/* ========================================================================== * (C) 2005 Universitat Jaume I * ========================================================================== * PROYECT: GAME TOOLS * ==========================================================================*/ /** CONTENT: Make triangle strip meshes from triangle list meshes. * * * @file GeoMeshStripifier.cpp /*===========================================================================*/ #include "GeoMeshStripifier.h" using namespace Geometry; using namespace std; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// InitList. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CustomStripifier::InitList(PLISTHEAD LHead) { if (LHead == NULL) { return FALSE; } LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] = LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] = NULL; LHead->NumList = 0; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddHead. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CustomStripifier::AddHead(PLISTHEAD LHead, PLISTINFO LInfo) { if (LHead == NULL || LInfo == NULL) { return(FALSE); } if (EMPTYLIST(LHead)) { LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] = LInfo; } else { LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD]->ListNode.Previous = (void *) LInfo; } LInfo->ListNode.Next = (void *) LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD]; LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] = LInfo; LInfo->ListNode.Previous = NULL; LHead->NumList++; return(TRUE); } /// AddTail BOOL CustomStripifier::AddTail(PLISTHEAD LHead, PLISTINFO LInfo) { if (LHead == NULL || LInfo == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (EMPTYLIST(LHead)) { LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] = LInfo; } else { LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL]->ListNode.Next = (void *) LInfo; } LInfo->ListNode.Previous = (void *) LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL]; LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] = LInfo; LInfo->ListNode.Next = NULL; LHead->NumList++; return TRUE; } /// InsertNode BOOL CustomStripifier::InsertNode( PLISTHEAD LHead, int nPos, PLISTINFO LInfo ) { PLISTINFO add_node; if ( LHead == NULL || LInfo == NULL || nPos > NumOnList( LHead ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( nPos == 0 ) { AddHead( LHead, LInfo ); } else if ( nPos == NumOnList( LHead ) ) { AddTail( LHead, LInfo ); } else { if ( (add_node = PeekList( LHead, LISTHEAD, nPos - 1 )) == NULL ) { return FALSE; } ((PLISTINFO)add_node->ListNode.Next)->ListNode.Previous = LInfo; LInfo->ListNode.Next = add_node->ListNode.Next; LInfo->ListNode.Previous = add_node; add_node->ListNode.Next = LInfo; LHead->NumList++; } return TRUE; } /// RemHead: PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::RemHead(PLISTHEAD LHead) { PLISTINFO t, t1; if ( LHead == NULL || EMPTYLIST(LHead) ) { return NULL; } t = LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD]; LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Next; if (LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] != NULL) { t1 = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Next; t1->ListNode.Previous = NULL; } else { LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] = NULL; } LHead->NumList--; return t; } /// RemTail: PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::RemTail(PLISTHEAD LHead) { PLISTINFO t, t1; if ( LHead == NULL || EMPTYLIST(LHead) ) { return NULL; } t = LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL]; LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Previous; if (LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] != NULL) { t1 = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Previous; t1->ListNode.Next = NULL; } else { LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] = NULL; } LHead->NumList--; return t; } /// PeekList: PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::PeekList(PLISTHEAD LHead, int wch, int index ) { PLISTINFO t; if (LHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if ( (t = LHead->LHeaders[wch]) == NULL ) { return NULL; } for (; t != NULL && index > 0; index-- ) { t = (wch == LISTHEAD) ? (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Next : (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Previous; } return t; } /// RemoveList: PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::RemoveList(PLISTHEAD LHead, PLISTINFO LInfo ) { PLISTINFO t; PLISTINFO t1; t = LInfo; if (LHead == NULL) { return NULL; } if (LHead->LHeaders[LISTHEAD] == t) { t = (PLISTINFO) RemHead(LHead); } else if (LHead->LHeaders[LISTTAIL] == t) { t = (PLISTINFO) RemTail(LHead); } else { t1 = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Previous; t1->ListNode.Next = t->ListNode.Next; t1 = (PLISTINFO) t->ListNode.Next; t1->ListNode.Previous = t->ListNode.Previous; LHead->NumList--; } return t; } /// SearchList: /// Try to find a specific node in the queue whose key matches with /// searching key. Return the pointer to that node if found, return NULL /// otherwise /// @param lpHashTbl => a far pointer to the hash table. /// @param lpKey => a far poniter to searching key. /// @param CompareCallBack => comparision function. /// @return a far pointer to the node to be found. PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::SearchList( PLISTHEAD listHead, PVOID lpSKey, int (* CompareCallBack) ( PVOID, PVOID ) ) { PLISTINFO list_info; list_info = PeekList( listHead, LISTHEAD, 0); while ( list_info != NULL ) { if ( CompareCallBack( list_info, lpSKey ) ) { break; } list_info = (PLISTINFO) GetNextNode( list_info ); } return list_info; } /// init_vert_norms: void CustomStripifier::init_vert_norms(int num_vert) { /* Initialize vertex/normal array to have all zeros to start with. */ register int x; for (x = 0; x < num_vert; x++) { *(vert_norms + x) = 0; } } /// init_vert_texture: void CustomStripifier::init_vert_texture(int num_vert) { /* Initialize vertex/normal array to have all zeros to start with. */ register int x; for (x = 0; x < num_vert; x++) { *(vert_texture + x) = 0; } } /// InitVertexTable: BOOL CustomStripifier::InitVertexTable( int size ) { register int index; /* Initialize the face table */ Vertices = (ListHead**) malloc(sizeof(ListHead*) * size ); if (Vertices) { for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { Vertices[index] = NULL; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /// InitFaceTable: BOOL CustomStripifier::InitFaceTable( int size ) { register int index; /* Initialize the face table */ PolFaces = (ListHead**) malloc(sizeof(ListHead*) * size); if (PolFaces) { for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { PolFaces[index] = NULL; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /// InitEdgeTable: BOOL CustomStripifier::InitEdgeTable( int size ) { register int index; /* Initialize the edge table */ PolEdges = (ListHead**) malloc(sizeof(ListHead*) * size ); if (PolEdges) { for (index=0; index < size; index++) { PolEdges[index] = NULL; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /// InitStripTable: void CustomStripifier::InitStripTable( ) { PLISTHEAD list_head; /* Initialize the strip table */ list_head = (PLISTHEAD) malloc(sizeof(ListHead)); if (list_head) { InitList(list_head); strips[0] = list_head; } else { printf("Out of memory !\n"); exit(0); } } /// Init_Table_SGI: void CustomStripifier::Init_Table_SGI(int numFaces) { PLISTHEAD list_head; int max_adj = 60; register int x; /* This routine will initialize the table that will have the faces sorted by the number of adjacent polygons to it. */ for (x=0; x< max_adj; x++) { /* We are allowing the max number of sides of a polygon to be max_adj. */ list_head = (PLISTHEAD) malloc(sizeof(ListHead)); if (list_head) { InitList(list_head); array[x] = list_head; } else { printf("Out of memory !\n"); exit(0); } } if (face_array != NULL) /* It seems this function is called more than */ { free(face_array); /* once so we'll free up the old stuff */ } face_array = (P_FACE_ADJACENCIES) malloc (sizeof(FACE_ADJACENCIES) * numFaces); if (face_array == NULL) { printf("Out of memory !!\n"); exit(0); } } /// BuildVertexTable: void CustomStripifier::BuildVertexTable(int size) { register int index; PLISTHEAD list_head; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { list_head = (PLISTHEAD) malloc(sizeof(ListHead)); if (list_head) { InitList(list_head); Vertices[index] = list_head; } else { return; } } } /// BuildFaceTable: void CustomStripifier::BuildFaceTable( int size ) { register int index; PLISTHEAD list_head; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { list_head = (PLISTHEAD) malloc(sizeof(ListHead)); if (list_head) { InitList(list_head); PolFaces[index] = list_head; } else { return; } } } /// BuildEdgeTable: void CustomStripifier::BuildEdgeTable( int size ) { register int index; PLISTHEAD list_head; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { list_head = (PLISTHEAD) malloc(sizeof(ListHead)); if (list_head) { InitList(list_head); PolEdges[index] = list_head; } else { return; } } } /// Start_Vertex_Struct: void CustomStripifier::Start_Vertex_Struct(int numVerts) { if (InitVertexTable(numVerts)) { BuildVertexTable(numVerts); } } /// Start_Face_Struct: void CustomStripifier::Start_Face_Struct(int numFaces) { if (InitFaceTable(numFaces)) { BuildFaceTable(numFaces); } } /// Start_Edge_Struct: void CustomStripifier::Start_Edge_Struct(int numVerts) { if (InitEdgeTable(numVerts)) { BuildEdgeTable(numVerts); } } /// switch_lower: void CustomStripifier::switch_lower (int *x, int *y) { register int temp; /* Put lower value in x */ if (*y < *x) { temp = *x; *x = *y; *y = temp; } } /// member: BOOL CustomStripifier::member(int x , int id1, int id2, int id3) { /* Is x in the triangle specified by id1,id2,id3 */ if ((x != id1) && (x != id2) && (x != id3)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /// Exist: BOOL CustomStripifier::Exist(int faceId, int id1, int id2) { /* Does the edge specified by id1 and id2 exist in this face currently? Maybe we deleted in partial triangulation */ ListHead *list_head; PF_FACES temp; register int x,size; BOOL a = FALSE; BOOL b = FALSE; list_head = PolFaces[faceId]; temp = (PF_FACES) PeekList(list_head, LISTHEAD, 0); size = temp->nPolSize; for (x=0; xpPolygon+x) == id1) { a = TRUE; } if (*(temp->pPolygon+x) == id2) { b = TRUE; } if (a && b) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /// Different: int CustomStripifier::Different(int id1,int id2,int id3,int id4,int id5, int id6, int *x, int *y) { /* Find the vertex in the first 3 numbers that does not exist in the last three numbers */ if ((id1 != id4) && (id1 != id5) && (id1 != id6)) { *x = id2; *y = id3; return id1; } if ((id2 != id4) && (id2 != id5) && (id2 != id6)) { *x = id1; *y = id3; return id2; } if ((id3 != id4) && (id3 != id5) && (id3 != id6)) { *x = id1; *y = id2; return id3; } /* Because there are degeneracies in the data, this might occur */ *x = id5; *y = id6; return id4; } /// Return_Other: int CustomStripifier::Return_Other(int *index,int e1,int e2) { /* We have a triangle and want to know the third vertex of it */ register int x; for (x=0;x<3;x++) { if ((*(index+x) != e1) && (*(index+x) != e2)) return *(index+x); } /* If there is a degenerate triangle return arbitrary */ return e1; } /// Get_Other_Vertex: int CustomStripifier::Get_Other_Vertex(int id1,int id2,int id3,int *index) { /* We have a list index of 4 numbers and we wish to return the number that is not id1,id2 or id3 */ register int x; for (x=0; x<4; x++) { if ((*(index+x) != id1) && (*(index+x) != id2) && (*(index+x) != id3)) return *(index+x); } /* If there is some sort of degeneracy this might occur, return arbitrary */ // if (x==4) return id1; } /// Done: PLISTINFO CustomStripifier::Done(int face_id, int *bucket) { /* Check to see whether the polygon with face_id was used already, return NULL if it was, otherwise return a pointer to the face. */ PLISTINFO lpListInfo; lpListInfo = (PLISTINFO) face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo != NULL) { *bucket = face_array[face_id].bucket; return lpListInfo; } else return lpListInfo; } /// First_Edge: void CustomStripifier::First_Edge(int *id1,int *id2, int *id3) { /* Get the first triangle in the strip we just found, we will use this to try to extend backwards in the strip */ ListHead *pListHead; register int num; P_STRIPS temp1,temp2,temp3; pListHead = strips[0]; num = NumOnList(pListHead); /* Did not have a strip */ if (num < 3) return; temp1 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0); temp2 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 1); temp3 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 2); *id1 = temp1->face_id; *id2 = temp2->face_id; *id3 = temp3->face_id; } /// Last_Edge: void CustomStripifier::Last_Edge(int *id1, int *id2, int *id3, BOOL save) { /* We need the last edge that we had */ static int v1, v2, v3; if (save) { v1 = *id1; v2 = *id2; v3 = *id3; } else { *id1 = v1; *id2 = v2; *id3 = v3; } } /// find_triangle_orientation: void CustomStripifier::find_triangle_orientation(int vertex1,int vertex2,int vertex3, int *original_vertex) { int vertices,index; PF_VERTICES verts; /* Search through face to match orignal vertices */ /* Start with vertex1's Vertices struct */ verts = (PF_VERTICES) PeekList(Vertices[vertex1-1],LISTHEAD,0); do { index = 0; for (vertices = 0; vertices < verts->face->nOrgSize;vertices++) { if (vertex1 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex2 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex3 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 ) original_vertex[index++] = verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1; if (index == 3) break; } if (index == 3) break; } while ((verts = (PF_VERTICES) GetNextNode(verts)) != NULL); if (index != 3) { /* Search vertex2's Vertices struct */ verts = (PF_VERTICES) PeekList(Vertices[vertex2-1],LISTHEAD,0); do { index = 0; for (vertices = 0; vertices < verts->face->nOrgSize;vertices++) { if (vertex1 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex2 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex3 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 ) original_vertex[index++] = verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1; if (index == 3) break; } if (index == 3) break; } while ((verts = (PF_VERTICES) GetNextNode(verts)) != NULL); } if (index != 3) { /* Search vertex3's Vertices struct */ verts = (PF_VERTICES) PeekList(Vertices[vertex3-1],LISTHEAD,0); do { index = 0; for (vertices = 0; vertices < verts->face->nOrgSize;vertices++) { if (vertex1 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex2 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 || vertex3 == verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1 ) original_vertex[index++] = verts->face->pPolygon[vertices]+1; if (index == 3) break; } if (index == 3) break; } while ((verts = (PF_VERTICES) GetNextNode(verts)) != NULL); } /* if (index !=3 ) printf("Warning: Didn't find a triangle for %d %d %d\n", vertex1,vertex2,vertex3); */ } /// preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal: void CustomStripifier::preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal(FILE *output, int vertex1, int normal1, int vertex2, int normal2, int vertex3, int normal3) { int original_vertex[3]; find_triangle_orientation(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3, original_vertex); if ( ( original_vertex[0] == vertex3 && original_vertex[1] == vertex2 && original_vertex[2] == vertex1) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex2 && original_vertex[1] == vertex1 && original_vertex[2] == vertex3 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex1 && original_vertex[1] == vertex3 && original_vertex[2] == vertex2 )) { // New Triangle is in an opposite orientation. Add vertex2 to correct it fprintf(output," %d//%d",vertex2,normal2); } } /// preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture: void CustomStripifier::preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture(FILE *output, int vertex1, int texture1, int vertex2, int texture2, int vertex3, int texture3) { int original_vertex[3]; find_triangle_orientation(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3, original_vertex); if ( ( original_vertex[0] == vertex3 && original_vertex[1] == vertex2 && original_vertex[2] == vertex1 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex2 && original_vertex[1] == vertex1 && original_vertex[2] == vertex3 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex1 && original_vertex[1] == vertex3 && original_vertex[2] == vertex2 ) ) { /* New Triangle is in an opposite orientation */ /* Add vertex2 to correct it */ fprintf(output," %d/%d",vertex2,texture2); } } /// preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal: void CustomStripifier::preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal(FILE *output, int vertex1, int texture1, int normal1, int vertex2, int texture2, int normal2, int vertex3, int texture3, int normal3) { int original_vertex[3]; find_triangle_orientation(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3, original_vertex); if ( ( original_vertex[0] == vertex3 && original_vertex[1] == vertex2 && original_vertex[2] == vertex1 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex2 && original_vertex[1] == vertex1 && original_vertex[2] == vertex3 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex1 && original_vertex[1] == vertex3 && original_vertex[2] == vertex2 ) ) { /* New Triangle is in an opposite orientation */ /* Add vertex2 to correct it */ fprintf(output," %d/%d/%d",vertex2,texture2,normal2); } } /// preserve_strip_orientation: void CustomStripifier::preserve_strip_orientation(FILE *output,int vertex1, int vertex2,int vertex3) { int original_vertex[3]; find_triangle_orientation(vertex1,vertex2,vertex3, original_vertex); if ( ( original_vertex[0] == vertex3 && original_vertex[1] == vertex2 && original_vertex[2] == vertex1 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex2 && original_vertex[1] == vertex1 && original_vertex[2] == vertex3 ) || ( original_vertex[0] == vertex1 && original_vertex[1] == vertex3 && original_vertex[2] == vertex2 )) { /* New Triangle is in an opposite orientation */ /* Add vertex2 to correct it */ fprintf(output," %d",vertex2); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(vertex2-1); } } /// Output_TriEx: void CustomStripifier::Output_TriEx(int id1, int id2, int id3, FILE *output, int flag, int where) { /* We will save everything into a list, rather than output at once, as was done in the old routine. This way for future modifications we can change the strips later on if we want to. */ int swap,temp1,temp2,temp3; static int total=0; static int tri=0; static int strips = 0; static int cost = 0; if (flag == -20) { cost = cost + where+total+tri+strips+strips; printf("We will need to send %d vertices to the renderer\n",cost); total = 0; tri = 0; strips = 0; return ; } if (flag == -10) /* We are finished, now is time to output the triangle list */ { fprintf(output,"\nt"); mi_vector_tipo nada; mi_vector.push_back(nada); num_tiras++; tri = tri + Finished(&swap,output,1); total = total + swap; strips++; /*printf("There are %d swaps %d tri %d strips\n",total,tri,strips);*/ } else { Last_Edge(&temp1,&temp2,&temp3,0); Add_Id_Strips(id1,where); Add_Id_Strips(id2,where); Add_Id_Strips(id3,where); Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,1); } } /// Extend_BackwardsEx: void CustomStripifier::Extend_BackwardsEx(int face_id, FILE *output, int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps,int *next_id) { /* We just made a strip, now we are going to see if we can extend backwards from the starting face, which had 2 or more adjacencies to start with. */ int bucket,next_face,num,x,y,z,c,max,f; ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; P_ADJACENCIES temp; /* Get the first triangle that we have saved the the strip data structure, so we can see if there are any polygons adjacent to this edge or a neighboring one */ First_Edge(&x,&y,&z); pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); num = face->nPolSize; /* Go through the edges to see if there is an adjacency with a vertex in common to the first triangle that was outputted in the strip. (maybe edge was deleted....) */ for (c=0; cpPolygon+c) == x) && (*(face->pPolygon+c+1) == y)) || (*(face->pPolygon+c) == y) && (*(face->pPolygon+c+1) == x))) { /* Input edge is still there see if there is an adjacency */ next_face = Find_Face(face_id, x, y, &bucket); if (next_face == -1) /* Could not find a face adjacent to the edge */ break; pListFace = array[bucket]; max = NumOnList(pListFace); for (f=0;;f++) { temp = (P_ADJACENCIES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,f); if (temp->face_id == next_face) { Last_Edge(&z,&y,&x,1); Polygon_OutputEx(temp,temp->face_id,bucket,pListFace, output,ties,tie,triangulate, swaps,next_id,0); return; } if (temp == NULL) { printf("Error in the new buckets%d %d %d\n",bucket,max,0); exit(0); } } } else if ( (c == (num -1)) && ( ((*(face->pPolygon) == x) && (*(face->pPolygon+num-1) == y)) || (*(face->pPolygon) == y) && (*(face->pPolygon+num-1) == x))) { next_face = Find_Face(face_id,x,y,&bucket); if (next_face == -1) /* Could not find a face adjacent to the edge */ break; pListFace = array[bucket]; max = NumOnList(pListFace); for (f=0;;f++) { temp = (P_ADJACENCIES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,f); if (temp->face_id == next_face) { Last_Edge(&z,&y,&x,1); Polygon_OutputEx(temp,temp->face_id,bucket,pListFace, output,ties,tie,triangulate, swaps,next_id,0); return; } if (temp == NULL) { printf("Error in the new buckets%d %d %d\n",bucket,max,0); exit(0); } } } } } /// Polygon_OutputEx: void CustomStripifier::Polygon_OutputEx(P_ADJACENCIES temp,int face_id,int bucket, ListHead *pListHead, FILE *output, int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps, int *next_id, int where) { ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; static BOOL begin = TRUE; int old_face,next_face_id,next_bucket,e1,e2,e3,other1,other2,other3; P_ADJACENCIES lpListInfo; /* We have a polygon to output, the id is face id, and the number of adjacent polygons to it is bucket. */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); /* Get the polygon with id face_id */ pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); if (face->nPolSize == 3) { /* It is already a triangle */ if (bucket == 0) { /* It is not adjacent to anything so we do not have to worry about the order of the sides or updating adjacencies */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); next_face_id = Different(*(face->pPolygon),*(face->pPolygon+1), *(face->pPolygon+2), e1,e2,e3,&other1,&other2); /* No input edge, at the start */ if ((e2 ==0) && (e3 == 0)) { e2 = other1; e3 = other2; } Output_TriEx(e2,e3,next_face_id,NULL,begin,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ begin = TRUE; } /* It is a triangle with adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon and it will be deleted. 