/*======================================================================= * (C) 2005 Universidad Jaime I de Castellón *======================================================================= * PROYECT: GAME TOOLS *======================================================================= * CONTENT: Make triangle strips meshes from triangle list meshes. * * * @file GeoMeshStripifier.h *=======================================================================*/ #ifndef __GEO_STRIPIFIER__ #define __GEO_STRIPIFIER__ #include "GeoMesh.h" typedef int BOOL; typedef void * PVOID; namespace Geometry { #define TRIANGLE 3 #define MAGNITUDE 1000000 #define MAX_TIE 60 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define LISTHEAD 0 #define LISTTAIL 1 typedef struct { void *Next; void *Previous; } myNode, * PNODE; typedef struct List { /* link to the next Listinfo Structure */ myNode ListNode; /* user definable data */ } ListInfo, *PLISTINFO; typedef struct LHead { PLISTINFO LHeaders[2]; int NumList; } ListHead, *PLISTHEAD; #define PEEKFROMHEAD( lh, ind ) ( PeekList( (lh), LISTHEAD, (ind) ) ) #define PEEKFROMTAIL( lh, ind ) ( PeekList( (lh), LISTTAIL, (ind) ) ) #define EMPTYLIST( lh ) ( ( (lh)->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] == NULL ) ) #define NumOnList(lh) ( ((lh)->NumList) ) #define GetNextNode(pli) ( ((pli)->ListNode.Next) ) #define GetPrevNode(pli) ( ((pli)->ListNode.Previous) ) //----- /** polverts.h */ typedef struct adjacencies { myNode ListNode; int face_id; }ADJACENCIES,*P_ADJACENCIES; typedef struct FVerts { myNode ListNode; int *pPolygon; int nPolSize; int nId; } F_VERTS, *PF_VERTS; /*Every time we need to use this, cast it ( ListInfo*)*/ typedef struct FEdges { myNode ListNode; int edge[3]; }F_EDGES,*PF_EDGES; typedef struct FFaces { myNode ListNode; int *pPolygon; int *pNorms; int seen; int seen2; int seen3; int nPolSize; int nOrgSize; F_EDGES **VertandId; int *marked; int *walked; }F_FACES,*PF_FACES; typedef struct FVertices { myNode ListNode; PF_FACES face; }F_VERTICES, *PF_VERTICES; typedef struct Strips { myNode ListNode; int face_id; }Strips,*P_STRIPS; struct vert_added { int num; int *normal; }; typedef struct face_adjacencies { P_ADJACENCIES pfNode; int bucket; ListHead *head; } FACE_ADJACENCIES, *P_FACE_ADJACENCIES; /** global.h */ typedef std::vector mi_vector_tipo; //std::vector mi_vector; enum swap_type {ON,OFF}; #define VRDATA double #define MAX1 60 #define GEO_PI 3.1415926573 #define ATOI(C) (C -'0') #define EVEN(x) (((x) & 1) == 0) #define MAX_BAND 10000 struct vert_struct { VRDATA x, y, z; /* point coordinates */ }; /// Stripifier interface class. /** This module implements methods that extract triangle strips from triangle meshes. \n Inputs:\n - This module receives a pointer to a Geometry::Mesh object containing the model to be stripified. . Outputs:\n - The stripified mesh, contained also in a Geometry::Mesh object. . */ class MeshStripifier { public: /// Class constructor, receives as a parameter a const pointer to the object that describes a mesh. MeshStripifier (); MeshStripifier (const Geometry::Mesh *); /// virtual class destructor. virtual ~MeshStripifier (void); /// Copy constructor //MeshStripifier(const MeshStripifier&); /// Assignment operator //MeshStripifier& operator =(const MeshStripifier&); /// Starts the stripification process. This is a pure virtual method and must be overloaded in a derived class that implements a stripification algorithm. virtual int Stripify()=0; /// Returns the stripified mesh. Mesh * GetMesh (); // Sets what is the mesh that stores the leaves void setSubMeshLeaves(size_t); protected: // Progress bar function. Geometry::TIPOFUNC mUPB; // Mesh object. Geometry::Mesh *mGeoMesh; // Index of the submesh leaves. size_t mSubMeshLeaves; }; class CustomStripifier : public MeshStripifier { private: /* Globals */ int mError; // 0 OK. // 1 Error: The mesh is not Manifold. int num_faces; ListHead **PolFaces; ListHead **PolEdges; ListHead *array[60]; P_FACE_ADJACENCIES