1 | /* ==========================================================================
2 | * (C) 2005 Universitat Jaume I
3 | * ==========================================================================
5 | * ========================================================================*/
6 | /* CONTENT:
7 | *
8 | *
9 | * @file GeoMeshSaver.h
10 | * ========================================================================*/
11 |
12 | #ifndef __GEO_MESH_SAVER__
13 | #define __GEO_MESH_SAVER__
14 |
15 | #include <GeoMeshLoader.h>
16 |
17 | namespace Geometry
18 | {
19 | // Saves a Mesh.
20 | class GeoMeshSaver
21 | {
22 | private:
23 | // The mesh to write.
24 | Mesh *mGeoMesh;
25 |
26 | // Mesh Bounds.
27 | //GeometryBounds mMeshBounds;
28 |
29 | // Write in the file.
30 | Serializer *mSerializer;
31 |
32 | // Flag that indicate if the mesh
33 | // is skeletally animated or not.
34 | bool mSkeletallyAnimated;
35 |
36 | // Write the main mesh.
37 | void writeMesh(Mesh *geoMesh);
38 |
39 | // Write a submesh.
40 | void writeSubMesh(SubMesh *geoSubMesh);
41 |
42 | // Operation type
43 | void writeSubMeshOperation(const SubMesh *geoSubMesh);
44 |
45 | // Write geometry.
46 | void writeGeometry(VertexBuffer *vertexBuffer);
47 |
48 | // Write Mesh Bounds.
49 | void writeMeshBounds(Mesh *geoMesh);
50 |
51 | // Calculate the mesh size in bytes.
52 | size_t calcMeshSize(const Mesh *geoMesh);
53 |
54 | // Calculate the size in bytes for the submesh.
55 | size_t calcSubMeshSize(const SubMesh *geoSubMesh);
56 |
57 | // Calculate the geometry size in bytes.
58 | size_t calcGeometrySize(const VertexBuffer* vertexBuffer);
59 |
60 | // Calculate the skeleton link size in bytes.
61 | size_t calcSkeletonLinkSize(const Mesh *geoMesh);
62 |
63 | // Write the file header.
64 | void writeFileHeader(void);
65 |
66 | // Write a header chunk given.
67 | void writeChunkHeader( unsigned short id,
68 | unsigned long count);
69 |
70 | // Write integers into the file.
71 | void writeInts(unsigned long id,
72 | unsigned long size);
73 |
74 | // Write shorts into the file
75 | void writeShorts(unsigned short id,
76 | unsigned long count);
77 |
78 | // Write float into the file.
79 | void writeFloats(float id,
80 | unsigned long count);
81 |
82 | // Write a string into the file.
83 | void writeString(const String &string);
84 |
85 | // Write booleans into the file.
86 | void writeBools( const bool id,
87 | unsigned long count);
88 |
89 | // Write skeleton name.
90 | void writeSkeletonLink(const String &string);
91 |
92 | void writeMeshBoneAssignment(const VertexBoneAssignment& assign);
93 |
94 | void writeSubMeshBoneAssignment(const VertexBoneAssignment& assign);
95 |
96 | // unnormalize geometry model.
97 | void unnormalizeModel(Mesh *geoMesh);
98 |
99 | public:
100 |
101 | // Constructors.
102 | GeoMeshSaver();
103 |
104 | // Destroyer.
105 | ~GeoMeshSaver();
106 |
107 | // Sets the material of the mesh.
108 | void setMaterialName(String materialName);
109 |
110 | // Gets the material of the mesh.
111 | String getMaterialName();
112 |
113 | // Saves a Mesh into a file.
114 | int save(Mesh *geoMesh, const char *fileNameMesh);
115 |
116 | // temporal members used to tweak the lodtree leaf submesh
117 | int leavesSubMesh;
118 | VertexBuffer *leavesVB;
119 | Index *indices;
120 | int numindices;
121 | };
122 | }
123 | #endif
124 |