2. Get the next polygon. */ else { /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current triangle. */ next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id,&next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); old_face = next_face_id; /* Break the tie, if there was one */ if (tie != FIRST) old_face = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); if (next_face_id == -1) { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* We are using a different face */ if ((tie != FIRST) && (old_face != next_face_id) && (swaps == ON)) { next_face_id = old_face; /* Get the new output edge, since e1 and e2 are for the original next face that we got. */ e3 = Get_EdgeEx(&e1,&e2,face->pPolygon,next_face_id, face->nPolSize,0,0); } /* Find the other vertex to transmit in the triangle */ e3 = Return_Other(face->pPolygon,e1,e2); Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 != 0) && (other2 != 0)) { /* See which vertex in the output edge is not in the input edge */ if ((e1 != other2) && (e1 != other3)) e3 = e1; else if ((e2 != other2) && (e2 != other3)) e3 = e2; /* can happen with > 2 polys on an edge but won't form a good strip so stop the strip here */ else { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output, ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* See which vertex of the input edge is not in the output edge */ if ((other2 != e1) && (other2 != e2)) { other1 = other2; other2 = other3; } else if ((other3 != e1) && (other3 != e2)) other1 = other3; else { /* Degenerate triangle just return*/ Output_TriEx(other1,other2,e3,NULL,begin,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; return; } } /* There was not an input edge, we are the first triangle in a strip */ else { /* Find the correct order to transmit the triangle, what is the output edge that we want ? */ other1 = e3; e3 = e2; other2 = e1; } /* At this point the adjacencies have been updated and we have the next polygon id */ Output_TriEx(other1,other2,e3,NULL,begin,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; if (Done(next_face_id,&next_bucket) == NULL) return; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[next_face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon3 %d\n", next_face_id); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } } else { /* It is not a triangle, we have to triangulate it . Since it is not adjacent to anything we can triangulate it blindly */ if (bucket == 0) { /* Check to see if there is not an input edge */ Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 == 0) && (other2 ==0)) Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, TRUE,where); else Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, FALSE,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ begin = TRUE; } /* If we have specified PARTIAL triangulation then we will go to special routines that will break the polygon and update the data structure. Else everything below will simply triangulate the whole polygon */ else if (triangulate == PARTIAL) { /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, */ next_face_id = Min_Face_AdjEx(face_id,&next_bucket,ties); /* Don't do it partially, because we can go inside and get less adjacencies, for a quad we can do the whole thing. */ if ((face_id == next_face_id) && (face->nPolSize == 4) && (swaps == ON)) { next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); if (next_face_id == -1) { /* There is no sequential face to go to, end the strip */ Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output, ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* Break the tie, if there was one */ if (tie != FIRST) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Non_Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, output,next_face_id,face_id,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } /* Was not a quad but we still do not want to do it partially for now, since we want to only do one triangle at a time */ else if ((face_id == next_face_id) && (swaps == ON)) Inside_Polygon(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, face_id,pListHead,where); else { if ((tie != FIRST) && (swaps == ON)) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Partial_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, output,next_face_id,face_id,next_id, pListHead,temp,where); /* Check the next bucket again ,maybe it changed We calculated one less, but that might not be the case */ } if (Done(next_face_id,&next_bucket) == NULL) { /* Check to see if there is not an input edge */ Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 == 0) && (other2 ==0)) Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, TRUE,where); else Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, FALSE,where); if (Done(face_id,&bucket) != NULL) { pListHead = array[bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[lpListInfo->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO)lpListInfo); } begin = TRUE; return; } begin = FALSE; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[next_face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon1 %d %d\n", next_face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } else { /* WHOLE triangulation */ /* It is not a triangle and has adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. TriangulateEx this polygon, not blindly because we have an edge that we want to come out on, that is the edge that is adjacent to a polygon with the least number of adjacencies. Also we must come in on the last seen edge. 2. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon . 3. Get the next polygon. */ /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current polygon. */ next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id,&next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); if (Done(next_face_id,&next_bucket) == NULL) { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); /* Because maybe there was more than 2 polygons on the edge */ return; } /* Break the tie, if there was one */ else if (tie != FIRST) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Non_Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, output,next_face_id,face_id,where); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[next_face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon2 %d %d\n", next_face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } } Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); } /// Adjacent: int CustomStripifier::Adjacent(int id2,int id1, int *list, int size) { /* Return the vertex that is adjacent to id1, but is not id2, in the list of integers. */ register int x=0; while (x < size) { if (*(list+x) == id1) { if ((x != (size -1)) && (x != 0)) { if ( *(list+x+1) != id2) return *(list+x+1); else return *(list+x-1); } else if (x == (size -1)) { if (*(list) != id2) return *(list); else return *(list+x-1); } else { if (*(list+size-1) != id2) return *(list+size-1); else return *(list+x+1); } } x++; } /* if there are degeneracies */ return id1; } /// Rearrange_Index: void CustomStripifier::Rearrange_Index(int *index, int size) { /* If we are in the middle of a strip we must find the edge to start on, which is the last edge that we had transmitted. */ int x,f,y,e1,e2,e3; register int increment = 1; int *temp; /* Find where the input edge is in the input list */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); for (y = 0; y < size; y++) { if (*(index+y) == e2) { if ((y != (size - 1)) && (*(index+y+1) == e3)) break; else if ((y == (size - 1)) && (*(index) == e3)) break; else if ((y != 0) && (*(index+y-1) == e3)) { increment = -1; break; } else if ((y==0) && (*(index+size-1) == e3)) { increment = -1; break; } } if (*(index+y) == e3) { if ((y != (size - 1)) && (*(index+y+1) == e2)) break; else if ((y == (size - 1)) && (*(index) == e2)) break; else if ((y != 0) && (*(index+y-1) == e2)) { increment = -1; break; } else if ((y==0) && (*(index+size-1) == e2)) { increment = -1; break; } } /* Edge is not here, we are at the beginning */ if ((y == (size-1)) && (increment != -1)) return; } /* Now put the list into a new list, starting with the input edge. Increment tells us whether we have to go forward or backward. */ /* Was in good position already */ if ((y == 0) && (increment == 1)) return; temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); if (increment == 1) { x=0; for (f = y ; f< size; f++) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } /* Finish the rest of the list */ for(f = 0; f < y ; f++) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } } else { x=0; for (f = y ; f >= 0; f--) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } /* Finish the rest of the list */ for(f = (size - 1); f > y ; f--) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } } } /// Delete_From_List: void CustomStripifier::Delete_From_List(int id,int *list, int *size) { /* Delete the occurence of id in the list. (list has size size) */ int *temp; register int x,y=0; temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (*size)); for (x=0; x<(*size); x++) { if (*(list+x) != id) { *(temp+y) = *(list+x); y++; } } *(temp+y) = -1; *size = *size - (*size - y - 1); memcpy(list,temp,sizeof(int)*(*size)); } /// Build_SGI_Table: void CustomStripifier::Build_SGI_Table(int num_faces) { /* Build a table that has the polygons sorted by the number of adjacent polygons. */ int x,y,size,tally=0; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; /* For each face....*/ for (x=0;x < num_faces;x++) { pListHead = PolFaces[x]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; if (size != 1) { for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { if (y != (size-1)) tally += Num_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y),*(temp->pPolygon+y+1)); else tally+= Num_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon),*(temp->pPolygon+(size-1))); } /* Tally is the number of polygons that is adjacent to the current polygon. */ /* Now put the face in the proper bucket depending on tally. */ Add_Sgi_Adj(tally,x); temp = NULL; tally=0; } } } } /// Triangulate_Quad: void CustomStripifier::Triangulate_Quad(int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2,int size,int *index, int reversed,int where) { int vertex4,vertex5; /* This routine will nonblindly triangulate a quad, meaning that there is a definite input and a definite output edge that we must adhere to. Reversed will tell the orientation of the input edge. (Reversed is -1 is we do not have an input edge, in other words we are at the beginning of a strip.) Out_edge* is the output edge, and in_edge* is the input edge. Index are the edges of the polygon and size is the size of the polygon. Begin is whether we are at the start of a new strip. */ /* If we do not have an input edge, then we can make our input edge whatever we like, therefore it will be easier to come out on the output edge. */ if (reversed == -1) { vertex4 = Adjacent(out_edge1,out_edge2,index,size); vertex5 = Get_Other_Vertex(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,index); Output_Tri(vertex5,vertex4,out_edge1,where); Output_Tri(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,where); return; } /* These are the 5 cases that we can have for the output edge */ /* Are they consecutive so that we form a triangle to peel off, but cannot use the whole quad? */ if (in_edge2 == out_edge1) { /* Output the triangle that comes out the correct edge last. First output the triangle that comes out the wrong edge. */ vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,index); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); Output_Tri(vertex4,in_edge2,out_edge2,where); return; } /* The next case is where it is impossible to come out the edge that we want. So we will have to start a new strip to come out on that edge. We will output the one triangle that we can, and then start the new strip with the triangle that comes out on the edge that we want to come out on. */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge1) { /* We want to output the first triangle (whose output edge is not the one that we want. We have to find the vertex that we need, which is the other vertex which we do not have. */ vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge2,in_edge1,out_edge2,index); Output_Tri(in_edge2,in_edge1,vertex4,where); Output_Tri(vertex4,in_edge1,out_edge2,where); return; } /* Consecutive cases again, but with the output edge reversed */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge2) { vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,index); Output_Tri(in_edge2,in_edge1,vertex4,where); Output_Tri(vertex4,in_edge1,out_edge1,where); return; } else if (in_edge2 == out_edge2) { vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,index); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); Output_Tri(vertex4,in_edge2,out_edge1,where); return; } /* The final case is where we want to come out the opposite edge. */ else { if( ((!reversed) && (out_edge1 == (Adjacent(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size)))) || ((reversed) && (out_edge2 == (Adjacent(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size))))) { /* We need to know the orientation of the input edge, so we know which way to put the diagonal. And also the output edge, so that we triangulate correctly. */ Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,where); Output_Tri(in_edge2,out_edge2,out_edge1,where); } else { /* Input and output orientation was reversed, so diagonal will be reversed from above. */ Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,where); Output_Tri(in_edge2,out_edge1,out_edge2,where); } return; } } /// Triangulate_Polygon: void CustomStripifier::Triangulate_Polygon( int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, FILE *output, int reversed, int face_id, int where, int color1, int color2, int color3) { /* We have a polygon that we need to nonblindly triangulate. We will recursively try to triangulate it, until we are left with a polygon of size 4, which can use the quad routine from above. We will be taking off a triangle at a time and outputting it. We will have 3 cases similar to the cases for the quad above. The inputs to this routine are the same as for the quad routine. */ int vertex4; int *temp; /* Since we are calling this recursively, we have to check whether we are down to the case of the quad. */ if (size == 4) { Triangulate_Quad(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,reversed,where); return; } /* We do not have a specified input edge, and therefore we can make it anything we like, as long as we still come out the output edge that we want. */ if (reversed == -1) { /* Get the vertex for the last triangle, which is the one coming out the output edge, before we do any deletions to the list. We will be doing this bottom up. */ vertex4 = Adjacent(out_edge1,out_edge2,index,size); temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(out_edge2,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,vertex4,in_edge2, vertex4,size-1,index,output,reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); /* Lastly do the triangle that comes out the output edge. */ Output_Tri(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,where); return; } /* These are the 5 cases that we can have for the output edge */ /* Are they consecutive so that we form a triangle to peel off that comes out the correct output edge, but we cannot use the whole polygon? */ if (in_edge2 == out_edge1) { /* Output the triangle that comes out the correct edge last. First recursively do the rest of the polygon. */ /* Do the rest of the polygon without the triangle. We will be doing a fan triangulation. */ /* Get the vertex adjacent to in_edge1, but is not in_edge2. */ vertex4 = Adjacent(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(in_edge1,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge2, vertex4,size-1,index,output,!reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); return; } /* Next case is where it is again consecutive, but the triangle formed by the consecutive edges do not come out of the correct output edge. For this case, we can not do much to keep it sequential. Try and do the fan. */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge1) { /* Get vertex adjacent to in_edge2, but is not in_edge1 */ vertex4 = Adjacent(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); /* Since that triangle goes out of the polygon (the output edge of it), we can make our new input edge anything we like, so we will try to make it good for the strip. (This will be like starting a new strip, all so that we can go out the correct output edge.) */ temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(in_edge2,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1, vertex4,size-1,index,output,reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); return; } /* Consecutive cases again, but with the output edge reversed */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge2) { /* Get vertex adjacent to in_edge2, but is not in_edge1 */ vertex4 = Adjacent(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size); Output_Tri(in_edge2,in_edge1,vertex4,where); temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(in_edge2,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1, vertex4,size-1,index,output,reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); return; } else if (in_edge2 == out_edge2) { /* Get vertex adjacent to in_edge2, but is not in_edge1 */ vertex4 = Adjacent(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(in_edge1,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,vertex4, in_edge2,size-1,index,output,reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); return; } /* Else the edge is not consecutive, and it is sufficiently far away, for us not to make a conclusion at this time. So we can take off a triangle and recursively call this function. */ else { vertex4 = Adjacent(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size); Output_Tri(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,where); temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_List(in_edge1,index,&size); Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge2, vertex4,size-1,index,output,!reversed,face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); return; } } /// Triangulate: void CustomStripifier::Triangulate(int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2,int size,int *index, FILE *output,int reversed,int face_id, int where, int color1, int color2,int color3) { /* We have the info we need to triangulate a polygon */ if (size == 4) Triangulate_Quad(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,reversed,where); else Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,output,reversed,face_id,where,color1,color2,color3); } /// Non_Blind_Triangulate: void CustomStripifier::Non_Blind_Triangulate(int size,int *index, FILE *output,int next_face_id,int face_id,int where, int color1,int color2,int color3) { int id1,id2,id3; int nedge1,nedge2; int reversed; /* We have a polygon that has to be triangulated and we cannot do it blindly, ie we will try to come out on the edge that has the least number of adjacencies */ Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,0); /* Find the edge that is adjacent to the new face , also return whether the orientation is reversed in the face of the input edge, which is id2 and id3. */ if (next_face_id == -1) { printf("The face is -1 and the size is %d\n",size); exit(0); } reversed = Get_Edge(&nedge1,&nedge2,index,next_face_id,size,id2,id3); /* Do the triangulation */ /* If reversed is -1, the input edge is not in the polygon, therefore we can have the input edge to be anything we like, since we are at the beginning of a strip */ Triangulate(nedge1,nedge2,id2,id3,size,index,output,reversed, face_id, where,color1,color2,color3); } /// Blind_Triangulate: void CustomStripifier::Blind_Triangulate(int size, int *index, BOOL begin, int where) { /* save sides in temp array, we need it so we know about swaps. */ int mode, decreasing,increasing,e1,e2,e3; /* Rearrange the index list so that the input edge is first */ if (!begin) Rearrange_Index(index,size); /* We are given a polygon of more than 3 sides and want to triangulate it. We will output the triangles to the output file. */ /* Find where the input edge is in the input list */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); if (( (!begin) && (*(index) == e2) ) || (begin)) { Output_Tri(*(index+0),*(index+1),*(index+size-1),where); /* If we have a quad, (chances are yes), then we know that we can just add one diagonal and be done. (divide the quad into 2 triangles. */ if (size == 4) { Output_Tri(*(index+1),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),where); return; } increasing = 1; mode = 1; } else if (!begin) { Output_Tri(*(index+1),*(index+0),*(index+size-1),where); if (size == 4) { Output_Tri(*(index+0),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),where); return; } Output_Tri(*(index+0),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),where); increasing = 2; mode = 0; } if (size != 4) { /* We do not have a quad, we have something bigger. */ decreasing = size - 1; do { /* Will be alternating diagonals, so we will be increasing and decreasing around the polygon. */ if (mode) { Output_Tri(*(index+increasing),*(index+decreasing), *(index+increasing+1),where); increasing++; } else { Output_Tri(*(index+decreasing),*(index+increasing), *(index+decreasing-1),where); decreasing--; } mode = !mode; } while ((decreasing - increasing) >= 2); } } /// Get_Edge: int CustomStripifier::Get_Edge(int *edge1,int *edge2,int *index,int face_id, int size, int id1, int id2) { /* Put the edge that is adjacent to face_id into edge1 and edge2. For each edge see if it is adjacent to