[1378] | 1 | <html>
| 2 | <head>
| 3 | <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252">
| 4 | </head>
| 5 | <body>
| 6 | <pre>
| 7 | <table width=100% bgcolor=#CFCFE5><tr> <td> <font face=arial size=+3>
| 8 | Build Log
| 9 | </font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5> </td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF> </td><td width=*><pre>
| 10 | <h3>------- Build started: Project: WuermerDX9, Configuration: Debug|Win32 -------
| 11 | </h3>
| 12 | </pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
| 13 | Command Lines
| 14 | </font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5> </td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF> </td><td width=*><pre>Creating temporary file "c:\_Stuff_\_Uni_CG_Insti_\GameTools Project\GTP_Libs\Gtp\trunk\App\Games\Jungle_Rumble\src\Debug\RSP000009.rsp" with contents
| 15 | [
| 16 | /OUT:"..\bin\JungleRumble.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /DEBUG /PDB:"Debug/WuermerDX9.pdb" /MAP /MAPINFO:EXPORTS /MAPINFO:LINES /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /MACHINE:X86 /IGNORE:4089 /MAPINFO:LINES dxerr9.lib dxguid.lib d3dx9d.lib d3d9.lib winmm.lib comctl32.lib dsound.lib dinput8.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\DxErr9.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\dxguid.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\d3dx9d.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\d3d9.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\WinMM.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\ComCtl32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\dsound.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (December 2005)\Lib\x86\dinput8.lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\Kernel32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\User32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\Gdi32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\WinSpool.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\ComDlg32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\AdvAPI32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\Shell32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\Ole32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\OleAut32.Lib" "\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib\Uuid.Lib"
| 17 | ".\libs\fmodvc.lib"
| 18 | ".\libs\NxCharacter.lib"
| 19 | ".\libs\NxCooking.lib"
| 20 | ".\libs\NxExtensions.lib"
| 21 | ".\libs\PhysXLoader.lib"
| 22 | ".\Debug\WuermerDX9.res"
| 23 | ".\Debug\dxstdafx.obj"
| 24 | ".\Debug\dxut.obj"
| 25 | ".\Debug\dxutenum.obj"
| 26 | ".\Debug\DXUTgui.obj"
| 27 | ".\Debug\DXUTMesh.obj"
| 28 | ".\Debug\dxutmisc.obj"
| 29 | ".\Debug\DXUTRes.obj"
| 30 | ".\Debug\DXUTSettingsDlg.obj"
| 31 | ".\Debug\DXUTsound.obj"
| 32 | ".\Debug\AIPlayer.obj"
| 33 | ".\Debug\Box.obj"
| 34 | ".\Debug\Bullet.obj"
| 35 | ".\Debug\Camera.obj"
| 36 | ".\Debug\GameManager.obj"
| 37 | ".\Debug\GameScene.obj"
| 38 | ".\Debug\GameSceneLoader.obj"
| 39 | ".\Debug\Goodie.obj"
| 40 | ".\Debug\HUD.obj"
| 41 | ".\Debug\HUDRenderer.obj"
| 42 | ".\Debug\MenueScene.obj"
| 43 | ".\Debug\Node.obj"
| 44 | ".\Debug\NodeFilter.obj"
| 45 | ".\Debug\Object3d.obj"
| 46 | ".\Debug\Ocean.obj"
| 47 | ".\Debug\OceanRenderer.obj"
| 48 | ".\Debug\ParticleCube.obj"
| 49 | ".\Debug\ParticleEmitter.obj"
| 50 | ".\Debug\ParticleGroup.obj"
| 51 | ".\Debug\ParticleRenderer.obj"
| 52 | ".\Debug\PhysXDebugRenderer.obj"
| 53 | ".\Debug\PhysXOutputStream.obj"
| 54 | ".\Debug\Plane.obj"
| 55 | ".\Debug\Player.obj"
| 56 | ".\Debug\Quad.obj"
| 57 | ".\Debug\RaytraceRenderer.obj"
| 58 | ".\Debug\Renderer.obj"
| 59 | ".\Debug\RenderPass.obj"
| 60 | ".\Debug\RenderTarget.obj"
| 61 | ".\Debug\ResourceManager.obj"
| 62 | ".\Debug\Scene.obj"
| 63 | ".\Debug\SharedResource.obj"
| 64 | ".\Debug\SharedResourceTexture.obj"
| 65 | ".\Debug\SimpleBullet.obj"
| 66 | ".\Debug\SimpleMeshRenderer.obj"
| 67 | ".\Debug\SimpleWeapon.obj"
| 68 | ".\Debug\SkyBox.obj"
| 69 | ".\Debug\SkyBoxRenderer.obj"
| 70 | ".\Debug\SoundNode.obj"
| 71 | ".\Debug\Sprite.obj"
| 72 | ".\Debug\Stream.obj"
| 73 | ".\Debug\Terrain.obj"
| 74 | ".\Debug\TerrainRenderer.obj"
| 75 | ".\Debug\Trigger.obj"
| 76 | ".\Debug\UniversalWeapon.obj"
| 77 | ".\Debug\UserAllocator.obj"
| 78 | ".\Debug\UserContactReport.obj"
| 79 | ".\Debug\UserNotify.obj"
| 80 | ".\Debug\UserPlayer.obj"
| 81 | ".\Debug\UserTriggerReport.obj"
| 82 | ".\Debug\Vector.obj"
| 83 | ".\Debug\Weapon.obj"
| 84 | ".\Debug\WuermerDX9.obj"
| 85 | ]
| 86 | Creating command line "link.exe @"c:\_Stuff_\_Uni_CG_Insti_\GameTools Project\GTP_Libs\Gtp\trunk\App\Games\Jungle_Rumble\src\Debug\RSP000009.rsp""
| 87 | </pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
| 88 | Output Window
| 89 | </font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5> </td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF> </td><td width=*><pre>Linking...
| 90 | LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/MAPINFO:LINES' due to '/INCREMENTAL' specification
| 91 | </pre></table><table width=100% bgcolor=#DFDFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
| 92 | Results
| 93 | </font></table><table width=* cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=0 bgcolor=#EDEDF5> </td><td width=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF> </td><td width=*><pre>
| 94 | Build log was saved at "file://c:\_Stuff_\_Uni_CG_Insti_\GameTools Project\GTP_Libs\Gtp\trunk\App\Games\Jungle_Rumble\src\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
| 95 | WuermerDX9 - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)</pre></table><table width=100% height=20 bgcolor=#CFCFE5><tr><td><font face=arial size=+2>
| 96 | </font></table></body></html> |