1 | /***********************************************/
2 | /* Vertex shaders for tree animation */
3 | /***********************************************/
4 |
5 |
6 | struct vtxin
7 | {
8 | float4 position: POSITION;
9 | float4 normal: NORMAL;
10 |
11 | float4 color: COLOR;
12 | float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD0;
13 | };
14 |
15 | // vtx output
16 | struct vtxout
17 | {
18 | float4 position: POSITION;
19 | float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD0;
20 |
21 | float4 color: COLOR0;
22 | // eye position
23 | float4 eyePos: TEXCOORD1;
24 | float4 normal: TEXCOORD2;
25 |
26 | float4 worldPos: TEXCOORD3;
27 | float4 oldWorldPos: TEXCOORD4;
28 | };
29 |
30 |
31 | /** Vertex shader which conducts an simple tree animation
32 | that bends the tree depending quadratically on the height
33 | */
34 | vtxout animateVtx(vtxin IN,
35 | uniform float3 windDir,
36 | uniform float windStrength,
37 | uniform float frequency,
38 | uniform float2 minMaxPos,
39 | uniform float timer,
40 | uniform float3 lightDir)
41 | {
42 | vtxout OUT;
43 | OUT.texCoord = IN.texCoord;
44 |
45 | const float pos = (minMaxPos.x - IN.position.z) / (minMaxPos.x - minMaxPos.y);
46 | float factor = pos * pos * windStrength * sin(timer * frequency);
47 |
48 | // transform the vertex position into post projection space
49 | OUT.position = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, IN.position);
50 | // displace the input position
51 | OUT.position += float4(factor * windDir, 0);
52 |
53 | OUT.normal = normalize(mul(glstate.matrix.invtrans.modelview[0], IN.normal));
54 | //const float3 l = normalize(mul(glstate.matrix.modelview[0], float4(lightDir, 0))).xyz;
55 | const float3 l = normalize(lightDir);
56 |
57 | const float diffuse = max(.0f, dot(OUT.normal.xyz, l));
58 |
59 | //OUT.color.xyz = IN.color.xyz * max(0, dot(OUT.normal.xyz, normalize(lightDir)));
60 | OUT.color = glstate.material.ambient + glstate.material.front.diffuse * diffuse;
61 | OUT.color.w = IN.color.w;
62 | return OUT;
63 | }
64 |
65 | /** vertex shader which provides an simple tree animation
66 | that bends the tree depending quadratically on the height using vertex displacement.
67 | This version of the shader is used for deferred shading and thus only
68 | displaces the vertices and outputs the color, put does not do any shading.
69 | */
70 | vtxout animateVtxMrt(vtxin IN,
71 | uniform float3 windDir,
72 | uniform float windStrength,
73 | uniform float frequency,
74 | uniform float2 minMaxPos,
75 | uniform float timer,
76 | uniform float oldTimer
77 | //uniform float4x4 modelMatrix,
78 | //uniform float4x4 oldModelMatrix
79 | )
80 | {
81 | vtxout OUT;
82 |
83 | OUT.color = IN.color;
84 | OUT.texCoord = IN.texCoord;
85 |
86 | const float pos = (minMaxPos.x - IN.position.z) / (minMaxPos.x - minMaxPos.y);
87 |
88 | float factor = pos * pos * windStrength * sin(timer * frequency);
89 | const float4 offs = float4(factor * windDir, 0);
90 |
91 | float oldFactor = pos * pos * windStrength * sin(oldTimer * frequency);
92 | const float4 oldOffs = float4(oldFactor * windDir, 0);
93 |
94 | // transform the vertex position into post projection space
95 | OUT.position = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, IN.position);
96 | // displace the input position
97 | OUT.position += offs;
98 |
99 | // transform the vertex position into eye space
100 | OUT.eyePos = mul(glstate.matrix.modelview[0], IN.position);
101 | OUT.eyePos += offs;
102 |
103 | OUT.normal = mul(glstate.matrix.invtrans.modelview[0], IN.normal);
104 |
105 | // hack: no translational component anyway
106 | OUT.oldWorldPos = oldOffs;
107 | OUT.worldPos = offs;
108 |
109 | return OUT;
110 | } |