face_id. Id1 and id2 is the input edge, so see if the orientation is reversed, and save it in reversed. */ register int x; int reversed = -1; BOOL set = FALSE; for (x=0; x< size; x++) { if (x == (size-1)) { if ((*(index) == id1) && (*(index+size-1)==id2)) { if (set) return 1; reversed = 1; } else if ((*(index) == id2) && (*(index+size-1)==id1)) { if (set) return 0; reversed = 0; } if (Look_Up(*(index),*(index+size-1),face_id)) { if ( (out1 != -1) && ( (out1 == *(index)) || (out1 == *(index+size-1)) ) && ( (out2 == *(index)) || (out2 == *(index+size-1)) )) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index); *edge2 = *(index+size-1); } else if (out1 == -1) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index); *edge2 = *(index+size-1); } if ((reversed != -1) && (set)) return reversed; } } else { if ((*(index+x) == id1) && (*(index+x+1)==id2)) { if (set) return 0; reversed = 0; } else if ((*(index+x) == id2) && (*(index+x+1)==id1)) { if (set) return 1; reversed = 1; } if (Look_Up(*(index+x),*(index+x+1),face_id)) { if ( (out1 != -1) && ( (out1 == *(index+x)) || (out1 == *(index+x+1)) ) && ((out2 == *(index+x)) || (out2 == *(index+x+1)))) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index+x); *edge2 = *(index+x+1); } else if (out1 == -1) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index+x); *edge2 = *(index+x + 1); } if ((reversed != -1) && (set)) return reversed; } } } if ((x == size) && (reversed != -1)) { /* Could not find the output edge */ printf("Error in the Lookup %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", face_id,id1,id2,reversed,*edge1,*edge2,out1,out2); exit(0); } return reversed; } /// Udate_Face: void CustomStripifier::Update_Face(int *next_bucket, int *min_face, int face_id, int *e1, int *e2,int temp1,int temp2,int *ties) { /* We have a face id that needs to be decremented. We have to determine where it is in the structure, so that we can decrement it. */ /* The number of adjacencies may have changed, so to locate it may be a little tricky. However we know that the number of adjacencies is less than or equal to the original number of adjacencies, */ int y,size; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; PLISTINFO lpListInfo; static int each_poly = 0; BOOL there = FALSE; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; /* We did it already */ if (size == 1) return; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* If we are doing partial triangulation, we must check to see whether the edge is still there in the polygon, since we might have done a portion of the polygon and saved the rest for later. */ if (y != (size-1)) { if( ((temp1 == *(temp->pPolygon+y)) && (temp2 ==*(temp->pPolygon+y+1))) || ((temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon+y)) && (temp1 ==*(temp->pPolygon+y+1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } else { if( ((temp1 == *(temp->pPolygon)) && (temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon+size-1))) || ((temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon)) && (temp1 ==*(temp->pPolygon+size-1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } } if (!there) /* Original edge was already used, we cannot use this polygon */ return; /* We have a starting point to start our search to locate this polygon. */ /* Check to see if this polygon was done */ lpListInfo = Done(face_id,&y); if (lpListInfo == NULL) return; /* Was not done, but there is an error in the adjacency calculations */ if (y == 0) { printf("There is an error in finding the adjacencies\n"); exit(0); } /* Now put the face in the proper bucket depending on tally. */ /* First add it to the new bucket, then remove it from the old */ Add_Sgi_Adj(y-1,face_id); RemoveList(array[y],lpListInfo); /* Save it if it was the smallest seen so far since then it will be the next face Here we will have different options depending on what we want for resolving ties: 1) First one we see we will use 2) Random resolving 3) Look ahead 4) Alternating direction */ /* At a new strip */ if (*next_bucket == 60) *ties = *ties + each_poly; /* Have a tie */ if (*next_bucket == (y-1)) { Add_Ties(face_id); each_poly++; } /* At a new minimum */ if (*next_bucket > (y-1)) { *next_bucket = y-1; *min_face = face_id; *e1 = temp1; *e2 = temp2; each_poly = 0; Clear_Ties(); Add_Ties(face_id); } } } /// Delete_Adj: void CustomStripifier::Delete_Adj(int id1, int id2,int *next_bucket,int *min_face, int current_face,int *e1,int *e2,int *ties) { /* Find the face that is adjacent to the edge and is not the current face. Delete one adjacency from it. Save the min adjacency seen so far. */ register int count=0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int next_face; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) /* It could be a new edge that we created. So we can exit, since there is not a face adjacent to it. */ return; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) /* Was a new edge that was created and therefore does not have anything adjacent to it */ return; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return; /* Was adjacent to something */ else { if (temp->edge[2] == current_face) next_face = temp->edge[1]; else next_face = temp->edge[2]; } /* We have the other face adjacent to this edge, it is next_face. Now we need to decrement this faces' adjacencies. */ Update_Face(next_bucket, min_face, next_face,e1,e2,id1,id2,ties); } /// Update_Adjacencies: int CustomStripifier::Update_Adjacencies(int face_id, int *next_bucket, int *e1, int *e2, int *ties) { /* Give the face with id face_id, we want to decrement all the faces that are adjacent to it, since we will be deleting face_id from the data structure. We will return the face that has the least number of adjacencies. */ PF_FACES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int size,y,min_face = -1; *next_bucket = 60; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if ( temp == NULL ) { printf("The face was already deleted, there is an error\n"); exit(0); } /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { if (y != (size-1)) Delete_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y),*(temp->pPolygon+y+1), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,e1,e2,ties); else Delete_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon),*(temp->pPolygon+(size-1)), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,e1,e2,ties); } return (min_face); } /// Old_Adj: int CustomStripifier::Old_Adj(int face_id) { /* Find the bucket that the face_id is currently in, because maybe we will be deleting it. */ PF_FACES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int y; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if ( temp == NULL ) { printf("The face was already deleted, there is an error\n"); exit(0); } if (Done(face_id,&y) == NULL) { printf("There is an error in finding the face\n"); exit(0); } return y; } /// Number_Adj: int CustomStripifier::Number_Adj(int id1, int id2, int curr_id) { /* Given edge whose endpoints are specified by id1 and id2, determine how many polygons share this edge and return that number minus one (since we do not want to include the polygon that the caller has already). */ int size,y,count=0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; PF_FACES temp2 = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; BOOL there= FALSE; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) /* new edge that was created might not be here */ return 0; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) /* This edge was not there in the original, which mean that we created it in the partial triangulation. So it is adjacent to nothing. */ return 0; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return 0; else { /* It was adjacent to another polygon, but maybe we did this polygon already, and it was done partially so that this edge could have been done */ if (curr_id != temp->edge[1]) { /* Did we use this polygon already?and it was deleted completely from the structure */ pListHead = PolFaces[temp->edge[1]]; temp2 = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if (Done(temp->edge[1],&size) == NULL) return 0; } else { pListHead = PolFaces[temp->edge[2]]; temp2 = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if (Done(temp->edge[2],&size)== NULL) return 0; } /* Now we have to check whether it was partially done, before we can say definitely if it is adjacent. Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp2 != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp2->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* If we are doing partial triangulation, we must check to see whether the edge is still there in the polygon, since we might have done a portion of the polygon and saved the rest for later. */ if (y != (size-1)) { if(((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id2 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } else { if(((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon+size-1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+size-1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } } } if (there ) return 1; return 0; } } /// Min_Adj: int CustomStripifier::Min_Adj(int id) { /* Used for the lookahead to break ties. It will return the minimum adjacency found at this face. */ int y,numverts,t,x=60; PF_FACES temp=NULL; ListHead *pListHead; /* If polygon was used then we can't use this face */ if (Done(id,&y) == NULL) return 60; /* It was not used already */ pListHead = PolFaces[id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if ( temp != NULL ) { numverts = temp->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< numverts; y++) { if (y != (numverts-1)) t = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y),*(temp->pPolygon+y+1),id); else t = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon),*(temp->pPolygon+(numverts-1)),id); if (t < x) x = t; } } if (x == -1) { printf("Error in the look\n"); exit(0); } return x; } /// Edje_Least: void CustomStripifier::Edge_Least(int *index,int *new1,int *new2,int face_id,int size) { /* We had a polygon without an input edge and now we re going to pick one of the edges with the least number of adjacencies to be the input edge */ register int x,value,smallest=60; for (x = 0; xpPolygon+y) == id2) && (*(temp->pPolygon+y+1) != id3)) || ((*(temp->pPolygon+y) == id3) && (*(temp->pPolygon+y+1) != id2))) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y), *(temp->pPolygon+y+1),face_id); big_saved[z++] = saved[x-1]; } else big_saved[z++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y), *(temp->pPolygon+y+1),face_id); } else { if (((*(temp->pPolygon) == id2) && (*(temp->pPolygon+size-1) != id3)) || ((*(temp->pPolygon) == id3) && (*(temp->pPolygon+size-1) != id2))) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon), *(temp->pPolygon+size-1),face_id); big_saved[z++] = saved[x-1]; } else big_saved[z++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon), *(temp->pPolygon+size-1),face_id); } } /* There was an input edge */ if (x == 2) { if (saved[0] < saved[1]) /* Count the polygon that we will be cutting as another adjacency*/ *min = saved[0] + 1; else *min = saved[1] + 1; } /* There was not an input edge */ else { if (z != size) { printf("There is an error with the z %d %d\n",size,z); exit(0); } *min = 60; for (x = 0; x < size; x++) { if (*min > big_saved[x]) *min = big_saved[x]; } } } /// New_Face: void CustomStripifier::New_Face (int face_id, int v1, int v2, int v3) { /* We want to change the face that was face_id, we will change it to a triangle, since the rest of the polygon was already outputtted */ ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ if (temp->nPolSize != 4) { printf("There is a miscalculation in the partial\n"); exit (0); } temp->nPolSize = 3; *(temp->pPolygon) = v1; *(temp->pPolygon+1) = v2; *(temp->pPolygon+2) = v3; } } /// New_Size_Face: void CustomStripifier::New_Size_Face(int face_id) { /* We want to change the face that was face_id, we will change it to a triangle, since the rest of the polygon was already outputtted */ ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp != NULL ) (temp->nPolSize)--; else printf("There is an error in updating the size\n"); } /// Check_In_Quad: void CustomStripifier::Check_In_Quad(int face_id,int *min) { /* Check to see what the adjacencies are for the polygons that are inside the quad, ie the 2 triangles that we can form. */ ListHead *pListHead; int y,id1,id2,id3,x=0; int saved[4]; PF_FACES temp; register int size = 4; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Get the input edge that we came in on */ Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,0); /* Now find the adjacencies for the inside triangles */ for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* Will not do this if the edge is the input edge */ if (y != (size-1)) { if ((((*(temp->pPolygon+y) == id2) && (*(temp->pPolygon+y+1) == id3))) || (((*(temp->pPolygon+y) == id3) && (*(temp->pPolygon+y+1) == id2)))) saved[x++] = -1; else { if (x == 4) { printf("There is an error in the check in quad \n"); exit(0); } /* Save the number of Adjacent Polygons to this edge */ saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon+y), *(temp->pPolygon+y+1),face_id); } } else if ((((*(temp->pPolygon) == id2) && (*(temp->pPolygon+size-1) == id3))) || (((*(temp->pPolygon) == id3) && (*(temp->pPolygon+size-1) == id2))) ) saved[x++] = -1; else { if (x == 4) { printf("There is an error in the check in quad \n"); exit(0); } /* Save the number of Adjacent Polygons to this edge */ saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(temp->pPolygon), *(temp->pPolygon+size-1),face_id); } } if (x != 4) { printf("Did not enter all the values %d \n",x); exit(0); } *min = 10; for (x=0; x<4; x++) { if (x!= 3) { if ((saved[x] != -1) && (saved[x+1] != -1) && ((saved[x] + saved[x+1]) < *min)) *min = saved[x] + saved[x+1]; } else { if ((saved[0] != -1) && (saved[x] != -1) && ((saved[x] + saved[0]) < *min)) *min = saved[0] + saved[x]; } } } /// Get_Output_Edge: int CustomStripifier::Get_Output_Edge(int face_id, int size, int *index,int id2,int id3) { /* Return the vertex adjacent to either input1 or input2 that is adjacent to the least number of polygons on the edge that is shared with either input1 or input2. */ register int x=0,y; int saved[2]; int edges[2][1]; for (y = 0; y < size; y++) { if (y != (size-1)) { if (((*(index+y) == id2) && (*(index+y+1) != id3)) || ((*(index+y) == id3) && (*(index+y+1) != id2))) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(index+y),*(index+y+1),face_id); edges[x-1][0] = *(index+y+1); } else if (y != 0) { if (( (*(index+y) == id2) && (*(index+y-1) != id3) ) || ( (*(index+y) == id3) && (*(index+y-1) != id2)) ) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(index+y),*(index+y-1),face_id); edges[x-1][0] = *(index+y-1); } } else if (y == 0) { if (( (*(index) == id2) && (*(index+size-1) != id3) ) || ( (*(index) == id3) && (*(index+size-1) != id2)) ) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(index),*(index+size-1),face_id); edges[x-1][0] = *(index+size-1); } } } else { if (((*(index+size-1) == id2) && (*(index) != id3)) || ((*(index+size-1) == id3) && (*(index) != id2))) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(index),*(index+size-1),face_id); edges[x-1][0] = *(index); } if (( (*(index+size-1) == id2) && (*(index+y-1) != id3) ) || ( (*(index+size-1) == id3) && (*(index+y-1) != id2)) ) { saved[x++] = Number_Adj(*(index+size-1),*(index+y-1),face_id); edges[x-1][0] = *(index+y-1); } } } if ((x != 2)) { printf("There is an error in getting the input edge %d \n",x); exit(0); } if (saved[0] < saved[1]) return edges[0][0]; else return edges[1][0]; } /// Get_Input_Edge: void CustomStripifier::Get_Input_Edge(int *index,int id1,int id2,int id3, int *new1,int *new2,int size,int face_id) { /* We had a polygon without an input edge and now we are going to pick one as the input edge. The last triangle was id1,id2,id3, we will try to get an edge to have something in common with one of those vertices, otherwise we will pick the edge with the least number of adjacencies. */ register int x; int saved[3]; saved[0] = -1; saved[1] = -1; saved[2] = -1; /* Go through the edges to see if there is one in common with one of the vertices of the last triangle that we had, preferably id2 or id3 since those are the last 2 things in the stack of size 2. */ for (x=0; x< size; x++) { if (*(index+x) == id1) { if (x != (size-1)) saved[0] = *(index+x+1); else saved[0] = *(index); } if (*(index+x) == id2) { if (x != (size-1)) saved[1] = *(index+x+1); else saved[1] = *(index); } if (*(index+x) == id3) { if (x != (size -1)) saved[2] = *(index+x+1); else saved[2] = *(index); } } /* Now see what we saved */ if (saved[2] != -1) { *new1 = id3; *new2 = saved[2]; return; } else if (saved[1] != -1) { *new1 = id2; *new2 = saved[1]; return; } else if (saved[0] != -1) { *new1 = id1; *new2 = saved[0]; return; } /* We did not find anything so get the edge with the least number of adjacencies */ Edge_Least(index,new1,new2,face_id,size); } /// Find_Face: int CustomStripifier::Find_Face(int current_face, int id1, int id2, int *bucket) { /* Find the face that is adjacent to the edge and is not the current face. */ register int size,y,count=0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; PF_FACES temp2 = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int next_face; BOOL there = FALSE; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); /* The input edge was a new edge */ if (temp == NULL) return -1; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); /* The input edge was a new edge */ if (temp == NULL) return -1; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return -1; else { if (temp->edge[2] == current_face) next_face = temp->edge[1]; else next_face = temp->edge[2]; } /* We have the other face adjacent to this edge, it is next_face. */ pListHead = PolFaces[next_face]; temp2 = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* See if the face was already deleted, and where it is if it was not */ if (Done(next_face,bucket) == NULL) return -1; /* Make sure the edge is still in this polygon, and that it is not done */ /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp2->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* Make sure that the edge is still in the polygon and was not deleted, because if the edge was deleted, then we used it already. */ if (y != (size-1)) { if( ((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id2 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } else { if(((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id2 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+size-1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+size-1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } } if (!there) /* Edge already used and deleted from the polygon*/ return -1; else return next_face; } /// Look_Up: BOOL CustomStripifier::Look_Up(int id1,int id2,int face_id) { /* See if the endpoints of the edge specified by id1 and id2 are adjacent to the face with face_id */ register int count = 0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) /* Was a new edge that we created */ return 0; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) /* Was a new edge that we created */ return 0; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if ((temp->edge[2] == face_id) || (temp->edge[1] == face_id)) { /* Edge was adjacent to face, make sure that edge is still there */ if (Exist(face_id,id1,id2)) return 1; else return 0; } else return 0; } /// Add_Id_Strips: void CustomStripifier::Add_Id_Strips(int id, int where) { /* Just save the triangle for later */ P_STRIPS pfNode; pfNode = (P_STRIPS) malloc(sizeof(Strips) ); if ( pfNode ) { pfNode->face_id = id; if (where == 1) AddTail(strips[0],(PLISTINFO) pfNode); /* We are backtracking in the strip */ else AddHead(strips[0],(PLISTINFO) pfNode); } else { printf("There is not enough memory to allocate for the strips\n"); exit(0); } } /// Num_Adj: int CustomStripifier::Num_Adj(int id1, int id2) { /* Given edge whose endpoints are specified by id1 and id2, determine how many polygons share this edge and return that number minus one (since we do not want to include the polygon that the caller has already). */ PF_EDGES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; register count=-1; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) { printf("There is an error in the creation of the table \n"); exit(0); } while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) { printf("There is an error in the creation of the table\n"); exit(0); } } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return 0; return 1; } /// Add_Sgi_Adj: void CustomStripifier::Add_Sgi_Adj(int bucket,int face_id) { /* This routine will add the face to the proper bucket, depending on how many faces are adjacent to it (what the value bucket should be). */ P_ADJACENCIES pfNode; pfNode = (P_ADJACENCIES) malloc(sizeof(ADJACENCIES) ); if ( pfNode ) { pfNode->face_id = face_id; AddHead(array[bucket],(PLISTINFO) pfNode); face_array[face_id].bucket = bucket; face_array[face_id].pfNode = pfNode; face_array[face_id].head = array[bucket]; } else { printf("Out of memory for the SGI adj list!