1 | #include "SkyPreetham.h"
2 | #include "common.h"
3 | #include "Vector3.h"
4 | #include "SceneEntity.h"
5 | #include "Transform3.h"
6 | #include "Camera.h"
7 | #include "RenderState.h"
8 | #include "ShaderProgram.h"
9 | #include "Shape.h"
10 | #include "Material.h"
11 | #include "ShaderManager.h"
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | #ifdef _CRT_SET
16 | #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
17 | #include <stdlib.h>
18 | #include <crtdbg.h>
19 |
20 | // redefine new operator
21 | #define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
22 | #define new DEBUG_NEW
23 | #endif
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | using namespace CHCDemoEngine;
29 | using namespace std;
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 | inline float CBQ(float x)
34 | {
35 | return x * x * x;
36 | }
37 |
38 |
39 | inline float SQR(float x)
40 | {
41 | return x * x ;
42 | }
43 |
44 |
45 | void SkyPreetham::InitCG()
46 | {
47 | mSkyVtxProgram =
48 | ShaderManager::GetSingleton()->CreateVertexProgram("sky_preetham", "default_vs", "skyVtx");
49 |
50 | if (mSkyVtxProgram->IsValid())
51 | {
52 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("lightDir", 0);
53 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("thetaSun", 1);
54 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("zenithColor", 2);
55 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("aColor", 3);
56 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("bColor", 4);
57 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("cColor", 5);
58 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("dColor", 6);
59 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("eColor", 7);
60 | mSkyVtxProgram->AddParameter("multiplier", 8);
61 | }
62 | else
63 | cerr << "sky program failed to load" << endl;
64 |
65 | mSkyFragProgram =
66 | ShaderManager::GetSingleton()->CreateFragmentProgram("sky_preetham", "frag_skydome", "skyFragMrt");
67 | }
68 |
69 |
70 | SkyPreetham::SkyPreetham(float turbitity, SceneEntity *skyDome):
71 | mSkyDome(skyDome),
72 | mTurbidity(turbitity)
73 | //, mSunQuad(NULL)
74 | {
75 | CreateSunQuad();
76 | Shape *shape = mSkyDome->GetShape(0);
77 |
78 | InitCG();
79 |
80 | Material *mat = shape->GetMaterial();
81 |
82 | mat->GetTechnique(0)->SetFragmentProgram(mSkyFragProgram);
83 | mat->GetTechnique(0)->SetVertexProgram(mSkyVtxProgram);
84 |
85 | mat->GetTechnique(1)->SetFragmentProgram(mSkyFragProgram);
86 | mat->GetTechnique(1)->SetVertexProgram(mSkyVtxProgram);
87 | }
88 |
89 |
90 | SkyPreetham::~SkyPreetham()
91 | {
92 | //DEL_PTR(mSunQuad);
93 | }
94 |
95 |
96 | void SkyPreetham::RenderSkyDome(const Vector3 &sunDir,
97 | Camera *camera,
98 | RenderState *state,
99 | bool scaleToRange,
100 | float skyDomeScaleFactor)
101 | {
102 | pair<float, float> sun_theta;
103 | Vector3 zenithColor;
104 | vector<Vector3> ABCDE;
105 |
106 | ComputeFactors(sunDir, zenithColor, ABCDE, sun_theta);
107 |
108 | // Move skybox with camera.
