1 | #include <assert.h>
2 | #include "GeoLodTreeLibrary.h"
3 | #include "libs/leaves/Foliage.h"
4 |
5 | using namespace Geometry;
6 |
7 | Geometry::LodTreeLibrary::LodTreeLibrary(const LodStripsLibraryData *lodstripsdata,
8 | const TreeSimplificationSequence *simpseq,
9 | Geometry::Mesh *treeGeoMesh,
10 | uint32 leafSubMeshID/*
14 | {
15 | // Cargar el tronco
16 | trunk = new LodStripsLibrary(lodstripsdata,treeGeoMesh);
17 |
18 | // Cargar la copa del árbol
19 | Geometry::SubMesh * leafsSubMesh = &(treeGeoMesh->mSubMesh[leafSubMeshID]);
20 | foliage = new Foliage(leafsSubMesh,simpseq);
21 | GoToFoliageLod(1.0f);
22 | }
23 | /*
24 | LodTreeLibrary::LodTreeLibrary(const LodTreeLibrary &t)
25 | {
26 | uniqueID = uniqueIDgen++;
27 | assert(
28 | // trunk=new LodStrip(t.trunk);
29 | arbol=new Arbol(t.arbol);
30 | foliage=new Foliage(arbol);
31 | }
32 |
33 | LodTreeLibrary::LodTreeLibrary(LodTreeLibrary *t)
34 | {
35 | uniqueID = uniqueIDgen++;
36 | trunk=new LodStrip(t->trunk);
37 | arbol=new Arbol(t->arbol);
38 | foliage=new Foliage(arbol);
39 | }
40 | */
41 |
42 | LodTreeLibrary::~LodTreeLibrary(void)
43 | {
44 | if (trunk) delete trunk;
45 | if (foliage) delete foliage;
46 | /* if (trunk_all_indices) delete trunk_all_indices;
47 | if (indices_offsets) delete[] indices_offsets;
48 | // if (current_foliage_indices) delete[] current_foliage_indices;*/
49 | }
50 | /*
51 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Trunk_StripCount(void) const
52 | {
53 | assert(trunk);
54 | return trunk->TOTAL;
55 | // return trunk->dataRetrievalInterface->GetNumPrims();
56 | }*/
57 |
58 |
59 | /*uint32 LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Trunk_IndexCountByStrip(uint32 istrip) const
60 | {
61 | assert(trunk);
62 | // return trunk->lStripsV[istrip].size();
63 | // return trunk->GetIndexCountByStrip(istrip);
64 | return trunk->dataRetrievalInterface->GetNumValidIndices(istrip);
65 | }
66 |
67 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Trunk_IndexCount(void) const
68 | {
69 | assert(trunk);
70 | return trunk->num_indices_current_lod;
71 | }
72 | */
73 |
74 | void LodTreeLibrary::GoToTrunkLod(float newlod)
75 | {
76 | trunk->GoToLod(newlod);
77 | }
78 | /*
79 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::MinTrunkLod(void) const
80 | {
81 | return trunk->MinLod();
82 | }
83 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::MaxTrunkLod(void) const
84 | {
85 | return trunk->MaxLod();
86 | }
87 | */
88 |
89 | void LodTreeLibrary::GoToFoliageLod(float newlod)
90 | {
91 | uint32 targetLeaves = (uint32)
92 | (
93 | (1.0f - newlod)
94 | *
95 | foliage->minLeaves
96 | +
97 | newlod
98 | *
99 | foliage->leafCount
100 | );
101 |
102 | foliage->CalculateLOD(targetLeaves);
103 |
104 | foliage->indexdata->Begin();
105 | foliage->vertexdata->Begin();
106 | int i = foliage->begin;
107 | int auxnumleaves = 0;
108 | while(i!=-1)
109 | {
110 | auxnumleaves++;
111 | i=foliage->Acth[i].next;
112 | }
113 |
114 | assert(auxnumleaves*6<=int(foliage->indexdata->GetNumMaxIndices()));
115 | foliage->indexdata->SetNumValidIndices(auxnumleaves*6);
116 | i = foliage->begin;
117 | int index=0;
118 | while(i!=-1)
119 | {
120 | unsigned int v0,v1,v2,v3;
121 | v0 = foliage->Leaves[i].vertsLeaf[0];
122 | v1 = foliage->Leaves[i].vertsLeaf[1];
123 | v2 = foliage->Leaves[i].vertsLeaf[2];
124 | v3 = foliage->Leaves[i].vertsLeaf[3];
125 |
126 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+0,v0);
127 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+1,v1);
128 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+2,v2);
129 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+3,v2);
130 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+4,v1);
131 | foliage->indexdata->SetIndex(index+5,v3);
132 |
133 | foliage->vertexdata->SetVertexTexCoord(v0,0,0);
134 | foliage->vertexdata->SetVertexTexCoord(v1,0,1);
135 | foliage->vertexdata->SetVertexTexCoord(v2,1,0);
136 | foliage->vertexdata->SetVertexTexCoord(v3,1,1);
137 |
138 | index+=6;
139 | i=foliage->Acth[i].next;
140 | }
141 | foliage->indexdata->End();
142 | foliage->vertexdata->End();
143 | }
144 | /*
145 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::MinFoliageLod(void) const
146 | {
147 | return foliage->nHojas;
148 | }
149 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::MaxFoliageLod(void) const
150 | {
151 | return foliage->minHojas;
152 | }*/
153 |
154 | /*const VertexData* LodTreeLibrary::Get_Trunk_VertexData(void) const
155 | {
156 | return trunk->vertices;
157 | }*/
158 | const IndexData* LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Trunk_Indices(void) const
159 | {
160 | return trunk->dataRetrievalInterface;
161 | }
162 |
163 |
164 | const VertexData* LodTreeLibrary::Get_Foliage_VertexData(void) const
165 | {
166 | return foliage->vertexdata;
167 | }
168 |
169 | const IndexData* LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Foliage_Indices(void) const
170 | {
171 | return foliage->indexdata;
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 | /*void ThrowFileNotFoundError(const char *text)
176 | {
177 | throw Geometry::FileNotFound(text);
178 | }*/
179 |
180 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::CurrentLOD_Foliage_IndexCount(void) const
181 | {
182 | // return current_foliage_indexcount;
183 | return foliage->indexdata->GetNumValidIndices();
184 | }
185 | /*
186 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::Get_Trunk_VertexCount(void) const
187 | {
188 | return trunk->TOTALVERTS;
189 | }
190 |
191 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::Get_Trunk_MaxIndexCount(uint32 istrip) const
192 | {
193 | // return trunk->indices_x_tira[istrip]->GetNumMaxIndices();
194 | return trunk->indices->GetNumMaxIndices(istrip);
195 | }
196 |
197 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::Get_Foliage_VertexCount(void) const
198 | {
199 | return arbol->vertexdata->GetNumVertices();
200 | }*/
201 | uint32 LodTreeLibrary::Get_Foliage_MaxIndexCount(void) const
202 | {
203 | return foliage->indexdata->GetNumMaxIndices();
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | // changes the lod of the entire object (trunk and leaves)
208 | void LodTreeLibrary::GoToLod(Real lod)
209 | {
210 | assert(lod<=1.0f && lod>=0.0f);
211 | GoToTrunkLod(lod);
212 | GoToFoliageLod(lod);
213 | }