\n"); exit(0); } } /// Find_Adjacencies: void CustomStripifier::Find_Adjacencies(int num_faces) { register int x,y; register int numverts; PF_FACES temp =NULL; ListHead* pListHead; /* Fill in the adjacencies data structure for all the faces */ for (x=0;xnPolSize; if (numverts != 1) { for (y = 0; y< numverts; y++) { if (y != (numverts-1)) Add_AdjEdge(*(temp->pPolygon+y), *(temp->pPolygon+y+1),x,y); else Add_AdjEdge(*(temp->pPolygon), *(temp->pPolygon+(numverts-1)),x,numverts-1); } } temp = NULL; } } } /// Clear_Ties: void CustomStripifier::Clear_Ties() { /* Clear the buffer, because we do not have the tie any more that we had before */ last = 0; } /// Add_Ties: void CustomStripifier::Add_Ties(int id) { /* We have a tie to add to the buffer */ ties_array[last++] = id; } /// Alternate_Tie: int CustomStripifier::Alternate_Tie() { /* Alternate in what we choose to break the tie We are just alternating between the first and second thing that we found */ static int x = 0; register int t; t = ties_array[x]; x++; if (x == 2) x = 0; return t; } /// Random_Tie: int CustomStripifier::Random_Tie() { /* Randomly choose the next face with which to break the tie */ register int num; num = rand(); while (num >= last) num = num/20; return (ties_array[num]); } /// Look_Ahead: int CustomStripifier::Look_Ahead(int id) { /* Look ahead at this face and save the minimum adjacency of all the faces that are adjacent to this face. */ return Min_Adj(id); } /// Random_Look: int CustomStripifier::Random_Look(int id[],int count) { /* We had a tie within a tie in the lookahead, break it randomly */ register int num; num = rand(); while (num >= count) num = num/20; return (id[num]); } /// Look_Ahead_Tie: int CustomStripifier::Look_Ahead_Tie() { /* Look ahead and find the face to go to that will give the least number of adjacencies */ int id[60],t,x,f=0,min = 60; for (x = 0; x < last; x++) { t = Look_Ahead(ties_array[x]); /* We have a tie */ if (t == min) id[f++] = ties_array[x]; if (t < min) { f = 0; min = t; id[f++] = ties_array[x]; } } /* No tie within the tie */ if ( f == 1) return id[0]; /* Or ties, but we are at the end of strips */ if (min == 0) return id[0]; return (Random_Look(id,f)); } /// Sequential_Tri: int CustomStripifier::Sequential_Tri(int *index) { /* We have a triangle and need to break the ties at it. We will choose the edge that is sequential. There is definitely one since we know we have a triangle and that there is a tie and there are only 2 edges for the tie. */ int reversed,e1,e2,e3,output1,output2,output3,output4; /* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the triangle */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0)) /* Starting the strip, don't need to do this */ return ties_array[0]; /* For the 2 ties find the edge adjacent to face id */ reversed = Get_EdgeEx(&output1,&output2,index,ties_array[0],3,0,0); reversed = Get_EdgeEx(&output3,&output4,index,ties_array[1],3,0,0); if ((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3)) return ties_array[0]; if ((output3 == e3) || (output4 == e3)) return ties_array[1]; printf("There is an error trying to break sequential triangle \n"); return -1; } /// Sequential_Quad: int CustomStripifier::Sequential_Quad(int *index, int triangulate) { /* We have a quad that need to break its ties, we will try and choose a side that is sequential, otherwise use lookahead */ int reversed,output1,output2,x,e1,e2,e3; /* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the quad */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); /* No input edge */ if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0)) return ties_array[0]; /* Go through the ties and see if there is a sequential one */ for (x = 0; x < last; x++) { reversed = Get_EdgeEx(&output1,&output2,index,ties_array[x],4,0,0); /* Partial and whole triangulation will have different requirements */ if (((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3)) && (triangulate == PARTIAL)) return ties_array[x]; if (((output1 != e3) && (output1 != e2) && (output2 != e3) && (output2 != e2))) return ties_array[x]; } /* There was not a tie that was sequential */ return Look_Ahead_Tie(); } /// Whole_Output: void CustomStripifier::Whole_Output(int in1, int *index, int size, int *out1, int *out2) { /* Used to sequentially break ties in the whole triangulation for polygons greater than 4 sides. We will find the output edge that is good for sequential triangulation. */ int half; /* Put the input edge first in the list */ Rearrange_IndexEx(index,size); if (!(EVEN(size))) { if (*(index) == in1) half = size/2 ; else half = size/2 +1; } else half = size/2; *out1 = *(index+half); *out2 = *(index+half+1); } /// Sequential_Poly: int CustomStripifier::Sequential_Poly(int size, int *index, int triangulate) { /* We have a polygon of greater than 4 sides and wish to break the tie in the most sequential manner. */ int x,reversed,output1,output2,e1,e2,e3,saved1=-1,saved2=-1,output3,output4; /* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the quad */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); /* If we are using whole, find the output edge that is sequential */ if (triangulate == WHOLE) Whole_Output(e2,index,size,&output3,&output4); /* No input edge */ if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0)) return ties_array[0]; for (x = 0; x < last ; x++) { reversed = Get_EdgeEx(&output1,&output2,index,ties_array[x],size,0,0); /* Partial that can be removed in just one triangle */ if (((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3)) && (triangulate == PARTIAL)) saved1 = ties_array[x]; /* Partial removed in more than one triangle */ if ((output1 != e3) && (output1 != e2) && (output2 != e3) && (output2 != e2) && (triangulate == PARTIAL) && (saved2 != -1)) saved2 = ties_array[x]; /* Whole is not so easy, since the whole polygon must be done. Given an input edge there is only one way to come out, approximately half way around the polygon. */ if (((output1 == output3) && (output2 == output4)) || ((output1 == output4) && (output2 == output3)) && (triangulate == WHOLE)) return ties_array[x]; } if (saved1 != -1) return saved1; if (saved2 != -1) return saved2; /* There was not a tie that was sequential */ return Look_Ahead_Tie(); } /// Sequential_Tie: int CustomStripifier::Sequential_Tie(int face_id,int triangulate) { /* Break the tie by choosing the face that will not give us a swap and is sequential. If there is not one, then do the lookahead to break the tie. */ /* Separate into 3 cases for simplicity, if the current polygon has 3 sides, 4 sides or if the sides were greater. We can do the smaller cases faster, so that is why I separated the cases. */ ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; /* Get the polygon with id face_id */ pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); if (face->nPolSize == 3) return(Sequential_Tri(face->pPolygon)); if (face->nPolSize == 4) return(Sequential_Quad(face->pPolygon,triangulate)); else return(Sequential_Poly(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,triangulate)); } /// Get_Next_Face: int CustomStripifier::Get_Next_Face(int t, int face_id, int triangulate) { /* Get the next face depending on what the user specified */ /* Did not have a tie, don't do anything */ if (last == 1) return(ties_array[0]); if (t == RANDOM) return Random_Tie(); if (t == ALTERNA) return Alternate_Tie(); if (t == LOOK) return Look_Ahead_Tie(); if (t == SEQUENTIAL) return Sequential_Tie(face_id,triangulate); printf("Illegal option specified for ties, using first \n"); return (ties_array[0]); } /// new_vertex: BOOL CustomStripifier::new_vertex(double difference, int id1,int id2, struct vert_struct *n) { /* Is the difference between id1 and id2 (2 normal vertices that mapped to the same vertex) greater than the threshold that was specified? */ struct vert_struct *pn1,*pn2; double dot_product; double distance1, distance2,distance; double rad; char arg1[100]; char arg2[100]; pn1 = n + id1; pn2 = n + id2; dot_product = ((pn1->x) * (pn2->x)) + ((pn1->y) * (pn2->y)) + ((pn1->z) * (pn2->z)); /* Get the absolute value */ if (dot_product < 0) dot_product = dot_product * -1; distance1 = sqrt( (pn1->x * pn1->x) + (pn1->y * pn1->y) + (pn1->z * pn1->z) ); distance2 = sqrt( (pn2->x * pn2->x) + (pn2->y * pn2->y) + (pn2->z * pn2->z) ); distance = distance1 * distance2; rad = acos((double)dot_product/(double)distance); /* convert to degrees */ rad = (180 * rad)/GEO_PI; if ( rad <= difference) return FALSE; /* double checking because of imprecision with floating point acos function */ sprintf( arg1,"%.5f", rad ); sprintf( arg2,"%.5f", difference ); if ( strcmp( arg1, arg2 ) <=0 ) return( FALSE ); if ( rad <= difference) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /// Check_VN: BOOL CustomStripifier::Check_VN(int vertex,int normal, struct vert_added *added) { /* Check to see if we already added this vertex and normal */ register int x,n; n = (added+vertex)->num; for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { if (*((added+vertex)->normal+x) == normal) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /// norm_array: BOOL CustomStripifier::norm_array(int id, int vertex, double normal_difference, struct vert_struct *n, int num_vert) { static int last; static struct vert_added *added; register int x; static BOOL first = TRUE; if (first) { /* This is the first time that we are in here, so we will allocate a structure that will save the vertices that we added, so that we do not add the same thing twice */ first = FALSE; added = (struct vert_added *) malloc (sizeof (struct vert_added ) * num_vert); /* The number of vertices added for each vertex must be initialized to zero */ for (x = 0; x < num_vert; x++) (added+x)->num = 0; } if (vertex) /* Set the pointer to the vertex, we will be calling again with the normal to fill it with */ last = id; else { /* Fill the pointer with the id of the normal */ if (*(vert_norms + last) == 0) *(vert_norms + last) = id; else if ((*(vert_norms + last) != id) && ((int)normal_difference != 360)) { /* difference is big enough, we need to create a new vertex */ if (new_vertex(normal_difference,id,*(vert_norms + last),n)) { /* First check to see if we added this vertex and normal already */ if (Check_VN(last,id,added)) return FALSE; /* OK, create the new vertex, and have its id = the number of vertices and its normal what we have here */ vert_norms = (int *)realloc(vert_norms, sizeof(int) * (num_vert + 1)); if (!vert_norms) { printf("Allocation error - aborting\n"); exit(1); } *(vert_norms + num_vert) = id; /* We created a new vertex, now put it in our added structure so we do not add the same thing twice */ (added+last)->num = (added+last)->num + 1; if ((added+last)->num == 1) { /* First time */ (added+last)->normal = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int ) * 1); *((added+last)->normal) = id; } else { /* Not the first time, reallocate space */ (added+last)->normal = (int *)realloc((added+last)->normal, sizeof(int) * (added+last)->num); *((added+last)->normal+((added+last)->num-1)) = id; } return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /// add_texture: void CustomStripifier::add_texture(int id,BOOL vertex) { /* Save the texture with its vertex for future use when outputting */ static int last; if (vertex) last = id; else *(vert_texture+last) = id; } /// add_vert_id: int CustomStripifier::add_vert_id(int id, int index_count) { register int x; // Test if degenerate, if so do not add degenerate vertex for (x = 1; x < index_count ; x++) { if (ids[x] == id) return 0; } ids[index_count] = id; return 1; } /// add_norm_id: void CustomStripifier::add_norm_id(int id, int index_count) { norms[index_count] = id; } /// AddNewFace: void CustomStripifier::AddNewFace(int ids[MAX1], int vert_count, int face_id, int norms[MAX1]) { PF_FACES pfNode; PF_VERTICES pfVertNode; int *pTempInt; int *pnorms; F_EDGES **pTempVertptr; int *pTempmarked; int *pTempwalked; register int y; register int count = 0; // Add a new face into our face data structure pfNode = (PF_FACES) malloc(sizeof(F_FACES)); if (pfNode) { pfNode->pPolygon = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count) ); pfNode->pNorms = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count) ); pfNode->VertandId = (F_EDGES**)malloc(sizeof(F_EDGES*) * (vert_count)); pfNode->marked = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); pfNode->walked = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); } pTempInt = pfNode->pPolygon; pnorms = pfNode->pNorms; pTempmarked = pfNode->marked; pTempwalked = pfNode->walked; pTempVertptr = pfNode->VertandId; pfNode->nPolSize = vert_count; pfNode->nOrgSize = vert_count; pfNode->seen = -1; pfNode->seen2 = -1; for (y = 1; y <= vert_count; y++) { *(pTempInt + count) = ids[y]; *(pnorms + count) = norms[y]; *(pTempmarked + count) = FALSE; *(pTempwalked + count) = -1; *(pTempVertptr+count) = NULL; count++; /* Add this FaceNode to the Vertices Structure */ pfVertNode = (PF_VERTICES) malloc(sizeof(F_VERTICES)); pfVertNode->face = pfNode; AddHead(Vertices[ids[y]],(PLISTINFO) pfVertNode); } AddHead(PolFaces[face_id-1],(PLISTINFO) pfNode); } /// CopyFace: void CustomStripifier::CopyFace(int ids[MAX1], int vert_count, int face_id, int norms[MAX1]) { PF_FACES pfNode; int *pTempInt; int *pnorms; F_EDGES **pTempVertptr; int *pTempmarked; int *pTempwalked; register int y; register int count = 0; /* Copy a face node into a new node, used after the global algorithm is run, so that we can save whatever is left into a new structure */ pfNode = (PF_FACES) malloc(sizeof(F_FACES)); if ( pfNode ) { pfNode->pPolygon = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); pfNode->pNorms = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); pfNode->VertandId = (F_EDGES**) malloc( sizeof(F_EDGES*) * (vert_count)); pfNode->marked = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); pfNode->walked = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (vert_count)); } pTempInt = pfNode->pPolygon; pnorms = pfNode->pNorms; pTempmarked = pfNode->marked; pTempwalked = pfNode->walked; pTempVertptr = pfNode->VertandId; pfNode->nPolSize = vert_count; pfNode->nOrgSize = vert_count; pfNode->seen = -1; pfNode->seen2 = -1; for (y = 0; y < vert_count; y++) { *(pTempInt + count) = ids[y]; *(pnorms + count) = norms[y]; *(pTempmarked + count) = FALSE; *(pTempwalked + count) = -1; *(pTempVertptr+count) = NULL; count++; } AddHead(PolFaces[face_id-1],(PLISTINFO) pfNode); } /// Add_AdjEdge: void CustomStripifier::Add_AdjEdge(int v1,int v2,int fnum,int index1 ) { PF_EDGES temp = NULL; PF_FACES temp2 = NULL; PF_EDGES pfNode; ListHead *pListHead; ListHead *pListFace; BOOL flag = TRUE; register int count = 0; register int t; register int v3 = -1; if (v1 > v2) { t = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = t; } pListFace = PolFaces[fnum]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); pListHead = PolEdges[v1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) { flag = FALSE; } count++; while (flag) { if (v2 == temp->edge[0]) { /* If greater than 2 polygons adjacent to an edge, then we will only save the first 2 that we found. We will have a small performance hit, but this does not happen often. */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) { temp->edge[2] = fnum; } else { v3 = temp->edge[2]; // More than 3 edges are adjacent. // The mesh is not Manifold. mError = 1; } flag = FALSE; } else { temp = ( PF_EDGES ) GetNextNode(temp); count++; if (temp == NULL) { flag = FALSE; } } } /* Did not find it */ if (temp == NULL) { pfNode = (PF_EDGES) malloc(sizeof(F_EDGES)); if (pfNode) { pfNode->edge[0] = v2; pfNode->edge[1] = fnum; pfNode->edge[2] = v3; AddTail(PolEdges[v1], (PLISTINFO) pfNode); } else { printf("Out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } *(temp2->VertandId+index1) = pfNode; } else { *(temp2->VertandId+index1) = temp; } } /// power_10: int CustomStripifier::power_10(int power) { /* Raise 10 to the power */ register int i,p; p = 1; for (i = 1; i <= power; ++i) p = p * 10; return p; } /// power_negative: float CustomStripifier::power_negative(int power) { /* Raise 10 to the negative power */ register int i; float p; p = (float)1; for (i = 1; i<=power; i++) p = p * (float).1; return p; } /// convert_array: float CustomStripifier::convert_array(int num[],int stack_size) { /* Convert an array of characters to an integer */ register int counter,c; float temp =(float)0.0; for (c=(stack_size-1), counter = 0; c>=0; c--, counter++) { if (num[c] == -1) /* We are at the decimal point, convert to decimal less than 1 */ { counter = -1; temp = power_negative(stack_size - c - 1) * temp; } else temp += power_10(counter) * num[c]; } return(temp); } /// print_usage: void CustomStripifier::print_usage(void) { printf("Usage: stripe [abfglopqrw] file_name\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -b\tSpecifies that the input file is in binary\n"); printf(" -g\tFind triangle strips only within the groups specified in the data file\n"); printf(" -o\tTurn off orientation checking\n\n"); printf("Tie Breaking:\n"); printf(" -a\tAlternate left-right direction in choosing next polygon\n"); printf(" -f\tChoose the first polygon that it found\n"); printf(" -l\tLook ahead one level in choosing the next polygon\n"); printf(" -q\tChoose the polygon which does not produce a swap\n"); printf(" -r\tRandomly choose the next polygon\n\n"); printf("Triangulation:\n"); printf(" -p\tPartially triangulate faces\n"); printf(" -w\tFully triangluate faces\n"); } /// get_options: float CustomStripifier::get_options(int argc, char **argv, int *f, int *t, int *tr, int *group, int *orientation) { char c; int count = 0; int buffer[MAX1]; int next = 0; /* tie variable */ enum tie_options tie = FIRST; /* triangulation variable */ enum triangulation_options triangulate = WHOLE; /* normal difference variable (in degrees) */ float norm_difference = (float)360.0; /* file-type variable */ enum file_options file_type = ASCII; *orientation = 1; /* User has the wrong number of options */ if ((argc > 6) || (argc < 2)) { print_usage(); exit(0); } /* Interpret the options specified */ while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { /* At the next option that was specified */ next = 1; while ((c = *++argv[0])) switch (c) { case 'f': /* Use the first polygon we see. */ tie = FIRST; break; case 'r': /* Randomly choose the next polygon */ tie = RANDOM; break; case 'a': /* Alternate direction in choosing the next polygon */ tie = ALTERNA; break; case 'l': /* Use lookahead to choose the next polygon */ tie = LOOK; break; case 'q': /* Try to reduce swaps */ tie = SEQUENTIAL; break; case 'p': /* Use partial triangulation of polygons */ triangulate = PARTIAL; break; case 'w': /* Use whole triangulation of polygons */ triangulate = WHOLE; break; case 'b': /* Input file is in binary */ file_type = BINARY; break; case 'g': /* Strips will be grouped according to the groups in the data file. We will have to restrict strips to be in the grouping of the data file. */ *group = 1; break; case 'o': *orientation = 0; /* Get each the value of the integer */ /* We have an integer */ default: if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { /* More than one normal difference specified, use the last one */ if (next == 1) { count = 0; next = 0; } buffer[count++] = ATOI(c); } /* At the decimal point */ else if (c == '.') { /* More than one normal difference specified, use the last one */ if (next == 1) { count = 0; next = 0; } buffer[count++] = -1; } else break; } } /* Convert the buffer of characters to a floating pt integer */ if (count != 0) norm_difference = convert_array(buffer,count); *f = file_type; *t = tie; *tr = triangulate; return norm_difference; } /// AdjacentEx: int CustomStripifier::AdjacentEx(int id2,int id1, int *list, int size) { /* Return the vertex that is adjacent to id1, but is not id2, in the list of integers. */ register int x=0; while (x < size) { if (*(list+x) == id1) { if ((x != (size -1)) && (x != 0)) { if ( *(list+x+1) != id2) return *(list+x+1); else return *(list+x-1); } else if (x == (size -1)) { if (*(list) != id2) return *(list); else return *(list+x-1); } else { if (*(list+size-1) != id2) return *(list+size-1); else return *(list+x+1); } } x++; } printf("Error in the list\n"); exit(0); } /// Delete_From_ListEx: void CustomStripifier::Delete_From_ListEx(int id,int *list, int size) { /* Delete the occurence of id in the list. (list has size size) */ int *temp; register int x,y=0; temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); for (x=0; x= 0; f--) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } /* Finish the rest of the list */ for(f = (size - 1); f > y ; f--) { *(index+x) = *(temp+f); x++; } } } /// Blind_TriangulateEx: void CustomStripifier::Blind_TriangulateEx(int size, int *index, BOOL begin, int where ) { /* save sides in temp array, we need it so we know about swaps. */ int mode, decreasing,increasing,e1,e2,e3; /* Rearrange the index list so that the input edge is first */ if (!begin) Rearrange_IndexEx(index,size); /* We are given a polygon of more than 3 sides and want to triangulate it. We will output the triangles to the output file. */ /* Find where the input edge is in the input list */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); if (( (!begin) && (*(index) == e2) ) || (begin)) { Output_TriEx(*(index+0),*(index+1),*(index+size-1),NULL,-1,where); /* If we have a quad, (chances are yes), then we know that we can just add one diagonal and be done. (divide the quad into 2 triangles. */ if (size == 4) { Output_TriEx(*(index+1),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),NULL,-1,where); return; } increasing = 1; mode = 1; } else if (!begin) { Output_TriEx(*(index+1),*(index+0),*(index+size-1),NULL,-1,where); if (size == 4) { Output_TriEx(*(index+0),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),NULL,-1,where); return; } Output_TriEx(*(index+0),*(index+size-1),*(index+2),NULL,-1,where); increasing = 2; mode = 0; } if (size != 4) { /* We do not have a quad, we have something bigger. */ decreasing = size - 1; do { /* Will be alternating diagonals, so we will be increasing and decreasing around the polygon. */ if (mode) { Output_TriEx(*(index+increasing),*(index+decreasing), *(index+increasing+1),NULL,-1,where); increasing++; } else { Output_TriEx(*(index+decreasing),*(index+increasing), *(index+decreasing-1),NULL,-1,where); decreasing--; } mode = !mode; } while ((decreasing - increasing) >= 2); } } /// Get_EdgeEx: int CustomStripifier::Get_EdgeEx(int *edge1,int *edge2,int *index,int face_id, int size, int id1, int id2) { /* Put the edge that is adjacent to face_id into edge1 and edge2. For each edge see if it is adjacent to face_id. Id1 and id2 is the input edge, so see if the orientation is reversed, and save it in reversed. */ int x; int reversed = -1; BOOL set = FALSE; for (x=0; x< size; x++) { if (x == (size-1)) { if ((*(index) == id1) && (*(index+size-1)==id2)) { if (set) return 1; reversed = 1; } else if ((*(index) == id2) && (*(index+size-1)==id1)) { if (set) return 0; reversed = 0; } if (Look_Up(*(index),*(index+size-1),face_id)) { if ( (out1Ex != -1) && ( (out1Ex == *(index)) || (out1Ex == *(index+size-1)) ) && ( (out2Ex == *(index)) || (out2Ex == *(index+size-1)) )) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index); *edge2 = *(index+size-1); } else if (out1Ex == -1) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index); *edge2 = *(index+size-1); } if ((reversed != -1) && (set)) return reversed; } } else { if ((*(index+x) == id1) && (*(index+x+1)==id2)) { if (set) return 0; reversed = 0; } else if ((*(index+x) == id2) && (*(index+x+1)==id1)) { if (set) return 1; reversed = 1; } if (Look_Up(*(index+x),*(index+x+1),face_id)) { if ( (out1Ex != -1) && ( (out1Ex == *(index+x)) || (out1Ex == *(index+x+1)) ) && ((out2Ex == *(index+x)) || (out2Ex == *(index+x+1)))) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index+x); *edge2 = *(index+x+1); } else if (out1Ex == -1) { set = TRUE; *edge1 = *(index+x); *edge2 = *(index+x + 1); } if ((reversed != -1) && (set)) return reversed; } } } if ((x == size) && (reversed != -1)) { /* Could not find the output edge */ printf("Error in the Lookup %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", face_id,id1,id2,reversed,*edge1,*edge2,out1Ex,out2Ex); exit(0); } return reversed; } /// Update_FaceEx: void CustomStripifier::Update_FaceEx( int *next_bucket,int *min_face, int face_id, int *e1, int *e2,int temp1, int temp2,int *ties) { /* We have a face id that needs to be decremented. We have to determine where it is in the structure, so that we can decrement it. */ /* The number of adjacencies may have changed, so to locate it may be a little tricky. However we know that the number of adjacencies is less than or equal to the original number of adjacencies, */ int y,size; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; PLISTINFO lpListInfo; static int each_poly = 0; BOOL there = FALSE; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. */ if ( temp != