1 | /*==========================================================================
2 | * (C) 2006 Universitat Jaume I
3 | *==========================================================================
5 | *==========================================================================
6 | * CONTENT:
7 | *
8 | *
9 | * @file GeoLodManager.cpp
10 | *===========================================================================*/
11 |
12 | #include "GeoLodManager.h"
13 | #include "GeoLodObject.h"
14 | #include <algorithm>
15 | /*
16 | namespace Geometry
17 | {
18 |
19 |
20 | class lodobj_idpos_node_t
21 | {
22 | public:
23 | lodobj_idpos_node_t(LodObject *o):lodobj(o),must_recalculate_distance(true),dist2cam(0.0f){}
24 | LodObject *lodobj;
25 | float dist2cam; // used to index the lodobj in the other map
26 | bool operator < (const lodobj_idpos_node_t &o) const { return (lodobj->GetUniqueID()<o.lodobj->GetUniqueID()); }
27 | };
28 | }*/
29 |
30 | using namespace Geometry;
31 |
32 | LodManager::LodManager(float near, float far, const Geometry::Vector3 &campos)
33 | :targetFPS(30),camera_changed(true),camera_pos(campos),
34 | near_range(near),far_range(far)
35 | {
36 | // make the lodobj_dists vector into a heap
37 | make_heap(lodobj_dists.begin(),lodobj_dists.end());
38 | }
39 |
40 | void Geometry::LodManager::AddLodObj(LodObject * o, const Geometry::Vector3 &p)
41 | {
42 | float dist = CalculateDistToCamera(p);
43 | lodobj_dists.push_back(lodobj_dist_node_t(dist,o));
44 | push_heap(lodobj_dists.begin(),lodobj_dists.end());
45 | // lodobj_dists[dist] = lodobj_dist_node_t(o);
46 | UpdateLODObjectPos(o,p);
47 | }
48 |
49 |
50 | void Geometry::LodManager::UpdateLOD(void)
51 | {
52 | if (!lodobj_dists.empty())
53 | {
54 | // update distances to the camera
55 | bool must_resort = false;
56 | for (std::vector<lodobj_dist_node_t>::iterator it=lodobj_dists.begin(); it!=lodobj_dists.end(); it++)
57 | {
58 | lodobj_dist_node_t & node = *it;
59 | if (camera_changed || node.must_recalculate_distance)
60 | {
61 | RecalculateDist(node);
62 | must_resort=true;
63 | }
64 | }
65 | if (must_resort)
66 | sort_heap(lodobj_dists.begin(),lodobj_dists.end());
67 |
68 | // select a tree to change its LOD
69 | // float random_dist = SelectRandomDistance();
70 | // std::map<float,Geometry::lodobj_dist_node_t>::iterator nearest = lodobj_dists.upper_bound(random_dist);
71 |
72 | // the begining of the list is the greater element (greater dist)
73 | lodobj_dist_node_t & node = lodobj_dists.front();
74 | }
75 | camera_changed=false;
76 | }
77 |
78 | void Geometry::LodManager::RecalculateDist(lodobj_dist_node_t & node)
79 | {
80 | std::map<uint32,Vector3>::iterator posit = lodobj_pos.find(node.lodobj->GetUniqueID());
81 | assert(posit!=lodobj_pos.end());
82 | const Vector3 & pos = posit->second;
83 |
84 | node.dist2cam = CalculateDistToCamera(pos);
85 | }
86 |
87 |
88 | void Geometry::LodManager::UpdateCamera(const Geometry::Vector3 &p)
89 | {
90 | camera_pos = p;
91 | camera_changed = true;
92 | }
93 |
94 | void Geometry::LodManager::UpdateLODObjectPos(LodObject *o, const Geometry::Vector3 &p)
95 | {
96 | lodobj_pos[o->GetUniqueID()] = p;
97 | }
98 |
99 |
100 | float Geometry::LodManager::CalculateDistToCamera(const Geometry::Vector3 &p) const
101 | {
102 | return camera_pos.dotProduct(p);
103 | }
104 |
105 | float Geometry::LodManager::SelectRandomDistance(void) const
106 | {
107 | float linear_01 = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
108 | float exp_01 = linear_01*linear_01;
109 | float real_dist = exp_01*near_range + (1.0f-exp_01)*far_range;
110 | return real_dist;
111 | }