#ifndef NX_COLLISION_NXCONVEXMESH #define NX_COLLISION_NXCONVEXMESH /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | | Public Interface to NovodeX Technology | | www.novodex.com | \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \addtogroup physics @{ */ #include "Nx.h" #include "NxTriangleMesh.h" class NxSimpleTriangleMesh; class NxConvexMeshDesc; class NxStream; #ifdef NX_SUPPORT_INTERNAL_FACES class NxConvexMeshDesc2; #endif /** \brief A Convex Mesh. Internally represented as a list of convex polygons. The number of polygons is limited to 256. To avoid duplicating data when you have several instances of a particular mesh positioned differently, you do not use this class to represent a convex object directly. Instead, you create an instance of this mesh via the NxConvexShape class.



To create an instance of this class call NxPhysicsSDK::createConvexMesh(), and NxPhysicsSDK::releaseConvexMesh() to delete it. This is only possible once you have released all of its #NxConvexShape instances. Example: \include NxConvexMesh_Create.cpp


\li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_AABBS \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_SHAPES \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_AXES \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_VNORMALS \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_FNORMALS \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_EDGES \li #NX_VISUALIZE_COLLISION_SPHERES @see NxConvexMeshDesc NxPhysics.createConvexMesh() */ class NxConvexMesh { public: /** \brief Saves the mesh to a descriptor. \param[out] desc Descriptor to store the state of the convex mesh into. \return true on success. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see NxConvexMeshDesc */ virtual bool saveToDesc(NxConvexMeshDesc& desc) const = 0; /** \brief Gets the number of internal submeshes for this mesh. \return The number of submeshes contained in this mesh. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see getCount() getFormat() getBase() getStride() */ virtual NxU32 getSubmeshCount() const = 0; /** \brief For a given submesh, retrieves the number of elements of a given internal array. \param[in] submeshIndex The submesh to query. \param[in] intArray The internal array size to retrieve from the submesh(eg triangles, vertices etc). See #NxInternalArray. \return The number of elements in the internal array. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see getSubmeshCount() getFormat() getBase() getStride() */ virtual NxU32 getCount(NxSubmeshIndex submeshIndex, NxInternalArray intArray) const = 0; /** \brief For a given submesh, retrieves the format of a given internal array. \param[in] submeshIndex The submesh to query. \param[in] intArray The internal array format to retrieve from the submesh(eg triangles, vertices etc). See #NxInternalArray. \return The format of the internal array. See #NxInternalFormat. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see getSubmeshCount() getCount() getBase() getStride() */ virtual NxInternalFormat getFormat(NxSubmeshIndex submeshIndex, NxInternalArray intArray) const = 0; /** \brief For a given submesh, retrieves the base pointer of a given internal array. Make sure you take into account the given format and stride. @see getStride @see getFormat @see getStride \param[in] submeshIndex The submesh to query. \param[in] intArray The internal array pointer to retrieve from the submesh(eg triangles, vertices etc). See #NxInternalArray. \return A pointer to the first element of the internal array. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see getSubmeshCount() getCount() getFormat() getStride() */ virtual const void* getBase(NxSubmeshIndex submeshIndex, NxInternalArray intArray) const = 0; /** \brief For a given submesh, retrieves the stride value of a given internal array. The stride value is always a number of bytes. You have to skip this number of bytes to go from one element to the other in an array, starting from the base. \param[in] submeshIndex The submesh to query. \param[in] intArray The internal array stride to retrieve from the submesh(eg triangles, vertices etc). See #NxInternalArray. \return The stride(number of bytes from one element to the next) for the internal array. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes @see getSubmeshCount() getCount() getFormat() getBase() */ virtual NxU32 getStride(NxSubmeshIndex submeshIndex, NxInternalArray intArray) const = 0; /** \brief Load the contents of this mesh from the provided stream. A stream of an appropriate format can be creating with the cooking library. \param[in] stream Stream to load this mesh from. See #NxStream. \return True if successfully loaded. Otherwise False. \param stream Stream to load this mesh from. See #NxStream. \return True if successfully loaded. Otherwise False. Platform: \li PC SW: Yes \li PPU : Yes (With Limitations) \li PS3 : Yes \li XB360: Yes */ virtual bool load(const NxStream& stream) = 0; // TODO(djs): remove virtual void * getInternal() = 0; }; /** @} */ #endif //AGCOPYRIGHTBEGIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright © 2005 AGEIA Technologies. // All rights reserved. www.ageia.com /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //AGCOPYRIGHTEND