSize);
181 |
182 |
183 | ////////////
184 | //-- members
185 |
186 | /// the current camera
187 | Camera *mCamera;
188 | /// the root of the scene hierarchy
189 | Bvh *mBvh;
190 | /// the priority queue used for front to back traversal
191 | TraversalQueue mDistanceQueue;
192 | /// the current frame id
193 | int mFrameId;
194 | /// the current render state
195 | RenderState *mRenderState;
196 | /// manages creation and destruction of the queries
197 | QueryHandler mQueryHandler;
198 | /// the statisitcs
199 | TraversalStatistics mStats;
200 | /// the render queue
201 | RenderQueue *mRenderQueue;
202 | /// the objects found visible in current frame
203 | SceneEntityContainer mVisibleObjects;
204 | /// the maximal visible distance in the scene
205 | float mMaxVisibleDistance;
206 |
207 |
208 | /////////////////
209 | //-- algorithm parameters
210 |
211 | int mVisibilityThreshold;
212 |
213 | bool mUseOptimization;
214 |
215 | bool mUseRenderQueue;
216 |
217 | int mAssumedVisibleFrames;
218 |
219 | int mMaxBatchSize;
220 |
221 | bool mUseMultiQueries;
222 |
223 | bool mUseTightBounds;
224 |
225 | bool mShowBounds;
226 |
227 | bool mUseDepthPass;
228 |
229 | bool mRenderDynamicObjects;
230 | };
231 |
232 |
233 | inline int RenderTraverser::GetCurrentFrameId() const
234 | {
235 | return mFrameId;
236 | }
237 |
238 |
239 | }
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 | #endif // RENDERTRAVERSER_H |