3 |
4 | #include <windows.h>
5 | #include "GeoMeshSimpSequence.h"
6 | #include "GeoMesh.h"
7 | #include "auxiliar.h"
8 | #include "Container.h"
9 |
10 | namespace Geometry
11 | {
12 | /// Construction module for general multiresolution models.
13 | /** This module stores general mesh multiresolution
14 | * representations using our own specific file format.
15 | It takes as inputs the strips provided by the
16 | stripification module and the edge collapse
17 | sequence computed by the simplification module.
18 | It builds a multiresolution representation and generates
19 | a LODStrips file.\n
20 |
21 | The LodStrips file begins with a line stating the name
22 | of the mesh file it refers to.
23 | This filetype has three different kinds of records
24 | storing the information required for the multiresolution
25 | model. All the records of the same kind are output following
26 | the right order.
27 |
28 | Those lines starting with a 'd' include:\n
29 |
30 | -# Strip to modify.\n
31 | -# Number of collapses.\n
32 | -# Number of vertex repetitions.\n
33 | -# Number of edge repetitions.\n
34 | .
35 | \n
36 | Those beginning with a 'p' include the number of
37 | strips affected by a LOD change.\n\n
38 |
39 | And finally, the ones starting with a 'b' include
40 | all the information needed for collapses and repetitions.
41 | \n\n
42 |
43 | Inputs:\n
44 | - A strip set provided by the stripification module
45 | (Geometry::Mesh class).\n
46 | - An edge collapse sequence computed by
47 | the simplification module
48 | (Geometry::MeshSimplificationSequence class).
49 |
50 | Outputs:\n
51 | - The module writes a file with the LODStrips information.
52 | - It also writes the LODStrips mesh into a file.
53 | */
54 | class LodStripsConstructor : public Serializable
55 | {
56 | protected:
57 |
58 | int igual(Geometry::Vector3,Geometry::Vector3);
59 | int igual(Geometry::Vector2,Geometry::Vector2);
60 |
61 | private:
62 |
63 | // Lista de flyVectors, un flyVector tiene 4 componentes:
64 | // x,y,z: coordenadas 3D del vertice
65 | // w: se guarda el nº del vertice que simplifica a éste,
66 | // el siguiente
67 | // Lista que contiene el modelo en varias tiras y cada tira
68 | // contiene la secuencia
69 | // de vertices que la forma
70 |
71 | uint32 MARCA; //Para delimitar el final de tira.
72 | uint32 TOTALTIRAS;
73 | uint32 TOTALVERTS;
74 | uint32 TOTALCAMBIOS;
75 | uint32 TOTALCARAS;
76 | uint32 MARCAVACIO;
77 | uint32 TOTALINDICES;
78 |
79 | // Index of the submesh leaves.
80 | size_t mSubMeshLeaves;
81 |
82 | Mesh *mGeoMesh;
83 | Mesh *mInitialMesh;
84 |
85 | const Geometry::Mesh *meshoriginal;
86 | /*const */MeshSimplificationSequence *mGeoMeshSQ;
87 | int NumVertsRepetidos;
88 |
89 | std::vector<tipoVertice> cVerts;
90 | std::vector<std::vector<int> > cStrips;
91 |
92 | VECTORINT *lStripsV;
93 | uint32 **vStrips;
94 | tipoVertice *vVerts;
95 |
96 | std::vector<tipoOrden> Ordenacion;
97 |
98 | uint32 *pCurrentData;
99 | uint32 *pCambios;
100 | LODData *vCambios;
101 | //vector <LODData> cCambios;
102 | std::vector<LODData> cCambios;
103 | //VECTORUNINT cDatos;
104 | std::vector<int32> cDatos;
105 | uint32 *vDatos;
106 |
107 | //0: No test 1: plano 2: esfera
108 | //-------------------------------
109 | //Lods disponibles
110 | uint32 LodsDisp;
111 |
112 | void GenerarModeloCompleto(Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb);
113 |
114 | void CalcularCambiosLODsVNuevaED(Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb);
115 |
116 | void OrdenarModeloVQSLIM(Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb);
117 |
118 | void GenerarModeloV(Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb);
119 |
120 | void CopiarVectors2ArraysNUEVAED();
121 |
122 | void leeVerticesyTirasDeMesh();
123 |
124 | // Sort submesh bones.
125 | void sortBones();
126 |
127 | public:
128 |
129 | /// Constructor, gets a stripified mesh
130 | // and a simplification sequence,
131 | // and generates the multiresolution model.
132 | LodStripsConstructor( const Mesh *,
133 | const MeshSimplificationSequence *,
134 | size_t submesh=-1,
135 | Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb=NULL);
136 |
137 | // Destructor
138 | ~LodStripsConstructor();
139 |
140 | /// Copy constructor
141 | //LodStripsConstructor(const LodStripsConstructor&);
142 |
143 | /// Assignment operator
144 | //LodStripsConstructor& operator =(const LodStripsConstructor&);
145 |
146 | /// Load
147 | void Load(Serializer &s);
148 |
149 | /// Saves the multiresolution model into a LODStrip file and the
150 | // LODStrips mesh using the serializer given as a parameter.
151 | void Save (Serializer &s);
152 |
153 | /// GetMesh: Return de current Mesh.
154 | Mesh * GetMesh();
155 |
156 | /// Sets what is the submesh that stores the leaves.
157 | void SetSubMeshLeaves(size_t submesh);
158 | };
159 |
160 | }
161 |
162 | #endif
163 |