#include "ShadowMapping.h" #include "FrameBufferObject.h" #include "RenderState.h" #include "RenderTraverser.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Polyhedron.h" #include #include using namespace std; namespace CHCDemoEngine { static CGprogram sCgShadowProgram; static CGparameter sShadowParam; static Polyhedron *polyhedron = NULL; static Polyhedron *lightPoly = NULL; static void PrintGLerror(char *msg) { GLenum errCode; const GLubyte *errStr; if ((errCode = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) { errStr = gluErrorString(errCode); fprintf(stderr,"OpenGL ERROR: %s: %s\n", errStr, msg); } } static Polyhedron *CreatePolyhedron(const Matrix4x4 &lightMatrix, const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox) { Frustum frustum(lightMatrix); vector clipPlanes; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) { //////////// //-- normalize the coefficients // the clipping planes look outward the frustum, // so distances > 0 mean that a point is outside const float invLength = -1.0f / Magnitude(frustum.mClipPlanes[i].mNormal); frustum.mClipPlanes[i].mD *= invLength; frustum.mClipPlanes[i].mNormal *= invLength; } // first create near plane because of precision issues clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[4]); clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[0]); clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[1]); clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[2]); clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[3]); clipPlanes.push_back(frustum.mClipPlanes[5]); return Polyhedron::CreatePolyhedron(clipPlanes, sceneBox); } static void GrabDepthBuffer(float *data, GLuint depthTexture) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture); glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, data); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } static void ExportDepthBuffer(float *data, int size) { ilInit(); assert(ilGetError() == IL_NO_ERROR); ILstring filename = ILstring("shadow.tga"); ilRegisterType(IL_FLOAT); const int depth = 1; const int bpp = 1; if (!ilTexImage(size, size, depth, bpp, IL_LUMINANCE, IL_FLOAT, data)) { cerr << "IL error " << ilGetError() << endl; ilShutDown(); assert(ilGetError() == IL_NO_ERROR); return; } if (!ilSaveImage(filename)) { cerr << "TGA write error " << ilGetError() << endl; } ilShutDown(); assert(ilGetError() == IL_NO_ERROR); cout << "exported depth buffer" << endl; } static AxisAlignedBox3 GetExtremalPoints(const Matrix4x4 &m, const VertexArray &pts) { AxisAlignedBox3 extremalPoints; extremalPoints.Initialize(); VertexArray::const_iterator it, it_end = pts.end(); for (it = pts.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Vector3 pt = *it; pt = m * pt; extremalPoints.Include(pt); } return extremalPoints; } ShadowMap::ShadowMap(DirectionalLight *light , int size, const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox, Camera *cam): mSceneBox(sceneBox), mSize(size), mCamera(cam), mLight(light) { mFbo = new FrameBufferObject(size, size, FrameBufferObject::DEPTH_32, true); // need a color buffer to keep opengl happy mFbo->AddColorBuffer(ColorBufferObject::RGB_UBYTE, ColorBufferObject::WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ColorBufferObject::FILTER_NEAREST); mShadowCam = new Camera(mSize, mSize); mShadowCam->SetOrtho(true); } ShadowMap::~ShadowMap() { DEL_PTR(mFbo); DEL_PTR(mShadowCam); DEL_PTR(lightPoly); DEL_PTR(polyhedron); } static void DrawPolyhedron(Polyhedron *poly, const Vector3 &color) { if (!poly) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < poly->NumPolygons(); ++ i) { glColor3f(color.x, color.y, color.z); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); Polygon3 *p = poly->GetPolygons()[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < p->mVertices.size(); ++ j) { Vector3 v = p->mVertices[j]; glVertex3d(v.x, v.y, v.z); } glEnd(); } } void ShadowMap::VisualizeFrustra() { DrawPolyhedron(lightPoly, Vector3(1, 0, 1)); DrawPolyhedron(polyhedron, Vector3(0, 1, 0)); } // z0 is the point that lies on the parallel plane to the near plane through e (A) //and on the near plane of the C frustum (the plane z = bZmax) and on the line x = e.x Vector3 