/*************************************************************************** octreescenemanager.h - description ------------------- begin : Fri Sep 27 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Jon Anderson email : janders@users.sf.net ***************************************************************************/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef OCTREESCENEMANAGER_H #define OCTREESCENEMANAGER_H #include "OgreSceneManager.h" #include "OgreRenderOperation.h" #include "OgreSphere.h" #include #include #include namespace Ogre { class OctreeNode; class OctreeCamera; class OctreeIntersectionSceneQuery; class OctreeRaySceneQuery; class OctreeSphereSceneQuery; class OctreeAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery; class OctreePlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery; typedef std::list < WireBoundingBox * > BoxList; typedef std::list < unsigned long > ColorList; //typedef std::list < SceneNode * > SceneNodeList; /** Specialized SceneManager that divides the geometry into an octree in order to faciliate spatial queries. @remarks For debugging purposes, a special "CullCamera" can be defined. To use it, call setUseCallCamera( true ), and create a camera named "CullCamera". All culling will be performed using that camera, instead of the viewport camera, allowing you to fly around and examine culling. */ class OctreeSceneManager : public SceneManager { friend class OctreeIntersectionSceneQuery; friend class OctreeRaySceneQuery; friend class OctreeSphereSceneQuery; friend class OctreeAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery; friend class OctreePlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery; public: static int intersect_call; /** Standard Constructor. Initializes the octree to -500,-500,-500 to 500,500,500 with unlimited depth. */ OctreeSceneManager(const String& name); /** Standard Constructor */ OctreeSceneManager(const String& name, AxisAlignedBox &box, int max_depth ); /** Standard desctructor */ ~OctreeSceneManager(); /// @copydoc SceneManager::getTypeName const String& getTypeName(void) const; /** Initializeds the manager to the given box and depth. */ void init( AxisAlignedBox &box, int d ); /** Creates a specialized OctreeNode */ virtual SceneNode * createSceneNode ( void ); /** Creates a specialized OctreeNode */ virtual SceneNode * createSceneNode ( const String &name ); /** Creates a specialized OctreeCamera */ virtual Camera * createCamera( const String &name ); /** Deletes a scene node */ virtual void destroySceneNode( const String &name ); /** Does nothing more */ virtual void _updateSceneGraph( Camera * cam ); /** Recurses through the octree determining which nodes are visible. */ virtual void _findVisibleObjects ( Camera * cam, bool onlyShadowCasters ); /** Alerts each unculled object, notifying it that it will be drawn. * Useful for doing calculations only on nodes that will be drawn, prior * to drawing them... */ virtual void _alertVisibleObjects( void ); /** Walks through the octree, adding any visible objects to the render queue. @remarks If any octant in the octree if completely within the the view frustum, all subchildren are automatically added with no visibility tests. */ void walkOctree( OctreeCamera *, RenderQueue *, Octree *, bool foundvisible, bool onlyShadowCasters); /** Checks the given OctreeNode, and determines if it needs to be moved * to a different octant. */ void _updateOctreeNode( OctreeNode * ); /** Removes the given octree node */ void _removeOctreeNode( OctreeNode * ); /** Adds the Octree Node, starting at the given octree, and recursing at max to the specified depth. */ void _addOctreeNode( OctreeNode *, Octree *octree, int depth = 0 ); /** Recurses the octree, adding any nodes intersecting with the box into the given list. It ignores the exclude scene node. */ void findNodesIn( const AxisAlignedBox &box, std::list < SceneNode * > &list, SceneNode *exclude = 0 ); /** Recurses the octree, adding any nodes intersecting with the sphere into the given list. It ignores the exclude scene node. */ void findNodesIn( const Sphere &sphere, std::list < SceneNode * > &list, SceneNode *exclude = 0 ); /** Recurses the octree, adding any nodes intersecting with the volume into the given list. It ignores the exclude scene node. */ void findNodesIn( const PlaneBoundedVolume &volume, std::list < SceneNode * > &list, SceneNode *exclude=0 ); /** Recurses the octree, adding any nodes intersecting with the ray into the given list. It ignores the exclude scene node. */ void findNodesIn( const Ray &ray, std::list < SceneNode * > &list, SceneNode *exclude=0 ); /** Sets the box visibility flag */ void setShowBoxes( bool b ) { mShowBoxes = b; }; /** Sets the cull camera flag */ void setUseCullCamera( bool b ) { mCullCamera = b; }; void setLooseOctree( bool b ) { mLoose = b; }; /** Resizes the octree to the given size */ void resize( const AxisAlignedBox &box ); /** Sets the given option for the SceneManager @remarks Options are: "Size", AxisAlignedBox *; "CullCamera", bool *; "Depth", int *; "ShowOctree", bool *; */ virtual bool setOption( const String &, const void * ); /** Gets the given option for the Scene Manager. @remarks See setOption */ virtual bool getOption( const String &, void * ); bool getOptionValues( const String & key, StringVector &refValueList ); bool getOptionKeys( StringVector &refKeys ); /** Overridden from SceneManager */ void clearScene(void); AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery* createAABBQuery(const AxisAlignedBox& box, unsigned long mask); SphereSceneQuery* createSphereQuery(const Sphere& sphere, unsigned long mask); PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery* createPlaneBoundedVolumeQuery(const PlaneBoundedVolumeList& volumes, unsigned long mask); RaySceneQuery* createRayQuery(const Ray& ray, unsigned long mask); IntersectionSceneQuery* createIntersectionQuery(unsigned long mask); protected: NodeList mVisible; /// The root octree Octree *mOctree; /// list of boxes to be rendered BoxList mBoxes; /// number of rendered objs int mNumObjects; /// max depth for the tree. int mMaxDepth; /// Size of the octree AxisAlignedBox mBox; /// box visibility flag bool mShowBoxes; /// cull camera flag bool mCullCamera; bool mLoose; Real mCorners[ 24 ]; static unsigned long mColors[ 8 ]; static unsigned short mIndexes[ 24 ]; Matrix4 mScaleFactor; }; /// Factory for OctreeSceneManager class OctreeSceneManagerFactory : public SceneManagerFactory { protected: void initMetaData(void) const; public: OctreeSceneManagerFactory() {} ~OctreeSceneManagerFactory() {} /// Factory type name static const String FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; SceneManager* createInstance(const String& instanceName); void destroyInstance(SceneManager* instance); }; } #endif