1 | #ifndef __KdTreeApp_H__
2 | #define __KdTreeApp_H__
3 |
4 | #include <OgreRenderTargetListener.h>
5 | #include <ExampleApplication.h>
6 | #include <ivreader.h>
7 | #include "TestKdTreeAppListener.h"
8 |
9 |
10 | class KdTreeAppRenderTargetListener : public RenderTargetListener
11 | {
12 | public:
13 | KdTreeAppRenderTargetListener(SceneManager *sceneMgr);
14 |
15 | protected:
16 | void preViewportUpdate (const RenderTargetViewportEvent &evt);
17 | void postRenderTargetUpdate (const RenderTargetEvent &evt);
18 |
19 | SceneManager *mSceneMgr;
20 |
21 | ShadowTechnique mSavedShadowTechnique;
22 | ColourValue mSavedAmbientLight;
23 | };
24 |
25 | class KdTreeApp : public ExampleApplication
26 | {
27 | public:
28 |
29 | KdTreeApp() :
30 | mFrameListener(0),
31 | mRenderTargerListener(0)
32 | {
33 | }
34 |
35 | KdTreeApp(const KdTreeAppListener::Options& options) :
36 | mFrameListener(0),
37 | mRenderTargerListener(0),
38 | mOptions(options)
39 | {
40 | }
41 |
42 | ~KdTreeApp()
43 | {
44 | delete mRenderTargerListener;
45 | delete mFrameListener;
46 | }
47 |
48 | protected:
49 | KdTreeAppListener *mFrameListener;
50 | KdTreeAppRenderTargetListener *mRenderTargerListener;
51 | SceneNode *mCamNode;
52 | SceneNode *mMoveNode;
53 | Camera *mTopCam;
54 | //Camera *mFollowCam;
55 |
56 | // scene options
57 | //String mSceneFiles;
58 | Real mRotationRadius;
59 | int mModelSpacing;
60 | int mModelCount;
61 | int mRandomCount;
62 | Real mPlaneDim;
63 | bool mShadowsEnabled;
64 | int mSelectEntities;
65 |
66 | KdTreeAppListener::Options mOptions;
67 |
68 | virtual void setupResources(void);
69 |
70 | virtual void createScene(void);
71 |
72 | virtual void createFrameListener(void);
73 |
74 | virtual void chooseSceneManager(void);
75 |
76 | virtual void createCamera(void);
77 |
78 | virtual void createViewports(void);
79 |
80 | /** Configures the application - returns false if the user chooses to abandon configuration. */
81 | virtual bool configure(void);
82 |
83 | /** load scene from file **/
84 | bool loadScene(const String& filename);
85 | bool loadSceneIV(const String &filename, SceneNode *root, const int index);
86 |
87 | void createMaterials(void);
88 | void createSimpleScene(void);
89 | void createTerrainScene(Real max_x, Real max_y, Real max_z);
90 | Vector3 clampToGround(const Vector3& vect, Real offset, Real cap);
91 |
92 | RaySceneQuery* mRaySceneQuery;
93 | private:
94 | std::string cat(std::string name, int x, int z)
95 | {
96 | std::stringstream s;
97 | s.fill('0');
98 | s << name;
99 | s.width(2);
100 | s << x;
101 | s.width(2);
102 | s << z;
103 | return s.str();
104 | }
105 | };
106 |
107 | #endif |