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* If we are doing partial triangulation, we must check to see whether the edge is still there in the polygon, since we might have done a portion of the polygon and saved the rest for later. */ if (y != (size-1)) { if( ((temp1 == *(temp->pPolygon+y)) && (temp2 ==*(temp->pPolygon+y+1))) || ((temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon+y)) && (temp1 ==*(temp->pPolygon+y+1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } else { if( ((temp1 == *(temp->pPolygon)) && (temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon+size-1))) || ((temp2 == *(temp->pPolygon)) && (temp1 ==*(temp->pPolygon+size-1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } } if (!there) /* Original edge was already used, we cannot use this polygon */ return; /* We have a starting point to start our search to locate this polygon. */ /* Check to see if this polygon was done */ lpListInfo = Done(face_id,&y); if (lpListInfo == NULL) return; /* Was not done, but there is an error in the adjacency calculations */ /* If more than one edge is adj to it then maybe it was not updated */ if (y == 0) return; /* Now put the face in the proper bucket depending on tally. */ /* First add it to the new bucket, then remove it from the old */ Add_Sgi_Adj(y-1,face_id); RemoveList(array[y],lpListInfo); /* Save it if it was the smallest seen so far since then it will be the next face Here we will have different options depending on what we want for resolving ties: 1) First one we see we will use 2) Random resolving 3) Look ahead 4) Alternating direction */ /* At a new strip */ if (*next_bucket == 60) *ties = *ties + each_poly; /* Have a tie */ if (*next_bucket == (y-1)) { Add_Ties(face_id); each_poly++; } /* At a new minimum */ if (*next_bucket > (y-1)) { *next_bucket = y-1; *min_face = face_id; *e1 = temp1; *e2 = temp2; each_poly = 0; Clear_Ties(); Add_Ties(face_id); } } } /// Delete_AdjEx: void CustomStripifier::Delete_AdjEx(int id1, int id2, int *next_bucket, int *min_face, int current_face, int *e1, int *e2, int *ties) { /* Find the face that is adjacent to the edge and is not the current face. Delete one adjacency from it. Save the min adjacency seen so far. */ register int count=0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int next_face; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) /* It could be a new edge that we created. So we can exit, since there is not a face adjacent to it. */ return; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp = ( PF_EDGES )GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) /* Was a new edge that was created and therefore does not have anything adjacent to it */ return; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return; /* Was adjacent to something */ else { if (temp->edge[2] == current_face) next_face = temp->edge[1]; else next_face = temp->edge[2]; } /* We have the other face adjacent to this edge, it is next_face. Now we need to decrement this faces' adjacencies. */ Update_FaceEx(next_bucket, min_face, next_face,e1,e2,id1,id2,ties); } /// Change_FaceEx: int CustomStripifier::Change_FaceEx(int face_id,int in1,int in2, ListHead *pListHead, BOOL no_check) { /* We are doing a partial triangulation and we need to put the new face of triangle into the correct bucket */ int input_adj,y; P_ADJACENCIES lpListInfo; /* Find the old number of adjacencies to this face, so we know where to delete it from */ y = Old_Adj(face_id); pListHead = array[y]; lpListInfo = face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon3 %d\n",face_id); exit(0); } /* Do we need to change the adjacency? Maybe the edge on the triangle that was outputted was not adjacent to anything. We know if we have to check by "check". We came out on the output edge that we needed, then we know that the adjacencies will decrease by exactly one. */ if (!no_check) { input_adj = Number_Adj(in1,in2,face_id); /* If there weren't any then don't do anything */ if (input_adj == 0) return y; } if (face_array[lpListInfo->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[lpListInfo->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO)/*(temp*/lpListInfo); /* Before we had a quad with y adjacencies. The in edge did not have an adjacency, since it was just deleted, since we came in on it. The outedge must have an adjacency otherwise we would have a bucket 0, and would not be in this routine. Therefore the new adjacency must be y-1 */ Add_Sgi_Adj(y-1,face_id); return (y-1); } /// Update_AdjacenciesEx: int CustomStripifier::Update_AdjacenciesEx(int face_id, int *next_bucket, int *e1, int *e2, int *ties) { /* Give the face with id face_id, we want to decrement all the faces that are adjacent to it, since we will be deleting face_id from the data structure. We will return the face that has the least number of adjacencies. */ PF_FACES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int size,y,min_face = -1; *next_bucket = 60; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if ( temp == NULL ) { printf("The face was already deleted, there is an error\n"); exit(0); } /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { if (y != (size-1)) Delete_AdjEx(*(temp->pPolygon+y),*(temp->pPolygon+y+1), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,e1,e2,ties); else Delete_AdjEx(*(temp->pPolygon),*(temp->pPolygon+(size-1)), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,e1,e2,ties); } return (min_face); } /// Find_Adj_TallyEx: void CustomStripifier::Find_Adj_TallyEx(int id1, int id2, int *next_bucket, int *min_face, int current_face, int *ties) { /* Find the face that is adjacent to the edge and is not the current face. Save the min adjacency seen so far. */ int size,each_poly=0,y,count=0; PF_EDGES temp = NULL; PF_FACES temp2 = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int next_face; BOOL there = FALSE; /* Always want smaller id first */ switch_lower(&id1,&id2); pListHead = PolEdges[id1]; temp = (PF_EDGES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,count); if (temp == NULL) /* This was a new edge that was created, so it is adjacent to nothing. */ return; while (temp->edge[0] != id2) { count++; temp =( PF_EDGES ) GetNextNode(temp); if (temp == NULL) /* This was a new edge that we created */ return; } /* Was not adjacent to anything else except itself */ if (temp->edge[2] == -1) return; else { if (temp->edge[2] == current_face) next_face = temp->edge[1]; else next_face = temp->edge[2]; } /* We have the other face adjacent to this edge, it is next_face. Find how many faces it is adjacent to. */ pListHead = PolFaces[next_face]; temp2 = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); /* Check each edge of the face and tally the number of adjacent polygons to this face. This will be the original number of polygons adjacent to this polygon, we must then see if this number has been decremented */ if ( temp2 != NULL ) { /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp2->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { /* Make sure that the edge is still in the polygon and was not deleted, because if the edge was deleted, then we used it already. */ if (y != (size-1)) { if( ((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id2 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+y+1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } else { if( ((id1 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id2 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+size-1))) || ((id2 == *(temp2->pPolygon)) && (id1 ==*(temp2->pPolygon+size-1)))) /* edge is still there we are ok */ there = TRUE; } } if (!there) /* Edge already used and deleted from the polygon*/ return; /* See if the face was already deleted, and where it is if it was not */ if (Done(next_face,&y) == NULL) return; /* Save it if it was the smallest seen so far since then it will be the next face Here we will have different options depending on what we want for resolving ties: 1) First one we see we will use 2) Random resolving 3) Look ahead 4) Alternating direction */ /* At a new strip */ if (*next_bucket == 60) *ties = *ties + each_poly; /* Have a tie */ if (*next_bucket == (y-1)) { Add_Ties(next_face); each_poly++; } /* At a new minimum */ if (*next_bucket > (y-1)) { *next_bucket = y-1; *min_face = next_face; each_poly = 0; Clear_Ties(); Add_Ties(next_face); } } } /// Min_Face_AdjEx: int CustomStripifier::Min_Face_AdjEx(int face_id, int *next_bucket, int *ties) { /* Used for the Partial triangulation to find the next face. It will return the minimum adjacency face id found at this face. */ PF_FACES temp = NULL; ListHead *pListHead; int size,y,min_face,test_face; *next_bucket = 60; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = ( PF_FACES ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0 ); if ( temp == NULL ) { printf("The face was already deleted, there is an error\n"); exit(0); } /* Size of the polygon */ size = temp->nPolSize; for (y = 0; y< size; y++) { if (y != (size-1)) Find_Adj_TallyEx(*(temp->pPolygon+y),*(temp->pPolygon+y+1), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,ties); else Find_Adj_TallyEx(*(temp->pPolygon),*(temp->pPolygon+(size-1)), next_bucket,&min_face,face_id,ties); } /* Maybe we can do better by triangulating the face, because by triangulating the face we will go to a polygon of lesser adjacencies */ if (size == 4) { /* Checking for a quad whether to do the whole polygon will result in better performance because the triangles in the polygon have less adjacencies */ Check_In_Quad(face_id,&test_face); if (*next_bucket > test_face) /* We can do better by going through the polygon */ min_face = face_id; } /* We have a polygon with greater than 4 sides, check to see if going inside is better than going outside the polygon for the output edge. */ else { Check_In_Polygon(face_id,&test_face,size); if (*next_bucket > test_face) /* We can do better by going through the polygon */ min_face = face_id; } return (min_face); } /// Find_StripsEx: void CustomStripifier::Find_StripsEx(FILE *output,int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps,int *next_id) { /* This routine will peel off the strips from the model */ ListHead *pListHead; P_ADJACENCIES temp = NULL; register int max,bucket = 0; BOOL whole_flag = TRUE; int dummy = 0; int cont = 0; /* Set the last known input edge to be null */ Last_Edge(&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,1); /* Search for lowest adjacency polygon and output strips */ while (whole_flag) { bucket = -1; /* Search for polygons in increasing number of adjacencies */ while (bucket < 59) { bucket++; pListHead = array[bucket]; max = NumOnList(pListHead); if (max > 0) { temp = (P_ADJACENCIES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); if (temp == NULL) { printf("Error in the buckets%d %d %d\n",bucket,max,0); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(temp,temp->face_id,bucket,pListHead, output,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,1); /* Try to extend backwards, if the starting polygon in the strip had 2 or more adjacencies to begin with */ if (bucket >= 2) Extend_BackwardsEx(temp->face_id,output,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id); break; } } /* Went through the whole structure, it is empty and we are done. */ if ((bucket == 59) && (max == 0)) whole_flag = FALSE; /* We just finished a strip, send dummy data to signal the end of the strip so that we can output it. */ else { Output_TriEx(-1,-2,-3,output,-10,1); Last_Edge(&dummy,&dummy,&dummy,1); cont++; } } printf("We got %d strips\n",cont); } /// SGI_Strip: void CustomStripifier::SGI_Strip(int num_faces, FILE *output, int ties, int triangulate) { int next_id = -1,t=0; /* We are going to output and find triangle strips according the the method that SGI uses, ie always choosing as the next triangle in our strip the triangle that has the least number of adjacencies. We do not have all triangles and will be triangulating on the fly those polygons that have more than 3 sides. */ /* Build a table that has all the polygons sorted by the number of polygons adjacent to it. */ /* Initialize it */ Init_Table_SGI(num_faces); /* Build it */ Build_SGI_Table(num_faces); /* We will have a structure to hold all the strips, until outputted. */ InitStripTable(); /* Now we have the structure built to find the polygons according to the number of adjacencies. Now use the SGI Method to find strips according to the adjacencies */ Find_StripsEx(output,&t,ties,triangulate,ON,&next_id); } /// P_Triangulate_Quad: void CustomStripifier::P_Triangulate_Quad(int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, int reversed, int face_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp, int where) { int vertex4,vertex5,dummy=60; /* This routine will nonblindly triangulate a quad, meaning that there is a definite input and a definite output edge that we must adhere to. Reversed will tell the orientation of the input edge. (Reversed is -1 is we do not have an input edge, in other words we are at the beginning of a strip.) Out_edge* is the output edge, and in_edge* is the input edge. Index are the edges of the polygon and size is the size of the polygon. Begin is whether we are at the start of a new strip. Note that we will not necessarily triangulate the whole quad; maybe we will do half and leave the other half (a triangle) for later. */ /* If we do not have an input edge, then we can make our input edge whatever we like, therefore it will be easier to come out on the output edge. In this case the whole quad is done. */ if (reversed == -1) { vertex4 = AdjacentEx(out_edge1,out_edge2,index,size); vertex5 = Get_Other_Vertex(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,index); Output_TriEx(vertex5,vertex4,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); Output_TriEx(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); dummy = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &dummy, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); return; } /* These are the 5 cases that we can have for the output edge */ /* Are they consecutive so that we form a triangle to peel off, but cannot use the whole quad? */ if (in_edge2 == out_edge1) { /* Output the triangle that comes out the correct edge. Save the other half for later. */ vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,index); Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); /* Now we have a triangle used, and a triangle that is left for later. */ /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies There are 2 edges that need to be checked for the triangle that was just outputted. For the output edge we definitely will be decreasing the adjacency, but we must check for the input edge. */ dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge2,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the triangle as the new face */ New_Face(face_id,in_edge1,out_edge2,vertex4); return; } else if (in_edge1 == out_edge1) { /* We want to output the first triangle (whose output edge is not the one that we want. We have to find the vertex that we need, which is the other vertex which we do not have. */ vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,index); Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); /* Now we have a triangle used, and a triangle that is left for later. */ /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the triangle as the new face */ New_Face(face_id,in_edge2,out_edge2,vertex4); return; } /* Consecutive cases again, but with the output edge reversed */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge2) { vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,index); Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); /* Now we have a triangle used, and a triangle that is left for later. */ /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the triangle as the new face */ New_Face(face_id,in_edge2,out_edge1,vertex4); return; } else if (in_edge2 == out_edge2) { vertex4 = Get_Other_Vertex(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,index); Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); /* Now we have a triangle used, and a triangle that is left for later. */ /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); dummy = Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the triangle as the new face */ New_Face(face_id,in_edge1,out_edge1,vertex4); return; } /* The final case is where we want to come out the opposite edge. */ else { if( ((!reversed) && (out_edge1 == (AdjacentEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size)))) || ((reversed) && (out_edge2 == (AdjacentEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size))))) { /* We need to know the orientation of the input edge, so we know which way to put the diagonal. And also the output edge, so that we triangulate correctly. Does not need partial. */ Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); Output_TriEx(in_edge2,out_edge2,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); dummy = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &dummy, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } else { /* Input and output orientation was reversed, so diagonal will be reversed from above. */ Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); Output_TriEx(in_edge2,out_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); dummy = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &dummy, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } return; } } /// P_Triangulate_Polygon: void CustomStripifier::P_Triangulate_Polygon( int out_edge1,int out_edge2, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, FILE *fp, int reversed, int face_id, int *next_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp2, int where) { /* We have a polygon greater than 4 sides, which we wish to partially triangulate */ int next_bucket,vertex4,dummy = 60; int *temp; /* Since we are calling this recursively, we have to check whether we are down to the case of the quad. */ if (size == 4) { P_Triangulate_Quad(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,reversed,face_id, pListHead,temp2,where); return; } /* We do not have a specified input edge, and therefore we can make it anything we like, as long as we still come out the output edge that we want. */ if (reversed == -1) { /* Get the vertex for the last triangle, which is the one coming out the output edge, before we do any deletions to the list. We will be doing this bottom up. */ vertex4 = AdjacentEx(out_edge1,out_edge2,index,size); temp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * size); memcpy(temp,index,sizeof(int)*size); Delete_From_ListEx(out_edge2,index,size); /* We do not have to partially triangulate, since we will do the whole thing, so use the whole routine */ Triangulate_PolygonEx(vertex4,out_edge1,in_edge2, vertex4,size-1,index,fp, reversed,face_id, where); memcpy(index,temp,sizeof(int)*size); /* Lastly do the triangle that comes out the output edge. */ Output_TriEx(vertex4,out_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); /* We were able to do the whole polygon, now we can delete the whole thing from our data structure. */ dummy = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &dummy, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); if (face_array[temp2->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp2->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp2); return; } /* These are the 5 cases that we can have for the output edge */ /* Are they consecutive so that we form a triangle to peel off that comes out the correct output edge, but we cannot use the whole polygon? */ if (in_edge2 == out_edge1) { Output_TriEx(in_edge1,out_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge2,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); return; } /* Next case is where it is again consecutive, but the triangle formed by the consecutive edges do not come out of the correct output edge. (the input edge will be reversed in the next triangle) */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge1) { /* Get vertex adjacent to in_edge2, but is not in_edge1 */ Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,out_edge2,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge1,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); return; } /* Consecutive cases again, but with the output edge reversed */ else if (in_edge1 == out_edge2) { Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge1,out_edge2,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge1,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); return; } else if (in_edge2 == out_edge2) { Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,out_edge1,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(out_edge2,out_edge1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,out_edge1,out_edge2,pListHead,TRUE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge2,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); return; } /* Else