ShadowMap::GetLightSpaceZ0(const Matrix4x4 &lightSpace, const Vector3 &e, const float maxZ, const Vector3 &eyeDir) const { // to calculate the parallel plane to the near plane through e we // calculate the plane A with the three points Plane3 planeA(e, eyeDir); planeA.Transform(lightSpace); // get the parameters of A from the plane equation n dot d = 0 const float d = planeA.mD; const Vector3 n = planeA.mNormal; // transform to light space const Vector3 e_ls = lightSpace * e; Vector3 z0; z0.x = e_ls.x; z0.y = (d - n.z * maxZ - n.x * e_ls.x) / n.y; z0.z = maxZ; return z0; //return V3(e_ls.x(),(d-n.z()*b_lsZmax-n.x()*e_ls.x())/n.y(),b_lsZmax); } float ShadowMap::ComputeNOpt(const Matrix4x4 &lightSpace, const AxisAlignedBox3 &extremalPoints, const VertexArray &body) const { const Vector3 nearPt = GetNearCameraPointE(body); const Vector3 eyeDir = mCamera->GetDirection(); Matrix4x4 eyeView; mCamera->GetModelViewMatrix(eyeView); const Matrix4x4 invLightSpace = Invert(lightSpace); const Vector3 z0_ls = GetLightSpaceZ0(lightSpace, nearPt, extremalPoints.Max().z, eyeDir); const Vector3 z1_ls = Vector3(z0_ls.x, z0_ls.y, extremalPoints.Min().z); // transform back to world space const Vector3 z0_ws = invLightSpace * z0_ls; const Vector3 z1_ws = invLightSpace * z1_ls; // transform to eye space const Vector3 z0_es = eyeView * z0_ws; const Vector3 z1_es = eyeView * z1_ws; const float z0 = z0_es.z; const float z1 = z1_es.z; cout << "z0 ls: " << z0_ls << " z1 ls: " << z1_ls << endl; cout << "z0: " << z0_es << " z1: " << z1_es << endl; const float d = fabs(extremalPoints.Max()[2] - extremalPoints.Min()[2]); const float n = d / (sqrt(z1 / z0) - 1.0f); return n; } float ShadowMap::ComputeN(const AxisAlignedBox3 &extremalPoints) const { const float nearPlane = mCamera->GetNear(); const float d = fabs(extremalPoints.Max()[2] - extremalPoints.Min()[2]); const float dotProd = DotProd(mCamera->GetDirection(), mShadowCam->GetDirection()); const float sinGamma = sin(fabs(acos(dotProd))); // test for values close to zero if (sinGamma < 1e-6f) return 1e6f; const float scale = 2.0f; return scale * (nearPlane + sqrt(nearPlane * (nearPlane + d * sinGamma))) / sinGamma; } Matrix4x4 ShadowMap::CalcLispSMTransform(const Matrix4x4 &lightSpace, const AxisAlignedBox3 &extremalPoints, const VertexArray &body ) { AxisAlignedBox3 bounds_ls = GetExtremalPoints(lightSpace, body); /////////////// //-- We apply the lispsm algorithm in order to calculate an optimal light projection matrix //-- first find the free parameter values n, and P (the projection center), and the projection depth const float n = ComputeN(bounds_ls); //const float n = ComputeNOpt(lightSpace, extremalPoints, body); cout << "n: " << n << endl; if (n >= 1e6f) // light direction nearly parallel to view => switch to uniform return IdentityMatrix(); const Vector3 nearPt = GetNearCameraPointE(body); //get the coordinates of the near camera point in light space const Vector3 lsNear = lightSpace * nearPt; // the start point has the x and y coordinate of e, the z coord of the near plane of the light volume const Vector3 startPt = Vector3(lsNear.x, lsNear.y, bounds_ls.Max().z); // the new projection center const Vector3 projCenter = startPt + Vector3::UNIT_Z() * n; //construct a translation that moves to the projection center const Matrix4x4 projectionCenter = TranslationMatrix(-projCenter); // light space y size const float d = fabs(bounds_ls.Max()[2] - bounds_ls.Min()[2]); const float dy = fabs(bounds_ls.Max()[1] - bounds_ls.Min()[1]); const float dx = fabs(bounds_ls.Max()[0] - bounds_ls.Min()[0]); ////////// //-- now apply these values to construct the perspective lispsm matrix Matrix4x4 matLispSM; matLispSM = GetFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, n, n + d); // translate to the projection center matLispSM = projectionCenter * matLispSM; // transform into OpenGL right handed system Matrix4x4 refl = ScaleMatrix(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); matLispSM *= refl; return matLispSM; } #if 0 Vector3 ShadowMap::GetNearCameraPointE(const VertexArray &pts) const { float maxDist = -1e25f; Vector3 nearest = Vector3::ZERO(); Matrix4x4 eyeView; mCamera->GetModelViewMatrix(eyeView); VertexArray newPts; polyhedron->CollectVertices(newPts); //the LVS volume is always in front of the camera VertexArray::const_iterator it, it_end = pts.end(); for (it = pts.