/************************************************************************ filename: CEGUISlider.h created: 13/4/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Interface to base class for Slider widget *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk) Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUISlider_h_ #define _CEGUISlider_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIWindow.h" #include "elements/CEGUISliderProperties.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Base class for Slider widgets. The slider widget has a default range of 0.0f - 1.0f. This enables use of the slider value to scale any value needed by way of a simple multiplication. */ class CEGUIEXPORT Slider : public Window { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events /************************************************************************* Event name constants *************************************************************************/ static const String EventValueChanged; //!< Event fired when the slider value changes. static const String EventThumbTrackStarted; //!< Name of the event fired when the user begins dragging the thumb. static const String EventThumbTrackEnded; //!< Name of the event fired when the user releases the thumb. /************************************************************************* Accessors *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief return the current slider value. \return float value equal to the sliders current value. */ float getCurrentValue(void) const {return d_value;} /*! \brief return the maximum value set for this widget \return float value equal to the currently set maximum value for this slider. */ float getMaxValue(void) const {return d_maxValue;} /*! \brief return the current click step setting for the slider. The click step size is the amount the slider value will be adjusted when the widget is clicked wither side of the slider thumb. \return float value representing the current click step setting. */ float getClickStep(void) const {return d_step;} /************************************************************************* Manipulators *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Initialises the Window based object ready for use. \note This must be called for every window created. Normally this is handled automatically by the WindowFactory for each Window type. \return Nothing */ virtual void initialise(void); /*! \brief set the maximum value for the slider. Note that the minimum value is fixed at 0. \param maxVal float value specifying the maximum value for this slider widget. \return Nothing. */ void setMaxValue(float maxVal); /*! \brief set the current slider value. \param value float value specifying the new value for this slider widget. \return Nothing. */ void setCurrentValue(float value); /*! \brief set the current click step setting for the slider. The click step size is the amount the slider value will be adjusted when the widget is clicked wither side of the slider thumb. \param step float value representing the click step setting to use. \return Nothing. */ void setClickStep(float step) {d_step = step;} /************************************************************************* Construction / Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Slider base class constructor */ Slider(const String& type, const String& name); /*! \brief Slider base class destructor */ virtual ~Slider(void); protected: /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Add slider specific events */ void addSliderEvents(void); /*! \brief create a Thumb based widget to use as the thumb for this slider. \param name String containing the name to be assigned to the thumb upon creation. */ virtual Thumb* createThumb(const String& name) const = 0; /*! \brief update the size and location of the thumb to properly represent the current state of the slider */ virtual void updateThumb(void) = 0; /*! \brief return value that best represents current slider value given the current location of the thumb. \return float value that, given the thumb widget position, best represents the current value for the slider. */ virtual float getValueFromThumb(void) const = 0; /*! \brief Given window location \a pt, return a value indicating what change should be made to the slider. \param pt Point object describing a pixel position in window space. \return - -1 to indicate slider should be moved to a lower setting. - 0 to indicate slider should not be moved. - +1 to indicate slider should be moved to a higher setting. */ virtual float getAdjustDirectionFromPoint(const Point& pt) const = 0; /*! \brief handler function for when thumb moves. */ bool handleThumbMoved(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief handler function for when thumb tracking begins */ bool handleThumbTrackStarted(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief handler function for when thumb tracking begins */ bool handleThumbTrackEnded(const EventArgs& e); /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance heirarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ virtual bool testClassName_impl(const String& class_name) const { if (class_name==(const utf8*)"Slider") return true; return Window::testClassName_impl(class_name); } /************************************************************************* New event handlers for slider widget *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler triggered when the slider value changes */ virtual void onValueChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler triggered when the user begins to drag the slider thumb. */ virtual void onThumbTrackStarted(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler triggered when the slider thumb is released */ virtual void onThumbTrackEnded(WindowEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Overridden event handlers *************************************************************************/ virtual void onMouseButtonDown(MouseEventArgs& e); virtual void onMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ float d_value; //!< current slider value float d_maxValue; //!< slider maximum value (minimum is fixed at 0) float d_step; //!< amount to adjust slider by when clicked (and not dragged). // Pointers to the controls that make up the slider Thumb* d_thumb; //!< widget used to represent the 'thumb' of the slider. private: /************************************************************************* Static Properties for this class *************************************************************************/ static SliderProperties::CurrentValue d_currentValueProperty; static SliderProperties::MaximumValue d_maximumValueProperty; static SliderProperties::ClickStepSize d_clickStepSizeProperty; /************************************************************************* Private methods *************************************************************************/ void addSliderProperties(void); }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUISlider_h_