face_array; /* Pointers from face_id to face */ ListHead **Vertices; /* Pointers from vertex_id to face */ ListHead *strips[1]; int orient; int num_tiras; int ids[MAX1]; int norms[MAX1]; int *vert_norms; int *vert_texture; int out1;//= -1; // static. int out2;//= -1; // static. int ties_array[60]; // static. int last;//= 0; // static. int out1Ex;// = -1; // static. int out2Ex;// = -1; // static. int *vn; int *vt; int norm; // static. int text; // static. BOOL resetting;// = FALSE; // static. int added_quad;// = 0; // static. BOOL reversed;// = FALSE; // static. int patch;// = 0; // static. /** global.h */ std::vector mi_vector; /** auxiliar.h */ Geometry::Mesh *MeshGlobal; // Structures for the object. vert_struct *vertices; vert_struct *nvertices; vert_struct *pvertices; vert_struct *pnvertices; /* General utility routines */ /* %%s QueRoutines */ BOOL InitList ( PLISTHEAD ); /***************************************************************** InitList : Initialize a new list structure for use with the List routines INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure. OUTPUT : a boolean value TRUE if no errors occured FALSE otherwise ******************************************************************/ PLISTINFO PeekList( PLISTHEAD, int, int ); /***************************************************************** PeekList : This funciton peeks down a list for the N'th element from the HEAD or TAIL of the list INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a List head structure. from : can either search from the HEAD or TAIL of the list where : how many nodes from the begining should the List routines look. OUTPUT : a pointer to a ListInfo structure identified by from/where or NULL if an error occurred. ******************************************************************/ PLISTINFO RemoveList( PLISTHEAD LHead, PLISTINFO LInfo ); /***************************************************************** RemoveList: Remove a ListInfo structure from a List. INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure. LInfo : a pointer to the ListInfo structure to remove from the list. OUTPUT : a pointer to the ListInfo structure that was removed or NULL if an error occurred. ******************************************************************/ BOOL InsertNode( PLISTHEAD LHead, int nPos, PLISTINFO LInfo ); /***************************************************************** InsertNode: add a node to a list after a given node INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure. nPos : the position to insert the node into LInfo : a pointer to the new node to add to the list. OUTPUT: a boolean value TRUE if all goes well false otherwise *****************************************************************/ BOOL AddHead ( PLISTHEAD, PLISTINFO ); /***************************************************************** AddHead : add a ListInfo structure to the HEAD of a list. INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure of the list to add to. LInfo : a pointer to the ListInfo structure to add to the list. OUTPUT : A boolean value TRUE if no errors occurred FALSE otherwise. ******************************************************************/ BOOL AddTail ( PLISTHEAD, PLISTINFO ); /***************************************************************** AddTail : Add a ListInfo structure to the TAIL of a list. INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure of the List to add to. LInfo : a pointer to the ListInfo structure to add to the List. OUTPUT : a boolean value TRUE if no errors occurred FALSE otherwise. ******************************************************************/ PLISTINFO RemTail ( PLISTHEAD ); /***************************************************************** RemTail : Remove a ListInfo structure from the TAIL of a List. INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure of the List to remove from. OUTPUT : a pointer to the ListInfo structure that was removed or NULL if an error occurred. ******************************************************************/ PLISTINFO RemHead ( PLISTHEAD ); /***************************************************************** RemHead : Remove a ListInfo structure from the Head of a List. INPUTS : LHead : a pointer to a ListHead structure of the List to remove from. OUTPUT : a pointer to the ListInfo structure that was removed or NULL if an error occurred. ******************************************************************/ PLISTINFO SearchList( PLISTHEAD lpListHead, PVOID lpSKey, int ( * CompareCallBack) ( PVOID, PVOID ) ); /***************************************************************** SearchList: Try to find a specific node in the queue whose key matches with searching key. Return the pointer to that node if found, return NULL otherwise Input: lpHashTbl => a far pointer to the hash table lpKey => a far poniter to searching key CompareCallBack => comparision function Output: a far pointer to the node to be found ******************************************************************/ /** init.h */ BOOL InitVertexTable(int nSize); BOOL InitFaceTable(int nSize); BOOL InitEdgeTable(int nSize); void BuildFaceTable(int nSize); void BuildVertexTable(int nSize); void BuildEdgeTable(int nSize); void init_vert_norms(int num_vert); void init_vert_texture(int num_vert); void InitStripTable(); void Init_Table_SGI(int numfaces); void Start_Vertex_Struct(int numverts); void Start_Face_Struct(int numfaces); void Start_Edge_Struct(int numverts); /** util.h */ void switch_lower(int *x, int *y); BOOL member(int x , int id1, int id2, int id3); BOOL Exist(int face_id, int id1, int id2); int Different( int id1,int id2,int id3,int id4,int id5, int id6, int *x, int *y); int Return_Other(int *index,int e1,int e2); int Get_Other_Vertex(int id1,int id2,int id3,int *index); PLISTINFO Done(int face_id, int *bucket); void First_Edge(int *id1,int *id2, int *id3); void Last_Edge(int *id1, int *id2, int *id3, BOOL save); void preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal( int vertex1, int normal1, int vertex2, int normal2, int vertex3, int normal3); void preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture( int vertex1, int texture1, int vertex2, int texture2, int vertex3, int texture3); void preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal( int vertex1, int texture1, int normal1, int vertex2, int texture2, int normal2, int vertex3, int texture3, int normal3); void preserve_strip_orientation( int vertex1, int vertex2, int vertex3); void find_triangle_orientation( int vertex1, int vertex2, int vertex3, int *original_vertex); /** local.h */ void Find_StripsEx(int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps, int *next_id); void SGI_Strip(int num_faces,int ties,int triangulate); /** outputex.h */ void Output_TriEx(int id1, int id2, int id3, int flag,int where); void Extend_BackwardsEx(int face_id, int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps,int *next_id); void Polygon_OutputEx(P_ADJACENCIES temp,int face_id,int bucket, ListHead *pListHead, int *ties, int tie,int triangulate, int swaps, int *next_id, int where); /** sgi_triang.h */ int Adjacent(int id2,int id1, int *list, int size); void Build_SGI_Table(int num_faces); void Non_Blind_Triangulate( int size,int *index, int next_face_id, int face_id,int where, int color1,int color2,int color3); void Blind_Triangulate(int size, int *index, BOOL begin, int where); void Rearrange_Index(int *index, int size); // static. void Delete_From_List(int id,int *list, int *size); // static. void Triangulate_Quad(int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2,int size,int *index, int reversed,int where); // static. void Triangulate_Polygon( int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, int where, int color1, int color2, int color3); // static. void Triangulate( int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2,int size,int *index, int reversed,int face_id, int where, int color1, int color2,int color3); // static. /** struct.h */ int Get_Edge( int *edge1,int *edge2, int *index,int face_id, int size, int id1, int id2); int Update_Adjacencies( int face_id,int *next_bucket, int *e1,int *e2,int *ties); void Update_Face( int *next_bucket, int *min_face, int face_id, int *e1, int *e2, int temp1, int temp2, int *ties); // static. void Delete_Adj(int id1, int id2,int *next_bucket, int *min_face,int current_face,int *e1, int *e2,int *ties); // static. /** common.h */ int Old_Adj(int face_id); int Number_Adj(int id1, int id2, int curr_id); int Min_Adj(int id); void Check_In_Polygon(int face_id, int *min, int size); void New_Face (int face_id, int v1, int v2, int v3); void New_Size_Face(int face_id); void Check_In_Quad(int face_id,int *min); int Get_Output_Edge(int face_id, int size, int *index,int id2,int id3); void Get_Input_Edge(int *index,int id1, int id2,int id3, int *new1,int *new2, int size,int face_id); int Find_Face(int current_face, int id1, int id2, int *bucket); BOOL Look_Up(int id1,int id2,int face_id); void Add_Id_Strips(int id, int where); int Num_Adj(int id1, int id2); void Add_Sgi_Adj(int bucket,int face_id); void Find_Adjacencies(int num_faces); void Edge_Least(int *index,int *new1, int *new2,int face_id,int size); // static. /** ties.h */ void Clear_Ties(); void Add_Ties(int id); int Get_Next_Face(int t, int face_id, int triangulate); int Alternate_Tie(); // static. int Random_Tie(); // static. int Look_Ahead(int id); // static. int Random_Look(int id[],int count); // static. int Look_Ahead_Tie(); // static. int Sequential_Tri(int *index); // static. int Sequential_Quad(int *index, int triangulate); // static. void Whole_Output(int in1, int *index, int size, int *out1,int *out2); // static. int Sequential_Poly(int size,int *index,int triangulate); // static. int Sequential_Tie(int face_id,int triangulate); // static. /** add.h */ BOOL norm_array(int id,int vertex, double normal_difference, struct vert_struct *n,int num_vert); void add_texture(int id,BOOL vertex); int add_vert_id(int id, int index_count); void add_norm_id(int id, int index_count); void AddNewFace(int ids[MAX1],int vert_count, int face_id,int norms[MAX1]); void CopyFace(int ids[MAX1],int vert_count, int face_id,int norms[MAX1]); void Add_AdjEdge( int v1,int v2, int fnum,int index1); BOOL new_vertex(double difference,int id1, int id2,struct vert_struct *n); // static. BOOL Check_VN(int vertex,int normal, struct vert_added *added); // static. /** options.h */ enum file_options {ASCII,BINARY}; enum tie_options {FIRST, RANDOM, ALTERNA, LOOK, SEQUENTIAL}; enum triangulation_options {PARTIAL,WHOLE}; void print_usage(void); float get_options(int argc, char **argv, int *f, int *t, int *tr, int *group, int *orientation); int power_10(int power); // static. float power_negative(int power); // static. float convert_array(int num[],int stack_size); // static. /** sgi_triangex.h */ int AdjacentEx(int id2,int id1, int *list, int size); void Delete_From_ListEx(int id,int *list, int size); void Triangulate_PolygonEx( int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2,int size,int *index, int reversed,int face_id, int where); void Non_Blind_TriangulateEx( int size,int *index, int next_face_id, int face_id,int where); void Rearrange_IndexEx(int *index, int size); void Blind_TriangulateEx( int size, int *index, BOOL begin, int where); void Triangulate_QuadEx(int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int where); // static. void TriangulateEx( int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, int where); // static. /** structex.h */ int Get_EdgeEx( int *edge1,int *edge2,int *index,int face_id, int size, int id1, int id2); void Delete_AdjEx(int id1, int id2, int *next_bucket,int *min_face, int current_face,int *e1, int *e2,int *ties); int Change_FaceEx(int face_id,int in1,int in2, ListHead *pListHead, BOOL no_check); int Update_AdjacenciesEx( int face_id,int *next_bucket, int *e1, int *e2, int *ties); int Min_Face_AdjEx(int face_id,int *next_bucket,int *ties); void Update_FaceEx( int *next_bucket,int *min_face, int face_id, int *e1, int *e2,int temp1, int temp2,int *ties); // static. void Find_Adj_TallyEx(int id1, int id2, int *next_bucket, int *min_face, int current_face, int *ties); // static. /** partial.h */ void Partial_Triangulate(int size, int *index, int next_face_id, int face_id, int *next_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp, int where); void Inside_Polygon(int size, int *index, int face_id, ListHead *pListHead, int where); void P_Triangulate_Quad(int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp, int where); // static. void P_Triangulate_Polygon( int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, int *next_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp2, int where); // static. void P_Triangulate( int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, int *next_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp,int where); // static. void Input_Edge(int face_id, int *index, int size, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, ListHead *pListHead, int where); // static. /** output.h */ int Finished(int *swap, int startnewstrip); void Output_Tri(int id1, int id2, int id3,BOOL end); int Extend_Face(int face_id,int e1,int e2,int *swaps, int color1,int color2,int color3,int *vert_norm, int normals,int *vert_texture,int texture); int Polygon_Output( P_ADJACENCIES temp, int face_id, int bucket, ListHead *pListHead, BOOL first, int *swaps, int color1, int color2, int color3, BOOL global, BOOL end); // static. /** free.h */ void Free_Strips(); void End_Face_Struct(int numfaces); void End_Edge_Struct(int numverts); void ParseAndFreeList( ListHead *pListHead ); // static. void FreeFaceTable(int nSize); // static. void FreeEdgeTable(int nSize); // static. /** newpolve.h */ void Find_Bands(int numfaces, int *swaps, int *bands, int *cost, int *tri, int norms, int *vert_norms, int texture, int *vert_texture); void Save_Walks(int numfaces); void Save_Rest(int *numfaces); int Calculate_Walks(int lastvert,int y, PF_FACES temp2); // static. BOOL Check_Right( int last_seen,PF_FACES temp2, int y,int face_id); // static. int Update_and_Test(PF_FACES temp2,int y, BOOL first,int distance, int lastvert, int val); // static. int Test_Adj( PF_FACES temp2,int x, int north,int distance, int lastvert, int value); // static. int Find_Max( PF_FACES temp2, int lastvert, int north, int left, int *lastminup, int *lastminleft); // static. void Mark_Face( PF_FACES temp2, int color1, int color2, int color3, BOOL end, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *face_id, int norms, int texture); // static. void Assign_Walk( int lastvert, PF_FACES temp2, int front_walk, int y, int back_walk); // static. void Fast_Reset(int x); // static. void Reset_Max( PF_FACES temp2,int face_id, int north,int last_north, int orientation,int last_left, int color1, int color2,int color3, BOOL start); // static. int Peel_Max( PF_FACES temp2,int face_id, int north,int last_north, int orientation,int last_left, int color1, int color2,int color3, BOOL start, int *swaps_added, int norms, int texture); // static. /** auxiliar.h */ // FILE *OpenOutputFile(char *fname); void AllocateStruct(int num_faces, int num_vert, int num_nvert, int num_texture); void miReadFile(char *fname, char *file_open, Geometry::SubMesh *geoSubMesh); int stripify( char *fname, Geometry::Mesh *geoMesh); public: /// Class constructor, receives as a parameter a const pointer to the object that describes a mesh. CustomStripifier(); CustomStripifier(const Geometry::Mesh *geoMesh); /// Class destructor. ~CustomStripifier(void); /// Copy constructor //CustomStripifier(const CustomStripifier&); /// Assignment operator //CustomStripifier& operator =(const CustomStripifier&); /// Starts the stripification process. This is a custom stripification method. int Stripify(); /// Returns the stripified mesh. Mesh * GetMesh(); // Set the progress bar function. void SetProgressFunc(Geometry::TIPOFUNC upb); // Sets what is the submesh that stores the leaves void SetSubMeshLeaves(size_t submesh); }; } #endif