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Vector3 pt = *it; Vector3 ptE = eyeView * pt; if (ptE.z > 0) cerr <<"should not happen " << ptE.z << endl; else if (ptE.z > maxDist) { cout << " d " << ptE.z; maxDist = ptE.z; nearest = pt; } } // return Invert(eyeView) * nearest; return nearest; } #else Vector3 ShadowMap::GetNearCameraPointE(const VertexArray &pts) const { VertexArray newPts; polyhedron->CollectVertices(newPts); Vector3 nearest = Vector3::ZERO(); float minDist = 1e25f; const Vector3 camPos = mCamera->GetPosition(); VertexArray::const_iterator it, it_end = newPts.end(); for (it = newPts.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Vector3 pt = *it; const float dist = SqrDistance(pt, camPos); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; nearest = pt; } } return nearest; } #endif Vector3 ShadowMap::GetProjViewDir(const Matrix4x4 &lightSpace, const VertexArray &pts) const { //get the point in the LVS volume that is nearest to the camera const Vector3 e = GetNearCameraPointE(pts); //construct edge to transform into light-space const Vector3 b = e + mCamera->GetDirection(); //transform to light-space const Vector3 e_lp = lightSpace * e; const Vector3 b_lp = lightSpace * b; Vector3 projDir(b_lp - e_lp); //project the view direction into the shadow map plane projDir.y = .0f; return Normalize(projDir); } bool ShadowMap::CalcLightProjection(Matrix4x4 &lightProj) { /////////////////// //-- First step: calc frustum clipped by scene box DEL_PTR(polyhedron); polyhedron = CalcClippedFrustum(mSceneBox); if (!polyhedron) return false; // something is wrong // include the part of the light volume that "sees" the frustum // we only require frustum vertices VertexArray frustumPoints; IncludeLightVolume(*polyhedron, frustumPoints, mLight->GetDirection(), mSceneBox); /////////////// //-- transform points from world view to light view and calculate extremal points Matrix4x4 lightView; mShadowCam->GetModelViewMatrix(lightView); const AxisAlignedBox3 extremalPoints = GetExtremalPoints(lightView, frustumPoints); // we use directional lights, so the projection can be set to identity lightProj = IdentityMatrix(); // switch coordinate system to that used in the lispsm algorithm for calculations Matrix4x4 transform2LispSM = ZeroMatrix(); transform2LispSM.x[0][0] = 1.0f; transform2LispSM.x[1][2] = -1.0f; // y => -z transform2LispSM.x[2][1] = 1.0f; // z => y transform2LispSM.x[3][3] = 1.0f; //switch to the lightspace used in the article lightProj *= transform2LispSM; const Vector3 projViewDir = GetProjViewDir(lightView * lightProj, frustumPoints); //do DirectionalLight Space Perspective shadow mapping //rotate the lightspace so that the projected light view always points upwards //calculate a frame matrix that uses the projViewDir[lightspace] as up vector //look(from position, into the direction of the projected direction, with unchanged up-vector) //const Matrix4x4 frame = MyLookAt2(Vector3::ZERO(), projViewDir, Vector3::UNIT_Y()); const Matrix4x4 frame = LookAt(Vector3::ZERO(), projViewDir, Vector3::UNIT_Y()); lightProj *= frame; const Matrix4x4 matLispSM = CalcLispSMTransform(lightView * lightProj, extremalPoints, frustumPoints); lightProj *= matLispSM; // change back to GL coordinate system Matrix4x4 transformToGL = ZeroMatrix(); transformToGL.x[0][0] = 1.0f; transformToGL.x[1][2] = 1.0f; // z => y transformToGL.x[2][1] = -1.0f; // y => -z transformToGL.x[3][3] = 1.0f; lightProj *= transformToGL; AxisAlignedBox3 lightPts = GetExtremalPoints(lightView * lightProj, frustumPoints); // focus projection matrix on the extremal points => scale to unit cube Matrix4x4 scaleTranslate = GetFittingProjectionMatrix(lightPts); lightProj = lightProj * scaleTranslate; Matrix4x4 mymat = lightView * lightProj; AxisAlignedBox3 lightPtsNew = GetExtremalPoints(mymat, frustumPoints); // we have to flip the signs in order to tranform to opengl right handed system Matrix4x4 refl = ScaleMatrix(1, 1, -1); lightProj *= refl; return true; } Polyhedron *ShadowMap::CalcClippedFrustum(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box) const { Polyhedron *p = mCamera->ComputeFrustum(); Polyhedron *clippedPolyhedron = box.CalcIntersection(*p); DEL_PTR(p); return clippedPolyhedron; } //calculates the up vector for the light coordinate frame static Vector3 CalcUpVec(const Vector3 viewDir, const Vector3 lightDir) { //we do what gluLookAt does... //left is the normalized vector perpendicular to lightDir and viewDir //this means left is the normalvector of the yz-plane from the paper Vector3 left = CrossProd(lightDir, viewDir); //we now can calculate the rotated(in the yz-plane) viewDir vector //and use it as up vector in further transformations Vector3 up = CrossProd(left, lightDir); return Normalize(up); } void ShadowMap::GetTextureMatrix(Matrix4x4 &m) const { m = mTextureMatrix; } unsigned int ShadowMap::GetDepthTexture() const { return mFbo->GetDepthTex(); } unsigned int ShadowMap::GetShadowColorTexture() const { return mFbo->GetColorBuffer(0)->GetTexture(); } void ShadowMap::IncludeLightVolume(const Polyhedron &polyhedron, VertexArray &frustumPoints, const Vector3 lightDir, const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox ) { // we don't need closed form anymore => just store vertices VertexArray vertices; polyhedron.CollectVertices(vertices); // we 'look' at each point and calculate intersections of rays with scene bounding box VertexArray::const_iterator it, it_end = vertices.end(); for (it = vertices.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Vector3 v = *it; frustumPoints.push_back(v); // hack: start at point which is guaranteed to be outside of box v -= Magnitude(mSceneBox.Diagonal()) * lightDir; SimpleRay ray(v, lightDir); float tNear, tFar; if (sceneBox.Intersects(ray, tNear, tFar)) { Vector3 newpt = ray.Extrap(tNear); frustumPoints.push_back(newpt); } } } void ShadowMap::ComputeShadowMap(RenderTraverser *renderer, const Matrix4x4 &projView) { mFbo->Bind(); glDrawBuffers(1, mrt); glPushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT_BIT); glViewport(0, 0, mSize, mSize); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); ///////////// //-- render scene into shadow map _Render(renderer); ////////////// //-- compute texture matrix static Matrix4x4 biasMatrix(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); mTextureMatrix = mLightProjView * biasMatrix; glPopAttrib(); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); #if 0 float *data = new float[mSize * mSize]; GrabDepthBuffer(data, mFbo->GetDepthTex()); ExportDepthBuffer(data, mSize); delete [] data; PrintGLerror("shadow map"); #endif FrameBufferObject::Release(); } void ShadowMap::RenderShadowView(RenderTraverser *renderer, const Matrix4x4 &projView) { glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); _Render(renderer); /*glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); Polyhedron *hpoly = CreatePolyhedron(projView, mSceneBox); DrawPoly(hpoly, Vector3(1, 1, 1)); DEL_PTR(hpoly); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);*/ glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } void ShadowMap::_Render(RenderTraverser *renderer) { const Vector3 dir = mLight->GetDirection(); mShadowCam->SetDirection(dir); // set position so that we can see the whole scene Vector3 pos = mSceneBox.Center(); pos -= dir * Magnitude(mSceneBox.Diagonal() * 0.5f); mShadowCam->SetPosition(mCamera->GetPosition()); Vector3 upVec = CalcUpVec(mCamera->GetDirection(), dir); Matrix4x4 lightView = LookAt(mShadowCam->GetPosition(), dir, upVec); mShadowCam->mViewOrientation = lightView; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glPolygonOffset(5.0f, 100.0f); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); Matrix4x4 lightProj; CalcLightProjection(lightProj); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadMatrixf((float *)lightProj.x); mLightProjView = lightView * lightProj; DEL_PTR(lightPoly); lightPoly = CreatePolyhedron(mLightProjView, mSceneBox); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); mShadowCam->SetupCameraView(); ///////////// //-- render scene into shadow map renderer->RenderScene(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } } // namespace