/************************************************************************ filename: CEGUIPushButton.h created: 13/4/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Interface to base class for PushButton widget *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk) Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIPushButton_h_ #define _CEGUIPushButton_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "elements/CEGUIButtonBase.h" #include "elements/CEGUIPushButtonProperties.h" #include "CEGUIRenderableImage.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Base class to provide logic for push button type widgets. */ class CEGUIEXPORT PushButton : public ButtonBase { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events /************************************************************************* Event name constants *************************************************************************/ // generated internally by Window static const String EventClicked; //!< The button was clicked. /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Constructor for base PushButton class */ PushButton(const String& type, const String& name); /*! \brief Destructor for PushButton class */ virtual ~PushButton(void); /************************************************************************* Common Public Interface *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief return whether or not rendering of the standard imagery is enabled. \return true if the standard button imagery will be rendered, false if no standard rendering will be performed. */ bool isStandardImageryEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether of not custom button image areas are auto-scaled to the size of the button. \return true if client specified custom image areas are re-sized when the button size changes. false if image areas will remain unchanged when the button is sized. */ bool isCustomImageryAutoSized(void) const; /*! \brief returns a pointer to a read-only RenderableImage object holding the details of the image set to render for the button in the normal state, or 0 if no image is currently set for this state. \return Pointer to a const RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. */ const RenderableImage* getNormalImage(void) const; /*! \brief returns a pointer to a read-only RenderableImage object holding the details of the image set to render for the button in the highlighted state, or 0 if no image is currently set for this state. \return Pointer to a const RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. */ const RenderableImage* getHoverImage(void) const; /*! \brief returns a pointer to a read-only RenderableImage object holding the details of the image set to render for the button in the pushed state, or 0 if no image is currently set for this state. \return Pointer to a const RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. */ const RenderableImage* getPushedImage(void) const; /*! \brief returns a pointer to a read-only RenderableImage object holding the details of the image set to render for the button in the disabled state, or 0 if no image is currently set for this state. \return Pointer to a const RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. */ const RenderableImage* getDisabledImage(void) const; /*! \brief get the offset that is used to shift of the text in the x-direction this is useful if the button-images are not symmetrical and the text shouldn't be completely centered \return the offset relative to the button-size */ float getTextXOffset(void) const; /*! \brief set whether or not to render the standard imagery for the button \param setting true to have the standard button imagery drawn, false to have no standard imagery drawn. \return Nothing. */ void setStandardImageryEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether to auto re-size custom image areas when the button is sized. \param setting true to have custom image areas auto-sized. false to have system leave image areas untouched. \return Nothing. */ void setCustomImageryAutoSized(bool setting); /*! \brief set the details of the image to render for the button in the normal state. \param image RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. Note that an internal copy of the Renderable image is made and ownership of \a image remains with client code. If this parameter is NULL, rendering of an image for this button state is disabled. \return Nothing. */ void setNormalImage(const RenderableImage* image); /*! \brief set the details of the image to render for the button in the highlighted state. \param image RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. Note that an internal copy of the Renderable image is made and ownership of \a image remains with client code. If this parameter is NULL, rendering of an image for this button state is disabled. \return Nothing. */ void setHoverImage(const RenderableImage* image); /*! \brief set the details of the image to render for the button in the pushed state. \param image RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. Note that an internal copy of the Renderable image is made and ownership of \a image remains with client code. If this parameter is NULL, rendering of an image for this button state is disabled. \return Nothing. */ void setPushedImage(const RenderableImage* image); /*! \brief set the details of the image to render for the button in the disabled state. \param image RenderableImage object with all the details for the image. Note that an internal copy of the Renderable image is made and ownership of \a image remains with client code. If this parameter is NULL, rendering of an image for this button state is disabled. \return Nothing. */ void setDisabledImage(const RenderableImage* image); /*! \brief set the offset to use for a shift of the text in the x-direction this is useful if the button-images are not symmetrical and the text shouldn't be completely centered \param offset The offset to use. This is relative to the button-width \return Nothing. */ void setTextXOffset(float offset); protected: /************************************************************************* New Event Handlers *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief handler invoked internally when the button is clicked. */ virtual void onClicked(WindowEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Overridden Event Handlers *************************************************************************/ virtual void onMouseButtonUp(MouseEventArgs& e); virtual void onSized(WindowEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Add button specific events */ void addPushButtonEvents(void); /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance heirarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ virtual bool testClassName_impl(const String& class_name) const { if (class_name==(const utf8*)"PushButton") return true; return ButtonBase::testClassName_impl(class_name); } /************************************************************************* Data Fields *************************************************************************/ // flags stating which imagery is to be rendered and how. bool d_autoscaleImages; //!< when true custom images will be scaled to the same size as the button bool d_useStandardImagery; //!< true if button standard imagery should be drawn. bool d_useNormalImage; //!< true if an image should be drawn for the normal state. bool d_useHoverImage; //!< true if an image should be drawn for the highlighted state. bool d_usePushedImage; //!< true if an image should be drawn for the pushed state. bool d_useDisabledImage; //!< true if an image should be drawn for the disabled state. // button RenderableImage objects RenderableImage d_normalImage; //!< RenderableImage used when rendering an image in the normal state. RenderableImage d_hoverImage; //!< RenderableImage used when rendering an image in the highlighted state. RenderableImage d_pushedImage; //!< RenderableImage used when rendering an image in the pushed state. RenderableImage d_disabledImage; //!< RenderableImage used when rendering an image in the disabled state. //text-offset float d_textXOffset; //!< offset applied to the x co-ordinate of the text label. private: /************************************************************************* Static Properties for this class *************************************************************************/ static PushButtonProperties::NormalImage d_normalImageProperty; static PushButtonProperties::PushedImage d_pushedImageProperty; static PushButtonProperties::HoverImage d_hoverImageProperty; static PushButtonProperties::DisabledImage d_disabledImageProperty; static PushButtonProperties::UseStandardImagery d_useStandardImageryProperty; static PushButtonProperties::TextXOffset d_textXOffsetProperty; /************************************************************************* Private methods *************************************************************************/ void addPushButtonProperties(void); }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUIPushButton_h_