109 | Vector3 position = camera->GetPosition();
110 |
111 | // scale the sky dome so no intersection with the scene is visible
112 | position.z -= 3.0f * skyDomeScaleFactor;
113 | Matrix4x4 m = TranslationMatrix(position);
114 |
115 | Matrix4x4 s = ScaleMatrix(skyDomeScaleFactor);
116 | mSkyDome->GetTransform()->SetMatrix(s * m);
117 |
118 | Material *mat = mSkyDome->GetShape(0)->GetMaterial();
119 |
120 | Technique *tech;
121 |
122 | tech = mat->GetTechnique(state->GetRenderTechnique());
123 |
124 | GPUProgramParameters *vtxParams = tech->GetVertexProgramParameters();
125 |
126 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(0, sunDir.x, sunDir.y, sunDir.z);
127 | vtxParams->SetValue2f(1, sun_theta.first, sun_theta.second);
128 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(2, zenithColor.x, zenithColor.y, zenithColor.z);
129 |
130 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(3, ABCDE[0].x, ABCDE[0].y, ABCDE[0].z);
131 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(4, ABCDE[1].x, ABCDE[1].y, ABCDE[1].z);
132 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(5, ABCDE[2].x, ABCDE[2].y, ABCDE[2].z);
133 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(6, ABCDE[3].x, ABCDE[3].y, ABCDE[3].z);
134 | vtxParams->SetValue3f(7, ABCDE[4].x, ABCDE[4].y, ABCDE[4].z);
135 |
136 |
137 | if (!scaleToRange)
138 | {
139 | // use tone mapping
140 | vtxParams->SetValue1f(8, 1.0f);
141 | }
142 | else
143 | {
144 | // no tone mapping => linearily scale to displayable dynamic range
145 | vtxParams->SetValue1f(8, 8e-5f);
146 | }
147 |
148 | // render sky dome
149 | mSkyDome->Render(state);
150 |
151 | // render additively blended sun disc.
152 | //RenderSunDisk(sunDir, camera);
153 | }
154 |
155 |
156 | void SkyPreetham::RenderSunDisk(const Vector3 &sunDir, Camera *camera)
157 | {
158 | #if TODO
159 | // Move skybox with camera.
160 | Vector3 position = camera->GetPosition();
161 |
162 | const float scaleFactor = 100.0f;
163 | position.z -= 10 * scaleFactor;
164 |
165 | // Set world matrix to sun disc position.
166 | Matrix4x4 sunPos = TranslationMatrix(position);
167 |
168 | Vector3 ndir = -Normalize(sunDir);
169 |
170 | const float pitch = -atan2(ndir.x, ndir.y);
171 | const float yaw = atan2(ndir.z, sqrt((ndir.x * ndir.x) + (ndir.y * ndir.y)));
172 |
173 | Matrix4x4 roty = RotationYMatrix(pitch);
174 | Matrix4x4 rotx = RotationXMatrix(yaw);
175 |
176 | sunPos *= roty;
177 | sunPos *= rotx;;
178 |
179 | sunposition.rotateAroundY(-D().getScene().getLight().getHorizontalOrientation() + 90.0f);
180 | sunposition.rotateAroundX(-D().getScene().getLight().getVerticalOrientation());
181 |
182 | glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
183 | glMultMatrixf((float *)sunPos.x);
184 |
185 | float ambient[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
186 |
187 | glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
188 |
189 | Float size = 0.5f + (1.0f - lightdirection.y) * 0.5f;
190 |
191 | mSunEffect->setVariableVector3("LightDiffuseColor", D().getScene().getLight().getDiffuseColor());
192 | mSunEffect->setVariableFloat("SunSize", size);
193 | mSunEffect->setVariableTexture2D("SunTexture", mSunTexture);
194 |
195 | mSunEffect->activate();
196 |
197 | mSunQuad->render();
198 |
199 | mSunEffect->deactivate();
200 | F().getRenderDevice().setDefaultBlendingMode(FRenderDevice::BLENDING_NONE);
201 |
202 | glPopMatrix();
203 | #endif
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | void SkyPreetham::CreateSunQuad()