the edge is not consecutive, and it is sufficiently far away, for us not to make a conclusion at this time. So we can take off a triangle and recursively call this function. */ else { if (!reversed) { vertex4 = AdjacentEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size); Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex4,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,vertex4,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2, pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,vertex4, pListHead,FALSE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge1,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); /* Save the info for the new bucket, we will need it on the next pass for the variables, pListHead and temp */ pListHead = array[next_bucket]; temp2 = face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (temp2 == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon10\n", next_bucket,face_id); exit(0); } P_Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge2, vertex4,size-1,index,fp,!reversed, face_id,next_id,pListHead,temp2,where); } else { vertex4 = AdjacentEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size); Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,vertex4,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(in_edge2,vertex4,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2, pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket = Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge2,vertex4, pListHead,FALSE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge2,index,size); /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); /* Save the info for the new bucket, we will need it on the next pass for the variables, pListHead and temp */ pListHead = array[next_bucket]; temp2 = face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (temp2 == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon11 %d %d\n", face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } P_Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,vertex4, in_edge1,size-1,index,fp,!reversed, face_id,next_id,pListHead,temp2,where); } return; } } /// P_Triangulate: void CustomStripifier::P_Triangulate( int out_edge1,int out_edge2,int in_edge1, int in_edge2, int size, int *index, FILE *output, int reversed, int face_id, int *next_id, ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp,int where) { if (size == 4) P_Triangulate_Quad(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,reversed,face_id, pListHead,temp,where); else P_Triangulate_Polygon(out_edge1,out_edge2,in_edge1,in_edge2,size, index,output,reversed,face_id,next_id, pListHead,temp,where); } void CustomStripifier::Partial_Triangulate(int size,int *index, FILE *output,int next_face_id,int face_id, int *next_id,ListHead *pListHead, P_ADJACENCIES temp, int where) { int id1,id2,id3; int nedge1,nedge2; int reversed; /* We have a polygon that has to be triangulated and we cannot do it blindly, ie we will try to come out on the edge that has the least number of adjacencies, But also we do not want to triangulate the whole polygon now, so that means we will output the least number of triangles that we can and then update the data structures, with the polygon that is left after we are done. */ Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,0); /* Find the edge that is adjacent to the new face , also return whether the orientation is reversed in the face of the input edge, which is id2 and id3. */ reversed = Get_EdgeEx(&nedge1,&nedge2,index,next_face_id,size,id2,id3); /* Input edge and output edge can be the same if there are more than one polygon on an edge */ if ( ((nedge1 == id2) && (nedge2 == id3)) || ((nedge1 == id3) && (nedge2 == id2)) ) /* Set output edge arbitrarily but when come out of here the next face will be on the old output edge (identical one) */ nedge2 = Return_Other(index,id2,id3); /* Do the triangulation */ P_Triangulate(nedge1,nedge2,id2,id3,size,index,output,reversed, face_id,next_id,pListHead,temp,where); } /// Input_Edge: void CustomStripifier::Input_Edge(int face_id, int *index, int size, int in_edge1, int in_edge2, ListHead *pListHead, int where) { /* The polygon had an input edge, specified by input1 and input2 */ int output1,next_bucket; int vertex4, vertex5,dummy=60; output1 = Get_Output_Edge(face_id,size,index,in_edge1,in_edge2); vertex5 = AdjacentEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,index,size); vertex4 = AdjacentEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,index,size); if (vertex4 == output1) { Output_TriEx(in_edge2,in_edge1,output1,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(in_edge2,output1,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge2,output1,pListHead,FALSE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge2,index,size); } else if (vertex5 == output1) { Output_TriEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,vertex5,NULL,-1,where); /* Now delete the adjacencies by one for all the faces that are adjacent to the triangle that we just outputted. */ Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,in_edge2,&dummy,&dummy,face_id, &dummy,&dummy,&dummy); Delete_AdjEx(in_edge1,vertex5,&dummy,&dummy, face_id,&dummy,&dummy,&dummy); /* Put the new face in the proper bucket of adjacencies */ next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,in_edge2,pListHead,FALSE); next_bucket=Change_FaceEx(face_id,in_edge1,vertex5,pListHead,FALSE); /* Create a new edgelist without the triangle that was just outputted. */ Delete_From_ListEx(in_edge1,index,size); } /* Update the face data structure, by deleting the old face and putting in the polygon minus the triangle as the new face, here we will be decrementing the size by one. */ New_Size_Face(face_id); return; } /// Inside_Polygon: void CustomStripifier::Inside_Polygon(int size,int *index, int face_id,ListHead *pListHead, int where) { /* We know that we have a polygon that is greater than 4 sides, and that it is better for us to go inside the polygon for the next one, since inside will have less adjacencies than going outside. So, we are not doing partial for a part of the polygon. */ int id1,id2,id3; int new1,new2; Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,0); /* See if the input edge existed in the polygon, that will help us */ if (Exist(face_id,id2,id3)) Input_Edge(face_id,index,size,id2,id3,pListHead,where); else { /* Make one of the input edges We will choose it by trying to get an edge that has something in common with the last triangle, or by getting the edge that is adjacent to the least number of thigs, with preference given to the first option */ Get_Input_Edge(index,id1,id2,id3,&new1,&new2,size,face_id); Input_Edge(face_id,index,size,new1,new2,pListHead,where); } } /// Finished: int CustomStripifier::Finished(int *swap, FILE *output, int startnewstrip) { /* We have finished all the triangles, now is time to output to the data file. In the strips data structure, every three ids is a triangle. Now we see whether we can swap, or make a new strip or continue the strip, and output the data accordingly to the data file. */ int num,x,vertex1,vertex2; ListHead *pListHead; int id[2],other1,other2,index = 0,a,b,c; P_STRIPS temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6; BOOL cptexture; *swap =0; cptexture = text; pListHead = strips[0]; if (pListHead == NULL) return 0; num = NumOnList(pListHead); //printf ("There are %d triangles in the extend\n",num/3); // Go through the list triangle by triangle temp1 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0); temp2 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 1); temp3 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 2); // Next triangle for lookahead temp4 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 3); // There is only one polygon in the strip if (temp4 == NULL) { // Data might be mixed and we do not have textures for some of the vertices if ((text) && (vt[temp3->face_id] == 0)) cptexture = FALSE; if ((norm) && (!cptexture)) { if (startnewstrip && orient) // If we want to keep orientation preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal(output, temp3->face_id+1,vn[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vn[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vn[temp1->face_id]+1); fprintf(output," %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d", temp3->face_id+1,vn[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vn[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vn[temp1->face_id]+1); } else if ((cptexture) && (!norm)) { if (startnewstrip && orient) /* If we want to keep orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture(output, temp3->face_id+1,vt[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vt[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vt[temp1->face_id]+1); fprintf(output," %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", temp3->face_id+1,vt[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vt[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vt[temp1->face_id]+1); } else if ((cptexture)&& (norm)) { if (startnewstrip && orient) /* If we want to keep orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal(output, temp3->face_id+1,vt[temp3->face_id]+1,vn[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vt[temp2->face_id]+1,vn[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vt[temp1->face_id]+1,vn[temp1->face_id]+1); fprintf(output," %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", temp3->face_id+1,vt[temp3->face_id]+1,vn[temp3->face_id]+1, temp2->face_id+1,vt[temp2->face_id]+1,vn[temp2->face_id]+1, temp1->face_id+1,vt[temp1->face_id]+1,vn[temp1->face_id]+1); } else { if (startnewstrip && orient) /* If we want to keep orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation(output, temp3->face_id+1,temp2->face_id+1,temp1->face_id+1); fprintf(output," %d %d %d", temp3->face_id+1,temp2->face_id+1,temp1->face_id+1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(temp3->face_id); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(temp2->face_id); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(temp1->face_id); } Free_Strips(); return 1; } // We have a real strip temp5 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 4); temp6 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 5); if ((temp1 == NULL) || (temp2 == NULL) || (temp3 == NULL) || (temp5 == NULL) || (temp6 == NULL)) { printf("There is an error in the output of the triangles\n"); exit(0); } // Find the vertex in the first triangle that is not in the second vertex1 = Different(temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id, temp4->face_id,temp5->face_id,temp6->face_id, &other1,&other2); // Find the vertex in the second triangle that is not in the first vertex2 = Different(temp4->face_id,temp5->face_id,temp6->face_id, temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id, &other1,&other2); // Lookahead for the correct order of the 2nd and 3rd vertex of the first triangle temp1 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 6); temp2 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 7); temp3 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, 8); if (temp1 != NULL) other1 = Different(temp3->face_id,temp4->face_id,temp5->face_id, temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id,&other1,&a); id[index] = vertex1; index = !index; id[index] = other1; index = !index; id[index] = other2; index = !index; a = temp4->face_id; b = temp5->face_id; c = temp6->face_id; /* // If we need to rearrange the first sequence because otherwise there would have been a swap. if ((temp3 != NULL) && (text) && ( vt[temp3->face_id]==0)) cptexture = FALSE; if ((norm) && (!cptexture)) { if (orient && startnewstrip) // If we want to keep orientation preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal(output, vertex1+1,vn[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vn[other1]+1, other2+1,vn[other2]+1); fprintf(output," %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d", vertex1+1,vn[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vn[other1]+1, other2+1,vn[other2]+1); } else if ((cptexture) && (!norm)) { if (orient && startnewstrip) // If we want to keep orientation preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture(output, vertex1+1,vt[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vt[other1]+1, other2+1,vt[other2]+1); fprintf(output," %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", vertex1+1,vt[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vt[other1]+1, other2+1,vt[other2]+1); } else if ((cptexture) && (norm)) { if (orient && startnewstrip) // If we want to keep orientation preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal(output, vertex1+1,vt[vertex1]+1,vn[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vt[other1]+1,vn[other1]+1, other2+1,vt[other2]+1,vn[other2]+1); fprintf(output," %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", vertex1+1,vt[vertex1]+1,vn[vertex1]+1, other1+1,vt[other1]+1,vn[other1]+1, other2+1,vt[other2]+1,vn[other2]+1); } else { */ if (orient && startnewstrip) // If we want to keep orientation preserve_strip_orientation(output,vertex1+1,other1+1,other2+1); fprintf(output," %d %d %d",vertex1+1,other1+1,other2+1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(vertex1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(other1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(other2); /* } */ for (x = 6; x < num ; x = x+3) { // Get the next triangle temp1 = ( P_STRIPS ) PeekList( pListHead, LISTHEAD, x); temp2 = ( P_STRIPS ) GetNextNode(temp1); temp3 = ( P_STRIPS ) GetNextNode(temp2); // Error checking if (!(member(id[0],a,b,c)) || !(member(id[1],a,b,c)) || !(member(vertex2,a,b,c))) { // If we used partial we might have a break in the middle of a strip fprintf(output,"\nt"); startnewstrip = 1; mi_vector_tipo nada; mi_vector.push_back(nada); num_tiras++; // Find the vertex in the first triangle that is not in the second vertex1 = Different(a,b,c,temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id,&other1,&other2); // Find the vertex in the second triangle that is not in the first vertex2 = Different(temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id, a,b,c,&other1,&other2); id[index] = vertex1; index = !index; id[index] = other1; index = !index; id[index] = other2; index = !index; } if ((temp1 == NULL ) || (temp2 == NULL) || (temp3 == NULL)) { printf("There is an error in the triangle list \n"); exit(0); } if ((id[0] == id[1]) || (id[0] == vertex2)) continue; if ((member(id[index],temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id))) { if ((text) && ( vt[id[index]]==0)) cptexture = FALSE; if ((!norm) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output," %d",id[index]+1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(id[index]); } else if ((norm) && (!cptexture)) fprintf(output," %d//%d",id[index]+1,vn[id[index]]+1); else if ((!norm) && (cptexture)) fprintf(output," %d/%d",id[index]+1,vt[id[index]]+1); else fprintf(output," %d/%d/%d", id[index]+1,vt[id[index]]+1,vn[id[index]]+1); index = !index; *swap = *swap + 1; } if ((text) && ( vt[vertex2]==0)) cptexture = FALSE; if ((!norm) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output,"\nq %d",vertex2+1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(vertex2); } else if ((norm) && (!cptexture)) fprintf(output,"\nq %d//%d",vertex2+1,vn[vertex2]+1); else if ((!norm) && (cptexture)) fprintf(output,"\nq %d/%d",vertex2+1,vt[vertex2]+1); else fprintf(output,"\nq %d/%d/%d",vertex2+1,vt[vertex2]+1,vn[vertex2]+1); id[index] = vertex2; index = !index; // Get the next vertex not in common vertex2 = Different(temp1->face_id,temp2->face_id,temp3->face_id, a,b,c,&other1,&other2); a = temp1->face_id; b = temp2->face_id; c = temp3->face_id; } // Do the last vertex if ((text) && (vt[vertex2]==0)) { if (cptexture) fprintf(output,"\nq"); cptexture = FALSE; } if ((!norm) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output," %d",vertex2+1); mi_vector[num_tiras].push_back(vertex2); } else if ((norm) && (!cptexture)) fprintf(output," %d//%d",vertex2+1,vn[vertex2]+1); else if ((!norm) && (cptexture)) fprintf(output," %d/%d",vertex2+1,vt[vertex2]+1); else fprintf(output," %d/%d/%d",vertex2+1,vt[vertex2]+1,vn[vertex2]+1); Free_Strips(); return (num/3); } /// Output_Tri: void CustomStripifier::Output_Tri(int id1, int id2, int id3,BOOL end) { /* We will save everything into a list, rather than output at once, as was done in the old routine. This way for future modifications we can change the strips later on if we want to. */ int temp1,temp2,temp3; /* Make sure we do not have an error */ /* There are degeneracies in some of the files */ if ( (id1 == id2) || (id1 == id3) || (id2 == id3)) { printf("Degenerate triangle %d %d %d\n",id1,id2,id3); exit(0); } else { Last_Edge(&temp1,&temp2,&temp3,0); Add_Id_Strips(id1,end); Add_Id_Strips(id2,end); Add_Id_Strips(id3,end); Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,1); } } /// Polygon_Output: int CustomStripifier::Polygon_Output( P_ADJACENCIES temp, int face_id, int bucket, ListHead *pListHead, BOOL first, int *swaps, FILE *bands, int color1, int color2, int color3, BOOL global, BOOL end) { ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; int next_face_id,next_bucket,e1,e2,e3,other1,other2,other3; P_ADJACENCIES lpListInfo; int ties=0; /* We have a polygon to output, the id is face id, and the number of adjacent polygons to it is bucket. This routine extends the patches from either end to make longer triangle strips. */ /* Now get the edge */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); /* Get the polygon with id face_id */ pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); /* We can't go any more */ if ((face->nPolSize == 1) || ((face->nPolSize == 4) && (global))) /* if global, then we are still doing patches */ { /* Remove it from the list so we do not have to waste time visiting it in the future, or winding up in an infinite loop if it is the first on that we are looking at for a possible strip */ if (face->nPolSize == 1) { if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } if (first) return 0; else return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } if (face->nPolSize == 3) { /* It is already a triangle */ if (bucket == 0) { /* It is not adjacent to anything so we do not have to worry about the order of the sides or updating adjacencies */ next_face_id = Different(*(face->pPolygon),*(face->pPolygon+1), *(face->pPolygon+2), e1,e2,e3,&other1,&other2); face->nPolSize = 1; /* If this is the first triangle in the strip */ if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 ==0)) { e2 = other1; e3 = other2; } Output_Tri(e2,e3,next_face_id,end); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } /* It is a triangle with adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon and it will be deleted. 2. Get the next polygon. */ else { /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current triangle. */ next_face_id = Update_Adjacencies(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,&ties); /* Maybe we deleted something in a patch and could not find an adj polygon */ if (next_face_id == -1) { Output_Tri(*(face->pPolygon),*(face->pPolygon+1), *(face->pPolygon+2),end); face->nPolSize = 1; if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } /* Find the other vertex to transmit in the triangle */ e3 = Return_Other(face->pPolygon,e1,e2); Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other2 != 0) && (other3 != 0)) { /* See which vertex in the output edge is not in the input edge */ if ((e1 != other2) && (e1 != other3)) e3 = e1; else if ((e2 != other2) && (e2 != other3)) e3 = e2; else { printf("There is an error in the tri with adj\n"); exit(0); } /* See which vertex of the input edge is not in the output edge */ if ((other2 != e1) && (other2 != e2)) { other1 = other2; other2 = other3; } else if ((other3 != e1) && (other3 != e2)) other1 = other3; else { printf("There is an error in getting the tri with adj\n"); exit(0); } } else { /* We are the first triangle in the strip and the starting edge has not been set yet */ /* Maybe we deleted something in a patch and could not find an adj polygon */ if (next_face_id == -1) { Output_Tri(*(face->pPolygon),*(face->pPolygon+1), *(face->pPolygon+2),end); face->nPolSize = 1; face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } other1 = e3; e3 = e2; other2 = e1; } /* At this point the adjacencies have been updated and we have the next polygon id */ Output_Tri(other1,other2,e3,end); face->nPolSize = 1; if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* Maybe we deleted something in a patch and could not find an adj polygon */ if (next_face_id == -1) return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); if (Done(next_face_id,&next_bucket) == NULL) { printf("We deleted the next face 4%d\n",next_face_id); exit(0); } pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[next_face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon3 %d\n", next_face_id); exit(0); } return (Polygon_Output(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, FALSE, swaps,bands, color1,color2,color3,global,end)); } } else { /* It is not a triangle, we have to triangulate it . Since it is not adjacent to anything we can triangulate it blindly */ if (bucket == 0) { /* It is the first polygon in the strip, therefore there is no input edge to start with. */ if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 ==0)) Blind_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,TRUE,1); else Blind_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,FALSE,1); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ face->nPolSize = 1; return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } else { /* WHOLE triangulation */ /* It is not a triangle and has adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. Triangulate this polygon, not blindly because we have an edge that we want to come out on, that is the edge that is adjacent to a polygon with the least number of adjacencies. Also we must come in on the last seen edge. 2. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon . 3. Get the next polygon. */ /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current polygon. */ next_face_id = Update_Adjacencies(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,&ties); /* Maybe we deleted something in a patch and could not find an adj polygon */ if (next_face_id == -1) { /* If we are at the first polygon in the strip and there is no input edge, then begin is TRUE */ if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0)) Blind_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,TRUE,1); else Blind_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,FALSE,1); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ face->nPolSize = 1; return (Finished(swaps,bands,0)); } if (Done(next_face_id,&next_bucket) == NULL) { printf("We deleted the next face 6 %d %d\n",next_face_id,face_id); exit(0); } Non_Blind_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, bands,next_face_id,face_id,1, color1,color2,color3); if (face_array[temp->face_id].head == pListHead) face_array[temp->face_id].pfNode = NULL; RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); face->nPolSize = 1; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[next_face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon2 %d %d\n", next_face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } return (Polygon_Output(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, FALSE, swaps,bands, color1,color2,color3,global,end)); } } } /// Extend_Face: int CustomStripifier::Extend_Face(int face_id, int e1, int e2, int *swaps, FILE *bands, int color1, int color2, int color3, int *vert_norm, int normals, int *vert_texture, int texture) { int dummy = 0; int next_bucket; P_ADJACENCIES lpListInfo; ListHead *pListHead; /* Try to extend backwards off of the local strip that we just found */ vn = vert_norm; vt = vert_texture; norm = normals; text = texture; *swaps = 0; /* Find the face that is adjacent to the edge and is not the current face. */ face_id = Find_Face(face_id, e1, e2,&next_bucket); if (face_id == -1) return 0; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; lpListInfo = face_array[face_id].pfNode; if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon3 %d\n",face_id); exit(0); } Last_Edge(&dummy,&e1,&e2,1); /* Find a strip extending from the patch and return the cost */ return (Polygon_Output(lpListInfo,face_id,next_bucket,pListHead,TRUE,swaps, bands,color1,color2,color3,TRUE,TRUE)); } /// ParseAndFreeList: void CustomStripifier::ParseAndFreeList( ListHead *pListHead ) { PLISTINFO value; register int c; register int num; /* Freeing a linked list */ num = NumOnList(pListHead); for (c = 0; c< num; c++) { value = RemHead(pListHead); } } /// Free_Strips: void CustomStripifier::Free_Strips() { /* Free strips data structure */ if (strips[0] == NULL) return; else ParseAndFreeList(strips[0]); } /// FreeFaceTable: void CustomStripifier::FreeFaceTable(int nSize) { register int nIndex; for ( nIndex=0; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++ ) { if ( PolFaces[nIndex] != NULL ) ParseAndFreeList( PolFaces[nIndex] ); } free( PolFaces ); } /// FreeEdgeTable: void CustomStripifier::FreeEdgeTable(int nSize) { register int nIndex; for ( nIndex=0; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++ ) { if ( PolEdges[nIndex] != NULL ) ParseAndFreeList( PolEdges[nIndex] ); } free( PolEdges ); } /// End_Face_Struct: void CustomStripifier::End_Face_Struct(int numfaces) { FreeFaceTable(numfaces); } /// End_Edge_Struct: void CustomStripifier::End_Edge_Struct(int numverts) { FreeEdgeTable(numverts); } /// Calculate_Walks: int CustomStripifier::Calculate_Walks(int lastvert,int y, PF_FACES temp2) { /* Find the length of the walk */ int previous_edge1, previous_edge2; register int nextvert,numverts,counter,walk=0; BOOL flag; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; static int seen = 0; /* Find the edge that we are currently on */ if (y != 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + y + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } temp2->seen = seen; counter = y; /*Find the adjacent face to this edge */ node = *(temp2->VertandId+y); if (node->edge[2] != lastvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; /* Keep walking in this direction until we cannot do so */ while ((nextvert != lastvert) && (nextvert != -1)) { walk++; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp2->nPolSize; if ((numverts != 4) || (temp2->seen == seen)) { walk--; nextvert = -1; } else { temp2->seen = seen; /* Find edge that is not adjacent to the previous one */ counter = 0; flag = TRUE; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } node = *(temp2->VertandId + counter); if (node->edge[1] == nextvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; } } seen++; return walk; } /// Check_Right: BOOL CustomStripifier::Check_Right( int last_seen,PF_FACES temp2, int y,int face_id) { /* Check when we last saw the face to the right of the current one. We want to have seen it just before we started this strip */ F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; register int nextvert,oldy; PF_FACES t; oldy = y; if (y != 3) y = y+1; else y = 0; node = *(temp2->VertandId + y); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; if (nextvert == -1) return FALSE; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; t = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); if (t->seen != (last_seen - 1)) { /* maybe because of the numbering, we are not on the right orientation, so we have to check the opposite one to be sure */ if (oldy != 0) y = oldy-1; else y = 3; node = *(temp2->VertandId + y); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; if (nextvert == -1) return FALSE; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; t = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); if (t->seen != (last_seen - 1)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /// Update_and_Test: int CustomStripifier::Update_and_Test(PF_FACES temp2,int y, BOOL first,int distance, int lastvert, int val) { static int last_seen = 17; int previous_edge1, previous_edge2; register int original_distance,nextvert,numverts,counter; BOOL flag; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; original_distance = distance; /* Find the edge that we are currently on */ if (y != 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + y + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } temp2->seen = val; temp2->seen2 = val; node = *(temp2->VertandId+y); if (lastvert != node->edge[2]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; /* Keep walking in this direction until we cannot do so or we go to distance */ while ((distance > 0) && (nextvert != lastvert) && (nextvert != -1)) { distance--; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); temp2->seen = val; if (temp2->seen2 == val) { last_seen++; return (original_distance - distance); } temp2->seen2 = val; numverts = temp2->nPolSize; if (numverts != 4) nextvert = -1; else if ((!first) && (!(Check_Right(last_seen,temp2,y,nextvert)))) { last_seen++; return (original_distance - distance); } else { /* Find edge that is not adjacent to the previous one */ counter = 0; flag = TRUE; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } if ( ((*(temp2->walked+counter) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+counter+2) == -1))) { printf("There is an error in the walks!\n"); printf("1Code %d %d \n",*(temp2->walked+counter), *(temp2->walked+counter+2)); exit(0); } else { if ((*(temp2->walked+counter) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+counter-2) == -1)) { printf("There is an error in the walks!\n"); printf("2Code %d %d \n",*(temp2->walked+counter), *(temp2->walked+counter-2)); exit(0); } } node = *(temp2->VertandId + counter); y = counter; if (node->edge[1] == nextvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; } } last_seen++; if (distance != 0) { if (((nextvert == -1) || (nextvert == lastvert)) && (distance != 1)) return (original_distance - distance); } return original_distance; } /// Test_Adj: int CustomStripifier::Test_Adj(PF_FACES temp2,int x,int north,int distance,int lastvert, int value) { /* if first time, then just update the last seen field */ if (x==1) return(Update_and_Test(temp2,north,TRUE,distance,lastvert,value)); /* else we have to check if we are adjacent to the last strip */ else return(Update_and_Test(temp2,north,FALSE,distance,lastvert,value)); } /// Find_Max: int CustomStripifier::Find_Max( PF_FACES temp2, int lastvert, int north, int left, int *lastminup, int *lastminleft) { int temp,walk,counter,minup,x,band_value; int previous_edge1, previous_edge2; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; BOOL flag; static int last_seen = 0; register int smallest_so_far,nextvert,max=-1; *lastminup = MAX_BAND; *lastminleft = 1; if (left == 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + left); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + left + 1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + left); } temp2->seen = last_seen; walk = *(temp2->walked + left); for (x=1;x<=(walk+1); x++) { /* test to see if we have a true band that is, are they adjacent to each other */ minup = *(temp2->walked + north) + 1; /* if we are at the very first face, then we do not have to check the adjacent faces going up and our north distance is the distance of this face's north direction. */ if (x == 1) { *lastminup = minup; minup = Test_Adj(temp2,x,north,*lastminup,lastvert,last_seen); *lastminup = minup; smallest_so_far = minup; } /* find the largest band that we can have */ if (minup < (*lastminup)) { /* see if we really can go up all the way temp should by less than our equal to minup if it is less, then one of the faces was not adjacent to those next to it and the band height will be smaller */ temp = Test_Adj(temp2,x,north,minup,lastvert,last_seen); if (temp > minup) { printf("There is an error in the test adj\n"); exit(0); } minup = temp; band_value = x * minup; if (minup < smallest_so_far) { if (band_value > max) { smallest_so_far = minup; *lastminup = minup; *lastminleft = x; max = band_value; } else smallest_so_far = minup; } else { band_value = x * smallest_so_far; if (band_value > max) { *lastminup = smallest_so_far; *lastminleft = x; max = band_value; } } } else { if (x != 1) { temp = Test_Adj(temp2,x,north,smallest_so_far,lastvert,last_seen); if (temp > smallest_so_far) { printf("There is an error in the test adj\n"); exit(0); } smallest_so_far = temp; } band_value = x * smallest_so_far; if (band_value > max) { *lastminup = smallest_so_far; *lastminleft = x; max = band_value; } } if ( x != (walk + 1)) { node = *(temp2->VertandId+left); if (lastvert == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; lastvert = nextvert; if (nextvert == -1) return max; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0); /* if we have visited this face before, then there is an error */ if (((*(temp2->walked) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+1) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+2) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+3) == -1)) || (temp2->nPolSize !=4) || (temp2->seen == last_seen)) { if (lastvert == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; if (nextvert == -1) return max; lastvert = nextvert; /* Last attempt to get the face ... */ pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead, LISTHEAD, 0); if (((*(temp2->walked) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+1) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+2) == -1) && (*(temp2->walked+3) == -1)) || (temp2->nPolSize !=4) || (temp2->seen == last_seen)) return max; /* The polygon was not saved with the edge, not enough room. We will get the walk when we come to that polygon later. */ } else { counter = 0; flag = TRUE; temp2->seen = last_seen; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ left = counter; north = left+1; if (left ==3) north = 0; if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter + 1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } } } last_seen++; return max; } /// Mark_Face: void CustomStripifier::Mark_Face( PF_FACES temp2, int color1, int color2, int color3, FILE *output_file, BOOL end, int *edge1, int *edge2, int *face_id, int norms, int texture) { static int last_quad[4]; register int x,y,z=0; int saved[2]; static int output1, output2,last_id; BOOL cptexture; /* Are we done with the patch? If so return the last edge that we will come out on, and that will be the edge that we will start to extend upon. */ cptexture = texture; if (end) { *edge1 = output1; *edge2 = output2; *face_id = last_id; return; } last_id = *face_id; *(temp2->walked) = -1; *(temp2->walked+1) = -1; *(temp2->walked+2) = -1; *(temp2->walked+3) = -1; added_quad++; temp2->nPolSize = 1; if (patch == 0) { /* At the first quad in the strip -- save it */ last_quad[0] = *(temp2->pPolygon); last_quad[1] = *(temp2->pPolygon+1); last_quad[2] = *(temp2->pPolygon+2); last_quad[3] = *(temp2->pPolygon+3); patch++; } else { /* Now we have a triangle to output, find the edge in common */ for (x=0; x < 4 ;x++) { for (y=0; y< 4; y++) { if (last_quad[x] == *(temp2->pPolygon+y)) { saved[z++] = last_quad[x]; if (z > 2) { /* This means that there was a non convex or an overlapping polygon */ z--; break; } } } } if (z != 2) { printf("Z is not 2 %d \n",patch); printf("4 %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",*(temp2->pPolygon), *(temp2->pPolygon+1),*(temp2->pPolygon+2),*(temp2->pPolygon+3), color1,color2,color3); printf("%d %d %d %d\n",last_quad[0],last_quad[1], last_quad[2],last_quad[3]); exit(1); } if (patch == 1) { /* First one to output, there was no output edge */ patch++; x = Adjacent(saved[0],saved[1],last_quad,4); y = Adjacent(saved[1],saved[0],last_quad,4); /* Data might be mixed and we do not have textures for some of the vertices */ if ((texture) && (((vt[x]) == 0) || ((vt[y])==0) || ((vt[saved[1]])==0))) cptexture = FALSE; if ((!norms) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nt"); if (orient) /* If we want to preserve normal orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation(output_file,x+1,y+1,saved[1]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d %d %d",x+1,y+1,saved[1]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d",saved[0]+1); } else if ((norms) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nt"); if (orient) /* If we want to preserve normal orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation_with_normal(output_file, x+1,vn[x] +1, y+1,vn[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vn[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d//%d %d//%d %d//%d", x+1,vn[x] +1, y+1,vn[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vn[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d//%d",saved[0]+1,vn[saved[0]]+1); } else if ((cptexture) && (!norms)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nt"); if (orient) /* If we want to preserve normal orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture(output_file, x+1,vt[x] +1, y+1,vt[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vt[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d", x+1,vt[x] +1, y+1,vt[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vt[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d//%d",saved[0]+1,vt[saved[0]]+1); } else { fprintf(output_file,"\nt"); if (orient) /* If we want to preserve normal orientation */ preserve_strip_orientation_with_texture_and_normal(output_file, x+1,vt[x]+1,vn[x] +1, y+1,vt[y]+1,vn[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vt[saved[1]]+1,vn[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", x+1,vt[x]+1,vn[x] +1, y+1,vt[y]+1,vn[y] +1, saved[1]+1,vt[saved[1]]+1,vn[saved[1]]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d/%d", saved[0]+1,vt[saved[0]]+1,vn[saved[0]]+1); } x = Adjacent(saved[0],saved[1],temp2->pPolygon,4); y = Adjacent(saved[1],saved[0],temp2->pPolygon,4); /* Data might be mixed and we do not have textures for some of the vertices */ if ((texture) && ( (vt[x] == 0) || (vt[y]==0))) { if (cptexture) fprintf(output_file,"\nq"); cptexture = FALSE; } if ((!norms) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output_file," %d",x+1); fprintf(output_file," %d",y+1); } else if ((norms) && (!cptexture)) { fprintf(output_file," %d//%d",x+1,vn[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d//%d",y+1,vn[y]+1); } else if ((cptexture) && (!norms)) { fprintf(output_file," %d/%d",x+1,vt[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d",y+1,vt[y]+1); } else { fprintf(output_file," %d/%d/%d",x+1,vt[x]+1,vn[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d/%d",y+1,vt[y]+1,vn[y]+1); } output1 = x; output2 = y; } else { x = Adjacent(output2,output1,temp2->pPolygon,4); y = Adjacent(output1,output2,temp2->pPolygon,4); /* Data might be mixed and we do not have textures for some of the vertices */ if ((texture) && ( ((vt[x]) == 0) || ((vt[y])==0) )) texture = FALSE; if ((!norms) && (!texture)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nq %d",x+1); fprintf(output_file," %d",y+1); } else if ((norms) && (!texture)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nq %d//%d",x+1,vn[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d//%d" ,y+1,vn[y]+1); } else if ((texture) && (!norms)) { fprintf(output_file,"\nq %d/%d",x+1,vt[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d",y+1,vt[y]+1); } else { fprintf(output_file,"\nq %d/%d/%d",x+1,vt[x]+1,vn[x]+1); fprintf(output_file," %d/%d/%d",y+1,vt[y]+1,vn[y]+1); } output1 = x; output2 = y; } last_quad[0] = *(temp2->pPolygon); last_quad[1] = *(temp2->pPolygon+1); last_quad[2] = *(temp2->pPolygon+2); last_quad[3] = *(temp2->pPolygon+3); } } /// Assign_Walk: void CustomStripifier::Assign_Walk( int lastvert, PF_FACES temp2, int front_walk, int y, int back_walk) { /* Go back and do the walk again, but this time save the lengths inside the data structure. y was the starting edge number for the front_walk length back_walk is the length of the walk along the opposite edge */ int previous_edge1, previous_edge2; register int walk = 0,nextvert,numverts,counter; BOOL flag; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; static int seen = 0; static BOOL first = TRUE; BOOL wrap = FALSE, set = FALSE; /* In the "Fast_Reset" resetting will be true */ if ((resetting) && (first)) { seen = 0; first = FALSE; } seen++; /* Had a band who could be a cycle */ if (front_walk == back_walk) wrap = TRUE; /* Find the edge that we are currently on */ if (y != 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + y + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon +y); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } /* Assign the lengths */ if (y < 2) { *(temp2->walked+y) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+y+2) = back_walk++; } else { *(temp2->walked+y) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+y-2) = back_walk++; } /*Find the adjacent face to this edge */ node = *(temp2->VertandId+y); if (node->edge[2] != lastvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; temp2->seen3 = seen; /* Keep walking in this direction until we cannot do so */ while ((nextvert != lastvert) && (nextvert != -1) && (front_walk >= 0)) { walk++; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp2->nPolSize; if ((numverts != 4)) { nextvert = -1; /* Don't include this face in the walk */ walk--; } else { /* Find edge that is not adjacent to the previous one */ counter = 0; flag = TRUE; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter + 1); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } /* Put in the walk lengths */ if (counter < 2) { if (((*(temp2->walked + counter) >= 0) || (*(temp2->walked +counter + 2) >= 0))) { if ((resetting == FALSE) && ((temp2->seen3) != (seen-1))) { /* If there are more than 2 polygons adjacent to an edge then we can be trying to assign more than once. We will save the smaller one */ temp2->seen3 = seen; if ( (*(temp2->walked+counter) <= front_walk) && (*(temp2->walked+counter+2) <= back_walk) ) return; if (*(temp2->walked+counter) > front_walk) *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; else front_walk--; if (*(temp2->walked+counter+2) > back_walk) *(temp2->walked+counter+2) = back_walk++; else back_walk++; } else if (resetting == FALSE) { /* if there was a cycle then all lengths are the same */ walk--; back_walk--; front_walk++; temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter+2) = back_walk++; } else if (((temp2->seen3 == (seen-1)) && (wrap) && (walk == 1)) || (set)) { /* if there was a cycle then all lengths are the same */ set = TRUE; walk--; back_walk--; front_walk++; temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter+2) = back_walk++; } else { temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter+2) = back_walk++; } } /* if was > 0 */ else { temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter+2) = back_walk++; } } else { if (((*(temp2->walked + counter) >= 0 ) || (*(temp2->walked +counter - 2) >= 0)) ) { if ((temp2->seen3 != (seen-1)) && (resetting == FALSE)) { /* If there are more than 2 polygons adjacent to an edge then we can be trying to assign more than once. We will save the smaller one */ temp2->seen3 = seen; if ( (*(temp2->walked+counter) <= front_walk) && (*(temp2->walked+counter-2) <= back_walk) ) return; if (*(temp2->walked+counter) > front_walk) *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; else front_walk--; if (*(temp2->walked+counter-2) > back_walk) *(temp2->walked+counter-2) = back_walk++; else back_walk++; } else if (resetting == FALSE) { walk--; back_walk--; front_walk++; temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter-2) = back_walk++; } else if (((temp2->seen3 == (seen-1)) && (walk == 1) && (wrap)) || (set)) { /* if there was a cycle then all lengths are the same */ set = TRUE; walk--; back_walk--; front_walk++; temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter-2) = back_walk++; } else { temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter-2) = back_walk++; } } else { temp2->seen3 = seen; *(temp2->walked+counter) = front_walk--; *(temp2->walked+counter-2) = back_walk++; } } if (nextvert != -1) { node = *(temp2->VertandId + counter); if (node->edge[1] == nextvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; } } } if ((EVEN(seen)) ) seen+=2; } /// Fast_Reset: void CustomStripifier::Fast_Reset(int x) { register int y,numverts; register int front_walk, back_walk; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; pListHead = PolFaces[x]; temp = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp->nPolSize; front_walk = 0; back_walk = 0; resetting = TRUE; /* we are doing this only for quads */ if (numverts == 4) { /* for each face not seen yet, do North and South together and East and West together */ for (y=0;y<2;y++) { /* Check if the opposite sides were seen already */ /* Find walk for the first edge */ front_walk = Calculate_Walks(x,y,temp); /* Find walk in the opposite direction */ back_walk = Calculate_Walks(x,y+2,temp); /* Now put into the data structure the numbers that we have found */ Assign_Walk(x,temp,front_walk,y,back_walk); Assign_Walk(x,temp,back_walk,y+2,front_walk); } } resetting = FALSE; } /// Reset_Max: void CustomStripifier::Reset_Max( PF_FACES temp2,int face_id, int north,int last_north, int orientation,int last_left, FILE *output_file,int color1, int color2,int color3, BOOL start) { int previous_edge1,previous_edge2; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; int f,t,nextvert,counter; BOOL flag; /* Reset walks on faces, since we just found a patch */ if (orientation !