1 | //------------------------------------
2 | float alpha;
3 | texture sceneRendering;
4 | texture objTexture;
5 | texture Bump; //NormalMap
6 | float4x4 g_mWorldViewProjection; // World View Projection Matrix
7 | float4x4 g_mWorldViewIT;
8 | float4x4 g_mRot;
9 | float4 lightDir; //LightDirection
10 | //float4 eyeDir; //EyeDirection
11 | float halfVector;
12 | //float4 sceneAmbient;
13 | float4 ambient;
14 | float4 diffuse;
15 | float4 specular;
16 | float power;
17 |
18 | //------------------------------------
19 | struct vertexInput {
20 | float3 position : POSITION;
21 | float4 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
22 | };
23 |
24 | struct vertexOutput {
25 | float4 HPosition : POSITION;
26 | float4 ColorTextureCoord : TEXCOORD0;
27 | };
28 |
29 | struct vertexObjInput {
30 | float3 position : POSITION;
31 | float4 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
32 | float3 normal : NORMAL;
33 | };
34 |
35 | struct vertexObjInputNM {
36 | float3 position : POSITION;
37 | float4 texCoord : TEXCOORD0;
38 | };
39 |
40 | struct vertexObjOutput {
41 | float4 HPosition : POSITION;
42 | float4 ColorTextureCoord : TEXCOORD0;
43 | float3 normal : NORMAL;
44 | };
45 |
46 | struct vertexObjOutputNM {
47 | float4 HPosition : POSITION;
48 | float4 ColorTextureCoord : TEXCOORD0;
49 | };
50 |
51 | struct pixelOutput
52 | {
53 | float4 color : COLOR;
54 | };
55 |
56 | //------------------------------------
57 | #define SAMPLER_LINEAR(g_samplerMap, g_txMap); \
58 | sampler2D g_samplerMap = sampler_state { \
59 | Texture = <g_txMap>; \
60 | MinFilter = Linear; \
61 | MagFilter = Linear; \
62 | MipFilter = Linear; \
63 | AddressU = BORDER; \
64 | AddressV = BORDER; \
65 | };
66 |
67 | #define SAMPLER_POINT(g_samplerMap, g_txMap); \
68 | sampler2D g_samplerMap = sampler_state { \
69 | Texture = <g_txMap>; \
70 | MinFilter = Point; \
71 | MagFilter = Point; \
72 | MipFilter = Point; \
73 | AddressU = BORDER; \
74 | AddressV = BORDER; \
75 | };
76 |
77 | SAMPLER_POINT(samplerSceneRendering, sceneRendering);
78 | SAMPLER_LINEAR(samplerTexture, objTexture);
79 | SAMPLER_LINEAR(samplerBump, Bump);
80 |
81 | //------------------------------------
82 | vertexOutput fadeVS(vertexInput IN)
83 | {
84 | vertexOutput OUT;
85 |
86 | OUT.HPosition = float4(IN.position,1);
87 | OUT.ColorTextureCoord = IN.texCoord;
88 |
89 | return OUT;
90 | }
91 |
92 |
93 | //------------------------------------
94 | pixelOutput fadePS(vertexOutput IN)
95 | {
96 | pixelOutput OUT;
97 | float4 retColor = tex2D(samplerSceneRendering, IN.ColorTextureCoord.xy);
98 | retColor.a = alpha;
99 | OUT.color = retColor;
100 |
101 | return OUT;
102 | }
103 |
104 | //------------------------------------
105 | vertexObjOutput fadeObjectVS(vertexObjInput IN)
106 | {
107 | vertexObjOutput OUT;
108 |
109 | OUT.HPosition = mul(float4(IN.position,1), g_mWorldViewProjection);
110 | OUT.ColorTextureCoord = IN.texCoord;
111 |
112 | OUT.normal = IN.normal;//normalize
113 | OUT.normal = mul(g_mWorldViewIT, float4(IN.normal,1)).xyz;
114 | //OUT.LightDir.xyz = mul(g_mWorldViewIT,lightDir);
115 | //OUT.LightDir.w = 1;
116 |
117 | return OUT;
118 | }
119 |
120 | //------------------------------------
121 | vertexObjOutputNM fadeObjectNMVS(vertexObjInputNM IN)
122 | {
123 | vertexObjOutputNM OUT;
124 |
125 | OUT.HPosition = mul(float4(IN.position,1), g_mWorldViewProjection);
126 | OUT.ColorTextureCoord = IN.texCoord;
127 |
128 | // Transform to tangent space and output
129 | // half vector and light direction
130 | //float3x3 TangentSpace;
131 | //TangentSpace[0] = IN.inTangent;
132 | //TangentSpace[1] = IN.inBinormal;
133 | //TangentSpace[2] = IN.normal;
134 | //OUT.HalfVect = 0;//mul(TangentSpace,normalize(lightDir.xyz+eyeDir));
135 | //Out.LightDir = float4(mul(TangentSpace,LightDir.xyz),LightDir.w);
136 |
137 | return OUT;
138 | }
139 |
140 | //------------------------------------
141 | pixelOutput fadeObjectPS(vertexObjOutput IN)
142 | {
143 | pixelOutput OUT;
144 | float3 normal = normalize(IN.normal);
145 | float4 retColor = tex2D(samplerTexture, IN.ColorTextureCoord.xy);
146 |
147 | //Specular
148 | float3 specI = specular*pow( clamp(0, 1, dot(normal, halfVector)), power);
149 |
150 | //Diffuse
151 | float3 diffI = diffuse*clamp(0,1,dot(normal, lightDir));
152 |
153 | //Ambient = ambient
154 | retColor.rgb = retColor.rgb*(diffI + specI + ambient.xyz);
155 | retColor.a *= alpha;
156 |
157 | //Do Lightning Stuff
158 | OUT.color = retColor;
159 |
160 | //OUT.color = retColor;
161 |
162 | return OUT;
163 | }
164 |
165 | pixelOutput fadeObjectNMPS(vertexObjOutputNM IN)
166 | {
167 | pixelOutput OUT;
168 | float3 normal = tex2D(samplerBump,IN.ColorTextureCoord) * 2 - 1;
169 |
170 | float4 retColor = tex2D(samplerTexture, IN.ColorTextureCoord.xy);
171 |
172 | //Specular
173 | float3 specI = specular*pow( clamp(0, 1, dot(normal, halfVector)), power);
174 |
175 | //Diffuse
176 | float3 diffI = diffuse*clamp(0,1,dot(normal, lightDir));
177 |
178 | //Ambient = ambient
179 | retColor.rgb = retColor.rgb*(diffI + specI + ambient.xyz);
180 | retColor.a *= alpha;
181 |
182 | //Do Lightning Stuff
183 | OUT.color = retColor;
184 |
185 | //OUT.color = retColor;
186 |
187 | return OUT;
188 | }
189 |
190 |
191 | //
192 | // Effect
193 | //
194 |
195 | #define Technique(name); \
196 | technique name \
197 | { \
198 | pass p0 \
199 | { \
200 | VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 name##VS(); \
201 | PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 name##PS(); \
202 | } \
203 | }
204 |
205 | Technique( fade );
206 | Technique( fadeObject );
207 | Technique( fadeObjectNM ); |