208 | {
209 | #if TODO
210 | mSunQuad = new FVertexBuffer();
211 | mSunQuad->setupPrimitiveType(FVertexBuffer::PRIMITIVES_TRIANGLES);
212 | mSunQuad->setupVertexFormat(3, 0, 0, true);
213 | mSunQuad->setupTexCoordSet(0, 2);
214 | mSunQuad->setVertexBufferSize(4, 6);
215 |
216 | mSunQuad->setVertexPosition(0, FVector3(-0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
217 | mSunQuad->setVertexPosition(1, FVector3( 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
218 | mSunQuad->setVertexPosition(2, FVector3(-0.1f, -0.1f, 1.0f));
219 | mSunQuad->setVertexPosition(3, FVector3( 0.1f, -0.1f, 1.0f));
220 | mSunQuad->setVertexTexCoord(0, 0, FVector2(0.0f, 0.0f));
221 | mSunQuad->setVertexTexCoord(1, 0, FVector2(1.0f, 0.0f));
222 | mSunQuad->setVertexTexCoord(2, 0, FVector2(0.0f, 1.0f));
223 | mSunQuad->setVertexTexCoord(3, 0, FVector2(1.0f, 1.0f));
224 |
225 | mSunQuad->setIndex(0, 0);
226 | mSunQuad->setIndex(1, 1);
227 | mSunQuad->setIndex(2, 2);
228 | mSunQuad->setIndex(3, 2);
229 | mSunQuad->setIndex(4, 1);
230 | mSunQuad->setIndex(5, 3);
231 | #endif
232 | }
233 |
234 |
235 | void SkyPreetham::ComputeFactors(const Vector3 &sunDir,
236 | Vector3 &zenithColor,
237 | vector<Vector3> &ABCDE,
238 | std::pair<float, float> &sunThetha) const
239 | {
240 | sunThetha.first = acos(sunDir.z);
241 |
242 | const float cos_theta = cos(sunThetha.first);
243 | sunThetha.second = cos_theta * cos_theta;
244 |
245 | zenithColor.x = ( 0.00165f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) - 0.00374f * SQR(sunThetha.first) + 0.00208f * sunThetha.first + 0.0f) * SQR(mTurbidity) +
246 | (-0.02902f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) + 0.06377f * SQR(sunThetha.first) - 0.03202f * sunThetha.first + 0.00394f) * mTurbidity +
247 | ( 0.11693f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) - 0.21196f * SQR(sunThetha.first) + 0.06052f * sunThetha.first + 0.25885f);
248 |
249 | zenithColor.y = ( 0.00275f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) - 0.00610f * SQR(sunThetha.first) + 0.00316f * sunThetha.first + 0.0f) * SQR(mTurbidity) +
250 | (-0.04214f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) + 0.08970f * SQR(sunThetha.first) - 0.04153f * sunThetha.first + 0.00515f) * mTurbidity +
251 | ( 0.15346f * CBQ(sunThetha.first) - 0.26756f * SQR(sunThetha.first) + 0.06669f * sunThetha.first + 0.26688f);
252 |
253 | zenithColor.z = (float)((4.0453f * mTurbidity - 4.9710f) * tan((4.0f / 9.0f - mTurbidity / 120.0f) *
254 | (M_PI - 2.0f * sunThetha.first)) - 0.2155f * mTurbidity + 2.4192f);
255 |
256 | // convert kcd/m² to cd/m²
257 | zenithColor.z *= 1000.0f;
258 |
259 | ABCDE.push_back(Vector3(-0.01925 * mTurbidity - 0.25922, -0.01669 * mTurbidity - 0.26078, 0.17872 * mTurbidity - 1.46303));
260 | ABCDE.push_back(Vector3(-0.06651 * mTurbidity + 0.00081, -0.09495 * mTurbidity + 0.00921, -0.35540 * mTurbidity + 0.42749));
261 | ABCDE.push_back(Vector3(-0.00041 * mTurbidity + 0.21247, -0.00792 * mTurbidity + 0.21023, -0.02266 * mTurbidity + 5.32505));
262 | ABCDE.push_back(Vector3(-0.06409 * mTurbidity - 0.89887, -0.04405 * mTurbidity - 1.65369, 0.12064 * mTurbidity - 2.57705));
263 | ABCDE.push_back(Vector3(-0.00325 * mTurbidity + 0.04517, -0.01092 * mTurbidity + 0.05291, -0.06696 * mTurbidity + 0.37027));
264 | }
265 |
266 |
267 | void SkyPreetham::ComputeSunColor(const Vector3 &sunDir,
268 | Vector3 &ambient,
269 | Vector3 &diffuse,
270 | bool scaleToRange) const
271 | {