=3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation+1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation ); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation ); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } /* only if we are going left, otherwise there will be -1 there */ /*Find the adjacent face to this edge */ for (t = 0; t <=3 ; t++) { node = *(temp2->VertandId+t); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) f = node->edge[2]; else f = node->edge[1]; if (f != -1) Fast_Reset(f); } node = *(temp2->VertandId+orientation); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; while ((last_left--) > 1) { if (start) Reset_Max(temp2,face_id,orientation,last_left,north,last_north, output_file,color1,color2,color3,FALSE); face_id = nextvert; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); if ((temp2->nPolSize != 4) && (temp2->nPolSize != 1)) { /* There is more than 2 polygons on the edge, and we could have gotten the wrong one */ if (nextvert != node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[1]; else nextvert = node->edge[2]; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); node = *(temp2->VertandId+orientation); } if (!start) { for (t = 0; t <=3 ; t++) { node = *(temp2->VertandId+t); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) f = node->edge[2]; else f = node->edge[1]; if (f != -1) Fast_Reset(f); } } counter = 0; flag = TRUE; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter+1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } orientation = counter; node = *(temp2->VertandId + counter); if (node->edge[1] == nextvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; if (!reversed) { if (counter != 3) north = counter +1; else north = 0; } else { if (counter != 0) north = counter -1; else north = 3; } } if (start) Reset_Max(temp2,face_id,orientation,last_left,north,last_north,output_file, color1,color2,color3,FALSE); else if (nextvert != -1) Fast_Reset(nextvert); } /// Peel_Max int CustomStripifier::Peel_Max( PF_FACES temp2,int face_id, int north,int last_north, int orientation,int last_left, FILE *output_file,int color1, int color2,int color3, BOOL start, int *swaps_added, int norms, int texture) { int end1,end2,last_id,s=0,walk = 0; int previous_edge1,previous_edge2; int static last_seen = 1000; F_EDGES *node; ListHead *pListHead; int nextvert,numverts,counter,dummy,tris=0; BOOL flag; /* Peel the patch from the model. We will try and extend off the end of each strip in the patch. We will return the number of triangles completed by this extension only, and the number of swaps in the extension only. */ patch = 0; if (orientation !=3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation+1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation ); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + orientation ); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } walk = *(temp2->walked + orientation); /* only if we are going left, otherwise there will be -1 there */ if ((start) && ((walk+1) < last_left)) { printf("There is an error in the left %d %d\n",walk,last_left); exit(0); } /* Find the adjacent face to this edge */ node = *(temp2->VertandId+orientation); if (face_id == node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; temp2->seen = last_seen; while ((last_left--) > 1) { if (start) tris += Peel_Max(temp2,face_id,orientation,last_left,north,last_north, output_file,color1,color2,color3,FALSE,swaps_added, norms,texture); else Mark_Face(temp2,color1,color2,color3,output_file,FALSE, &dummy,&dummy,&face_id,norms,texture); pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp2->nPolSize; if ((numverts != 4) || (temp2->seen == last_seen) || (nextvert == -1)) { /* There is more than 2 polygons on the edge, and we could have gotten the wrong one */ if (nextvert != node->edge[1]) nextvert = node->edge[1]; else nextvert = node->edge[2]; pListHead = PolFaces[nextvert]; temp2 = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp2->nPolSize; if ((numverts != 4) || (temp2->seen == last_seen) ) { printf("Peel 2 %d\n",numverts); exit(1); } } face_id = nextvert; temp2->seen = last_seen; counter = 0; flag = TRUE; while ((counter < 3) && (flag)) { if ( ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge1) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge2)) || ((*(temp2->pPolygon+counter) == previous_edge2) || (*(temp2->pPolygon+counter+1) == previous_edge1)) ) counter++; else flag = FALSE; } /* Get the IDs of the next edge */ if (counter < 3) { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter+1); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); } else { previous_edge1 = *(temp2->pPolygon + counter); previous_edge2 = *(temp2->pPolygon); } orientation = counter; node = *(temp2->VertandId + counter); if (node->edge[1] == nextvert) nextvert = node->edge[2]; else nextvert = node->edge[1]; if (!reversed) { if (counter != 3) north = counter +1; else north = 0; } else { if (counter != 0) north = counter -1; else north = 3; } } if (start) tris += Peel_Max(temp2,face_id,orientation,last_left,north,last_north, output_file,color1,color2,color3,FALSE,swaps_added, norms,texture); else Mark_Face(temp2,color1,color2,color3,output_file,FALSE, &dummy,&dummy,&face_id,norms,texture);/* do the last face */ last_seen++; /* Get the edge that we came out on the last strip of the patch */ Mark_Face(NULL,0,0,0,output_file,TRUE,&end1,&end2,&last_id,norms,texture); tris += Extend_Face(last_id,end1,end2,&s,output_file,color1,color2,color3, vn,norms,vt,texture); *swaps_added = *swaps_added + s; return tris; } /// Find_Bands: void CustomStripifier::Find_Bands(int numfaces, FILE *output_file, int *swaps, int *bands, int *cost, int *tri, int norms, int *vert_norms, int texture, int *vert_texture) { register int x,y,max1,max2,numverts,face_id,flag,maximum = 25; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; int color1 = 0, color2 = 100, color3 = 255; int smaller; int north_length1,last_north,left_length1,last_left,north_length2,left_length2; int total_tri = 0, total_swaps = 0,last_id; int end1, end2,s=0; register int cutoff = 20; /* Code that will find the patches. "Cutoff" will be the cutoff of the area of the patches that we will be allowing. After we reach this cutoff length, then we will run the local algorithm on the remaining faces. */ /* For each faces that is left find the largest possible band that we can have with the remaining faces. Note that we will only be finding patches consisting of quads. */ vn = vert_norms; vt = vert_texture; y=1; *bands = 0; while ((maximum >= cutoff)) { y++; maximum = -1; for (x=0; xnPolSize; /* we are doing this only for quads */ if (numverts == 4) { /* We want a face that is has not been used yet, since we know that that face must be part of a band. Then we will find the largest band that the face may be contained in */ /* Doing the north and the left */ if ((*(temp->walked) != -1) && (*(temp->walked+3) != -1)) max1 = Find_Max(temp,x,0,3,&north_length1,&left_length1); if ((*(temp->walked+1) != -1) && (*(temp->walked+2) != -1)) max2 = Find_Max(temp,x,2,1,&north_length2,&left_length2); if ((max1 != (north_length1 * left_length1)) || (max2 != (north_length2 * left_length2))) { printf("Max1 %d, %d %d Max2 %d, %d %d\n", max1,north_length1,left_length1,max2, north_length2,left_length2); exit(0); } if ((max1 > max2) && (max1 > maximum)) { maximum = max1; face_id = x; flag = 1; last_north = north_length1; last_left = left_length1; /* so we know we saved max1 */ } else if ((max2 > maximum) ) { maximum = max2; face_id = x; flag = 2; last_north = north_length2; last_left = left_length2; /* so we know we saved max2 */ } } } if ((maximum < cutoff) && (*bands == 0)) return; pListHead = PolFaces[face_id]; temp = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); /* There are no patches that we found in this pass */ if (maximum == -1) break; /*printf("The maximum is face %d area %d: lengths %d %d\n",face_id,maximum,last_north,last_left);*/ if (last_north > last_left) { smaller = last_left; } else { smaller = last_north; } if (flag == 1) { if (last_north > last_left) /* go north sequentially */ { total_tri += Peel_Max(temp,face_id,0,last_north,3,last_left, output_file,color1,color2,color3,TRUE, &s,norms,texture); Reset_Max(temp,face_id,0,last_north,3,last_left, output_file,color1,color2,color3,TRUE); total_swaps += s; } else { reversed = TRUE; total_tri += Peel_Max(temp,face_id,3,last_left,0,last_north, output_file,color1,color2,color3,TRUE, &s,norms,texture); Reset_Max(temp,face_id,3,last_left,0,last_north,output_file, color1,color2,color3,TRUE); reversed = FALSE; total_swaps += s; } /* Get the edge that we came out on the last strip of the patch */ Mark_Face(NULL,0,0,0,NULL,TRUE,&end1,&end2,&last_id,norms,texture); total_tri += Extend_Face(last_id,end1,end2,&s,output_file, color1,color2,color3,vn,norms,vt,texture); total_swaps += s; } else { if (last_north > last_left) { total_tri += Peel_Max(temp,face_id,2,last_north,1,last_left, output_file,color1,color2,color3,TRUE, &s,norms,texture); Reset_Max(temp,face_id,2,last_north,1,last_left,output_file, color1,color2,color3,TRUE); total_swaps += s; } else { reversed = TRUE; total_tri += Peel_Max(temp,face_id,1,last_left,2,last_north, output_file,color1,color2,color3,TRUE, &s,norms,texture); Reset_Max(temp,face_id,1,last_left,2,last_north,output_file, color1,color2,color3,TRUE); reversed = FALSE; total_swaps += s; } /* Get the edge that we came out on on the patch */ Mark_Face(NULL,0,0,0,NULL,TRUE,&end1,&end2,&last_id,norms,texture); total_tri += Extend_Face(last_id,end1,end2,&s,output_file, color1,color2,color3,vn,norms,vt,texture); total_swaps += s; } /* Now compute the cost of transmitting this band, is equal to going across the larger portion sequentially, and swapping 3 times per other dimension */ total_tri += (maximum * 2); *bands = *bands + smaller; } /*printf("We transmitted %d triangles,using %d swaps and %d strips\n",total_tri, total_swaps, *bands); printf("COST %d\n",total_tri + total_swaps + *bands + *bands);*/ *cost = total_tri + total_swaps + *bands + *bands; *tri = total_tri; added_quad = added_quad * 4; *swaps = total_swaps; } /// Save_Rest: void CustomStripifier::Save_Rest(int *numfaces) { /* Put the polygons that are left into a data structure so that we can run the stripping code on it. */ register int x,y=0,numverts; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp=NULL; for (x=0; x<*numfaces; x++) { /* for each face, get the face */ pListHead = PolFaces[x]; temp = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListHead,LISTHEAD,0); numverts = temp->nPolSize; /* If we did not do the face before add it to data structure with new face id number */ if (numverts != 1) { CopyFace(temp->pPolygon,numverts,y+1,temp->pNorms); y++; } /* Used it, so remove it */ else RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } *numfaces = y; } /// Save_Walks: void CustomStripifier::Save_Walks(int numfaces) { int x,y,numverts; int front_walk, back_walk; ListHead *pListHead; PF_FACES temp = NULL; for (x=0; xnPolSize; front_walk = 0; back_walk = 0; /* we are finding patches only for quads */ if (numverts == 4) { /* for each face not seen yet, do North and South together and East and West together */ for (y=0;y<2;y++) { /* Check if the opposite sides were seen already from another starting face, if they were then there is no need to do the walk again */ if ( ((*(temp->walked+y) == -1) && (*(temp->walked+y+2) == -1) )) { /* Find walk for the first edge */ front_walk = Calculate_Walks(x,y,temp); /* Find walk in the opposite direction */ back_walk = Calculate_Walks(x,y+2,temp); /* Now put into the data structure the numbers that we have found */ Assign_Walk(x,temp,front_walk,y,back_walk); Assign_Walk(x,temp,back_walk,y+2,front_walk); } } } } } /// OpenOutputFile: FILE * CustomStripifier::OpenOutputFile(char *fname) { FILE *bands; int flength = 0; char *newfname; // get the length of the fname. flength = int(strlen(fname)); // make a new string in memory one larger than fname. newfname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (flength+2)); // Copy the fname to the newfname. strcpy(newfname,fname); // Add an 'f' to the end of it. newfname[flength] = 'f'; newfname[flength+1] = '\0'; printf(" Output file : %s\n",newfname); // File that will contain the triangle strip data bands = fopen(newfname,"w"); fprintf(bands,"#%s: a triangle strip representation created by STRIPE.\n#This is a .objf file\n#by Francine Evans\n",fname); return bands; } /// AllocateStruct: Reserves memory for structures. void CustomStripifier::AllocateStruct(int num_faces, int num_vert, int num_nvert, int num_texture) { /* Allocate structures for the information */ Start_Face_Struct(num_faces); Start_Vertex_Struct(num_vert); vertices = (struct vert_struct *) malloc (sizeof (struct vert_struct) * num_vert); if (num_nvert > 0) { nvertices = (struct vert_struct *) malloc (sizeof (struct vert_struct) * num_nvert); vert_norms = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * num_vert); /* Initialize entries to zero, in case there are 2 hits to the same vertex we will know it - used for determining the normal difference */ init_vert_norms(num_vert); } else nvertices = NULL; if (num_texture > 0) { vert_texture = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_vert); init_vert_texture(num_vert); } /* Set up the temporary 'p' pointers */ pvertices = vertices; pnvertices = nvertices; } /// miReadFile: Loads the object in memory. void CustomStripifier::miReadFile(char *fname, char *file_open, FILE *bands, Geometry::SubMesh *geoSubMesh) { int face_id = 0; int vert_count; int num_vert=0; int vertex; int temp[MAX1]; int i = 0; int num_buffers = 0; Geometry::VertexBuffer *geoVertexBuffer = geoSubMesh->mVertexBuffer; /** * Faces */ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < geoSubMesh->mIndexCount; j = j + 3) { // loop on the number of vertices in this line of face data. vert_count = 0; // 3 vertices of a triangle. for(int k = 0;k < 3;k++) { // no nvertices. vertex = geoSubMesh->mIndex[j+k]; temp[vert_count] = vertex; vert_count++; add_vert_id(vertex,vert_count); } // Increment the number of faces. face_id++; // Add a new face to the list. AddNewFace(ids,vert_count,face_id,norms); } // Done reading in all the information into data structures. num_faces = face_id; printf(" Done.\n\n"); free(vertices); free(nvertices); } /// stripify: Make triangle strips for a given mesh. int CustomStripifier::stripify (char *fname, Geometry::Mesh *geoMesh) { BOOL quads = FALSE; BOOL oddStrip; FILE *bands; char *file_open; int i; unsigned int j; int f; int t; int tr; int num_buffers = 0; int cost = 0; int num_vert = 0; int num_faces = 0; int num_nvert = 0; int num_texture = 0; int num_tris = 0; int totalStripIndices; Geometry::SubMesh* geoSubMesh; mi_vector_tipo v_indices; /* Scan the file once to find out the number of vertices, vertice normals, and faces so we can set up some memory structures.*/ f = ASCII; file_open = "w+"; tr = 1; t = 3; orient = 1; // Proces OK. mError = 0; // Progress bar. float percent; percent = float(100.0 / (geoMesh->mSubMeshCount * 10.0)); //-------------------------- // For all submeshes. for(unsigned int k = 0; k < geoMesh->mSubMeshCount; k++) { // Leaves submesh doesn't stripify. if (mSubMeshLeaves != k) { v_indices.clear(); mi_vector.clear(); mi_vector.push_back(v_indices); num_tiras = 0; // Actual submesh. geoSubMesh = &geoMesh->mSubMesh[k]; // Mesh type. geoSubMesh->mType = GEO_TRIANGLE_STRIPS; num_vert = int(geoSubMesh->mVertexBuffer->mVertexCount); num_faces = int(geoSubMesh->mIndexCount / 3); num_tris = num_faces; // Debug. //vt = new int[num_vert]; //vn = new int[num_vert]; text = 0; norm = 0; // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Open the output file. bands = OpenOutputFile(fname); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Reserve memory for the mesh structure. AllocateStruct(num_faces,num_vert,num_nvert,num_texture); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Load the object into memory. miReadFile(fname,file_open,bands,geoSubMesh); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- Start_Edge_Struct(num_vert); Find_Adjacencies(num_faces); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // If the mesh is not manifold. if (mError) { return 0; } // Initialize it. face_array = NULL; Init_Table_SGI(num_faces); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Build it. Build_SGI_Table(num_faces); InitStripTable(); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- SGI_Strip(num_faces,bands,t,tr); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Get the total cost. Output_TriEx(-1,-2,-3,NULL,-20,cost); End_Face_Struct(num_faces); End_Edge_Struct(num_vert); fclose(bands); // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- num_vert = num_tiras; totalStripIndices = 0; // Asigna el numero de tiras. geoSubMesh->mStripCount = num_tiras; // Reserva memoria para el array de punteros al inicio // de las tiras. //for(i = 0; i < geoSubMesh->mStripCount; i++) //{ geoSubMesh->mStrip = (Index**) malloc( sizeof(Index*) * geoSubMesh->mStripCount); //} // 2006-02-28. // La primera sera diferente. v_indices = mi_vector[1]; // Number of vertices of a strip odd or even. if(v_indices.size() % 2) { oddStrip = TRUE; } else { oddStrip = FALSE; } // Obtiene el total de indices de la primera strip. geoSubMesh->mIndexCount = v_indices.size(); // Calculate the Index Count. for (i = 2; i <= num_tiras; i++) { v_indices = mi_vector[i]; geoSubMesh->mIndexCount += v_indices.size() + 2; // Insert a new vertex if the strip es odd. if(oddStrip) { geoSubMesh->mIndexCount++; } // Number of vertices of a strip odd or even. if(v_indices.size() % 2) { oddStrip = TRUE; } else { oddStrip = FALSE; } } // Delete the actual indices. delete[] geoSubMesh->mIndex; geoSubMesh->mIndex = new Index[geoSubMesh->mIndexCount]; //-------------------------------------------- // La primera sera diferente. v_indices = mi_vector[1]; // Obtiene el total de indices de la primera strip. //geoSubMesh->mIndexCount = v_indices.size(); // Copia la primera tira en el array de indices. for(j = 0;j < v_indices.size();j++) { geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = v_indices[j]; } // Asigna el inicio de la primera tira de triangulos. geoSubMesh->mStrip[0] = &geoSubMesh->mIndex[0]; // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(percent); } //----------------------- // Number of vertices of a strip odd or even. if(v_indices.size() % 2) { oddStrip = TRUE; } else { oddStrip = FALSE; } // Para todas las tiras menos la primera. for(i = 2; i <= num_tiras; i++) { /* copia en el inicio de la tira el final de la anterior. triangulos degenerados. */ geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = geoSubMesh-> mIndex[totalStripIndices-1]; v_indices = mi_vector[i]; /* copia el inicio de la tira 2 veces. triangulos degenerados. */ geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = v_indices[0]; // Asigna el inicio de la tira de triangulos. geoSubMesh->mStrip[i-1] = &geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices - 1]; // Triangulo Degenerado. geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = v_indices[0]; // Insert a new vertex if the strip es odd. if(oddStrip) { geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = v_indices[0]; } // Number of vertices of a strip odd or even. if(v_indices.size() % 2) { oddStrip = TRUE; } else { oddStrip = FALSE; } // Copia la tira en curso en el array de indices. for(j = 1; j < v_indices.size(); j++) { geoSubMesh->mIndex[totalStripIndices++] = v_indices[j]; } } } }// End For. SubMeshes. // 2006-02-14. // Updtate progress bar. if (mUPB) { mUPB(100.0); } //----------------------- return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MeshStripifier::MeshStripifier() { } MeshStripifier::MeshStripifier( const Geometry::Mesh *geoMesh) { } CustomStripifier::CustomStripifier() { } CustomStripifier::CustomStripifier( const Geometry::Mesh *geoMesh) { MeshGlobal = new Geometry::Mesh(); *MeshGlobal = *geoMesh; // Initialize the leaves submesh index. mSubMeshLeaves = -1; // Sets the actual progress bar function. mUPB = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destroyers. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomStripifier::~CustomStripifier() { delete MeshGlobal; } MeshStripifier::~MeshStripifier() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stripify. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CustomStripifier::Stripify() { // Init variables. resetting = FALSE; added_quad = 0; reversed = FALSE; patch = 0; out1 = -1; out2 = -1; out1Ex = -1; out2Ex = -1; last = 0; // Make Triangle Strips. return stripify("out.obj",MeshGlobal); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetMesh: Return de current Mesh. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mesh* CustomStripifier::GetMesh() { Mesh *mesh_stripified; mesh_stripified = new Mesh(); *mesh_stripified = *MeshGlobal; return mesh_stripified; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the progress bar function. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStripifier::SetProgressFunc(TIPOFUNC upb) { // Sets the actual progress bar function. mUPB = upb; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets what is the submesh that stores the leaves. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CustomStripifier::SetSubMeshLeaves(size_t submesh) { mSubMeshLeaves = submesh; }