1 | #ifndef _ShadowMap_H__
2 | #define _ShadowMap_H__
3 |
4 | #include "common.h"
5 | #include "glInterface.h"
6 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
7 | #include "Matrix4x4.h"
8 |
9 | #include <Cg/cg.h>
10 | #include <Cg/cgGL.h>
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | namespace CHCDemoEngine
15 | {
16 |
17 | class FrameBufferObject;
18 | class RenderTraverser;
19 | class Vector3;
20 | class Camera;
21 | class Light;
22 |
23 | /** This class implements a the computation of single shadow map
24 | */
25 | class ShadowMap
26 | {
27 |
28 | public:
29 | /** Constructor taking the scene boundig box and the current camera.
30 | The shadow map has resolution size * size.
31 | */
32 | ShadowMap(Light *light, int size, const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox, Camera *cam);
33 |
34 | ~ShadowMap();
35 | /** Computes the shadow map
36 | */
37 | void ComputeShadowMap(RenderTraverser *traverser, const Matrix4x4 &projView);
38 | /** Returns computed shadow color texture.
39 | */
40 | unsigned int GetShadowColorTexture() const;
41 |
42 | unsigned int GetDepthTexture() const;
43 |
44 | /** Returns computed texture matrix. It must be applied on the
45 | the world space positions.
46 |
47 | The texture matrix can be directly applied if the world space position
48 | is available (deferred shading), otherwise it must be multiplied with
49 | the inverse model matrix.
50 | */
51 | void GetTextureMatrix(Matrix4x4 &m) const;
52 | /** Return shadow size.
53 | */
54 | int GetSize() const { return mSize; }
55 |
56 | Camera *GetShadowCamera() const { return mShadowCam; }
57 |
58 | void RenderShadowView(RenderTraverser *renderer, const Matrix4x4 &projView);
59 |
60 |
61 | static void DrawPolys();
62 |
63 |
64 | protected:
65 |
66 |
67 | /** Calculates the intersection of the frustum with the box,
68 | returns resultin polyhedron as array of polygons.
69 | */
70 | Polyhedron *CalcClippedFrustum(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box) const;
71 |
72 | bool CalcLightProjection(Matrix4x4 &lightProj);
73 |
74 | Matrix4x4 CalcLispSMTransform(const Matrix4x4 &lightProjView,
75 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &bounds,
76 | const VertexArray &pts);
77 |
78 | void IncludeLightVolume(const Polyhedron &polyhedron,
79 | VertexArray &frustumPoints,
80 | const Vector3 lightDir,
81 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &sceneBox);
82 |
83 | float ComputeN(const AxisAlignedBox3 &extremalPoints) const;
84 |
85 | Vector3 GetNearCameraPointE(const VertexArray &pts) const;
86 |
87 | Vector3 GetProjViewDir(const Matrix4x4 &lightSpace, const VertexArray &pts) const;
88 |
89 | static void DrawPoly(Polyhedron *poly, const Vector3 &color);
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 | //////////////
94 |
95 | /// the scene bounding box
96 | AxisAlignedBox3 mSceneBox;
97 | /// fbo storing the shadow texture
98 | FrameBufferObject *mFbo;
99 | /// size of the shadow map
100 | int mSize;
101 |
102 | Camera *mShadowCam;
103 | /// the texture matrix
104 | Matrix4x4 mTextureMatrix;
105 | /// the used light
106 | Light *mLight;
107 | /// the scene camera
108 | Camera *mCamera;
109 |
110 | Matrix4x4 mLightProjView;
111 | };
112 |
113 | } // namespace
114 | #endif // _ShadowMapping_H__ |