272 | // sunDir is sun direction
273 | // ambient color: shadow color
274 | // diffuse color: sun color
275 | pair<float, float> sun_theta;
276 |
277 | Vector3 zenithColor;
278 | vector<Vector3> ABCDE;
279 |
280 | ComputeFactors(sunDir, zenithColor, ABCDE, sun_theta);
281 |
282 | Vector3 zenith_XYZ;
283 |
284 | zenith_XYZ.x = (zenithColor.x / zenithColor.y) * zenithColor.z;
285 | zenith_XYZ.y = zenithColor.z;
286 | zenith_XYZ.z = ((1.0f - zenithColor.x - zenithColor.y) / zenithColor.y) * zenithColor.z;
287 |
288 | ambient.x = 3.240479f * zenith_XYZ.x - 1.537150f * zenith_XYZ.y - 0.498535f * zenith_XYZ.z;
289 | ambient.y = -0.969256f * zenith_XYZ.x + 1.875992f * zenith_XYZ.y + 0.041556f * zenith_XYZ.z;
290 | ambient.z = 0.055648f * zenith_XYZ.x - 0.204043f * zenith_XYZ.y + 1.057311f * zenith_XYZ.z;
291 |
292 | // downscale ambient color
293 | if (scaleToRange)
294 | ambient *= 8e-6f;
295 | else
296 | ambient *= 1e-1f;
297 |
298 | // slightly too blueish => scale
299 | ambient.x *= 1.3f;
300 | ambient.y *= 1.1f;
301 | ambient.z = max(max(ambient.z, ambient.x), ambient.y);
302 |
303 | // simulate the sun intensity by modulating the ambient term.
304 | ambient *= (10.0f - 9.0f * DotProd(sunDir, Vector3::UNIT_Z()));
305 |
306 |
307 | Vector3 num;
308 |
309 | num.x = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].x * exp(ABCDE[1].x / sunDir.z)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].x)+ ABCDE[4].x;
310 | num.y = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].y * exp(ABCDE[1].y / sunDir.z)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].y)+ ABCDE[4].y;
311 | num.z = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].z * exp(ABCDE[1].z / sunDir.z)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].z)+ ABCDE[4].z;
312 |
313 | Vector3 den;
314 |
315 | den.x = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].x * exp(ABCDE[1].x)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].x * exp(ABCDE[3].x * sun_theta.first) + ABCDE[4].x * sun_theta.second);
316 | den.y = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].y * exp(ABCDE[1].y)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].y * exp(ABCDE[3].y * sun_theta.first) + ABCDE[4].y * sun_theta.second);
317 | den.z = (1.0f + ABCDE[0].z * exp(ABCDE[1].z)) * (1.0f + ABCDE[2].z * exp(ABCDE[3].z * sun_theta.first) + ABCDE[4].z * sun_theta.second);
318 |
319 |
320 | Vector3 xyY = zenithColor * num / den;
321 |
322 | Vector3 XYZ;
323 |
324 | XYZ.x = (xyY.x / xyY.y) * xyY.z;
325 | XYZ.y = xyY.z;
326 | XYZ.z = ((1.0f - xyY.x - xyY.y) / xyY.y) * xyY.z;
327 |
328 |
329 | /////////////
330 | //-- transform to rgb
331 |
332 | Vector3 color;
333 | color.x = 3.240479f * XYZ.x - 1.537150f * XYZ.y - 0.498535f * XYZ.z;
334 | color.y = -0.969256f * XYZ.x + 1.875992f * XYZ.y + 0.041556f *XYZ.z;
335 | color.z = 0.055648f * XYZ.x - 0.204043f * XYZ.y + 1.057311f * XYZ.z;
336 |
337 | // calculate final sun diffuse color.
338 | if (scaleToRange)
339 | diffuse = color * 3e-5f;
340 | else
341 | diffuse = color * 3e-1f;
342 |
343 | // diffuse component should be more saturated (and less blueish) for high sun positions
344 | diffuse.x *= 1.3f;
345 | diffuse.z *= 0.7f;
346 |
347 | // scale diffuse component in order to make sky look less bright in relation to
348 | // the geometry in the evening
349 | diffuse *= (2.0f - 1.0f * DotProd(sunDir, Vector3::UNIT_Z()));
350 |
351 | //cout << "diffuse: " << Magnitude(diffuse) << " ambient: " << Magnitude(ambient) << endl;
352 | } |